Scary that Republicans believe Russia over ALL of our US Intelligence Agencies.

Yes, I cannot exactly walk up to wherever he plotting and ask him what's up. Do you intend to buy that fourth branch bullshit again that the VP holds a place in government that makes him accountable to no one except the president?

No. I'm laughing at your appreciation of the totally biased Liberal media.
Yeah whatever, you Trumpbots cannot have an actual policy discussion because he has not bothered to tell you what his polices are actually going to be.

All you need do is listen to one of his speeches or visit his web site. At this point, what difference does it make? Trump was duly elected and will receive the electorial votes this very day.
I have listened to the ever changing list of things he says he is going to do but the truth remains that not even Trump has a clear idea of what his agenda will be. You seem to think he is going to be great but in the end you simply do not know and cannot rationally say why.

And neither can you. You just want to piss and moan and bitch even before he takes office and has a chance to do anything. You are simply pissed off that Hillary lost and that the people rejected the failed Democratic policies.
The Pissed off that Hillary lost meme is just your way of covering your inability to defend your man from criticism. You seem like someone who slept through civics and never paid any attention to government or politics until recently.
No. I'm laughing at your appreciation of the totally biased Liberal media.
Yeah whatever, you Trumpbots cannot have an actual policy discussion because he has not bothered to tell you what his polices are actually going to be.

All you need do is listen to one of his speeches or visit his web site. At this point, what difference does it make? Trump was duly elected and will receive the electorial votes this very day.
I have listened to the ever changing list of things he says he is going to do but the truth remains that not even Trump has a clear idea of what his agenda will be. You seem to think he is going to be great but in the end you simply do not know and cannot rationally say why.

And neither can you. You just want to piss and moan and bitch even before he takes office and has a chance to do anything. You are simply pissed off that Hillary lost and that the people rejected the failed Democratic policies.
The Pissed off that Hillary lost meme is just your way of covering your inability to defend your man from criticism. You seem like someone who slept through civics and never paid any attention to government or politics until recently.

Actually, my man won. We mow control the Presidency, BOTH Houses of Congress, most of the state governorships, and most of the state legislatures. How's that fit into your little world of reality?
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.
It's sad that Putin has more credibility than anyone in the Obama administration, especially Comy and Clapper, both of whom are proven liars.
Putin doesn't have more credibility, except for you RW fluffers.
Why would I care? He didn't do anything
Media attention? Really? LOL!!
Yes, I cannot exactly walk up to wherever he plotting and ask him what's up. Do you intend to buy that fourth branch bullshit again that the VP holds a place in government that makes him accountable to no one except the president?

No. I'm laughing at your appreciation of the totally biased Liberal media.
Yeah whatever, you Trumpbots cannot have an actual policy discussion because he has not bothered to tell you what his polices are actually going to be.

All you need do is listen to one of his speeches or visit his web site. At this point, what difference does it make? Trump was duly elected and will receive the electorial votes this very day.
I have listened to the ever changing list of things he says he is going to do but the truth remains that not even Trump has a clear idea of what his agenda will be. You seem to think he is going to be great but in the end you simply do not know and cannot rationally say why.
----------------------------------------------- i know illary for about 30 years and have known her hero and soulmate mrobama for about 8 / 9 years . I'll take my chances with the unknown President Trump that sounds just like i and millions of others just like me sounds Occupied .
Your extraordinarily partisan president-elect is really the only person making the claim that the CIA is lying for entirely partisan purposes.

As to the DHS attempting intrusion on the voter records of the state of Georgia. We have an accusation made by the SoS of Georgia ten days ago and a promise by DHS to look into it, but nothing since. That's all anyone knows at this point.
Not just the CIA, but every single intelligence agency including the FBI.
Certainly but the CIA is the one that will be hollowed out first because their most enduring mission is to spy on Russia, a place Trump seems to think can never be a threat to us if we just kiss Putin's ass. The conservatives arguing for appeasement with Russia? They have officially gone nuts.

Actually, it is you Liberals who have lost your mind over the people throughout the states rejecting your failed policies and the direction you were taking this country.
You are a fine one to talk about policies, none of you Trumpbots is capable of having a decent policy discussion. All you got is a bunch of gloating and recrimination.

