Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

No he did not. What the Mueller reports contains is evidence of collusion but not beyond a reasonable doubt.



NO indictment of Trump for collusion.

NO indictment of Trump family for collusion.

NO indictment of Trump associates for collusion.



You dumbasses continue to accuse Trump of something that ISN'T even a crime she ignoring to an knowledge the existing EVIDENCE OF REAL DEMOCRAT CRIME!


Even Barr admits the report does not exonerate Trump.

The Justice Department says a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller clearly left that up to the DOJ.

Manafort was convicted of lying about giving campaign data to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian intelligence which hacked the DNC servers

Papadopoulus pleaded guilty6 for lying about contacting Russians to get dirt on Clinton.

Stone is under indictment for lying about his contacts with WikiLeaks which fenced the stolen e-mails he got from Russia.

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF REAL DEMOCRAT CRIMES. YOUR CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORIES ARE NOT EVIDENCE. The DOJ has been in the hands of Republicans for over 2 years. Even Sessions admits you need evidence.
Nobody is declared, “Innocent”, they are declared,
“Not guilty” beyond a reasonable doubt.
No he did not. What the Mueller reports contains is evidence of collusion but not beyond a reasonable doubt.



NO indictment of Trump for collusion.

NO indictment of Trump family for collusion.

NO indictment of Trump associates for collusion.



You dumbasses continue to accuse Trump of something that ISN'T even a crime she ignoring to an knowledge the existing EVIDENCE OF REAL DEMOCRAT CRIME!


Even Barr admits the report does not exonerate Trump.

The Justice Department says a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller clearly left that up to the DOJ.

Manafort was convicted of lying about giving campaign data to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian intelligence which hacked the DNC servers

Papadopoulus pleaded guilty6 for lying about contacting Russians to get dirt on Clinton.

Stone is under indictment for lying about his contacts with WikiLeaks which fenced the stolen e-mails he got from Russia.

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF REAL DEMOCRAT CRIMES. YOUR CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORIES ARE NOT EVIDENCE. The DOJ has been in the hands of Republicans for over 2 years. Even Sessions admits you need evidence.
Nobody is declared, “Innocent”, they are declared,
“Not guilty” beyond a reasonable doubt.



Mueller stated after 2 years COLLUSION COULD NOT BE ESTABLISHED....
He did not say COLLUSION, dummy! He never used the word collusion, because although it is wrong, collusion is not a crime. He said they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt) conspiracy.... and that was a partial sentence of Mueller's that Barr inserted in to his report, not even the FULL sentence of Mueller's..... why didn't Barr in the least, insert one full sentence of Mueller's without cutting out, what he did not want us to see?
Mueller stated after 2 years COLLUSION COULD NOT BE ESTABLISHED....
He did not say COLLUSION, dummy! He never used the word collusion, because although it is wrong, collusion is not a crime. He said they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt) conspiracy.... and that was a partial sentence of Mueller's that Barr inserted in to his report, not even the FULL sentence of Mueller's..... why didn't Barr in the least, insert one full sentence of Mueller's without cutting out, what he did not want us to see?

Yet for 2-3 fricken years you loons felt COLLUSION was a crime...go figure.
Mueller stated after 2 years COLLUSION COULD NOT BE ESTABLISHED....
He did not say COLLUSION, dummy! He never used the word collusion, because although it is wrong, collusion is not a crime. He said they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt) conspiracy.... and that was a partial sentence of Mueller's that Barr inserted in to his report, not even the FULL sentence of Mueller's..... why didn't Barr in the least, insert one full sentence of Mueller's without cutting out, what he did not want us to see?
What conspiracy?
I watched Schiff’s videos and it’s all about collusion.
Mueller stated after 2 years COLLUSION COULD NOT BE ESTABLISHED....
He did not say COLLUSION, dummy! He never used the word collusion, because although it is wrong, collusion is not a crime. He said they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt) conspiracy.... and that was a partial sentence of Mueller's that Barr inserted in to his report, not even the FULL sentence of Mueller's..... why didn't Barr in the least, insert one full sentence of Mueller's without cutting out, what he did not want us to see?
What conspiracy?
I watched Schiff’s videos and it’s all about collusion.

