Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

Gee, why are the MAGATS so afraid of Chairman Schiff?

Racist you say?

Like TYT:
The Young Turks Sued for Racial Discrimination by Ex-Employee
Famed SPLC accused of racism and sexism by some staffers - CNN Video

Funny you can take the person out of the democrat, but never the democrat out of the person...…..
SPLC.....lets mark a group as hateful....then on to the Klan rally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woooohoooooooo

There's good people on both sides right? Lol! Except there isn't.
I have not been persuaded that the Intelligence Committee needs to reinvestigate the points of the Mueller investigation. At this point, knowing what we know so far, I think we should move on.

Unfortunately D-Schiff believes that our President is a TRAITOR, a compromised individual being controlled by Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Despite the fact that d-Schiff is out of his damn mind, that his 'I THINK' beliefs have been proven by evidence to be NOTHING, I still respect Schiff a hell of a lot more than I do YOU and other Trump-Hating snowflakes....and here's why.

You think we should just act like none of this ever happened and just MOVE ON?! For 2+ years you and vile Trump-haters have been calling this President a TRAITOR, a Russian Puppet, a Russian Colluder...a very serious charge...that was based on bullshit, lies, ZERO EVIDENCE, ZERO CRIME, ZERO COLLUSION....but you rejected all of that, all of the evidence and facts. You clung to every desperate 'we have him now' moment that came up and FINALLY 'put all your eggs in one basket' declaring that Mueller's report would bring down the President.

The problem now is that last gasp, that last hope was just extinguished - Mueller definitively stated he and his team found NO EVEIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION with Russians....something former FBI Agent Page testified long ago that the FBI already knew before this 2+ year COUP was put into motion by the FISA Warrants and Brennan conning Congress into opening an official investigation.

Many of the Democrats / snowflakes are still going bat-shit crazy lying, denying, justifying, bargaining, and trying to hold out for any hope... YOU, it seems - and I applaud you for it - have accepted Mueller's report as FACT. Part of that reason, I believe, is because you KNOW - deep down - that there never was any 'Russian Collusion'. And now Mueller has proven it / declared it. IF you REALLY thought it was still true, that our President was a Russian Puppet / Colluder, there is no way as an American you could let that go! As a liberal / snowflake finally FORCED to face the death of the false narrative by THE investigator himself you can let it go? Yup......but as an American who still believes Trump is a legitimate traitor - you would not be able to.

SCHIFF is not letting it go. I actually believe that HE believes, despite all the evidence to the contrary as pointed out by Mueller and other evidence, the crap he is saying. I believe he REALLY thinks Trump IS a traitor and as an American he can't let that go. It APPEARS this is not JUST about partisan politics in his mind, it's about ;national security'. Though I still believe he has and continues to show he is incapable of running the House Intel Committee because HE HAS NO OBJECTIVITY, I respect, at least for now, him doing this because HE BELIEVES the crap he is saying...without the definitive evidence to back it up.

You think we should 'move on'? Just IGNORE all the exposed evidence of crime perpetrated by not only Hillary but by those at the highest levels within our government, to include the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI?!

You think we should just ignore / walk away from the FACT that the DOJ told the FBI to drop the Hillary investigation because they had no intention of indicting her and derailing her Presidential run....despite the fact that she took over $100 million from the Russians, despite the fact that she paid Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians for a document with which to try to alter the election, despite the fact that she compromised national security, and perpetrated thousands of criminal counts of crimes to include espionage...?

You think we should just ignore / walk away from the FACT that evidence shows the Obama administration's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI - leaders and members / agents - engaged in seditious conspiracy to affect a coup against a newly elected president by defrauding / conning the FISA Court and Congress to open an official investigation against the President on the false narrative / charge that he and his team were traitorous Russian Colluders....based on zero evidence zero crime committed, and no collusion proven (by the FBI's investigation that already showed this, according to Page)?

Yeah, sure...what the F*?!

It's just the biggest scandal in US history involving an attempt to alter al election to help a proven criminal who compromised national security and committed literally thousands of criminal counts / violations with an exposed treasonous conspiracy / coup attempt by the previous administration's top agency big crisis...nothing to see here. No need to investigate or hold anyone accountable....



An investigation comes to a conclusion of guilty or not. In our country, we do not punish those who begin an investigation to answer serious questions. That is third world tinpot stuff. And it is absolutely ridiculous, I think, for you to even be considering this, since Trump was found not guilty and even if this conspiracy theory of yours was true (which it's not), Trump rose above it and was elected anyway, so why can't YOU move on?
it's absolutely ridiculous to think that simply saying WE MUST INVESTIGATE is reason enough to do it.

since there was absolutely no basis for this investigation, as born out by said investigation, we need to ensure this political stunt/tactic doesn't happen again or that's wll we'll see from now on.

president wins, other side investigates. rinse / repeat.
You folks seem to be forgetting that Mueller's brief was to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and to see if any Americans were willingly involved. He reported on the Russian part in detail such a long time ago that I guess you guys have forgotten it?