What policies are there for you to talk about? The Democratic Party's polices have been thoroughly rejected by the election. Why continue to ride a dead horse?
They lost two in a row, and double down on stupid
Media attention? Really? LOL!!
Yes, I cannot exactly walk up to wherever he plotting and ask him what's up. Do you intend to buy that fourth branch bullshit again that the VP holds a place in government that makes him accountable to no one except the president?

No. I'm laughing at your appreciation of the totally biased Liberal media.
Yeah whatever, you Trumpbots cannot have an actual policy discussion because he has not bothered to tell you what his polices are actually going to be.

All you need do is listen to one of his speeches or visit his web site. At this point, what difference does it make? Trump was duly elected and will receive the electorial votes this very day.
I have listened to the ever changing list of things he says he is going to do but the truth remains that not even Trump has a clear idea of what his agenda will be. You seem to think he is going to be great but in the end you simply do not know and cannot rationally say why.
And you still haven't faced reality, you lost, your sideshow is ovah
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.
These are the same agencies on whose word we launched a war against Saddam Hussein and which the left has insisted for years we should not have believed. Now we're supposed to accept anonymous tips without evidence as enough to overturn the election results?
Quit rewriting history, we all know the intel presented to the American people and congress was cherry picked through Cheney's office from crap the CIA had rejected as unreliable. They then pressured Tenet to sign off on that garbage leading to his eventual resignation.
And what a perfect hypocritical post!
These are the same agencies on whose word we launched a war against Saddam Hussein and which the left has insisted for years we should not have believed. Now we're supposed to accept anonymous tips without evidence as enough to overturn the election results?

No the CIA had it right. They told Bush Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction. Then Cheney said they'd better get with the program and start finding them because the US was going to invade Iraq and they needed the CIA to find those WMD's, or they would be fired.
I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. Were you hiding in the corner again?
Don't you know they're allowed at all classified meetings! The libturds here think they have things the president doesn't even have yet.
These are the same agencies on whose word we launched a war against Saddam Hussein and which the left has insisted for years we should not have believed. Now we're supposed to accept anonymous tips without evidence as enough to overturn the election results?

No the CIA had it right. They told Bush Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction. Then Cheney said they'd better get with the program and start finding them because the US was going to invade Iraq and they needed the CIA to find those WMD's, or they would be fired.
To the best of my knowledge, Russia has not flown planes into buildings in the United States, they have not attacked any of our embassies, they have not declared a war of any type against us, they have not set off explosive devices in U.S crowds. They have not kidnapped our citizens and then sent us video of those citizens having their heads cut off.
The muslims however have done this, all of it, and the democrats want to welcome them into our country without checking them out first, they want to bring them here and give them money to live on. The democrats have funded these terrorists, they have sent them weapons, and I would guess that they were the recipients of some of those classified documents that ended up on a server in hillary's house. The democrats during the peak of the war against the terrorists even went as far as to elect a candidate that had pledged his allegiance to the muslims over the United States.
So if they democrats want to claim that the thought of building a working relationship with Russia is worse, I just dont know what to say to them.
Lets put it out there for what it really is. the democrats basically have nothing bad that they can say about President Elect Trump, so they will take any little thing that they can and re-manufacture it into something with as much impact as possible.
And lets go ahead and look at this terrible crime that has been committed by the republicans here. keeping in Mind that Donald Trump never told Russia to hack or to release the emails. What he did say was that IF Russia had those emails, the press would pay a good deal to get their hands on the information. But again, lets look at it this way, Donald said that AFTER the emails had already been hacked, so there was no reason for him to ask anyone to hack them, it had already been done.
To top that off, had the democrats worried a little bit more not only with Hillary taking the information, but more importantly making sure that the security on all government servers was secure, none of this would have happened in the first place. Its almost as if the democrats left the back door open on purpose so the terrorists could determine their next and safest move.
You think Russia must be good because they haven't directly attacked this country with weapons? Cuz that's incredibly ignorant stupid.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17: Plane with 298 on board shot down in Ukraine

23 Americans were on board. Investigators said there were no other aircraft in the area. The only missiles in the area came from Russia. The only people who knew how to operate those systems were Russian. The only people with radar that could target a plate at 33,000 feet was Russia.

But Russia denies it. Reminds me of this commercial.

Pick up a history book, the US has worked with Russia before during a time of war when we shared the same enemy. If we did it then we can do it now so wipe the tears libs and get up to speed.
These are the same agencies on whose word we launched a war against Saddam Hussein and which the left has insisted for years we should not have believed. Now we're supposed to accept anonymous tips without evidence as enough to overturn the election results?