And over and over Schiff said that collusion is obvious (which it is), but did it meet the standard for "conspiracy" which is illegal. Mueller couldn't prove that Trump was involved in conspiracy, but Manafort clearly was, passing data to Killimnik (see Manafort Guilty Plea).

Stone was up to his hips in it too, but at this point we don't know if he knew Guccifer was GRU or not.

So spin your little lies you stupid Russian but most of us aren't fooled at all.
Mueller stated after 2 years COLLUSION COULD NOT BE ESTABLISHED....
He did not say COLLUSION, dummy! He never used the word collusion, because although it is wrong, collusion is not a crime. He said they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt) conspiracy.... and that was a partial sentence of Mueller's that Barr inserted in to his report, not even the FULL sentence of Mueller's..... why didn't Barr in the least, insert one full sentence of Mueller's without cutting out, what he did not want us to see?
What conspiracy?
I watched Schiff’s videos and it’s all about collusion.

And over and over Schiff said that collusion is obvious (which it is), but did it meet the standard for "conspiracy" which is illegal. Mueller couldn't prove that Trump was involved in conspiracy, but Manafort clearly was, passing data to Killimnik (see Manafort Guilty Plea).

Stone was up to his hips in it too, but at this point we don't know if he knew Guccifer was GRU or not.

So spin your little lies you stupid Russian but most of us aren't fooled at all.
... and still no Russian connection
And over and over Schiff said that collusion is obvious (which it is), but did it meet the standard for "conspiracy" which is illegal.
'Conspiracy could not be established'

NO EVIDENCE to substantiate the false claim.

NO INDICTMENTS for collusion.

Like Schiff and Mueller, you have NO EVIDENCE to support the claim.

None at the beginning.

None after 2+ years.

None now.

Lies, Delusion, Denial, & False Accusations continue!
Hillary taking $145 million from the Russian who led the KGB Bank effort to buy Uranium One...

Bill taking $50k from the KGB Bank and meeting with Putin...

Hillary paying a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians for their help in 2016...

Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI knowingly using unreliable propaganda from a foreign spy and Russians to illegally spy on the GOP candidate & to attempt their exposed coup....

And proven / substantiated... the only existing evidence of proven collusion with the Russians....
Hillary taking $145 million from the Russian who led the KGB Bank effort to buy Uranium One...
that is just another one of your LIES... Hillary did NOT take $145 from the KGB bank, you know it and I know it, not to be true.... if you had proof that she took $145 million in bribes from this KGB Bank, she would be in jail.... she took ZERO Dollars FROM the KGB Bank.
that is just another one of your LIES... Hillary did NOT take $145 from the KGB bank, you know it and I know it, not to be true.... if you had proof that she took $145 million in bribes from this KGB Bank, she would be in jail.... she took ZERO Dollars FROM the KGB Bank.
The kinks have been posted numerous times, liar.

Hillary & Bill ARE the Clinton Foundation ... Which took in $145 million from the Russians & Russian / Uranium One associated groups / companies.

Bill did take $500k from the JGB Bank and met with Putin, & YOU know it.

You KNOW Hillary bought BS from foreign spies and the Russians and as protected by the DOJ & FBI...



Mueller stated after 2 years COLLUSION COULD NOT BE ESTABLISHED....
He did not say COLLUSION, dummy! He never used the word collusion, because although it is wrong, collusion is not a crime. He said they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt) conspiracy.... and that was a partial sentence of Mueller's that Barr inserted in to his report, not even the FULL sentence of Mueller's..... why didn't Barr in the least, insert one full sentence of Mueller's without cutting out, what he did not want us to see?
What conspiracy?
I watched Schiff’s videos and it’s all about collusion.

And over and over Schiff said that collusion is obvious (which it is), but did it meet the standard for "conspiracy" which is illegal. Mueller couldn't prove that Trump was involved in conspiracy, but Manafort clearly was, passing data to Killimnik (see Manafort Guilty Plea).

Stone was up to his hips in it too, but at this point we don't know if he knew Guccifer was GRU or not.

So spin your little lies you stupid Russian but most of us aren't fooled at all.

but did it meet the standard for "conspiracy" which is illegal.

