Scary that Republicans believe Russia over ALL of our US Intelligence Agencies.

The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

Things are being reported that the U.S. actually has an agent, or even a mole in the Kremlin that has read the papers saying Putin was directly involved in the hack. I truly fear Trump is going to start a witch hunt to out everyone that has hurt him.
------------------------------------------------------ no idea what the TRUMP will do though i hope that the TRUMP does hunt out those that were loyal to other regimes but who are not loyal to TRUMP . I think that many government employees serve at the pleasure of the President don't they ?? its time to remove the nasty smell coming from USA government Lew .

You understand what you just described? You fucking commie. You don't even live in the U.S. do you?
Here an opportunity to display a sense of logic. It is patently obvious that the exposure of Podesta's emails and those of the DNC have revealed the utterly shameful behavior of Democrat leaders in general and the incorrigible dishonesty and corruption of the Clintons.

The Clintons and their faithful cronies have seized upon the opportunity to blame their loss on something other than the fact that the Democrats put up an absolutely deplorable candidate this year to run against the Republican nominee.

So far, there is nothing but hearsay that promotes the idea that it was Russia that hacked the DNC and Podesta. It is an opportunity to point a finger at a true enemy of the USA and to tarnish the reputations of any who disagree by saying that those who disagree with them support our enemy, Russia.

Assange (of Wikileaks) has said himself that the DNC emails were leaked from within the DNC and that Russia had nothing to do with it.

Podesta is reported to have LOST HIS FUCKING CELLPHONE and stupidly did not change his email password immediately, if at all.

Russia had nothing to do with it. They did not HACK THE ELECTION!

The Democrats lost because they DID NOT DENY THAT THE LEAKED EMAILS WERE REALLY WHAT THE PARTIES TYPED INTO THEM! The emails exposed the corruption and dishonesty of the DNC and their heir apparent, Hillary Clinton. America saw through the smoke and mirrors and voted overwhelmingly for CHANGE (Trump) except in the cesspools of liberalism on the West Coast, New York and Chicago. That gave Hillary the majority of popular votes.

The Electoral college performed as intended, to keep these highly populated urban areas from dictating what the entire nation of rural areas will follow. Trump won because Hillary and the DNC ignored key states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan...where the Democrats, under Obama, DESTROYED the coal industry and bankrupted many small towns.

Now we have a disgruntled group of liberal Hollywood "celebrities" calling for the Electoral College to change the will of the American voters but denying Trump the votes he needs for a first round ballot victory. What a bunch of useless bastards. Some have been good actors...using the words of others to make themselves famous. In no way does this mean their political opinions should carry any more weight than that of my garbage man. I am waiting with bated breath for Barbara Streisand, Whoopi Goldberg and Alec Baldwin to move the hell out of the USA!

Trump won because the overwhelming majority of states and counties within those states wanted what he has promised to deliver...JOBS, PROSPERITY, DEFEAT (rather than "containment") OF ISIS and a STRONG MILITARY.

You crybaby liberals need to suck it up and admit defeat this term. Try again in 4 years...then again in 8 years. Eventually, you'll get back in and you can continue your drive toward socialism and a total fucking of the USA and it's productive citizens. In the mean time, you can kiss my money makin' the aught!
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The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

Things are being reported that the U.S. actually has an agent, or even a mole in the Kremlin that has read the papers saying Putin was directly involved in the hack. I truly fear Trump is going to start a witch hunt to out everyone that has hurt him.
------------------------------------------------------ no idea what the TRUMP will do though i hope that the TRUMP does hunt out those that were loyal to other regimes but who are not loyal to TRUMP . I think that many government employees serve at the pleasure of the President don't they ?? its time to remove the nasty smell coming from USA government Lew .

You understand what you just described? You fucking commie. You don't even live in the U.S. do you?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey , if you are one of mrobamas boys or girls do you expect employment under a TRUMP Administration Lew . As i said , i think that many gov employees serve at the pleasure of the President rather than at the pleasure of the ex pwesident Lew !!
out with the old corrupted mrobama employees and in with the new uncorrupted , pro TRUMP employees Lew !!
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

Things are being reported that the U.S. actually has an agent, or even a mole in the Kremlin that has read the papers saying Putin was directly involved in the hack. I truly fear Trump is going to start a witch hunt to out everyone that has hurt him.
------------------------------------------------------ no idea what the TRUMP will do though i hope that the TRUMP does hunt out those that were loyal to other regimes but who are not loyal to TRUMP . I think that many government employees serve at the pleasure of the President don't they ?? its time to remove the nasty smell coming from USA government Lew .