There WAS a basis for this investigation. There was a reason for the initial Benghazi hearings. Since Hillary's server was NOT illegal at the time she installed and used it, and since no one in the Department ever said boo about it, I am not sure where they managed to find evidence of criminal wrongdoing enough to begin an investigation into the server, either.. And no, it's not "different."
her server was not illegal. her use of it was.

trump was some mythical meeting that no one knows what happened. thats 2 years of investigations.
hillary was intentionally physically deleting info - that's "nothing to see here" to far too many.
I have not been persuaded that the Intelligence Committee needs to reinvestigate the points of the Mueller investigation. At this point, knowing what we know so far, I think we should move on.

Unfortunately D-Schiff believes that our President is a TRAITOR, a compromised individual being controlled by Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Despite the fact that d-Schiff is out of his damn mind, that his 'I THINK' beliefs have been proven by evidence to be NOTHING, I still respect Schiff a hell of a lot more than I do YOU and other Trump-Hating snowflakes....and here's why.

You think we should just act like none of this ever happened and just MOVE ON?! For 2+ years you and vile Trump-haters have been calling this President a TRAITOR, a Russian Puppet, a Russian Colluder...a very serious charge...that was based on bullshit, lies, ZERO EVIDENCE, ZERO CRIME, ZERO COLLUSION....but you rejected all of that, all of the evidence and facts. You clung to every desperate 'we have him now' moment that came up and FINALLY 'put all your eggs in one basket' declaring that Mueller's report would bring down the President.

The problem now is that last gasp, that last hope was just extinguished - Mueller definitively stated he and his team found NO EVEIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION with Russians....something former FBI Agent Page testified long ago that the FBI already knew before this 2+ year COUP was put into motion by the FISA Warrants and Brennan conning Congress into opening an official investigation.

Many of the Democrats / snowflakes are still going bat-shit crazy lying, denying, justifying, bargaining, and trying to hold out for any hope... YOU, it seems - and I applaud you for it - have accepted Mueller's report as FACT. Part of that reason, I believe, is because you KNOW - deep down - that there never was any 'Russian Collusion'. And now Mueller has proven it / declared it. IF you REALLY thought it was still true, that our President was a Russian Puppet / Colluder, there is no way as an American you could let that go! As a liberal / snowflake finally FORCED to face the death of the false narrative by THE investigator himself you can let it go? Yup......but as an American who still believes Trump is a legitimate traitor - you would not be able to.

SCHIFF is not letting it go. I actually believe that HE believes, despite all the evidence to the contrary as pointed out by Mueller and other evidence, the crap he is saying. I believe he REALLY thinks Trump IS a traitor and as an American he can't let that go. It APPEARS this is not JUST about partisan politics in his mind, it's about ;national security'. Though I still believe he has and continues to show he is incapable of running the House Intel Committee because HE HAS NO OBJECTIVITY, I respect, at least for now, him doing this because HE BELIEVES the crap he is saying...without the definitive evidence to back it up.

You think we should 'move on'? Just IGNORE all the exposed evidence of crime perpetrated by not only Hillary but by those at the highest levels within our government, to include the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI?!

You think we should just ignore / walk away from the FACT that the DOJ told the FBI to drop the Hillary investigation because they had no intention of indicting her and derailing her Presidential run....despite the fact that she took over $100 million from the Russians, despite the fact that she paid Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians for a document with which to try to alter the election, despite the fact that she compromised national security, and perpetrated thousands of criminal counts of crimes to include espionage...?

You think we should just ignore / walk away from the FACT that evidence shows the Obama administration's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI - leaders and members / agents - engaged in seditious conspiracy to affect a coup against a newly elected president by defrauding / conning the FISA Court and Congress to open an official investigation against the President on the false narrative / charge that he and his team were traitorous Russian Colluders....based on zero evidence zero crime committed, and no collusion proven (by the FBI's investigation that already showed this, according to Page)?

Yeah, sure...what the F*?!

It's just the biggest scandal in US history involving an attempt to alter al election to help a proven criminal who compromised national security and committed literally thousands of criminal counts / violations with an exposed treasonous conspiracy / coup attempt by the previous administration's top agency big crisis...nothing to see here. No need to investigate or hold anyone accountable....



An investigation comes to a conclusion of guilty or not. In our country, we do not punish those who begin an investigation to answer serious questions. That is third world tinpot stuff. And it is absolutely ridiculous, I think, for you to even be considering this, since Trump was found not guilty and even if this conspiracy theory of yours was true (which it's not), Trump rose above it and was elected anyway, so why can't YOU move on?
it's absolutely ridiculous to think that simply saying WE MUST INVESTIGATE is reason enough to do it.

since there was absolutely no basis for this investigation, as born out by said investigation, we need to ensure this political stunt/tactic doesn't happen again or that's wll we'll see from now on.

president wins, other side investigates. rinse / repeat.
You folks seem to be forgetting that Mueller's brief was to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and to see if any Americans were willingly involved. He reported on the Russian part in detail such a long time ago that I guess you guys have forgotten it?

