Scary that Republicans believe Russia over ALL of our US Intelligence Agencies.

The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

No matter how many times you repeat the FAKE NEWS

WE THE PEOPLE know better

Beneath his composed and controlled presidential exterior, which is entirely fake, Obama is bitter. He’s a sore loser. He’s filled with hatred. He hates to see Obamacare criticized and threatened with destruction. He hates to see his place in history diminished. He views Russia as an adversary, so he hates to see Trump looking upon Russia as a partner

Russia is an adversary you fucking fool. What the hell is wrong with you?

Listen you miserable piece of shit

Hillary and the fascist left wingers want to disarm us.

Vladimir does not.

The democrats ARE the enemy.


Major Garrett: Obama has expanded, not reduced gun rights

Every time you guys defend your Manchurian Candidate by attacking others, you look more and more stupid. Tarded stupid.
To the best of my knowledge, Russia has not flown planes into buildings in the United States, they have not attacked any of our embassies, they have not declared a war of any type against us, they have not set off explosive devices in U.S crowds. They have not kidnapped our citizens and then sent us video of those citizens having their heads cut off.
The muslims however have done this, all of it, and the democrats want to welcome them into our country without checking them out first, they want to bring them here and give them money to live on. The democrats have funded these terrorists, they have sent them weapons, and I would guess that they were the recipients of some of those classified documents that ended up on a server in hillary's house. The democrats during the peak of the war against the terrorists even went as far as to elect a candidate that had pledged his allegiance to the muslims over the United States.
So if they democrats want to claim that the thought of building a working relationship with Russia is worse, I just dont know what to say to them.
Lets put it out there for what it really is. the democrats basically have nothing bad that they can say about President Elect Trump, so they will take any little thing that they can and re-manufacture it into something with as much impact as possible.
And lets go ahead and look at this terrible crime that has been committed by the republicans here. keeping in Mind that Donald Trump never told Russia to hack or to release the emails. What he did say was that IF Russia had those emails, the press would pay a good deal to get their hands on the information. But again, lets look at it this way, Donald said that AFTER the emails had already been hacked, so there was no reason for him to ask anyone to hack them, it had already been done.
To top that off, had the democrats worried a little bit more not only with Hillary taking the information, but more importantly making sure that the security on all government servers was secure, none of this would have happened in the first place. Its almost as if the democrats left the back door open on purpose so the terrorists could determine their next and safest move.
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

The Rightwing deranged will flip flop completely the moment the CIA or the FBI come out with a finding they and their Master Trump like.


The minute Obama is no longer president, we will know the truth.

Yes, because all of those corrupt career govt workers will suddenly shift like a flock of birds to the new POTUS and his wishes.

No they won't, but the people running the agencies will have a few hand picked moles to learn what's really going on. There won't be any of Obama's hand picked stooges in charge who can cover up the truth.
The Scary thing is that we are about to lose a bunch of intelligence analysts and foriegn policy experts who will simply refuse to work for agencies who will now be required to tell the president exactly what he wants to hear rather than the reality of threats we face.
We don't have any intelligence analysts and foreign policy experts like that. All of them say exactly what Obama wants them to say.

Until of course the minute Obama is no longer president. :laugh2:

Yep, that's right.
Scary that Republicans believe Russia over ALL of our US Intelligence Agencies.

No, it's sad that our President has lied to us so often that we now demand evidence be shown before we believe anything he says.
Let's see, us or Russia, who to believe? I wonder what answer I'd get from the families of passengers and crew of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 or perhaps those Scotland Yard officials that investigated the acute radiation syndrome death of Alexander Litvinenko. And speaking about radiation, shame on those speaking negatively against the Iranian nuclear deal. Russia not only backed it but has stepped up and will sell its S-300 air defense system to Iran as protection for its nuclear installations. Gee, aren't they wonderful!
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

No matter how many times you repeat the FAKE NEWS

WE THE PEOPLE know better

Beneath his composed and controlled presidential exterior, which is entirely fake, Obama is bitter. He’s a sore loser. He’s filled with hatred. He hates to see Obamacare criticized and threatened with destruction. He hates to see his place in history diminished. He views Russia as an adversary, so he hates to see Trump looking upon Russia as a partner

Russia is an adversary you fucking fool. What the hell is wrong with you?

Listen you miserable piece of shit

Hillary and the fascist left wingers want to disarm us.

Vladimir does not.

The democrats ARE the enemy.



The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

The Rightwing deranged will flip flop completely the moment the CIA or the FBI come out with a finding they and their Master Trump like.


The minute Obama is no longer president, we will know the truth.

Yes, because all of those corrupt career govt workers will suddenly shift like a flock of birds to the new POTUS and his wishes.

No they won't, but the people running the agencies will have a few hand picked moles to learn what's really going on. There won't be any of Obama's hand picked stooges in charge who can cover up the truth.

They will be hand picked by Putin who will send a list to Stump. And you idiots voted for the first US "precedent" approved by Putin. I wonder if Putin will be at the inauguration?
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

The Rightwing deranged will flip flop completely the moment the CIA or the FBI come out with a finding they and their Master Trump like.