You understand what you just described? You fucking commie. You don't even live in the U.S. do you?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey , if you are one of mrobamas boys or girls do you expect employment under a TRUMP Administration Lew . As i said , i think that many gov employees serve at the pleasure of the President rather than at the pleasure of the ex pwesident Lew !!

No, government isn't supposed to be a complete turnover after every new President. That type of shit you are suggesting is fucking what a dictator does, and it has nothing to do with what I said in the first place. I truly am afraid of what Trump might do with people who's lives are at risk.... simply because of his friendliness with Russia.

Again...are you even a U.S. citizen?
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

Things are being reported that the U.S. actually has an agent, or even a mole in the Kremlin that has read the papers saying Putin was directly involved in the hack. I truly fear Trump is going to start a witch hunt to out everyone that has hurt him.
------------------------------------------------------ no idea what the TRUMP will do though i hope that the TRUMP does hunt out those that were loyal to other regimes but who are not loyal to TRUMP . I think that many government employees serve at the pleasure of the President don't they ?? its time to remove the nasty smell coming from USA government Lew .

You understand what you just described? You fucking commie. You don't even live in the U.S. do you?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey , if you are one of mrobamas boys or girls do you expect employment under a TRUMP Administration Lew . As i said , i think that many gov employees serve at the pleasure of the President rather than at the pleasure of the ex pwesident Lew !!

No, government isn't supposed to be a complete turnover after every new President. That type of shit you are suggesting is fucking what a dictator does, and it has nothing to do with what I said in the first place. I truly am afraid of what Trump might do with people who's lives are at risk.... simply because of his friendliness with Russia.

Again...are you even a U.S. citizen?
---------------------------------------------------------------------- i think that the TRUMP can get rid of who ever he likes from the former regime pretty much at his pleasure and i support him doing that . What , TRUMP should keep enemies of himself and his policies working in his government , i don't think so !! Trump needs and deserves people that will do Trumps will and policy in the USA Lew .
if you want to change subjects , weren't you the guy that got all teary eyed about some stupid handicapped bear being legally Harvested by a legal hunter somewhere in the USA Lew ??
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

Russians exposed DNC corruption for the world to see.

If the DNC wasn't corrupt, the emails wouldn't matter.
most likely scenario in that the Trump will be elected by the Electoral College as he then begins formulating plans to clean up USA government Lew !!
More unqualified predictions from the Left Wing Nut.
In light of the way he has defended Putin against the CIA's reports it is the safest bet ever that Putin knows he can easily deceive your man.
Trump is now known as an easy mark, the con artists here and abroad have never had a greater gift.

Well Nut, the CIA has certainly refused to defend their own conclusions.
They should not have to, no publicly available CIA report has ever disclosed sources and methods, yet in this case you seem to require it before you will give it any credence. You want the CIA to tell the Russians how we know what we know about their espionage operations. All your opinions seem to work out favorably for the Russians in the end, why are you working in their interests against your own government?

I'm not, but I don't take the word of the partisan head of any government agency without some proof. Why won't you address the hacking done by Obama's Department of Homeland Security on State voter servers? Even the NSA has been accused of hacking the DNC. Why not address these concerns?
Your extraordinarily partisan president-elect is really the only person making the claim that the CIA is lying for entirely partisan purposes.

As to the DHS attempting intrusion on the voter records of the state of Georgia. We have an accusation made by the SoS of Georgia ten days ago and a promise by DHS to look into it, but nothing since. That's all anyone knows at this point.

Well, it's hard to try to stay with your reasoning. First you say the CIA shouldn't give up their sources inside Russia or wherever your little mind imagines them to be. When I point out that those three States discovered that it was Homeland Security and that Homeland must have left a footprint behind, you state that all hackers leave footprints behind. Now, which is it? Is it some human source who told the CIA because the CIA is too incompetent to trace back the origin of the footprints you claim are always left behind. You constantly put your foot in your mouth.
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

Things are being reported that the U.S. actually has an agent, or even a mole in the Kremlin that has read the papers saying Putin was directly involved in the hack. I truly fear Trump is going to start a witch hunt to out everyone that has hurt him.

Would you mind backing that up with a reliable link?
Well Nut, the CIA has certainly refused to defend their own conclusions.
They should not have to, no publicly available CIA report has ever disclosed sources and methods, yet in this case you seem to require it before you will give it any credence. You want the CIA to tell the Russians how we know what we know about their espionage operations. All your opinions seem to work out favorably for the Russians in the end, why are you working in their interests against your own government?