No the CIA had it right. They told Bush Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction. Then Cheney said they'd better get with the program and start finding them because the US was going to invade Iraq and they needed the CIA to find those WMD's, or they would be fired.
I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. Were you hiding in the corner again?
Don't you know they're allowed at all classified meetings! The libturds here think they have things the president doesn't even have yet.
Maybe they do. Obama seems to often be surprised by stuff he reads about in the newspaper.
Scary that Republicans believe Russia over ALL of our US Intelligence Agencies.

No, it's sad that our President has lied to us so often that we now demand evidence be shown before we believe anything he says.
But Donald Trump is honest?

What 650 fact-checks of the presidential candidates tell us


Right wingers. Their ignorance is ALWAYS on display.
To the best of my knowledge, Russia has not flown planes into buildings in the United States, they have not attacked any of our embassies, they have not declared a war of any type against us, they have not set off explosive devices in U.S crowds. They have not kidnapped our citizens and then sent us video of those citizens having their heads cut off.
The muslims however have done this, all of it, and the democrats want to welcome them into our country without checking them out first, they want to bring them here and give them money to live on. The democrats have funded these terrorists, they have sent them weapons, and I would guess that they were the recipients of some of those classified documents that ended up on a server in hillary's house. The democrats during the peak of the war against the terrorists even went as far as to elect a candidate that had pledged his allegiance to the muslims over the United States.
So if they democrats want to claim that the thought of building a working relationship with Russia is worse, I just dont know what to say to them.
Lets put it out there for what it really is. the democrats basically have nothing bad that they can say about President Elect Trump, so they will take any little thing that they can and re-manufacture it into something with as much impact as possible.
And lets go ahead and look at this terrible crime that has been committed by the republicans here. keeping in Mind that Donald Trump never told Russia to hack or to release the emails. What he did say was that IF Russia had those emails, the press would pay a good deal to get their hands on the information. But again, lets look at it this way, Donald said that AFTER the emails had already been hacked, so there was no reason for him to ask anyone to hack them, it had already been done.
To top that off, had the democrats worried a little bit more not only with Hillary taking the information, but more importantly making sure that the security on all government servers was secure, none of this would have happened in the first place. Its almost as if the democrats left the back door open on purpose so the terrorists could determine their next and safest move.
You think Russia must be good because they haven't directly attacked this country with weapons? Cuz that's incredibly ignorant stupid.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17: Plane with 298 on board shot down in Ukraine

23 Americans were on board. Investigators said there were no other aircraft in the area. The only missiles in the area came from Russia. The only people who knew how to operate those systems were Russian. The only people with radar that could target a plate at 33,000 feet was Russia.

But Russia denies it. Reminds me of this commercial.

What was obummer's retaliation? Oh yeah, nothing
How come liberals have regressed so far they don't recognize a diversion when they see it?

How obvious does it have to be for someone to realize US intelligence groups likely had the greatest involvement?

How come liberals have regressed so far they blame the snitch instead of the crook?

Answer: You people think with your asses instead of your brains, because you're emotionally unbalanced.
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

You mean the very same agencies that claimed Iraq had WMD's?

Silly far left drones!
The US has many thousands of intelligence agents that put their lives into danger every single day.
Russia wants the US destroyed. That is no secret.

And now Trump has convinced half of the United States that you can't trust those brave American heroes working in secret to protect our country but you can trust one of the most dangerous regimes that ever existed headed by a dangerous and murderous former KGB agent.

When did this happen? And now the question of GOP loyalty to the United States will forever be in question. Republicans may try to spin and suggest it's Democrats who are dangerous, but it's not Democrats who welcome Nazi's into their party and believe dangerous foreign governments over non partisan Americans who put their lives into danger every day.

Will the Trump Administration go a step further and release the names of covert agents to Russia and other countries that threaten the United States? After all, if he doesn't believe ALL of our intelligence agencies, then what good are they? Maybe he thinks that's the easiest way to get rid of all of them and start over.

You mean the very same agencies that claimed Iraq had WMD's?

Silly far left drones!
They haven't submitted any report! How is it these libturds know what happened?
Pick up a history book, the US has worked with Russia before during a time of war when we shared the same enemy. If we did it then we can do it now so wipe the tears libs and get up to speed.
Can you say Stalin?

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