Conspiracy of what?
Mueller stated after 2 years COLLUSION COULD NOT BE ESTABLISHED....
He did not say COLLUSION, dummy! He never used the word collusion, because although it is wrong, collusion is not a crime. He said they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt) conspiracy.... and that was a partial sentence of Mueller's that Barr inserted in to his report, not even the FULL sentence of Mueller's..... why didn't Barr in the least, insert one full sentence of Mueller's without cutting out, what he did not want us to see?
What conspiracy?
I watched Schiff’s videos and it’s all about collusion.

And over and over Schiff said that collusion is obvious (which it is), but did it meet the standard for "conspiracy" which is illegal. Mueller couldn't prove that Trump was involved in conspiracy, but Manafort clearly was, passing data to Killimnik (see Manafort Guilty Plea).

Stone was up to his hips in it too, but at this point we don't know if he knew Guccifer was GRU or not.

So spin your little lies you stupid Russian but most of us aren't fooled at all.
Collusion, like the schoolyard, yes.’re nuts.
Please elaborate on that conspiracy to expose Hillary’s crime.
Mueller stated after 2 years COLLUSION COULD NOT BE ESTABLISHED....
He did not say COLLUSION, dummy! He never used the word collusion, because although it is wrong, collusion is not a crime. He said they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt) conspiracy.... and that was a partial sentence of Mueller's that Barr inserted in to his report, not even the FULL sentence of Mueller's..... why didn't Barr in the least, insert one full sentence of Mueller's without cutting out, what he did not want us to see?
What conspiracy?
I watched Schiff’s videos and it’s all about collusion.

And over and over Schiff said that collusion is obvious (which it is), but did it meet the standard for "conspiracy" which is illegal. Mueller couldn't prove that Trump was involved in conspiracy, but Manafort clearly was, passing data to Killimnik (see Manafort Guilty Plea).

Stone was up to his hips in it too, but at this point we don't know if he knew Guccifer was GRU or not.

So spin your little lies you stupid Russian but most of us aren't fooled at all.

but did it meet the standard for "conspiracy" which is illegal.

Conspiracy of what?
Mueller stated after 2 years COLLUSION COULD NOT BE ESTABLISHED....
He did not say COLLUSION, dummy! He never used the word collusion, because although it is wrong, collusion is not a crime. He said they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt) conspiracy.... and that was a partial sentence of Mueller's that Barr inserted in to his report, not even the FULL sentence of Mueller's..... why didn't Barr in the least, insert one full sentence of Mueller's without cutting out, what he did not want us to see?
What conspiracy?
I watched Schiff’s videos and it’s all about collusion.

And over and over Schiff said that collusion is obvious (which it is), but did it meet the standard for "conspiracy" which is illegal. Mueller couldn't prove that Trump was involved in conspiracy, but Manafort clearly was, passing data to Killimnik (see Manafort Guilty Plea).

Stone was up to his hips in it too, but at this point we don't know if he knew Guccifer was GRU or not.

So spin your little lies you stupid Russian but most of us aren't fooled at all.
Collusion, like the schoolyard, yes.’re nuts.
Please elaborate on that conspiracy to expose Hillary’s crime.

Exposing Hillary's and the Democrat's corruption should not be allowed.
Mueller stated after 2 years COLLUSION COULD NOT BE ESTABLISHED....
He did not say COLLUSION, dummy! He never used the word collusion, because although it is wrong, collusion is not a crime. He said they could not establish, (beyond a reasonable doubt) conspiracy.... and that was a partial sentence of Mueller's that Barr inserted in to his report, not even the FULL sentence of Mueller's..... why didn't Barr in the least, insert one full sentence of Mueller's without cutting out, what he did not want us to see?
What conspiracy?
I watched Schiff’s videos and it’s all about collusion.

And over and over Schiff said that collusion is obvious (which it is), but did it meet the standard for "conspiracy" which is illegal. Mueller couldn't prove that Trump was involved in conspiracy, but Manafort clearly was, passing data to Killimnik (see Manafort Guilty Plea).

Stone was up to his hips in it too, but at this point we don't know if he knew Guccifer was GRU or not.

So spin your little lies you stupid Russian but most of us aren't fooled at all.
Collusion, like the schoolyard, yes.’re nuts.
Please elaborate on that conspiracy to expose Hillary’s crime.

Exposing Hillary's and the Democrat's corruption should not be allowed.
Based on the news, Schiff may also face a recommendation for indictment for his admitted leaking if classidied information...



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