The minute Obama is no longer president, we will know the truth.

Yes, because all of those corrupt career govt workers will suddenly shift like a flock of birds to the new POTUS and his wishes.

No they won't, but the people running the agencies will have a few hand picked moles to learn what's really going on. There won't be any of Obama's hand picked stooges in charge who can cover up the truth.

They will be hand picked by Putin who will send a list to Stump. And you idiots voted for the first US "precedent" approved by Putin. I wonder if Putin will be at the inauguration?

You are delusional and paranoid. Is it any wonder that other forum members think you're a kook?
------------------------------------------------------ no idea what the TRUMP will do though i hope that the TRUMP does hunt out those that were loyal to other regimes but who are not loyal to TRUMP . I think that many government employees serve at the pleasure of the President don't they ?? its time to remove the nasty smell coming from USA government Lew .

You understand what you just described? You fucking commie. You don't even live in the U.S. do you?
Nor do you

I don't? Or are you just talking about me in your fantasies where you dream about riding unicorns?
Well fk you get to tell everyone where to live so fk you live with the repercussions of your stupidity

That shows how dumb you are. Have I told anyone where to live? No.... I asked where he lives because he acts like Trump is going to help him, but it's pretty obvious he isn't American.
--------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not looking for the TRUMPS help for ME . As far as the TRUMP goes i am looking for TRUMP to fix things that mrobama has purposely broken . Trump may start at 'obamacare' and then build a border wall , then lets have less third world enemies and fifth columnists and future democrats imported into the USA . Lets also get the USA Military rebuilt and lets get the Supreme Court full of Conservative Judges . Plus there are other actions that i want TRUMP to take but all will be for the purpose of making America Great Again and in making Americans First again . All the things i mention are for the good of the USA and future young Americans Lew .
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.
These are the same agencies on whose word we launched a war against Saddam Hussein and which the left has insisted for years we should not have believed. Now we're supposed to accept anonymous tips without evidence as enough to overturn the election results?
Things are being reported that the U.S. actually has an agent, or even a mole in the Kremlin that has read the papers saying Putin was directly involved in the hack. I truly fear Trump is going to start a witch hunt to out everyone that has hurt him.
------------------------------------------------------ no idea what the TRUMP will do though i hope that the TRUMP does hunt out those that were loyal to other regimes but who are not loyal to TRUMP . I think that many government employees serve at the pleasure of the President don't they ?? its time to remove the nasty smell coming from USA government Lew .

You understand what you just described? You fucking commie. You don't even live in the U.S. do you?
Nor do you

I don't? Or are you just talking about me in your fantasies where you dream about riding unicorns?
Well fk you get to tell everyone where to live so fk you live with the repercussions of your stupidity
--------------------------------------------- Lew is best described as a funny thinker , imo JC 456 !!
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.
These are the same agencies on whose word we launched a war against Saddam Hussein and which the left has insisted for years we should not have believed. Now we're supposed to accept anonymous tips without evidence as enough to overturn the election results?
Quit rewriting history, we all know the intel presented to the American people and congress was cherry picked through Cheney's office from crap the CIA had rejected as unreliable. They then pressured Tenet to sign off on that garbage leading to his eventual resignation.
------------------------------------------------------ no idea what the TRUMP will do though i hope that the TRUMP does hunt out those that were loyal to other regimes but who are not loyal to TRUMP . I think that many government employees serve at the pleasure of the President don't they ?? its time to remove the nasty smell coming from USA government Lew .

You understand what you just described? You fucking commie. You don't even live in the U.S. do you?
Nor do you

I don't? Or are you just talking about me in your fantasies where you dream about riding unicorns?
Well fk you get to tell everyone where to live so fk you live with the repercussions of your stupidity
--------------------------------------------- Lew is best described as a funny thinker , imo JC 456 !!
He doesn't think at all!
Last edited:
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.
It's sad that Putin has more credibility than anyone in the Obama administration, especially Comy and Clapper, both of whom are proven liars.
Putin doesn't have more credibility, except for you RW fluffers.
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.
These are the same agencies on whose word we launched a war against Saddam Hussein and which the left has insisted for years we should not have believed. Now we're supposed to accept anonymous tips without evidence as enough to overturn the election results?
Quit rewriting history, we all know the intel presented to the American people and congress was cherry picked through Cheney's office from crap the CIA had rejected as unreliable. They then pressured Tenet to sign off on that garbage leading to his eventual resignation.
And the same thing is happening now.
The Scary thing is that we are about to lose a bunch of intelligence analysts and foriegn policy experts who will simply refuse to work for agencies who will now be required to tell the president exactly what he wants to hear rather than the reality of threats we face.

Isn't this what Bush and Cheney did? They wanted to tell the people that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. The CIA said "No he doesn't" and Cheney went over to the CIA and said you better tell us what we want to hear or you're going to be fired, and then the CIA told Cheney that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

Now Trump says why should I believe the CIA. They're the ones who told us Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

Damned by Cheney for telling the truth, damned by Trump for doing as their told by Cheney.

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