Scary that Republicans believe Russia over ALL of our US Intelligence Agencies.

Russia told them to put up or shut up.....have you noticed they haven't put up?

Are you this stupid^^^? Take this question as rhetorical, of course you are.

Only a fool would give up the sources used to determine the conclusion of our intelligence sources, and fools like you voted for the fool who may do so.

Only a fool like you would believe a political hack like Brennan claiming Comey agrees with his bullshit while Comey says nothing. Even senile old DNI Clapper is sitting on his hat. If the "Company" has Ivan's fingerprints on a hack (they don't), nothing involving sources or methods needs to be exposed. Congressional intel committee called for a showdown a few days ago and the CIA hit the chicken-switch and did a no-show. You've got until approx. 1500 hours, 19 December to put up or shut up....after that the EC will have sealed their votes and sent them to Congress and you mongrels lose (again).
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You are now a disciple of Putin. Congrats Comrade! Stump has loaded his cabinet with Pro-Putin people. Russia is taking the US without firing s shot and you fools gobble up Stump's every word.
In other words, you can't name a single "fake news story" the Russians used to influence the election.

Insult their critics is typical behavior for leftwing douche bags when they can't give a rational answer to the questions put to them.

Yawwwnnn....Well, the fake news that was spread, even on this board, that Hillary would start WWIII if elected. That was Russia. I hope you have already arranged for Russian lessons. Cause Comrade Stump is going to require it of his "Fake News Ambassadors."

One of Comade Stump's first initiative will be to lift the sanction on Russia. It will be a pay back to Putee.
Prove that was a "fake news story" that originated from Russia.

Wow! You are sounding exactly like Putin. Is that yout daily talking point?
Wasting time with them, they had Hillary standing in front of a firing squad on far less evidence than we have that Russia targeted our election with hacking, leaks and massive propaganda ops on facebook. Can't see they care about anything other than fucking over everything decent people care about.
Wasting time with them, they had Hillary standing in front of a firing squad on far less evidence than we have that Russia targeted our election with hacking, leaks and massive propaganda ops on facebook. Can't see they care about anything other than fucking over everything decent people care about.

We had 33,000 deleted and bleach-bit emails on even one proving the Ivans hacked Podesta?
Russia told them to put up or shut up.....have you noticed they haven't put up?

Are you this stupid^^^? Take this question as rhetorical, of course you are.

Only a fool would give up the sources used to determine the conclusion of our intelligence sources, and fools like you voted for the fool who may do so.

It's elementary....the burden is on them to show the proof. Of course you being a partisan shill refuses to recognize that

^Shill for Putin.
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.
Crazy that liberals denied the emails were real pre election but now claim they are.

It doesn't matter if they're real or not. It matters how they were used.

Obviously you and your simple minded brethren fell for them. It stands to reason that many, many more did as well.
BTW, this morning upChuck Todd told his MTP audience that Hillary's server was never hacked....Comey made no such claim and in fact said it probably had been since it had less safeguards than a Yahoo email account. Further, Trump never called on the russians to hack Hillary's lie. What he did say was if they had them, let us see them. The MSM has learned nothing from their November'd think they'd wake up and stop lying but it's so ingrained in their DNA that now looks impossible. No forces will eventually drown them in red ink.
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

The Rightwing deranged will flip flop completely the moment the CIA or the FBI come out with a finding they and their Master Trump like.


Fox came out now and finally "independently verified" that the intelligence agencies are in agreement on the hacking.

Trump is now fully cleared to flip now that Fox has his back.

It will certainly be interesting to see the results of that here.
It doesn't matter if they're real or not. It matters how they were used.

Ah, so the truth only matters if it's first presented to your censors for approval? Welcome to the communist party, comrade!
Wasting time with them, they had Hillary standing in front of a firing squad on far less evidence than we have that Russia targeted our election with hacking, leaks and massive propaganda ops on facebook. Can't see they care about anything other than fucking over everything decent people care about.

We had 33,000 deleted and bleach-bit emails on even one proving the Ivans hacked Podesta?
Hopefully not too many Americans will die for you Trumpbots to finally learn that Putin can never be our friend.
Hopefully not too many Americans will die for you Trumpbots to finally learn that Putin can never be our friend.

Too bad so many Americans have died because you Obozobots never realized ISIS isn't a "JV team".
If the Libtard press would do its job properly and investigate the corrupt of Crooked Hillary, the DNC and that asshole Obama we wouldn't have to look to the Russians to learn the truth.
At a time like this we should keep in mind what Cheney did to get his intelligence to sell the war in Iraq. He did not like the answers he was getting from the CIA so he formed his own little group to cherry pick the garbage the CIA had rejected as unreliable. Without a doubt Pence is already quietly building up his own shadow fourth branch while we are distracted by the horrible bunch of plutocrats and warmongers Trump has picked for cabinet posts.
Its not that we believe the Russians we just don't believe or trust the left. Misdirection is a Democratic party specialty. Remember the protest blamed on a video ? The Clinton administration had a number of wag the dog episodes.