I'm not, but I don't take the word of the partisan head of any government agency without some proof. Why won't you address the hacking done by Obama's Department of Homeland Security on State voter servers? Even the NSA has been accused of hacking the DNC. Why not address these concerns?
Your extraordinarily partisan president-elect is really the only person making the claim that the CIA is lying for entirely partisan purposes.

As to the DHS attempting intrusion on the voter records of the state of Georgia. We have an accusation made by the SoS of Georgia ten days ago and a promise by DHS to look into it, but nothing since. That's all anyone knows at this point.
Not just the CIA, but every single intelligence agency including the FBI.
Certainly but the CIA is the one that will be hollowed out first because their most enduring mission is to spy on Russia, a place Trump seems to think can never be a threat to us if we just kiss Putin's ass. The conservatives arguing for appeasement with Russia? They have officially gone nuts.

Actually, it is the CIA head who came out badmouthing Trump first. His ass is gone, you can count on that.
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

Things are being reported that the U.S. actually has an agent, or even a mole in the Kremlin that has read the papers saying Putin was directly involved in the hack. I truly fear Trump is going to start a witch hunt to out everyone that has hurt him.

Would you mind backing that up with a reliable link?

No. I will not provide links to Trump supporters anymore. If you want to prove me wrong, go find your own link.
Well Nut, the CIA has certainly refused to defend their own conclusions.
They should not have to, no publicly available CIA report has ever disclosed sources and methods, yet in this case you seem to require it before you will give it any credence. You want the CIA to tell the Russians how we know what we know about their espionage operations. All your opinions seem to work out favorably for the Russians in the end, why are you working in their interests against your own government?

I'm not, but I don't take the word of the partisan head of any government agency without some proof. Why won't you address the hacking done by Obama's Department of Homeland Security on State voter servers? Even the NSA has been accused of hacking the DNC. Why not address these concerns?
Your extraordinarily partisan president-elect is really the only person making the claim that the CIA is lying for entirely partisan purposes.

As to the DHS attempting intrusion on the voter records of the state of Georgia. We have an accusation made by the SoS of Georgia ten days ago and a promise by DHS to look into it, but nothing since. That's all anyone knows at this point.
Not just the CIA, but every single intelligence agency including the FBI.
Certainly but the CIA is the one that will be hollowed out first because their most enduring mission is to spy on Russia, a place Trump seems to think can never be a threat to us if we just kiss Putin's ass. The conservatives arguing for appeasement with Russia? They have officially gone nuts.

Actually, it is you Liberals who have lost your mind over the people throughout the states rejecting your failed policies and the direction you were taking this country.
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

Things are being reported that the U.S. actually has an agent, or even a mole in the Kremlin that has read the papers saying Putin was directly involved in the hack. I truly fear Trump is going to start a witch hunt to out everyone that has hurt him.

Would you mind backing that up with a reliable link?

No. I will not provide links to Trump supporters anymore. If you want to prove me wrong, go find your own link.

That's fine. I'll just consider anything you say to be a lie from now forward.

Good try...and since you won't look for the link your fucking self...I'll just know for now on you are a lazy ass that won't look for the truth.
So apparently when RW'ers say that Reagan won the Cold War,

what they mean is,

Reagan won it for the Russians.
It's pretty scary that the CIA would make a claim about alleged Russian influence on the presidential election but refuse to testify about it. Even scarier is the fact that neither the CIA nor the FBI or even the criminal enterprise known as the "mainstream media" was interested in what documents Bill Clinton's former National Security Adviser stole from the National Archives after 9-11. Equally scary is the fact that the CIA would not dispute ludicrous allegations by Hilly and Barry that the terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya came about spontaneously because of an obscure you tube video.
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No. I will not provide links to Trump supporters anymore. If you want to prove me wrong, go find your own link.

That's fine. I'll just consider anything you say to be a lie from now forward.

Good try...and since you won't look for the link your fucking self...I'll just know for now on you are a lazy ass that won't look for the truth.

When most honest posters make a statement on here, they can back up what they stated. You are simply a LIAR!!

No, I'm tired of posting links just for Trump supporters to say it is fake or biased. It's a waste of time. I won't do it anymore. Prove my claim wrong.

I've already told you that I'll just consider anything you post to be a lie. Now, I hope you have the mental capacity to absorb that so I won't need to continue repeating my conclusion concerning your statements.

And I'll continue yo tell you I'll consider you to be too lazy to become informed.

You can't understand you Trump supporters have pigeon holed yourself. You are no longer considered worthy of debate because you won't accept facts and sources. You've brought it upon yourselves with your insistent comments that all sources provided to you are fake news or biased. No one cares what you think anymore. Your opinion doesn't matter.

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