You Liberals didn't like the election results so you start blaming well everything but the bad candidate you were forced to chose.
BTW, this morning upChuck Todd told his MTP audience that Hillary's server was never hacked....Comey made no such claim and in fact said it probably had been since it had less safeguards than a Yahoo email account. Further, Trump never called on the russians to hack Hillary's lie. What he did say was if they had them, let us see them. The MSM has learned nothing from their November'd think they'd wake up and stop lying but it's so ingrained in their DNA that now looks impossible. No forces will eventually drown them in red ink.
Dude, you should know better by now.
Her server, in this world of hacking, is the only one that has not been shown to have been conclusively hacked.

What FBI Director Really Said About Clinton Email Probe

Comey: Clinton Put Some of America's Secrets in Danger but Didn't Endanger Agents Abroad
Asked whether Clinton's use of a personal server while secretary of state made some of America's secrets vulnerable to adversaries, Comey simply replied, "Yes."

The FBI found "no direct evidence of an intrusion" into Clinton's server, but it did find evidence of "unsuccessful attempts," and "it's possible" skilled hackers breached the system without leaving any trace, he said.

"There is no doubt that [a breach] potentially would have exposed information ... that was classified because it could damage the United States of America," Comey added.

However, he dismissed suggestions that the classified information was so sensitive that it could put U.S. agents abroad at risk. "I don't think I agree with that," he said.

So far the only GOP "faithless delegate" from Texas has been exposed as a liar and a fake. Claimed he was "battling fire" at the Pentagon on 9/11, except he wasn't with the fire dept he claimed he was with and he was a towny medic who was never deployed to the Pentagon attack. Anybody see Loretta Swit ("Hot Lips" from M.A.S.H) in the washed-up Hollywood actors plea to the Electors?
Dude, you should know better by now.
Her server, in this world of hacking, is the only one that has not been shown to have been conclusively hacked.

What FBI Director Really Said About Clinton Email Probe

Comey: Clinton Put Some of America's Secrets in Danger but Didn't Endanger Agents Abroad
Asked whether Clinton's use of a personal server while secretary of state made some of America's secrets vulnerable to adversaries, Comey simply replied, "Yes."

The FBI found "no direct evidence of an intrusion" into Clinton's server, but it did find evidence of "unsuccessful attempts," and "it's possible" skilled hackers breached the system without leaving any trace, he said.

Your link just proved you were wrong.
Next time don't deal in "what Comey really said" and check out what he actually did say without your ABC news filter.
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

The Rightwing deranged will flip flop completely the moment the CIA or the FBI come out with a finding they and their Master Trump like.


The minute Obama is no longer president, we will know the truth.

Yes, because all of those corrupt career govt workers will suddenly shift like a flock of birds to the new POTUS and his wishes.
At a time like this we should keep in mind what Cheney did to get his intelligence to sell the war in Iraq. He did not like the answers he was getting from the CIA so he formed his own little group to cherry pick the garbage the CIA had rejected as unreliable. Without a doubt Pence is already quietly building up his own shadow fourth branch while we are distracted by the horrible bunch of plutocrats and warmongers Trump has picked for cabinet posts.
Its not that we believe the Russians we just don't believe or trust the left. Misdirection is a Democratic party specialty. Remember the protest blamed on a video ? The Clinton administration had a number of wag the dog episodes.

You Liberals didn't like the election results so you start blaming well everything but the bad candidate you were forced to chose.
Our nation's intelligence community is not "the left" nor has it been politicized in some way. Trump may come to a point where he needs America to have faith in our intelligence but will have undermined it. He could have easily made this all go away a long time ago by not ignoring the Russian espionage operation and state that he wants to win on his ideas not on dirty tricks. Now it is much too late for him to turn around his inexplicable Russia love. The narrative that Russia did nothing is already a minority opinion and it is going to get much tougher to maintain it. You should all cut your loses now before even Trump comes around to reality. He will flip on this delusional shit before he is sworn-in.
The Scary thing is that we are about to lose a bunch of intelligence analysts and foriegn policy experts who will simply refuse to work for agencies who will now be required to tell the president exactly what he wants to hear rather than the reality of threats we face.
We don't have any intelligence analysts and foreign policy experts like that. All of them say exactly what Obama wants them to say.

Until of course the minute Obama is no longer president. :laugh2:

Our nation's intelligence community is not "the left" nor has it been politicized in some way.

Of course it has, same as the IRS, the DOJ, DHS, EPA, and State Dept....there are few, if any departments Obama hacks haven't turned political. I wouldn't piss on Brennan if he was on fire....just another liar for the Kenyan.

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