There WAS a basis for this investigation. There was a reason for the initial Benghazi hearings. Since Hillary's server was NOT illegal at the time she installed and used it, and since no one in the Department ever said boo about it, I am not sure where they managed to find evidence of criminal wrongdoing enough to begin an investigation into the server, either.. And no, it's not "different."
her server was not illegal. her use of it was.

trump was some mythical meeting that no one knows what happened. thats 2 years of investigations.
hillary was intentionally physically deleting info - that's "nothing to see here" to far too many.
There was no mythical meeting. It was actually two confirmed meetings, one of them that we have found out nothing yet, with Manafort and Gates giving away polling data to the Russian government.

And Hillary and her use of the server is funny, coming from the Right who ignore Jared and Ivanka's use of theirs; Kushner 'used WhatsApp for official work'
Trump and his MAGATS should be very afraid of Roger Stone's trial coming up in November. Very afraid...
I agree. Stolen Clinton email dumps to Wikileaks and Assange and revealed emails by Stone trying to coordinate the dissemination of those emails to Gucifer 2.0. Nothing to see here folks. The case passed off to other districts, and we assume the same for the polling data scandal.

And word has it, Barr is looking to try and shut down SDNY.

What about the court filing on Trump where Cohen was convicted of campaign finance violations that he is going to prison for? Is Barr going to obstruct that as well, seeing that Trump is above the law?

So far, everything we predicted about Trump and Barr has come true. What's next with these criminals?
Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

Gee, why are the MAGATS so afraid of Chairman Schiff?

Tell us what racist thing he did?

'Not Wanted': Black applicants turned down for Trump housing speak out

It doesn't take much reserarch to find Trump's name next to racism.
You have to go deeper then propaganda. Everything can be turned into some form of bigotry and hate. Trump is a businessman. He is not a phlanthropist hell bent on going broke. A tangled web of the games played by people and using hate as the weapon has worked well in our nation. You can find endless housing places worn down by people who do not care even if given a break. You had not problem with Dodd/Frank giving loans out to people who never paid a bill did you? To those who paid their bils down and took a beating when the housing collapse happened, they did not forget. So iuf Trump does business in New York with its myraid of laws and corruption of the political class, what does he do? When I go back to the city I was born in I see the same ghettos as from decades ago. The only difference is taxes keep going up to pay people off.
There WAS a basis for this investigation. There was a reason for the initial Benghazi hearings. Since Hillary's server was NOT illegal at the time she installed and used it, and since no one in the Department ever said boo about it, I am not sure where they managed to find evidence of criminal wrongdoing enough to begin an investigation into the server, either.. And no, it's not "different."

My highlight.

That's just foolish. Since...Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, ANYTHING she emailed is the property of the government and NOT Clinton's cabal property.
George Bush lost 2 million emails. Clinton lost 30,000. Who is worse? 30,000 or 2 million?
Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

Gee, why are the MAGATS so afraid of Chairman Schiff?

Tell us what racist thing he did?

'Not Wanted': Black applicants turned down for Trump housing speak out

It doesn't take much reserarch to find Trump's name next to racism.
You have to go deeper then propaganda. Everything can be turned into some form of bigotry and hate. Trump is a businessman. He is not a phlanthropist hell bent on going broke. A tangled web of the games played by people and using hate as the weapon has worked well in our nation. You can find endless housing places worn down by people who do not care even if given a break. You had not problem with Dodd/Frank giving loans out to people who never paid a bill did you? To those who paid their bils down and took a beating when the housing collapse happened, they did not forget. So iuf Trump does business in New York with its myraid of laws and corruption of the political class, what does he do? When I go back to the city I was born in I see the same ghettos as from decades ago. The only difference is taxes keep going up to pay people off.
Yeah, even Trump Tower must be bad. Because Trump refused to pay the people who built it.
And now we don't know what Barr is saying, because he walked back some of what he wrote in the summary on Sunday. He said he didn't mean for the public to take it as the full summary. Really? Then what did you mean to say, and why didn't you hand deliver this report straight to Congress? Are you covering for Trump and his criminal lackeys?

Prior to opening your mouth, perhaps you should check the law.

He did not ESTABLISH a conspiracy to defraud the United States, beyond a reasonable doubt.... There is no law in place that is labeled 'collusion', for anyone to break

which is still good news for the President's team.... that he could not ESTABLISH this beyond a reasonable doubt, so he is not charging anyone with conspiracy.

but, by no means does that mean there was NO evidence of collusion or conspiracy the legal term... that the President has been claiming, that's simply him lying again... what it means is that there was not enough evidence for Mueller, who is an honorable man, to take the case to court with a certainty of a win.
There WAS a basis for this investigation. There was a reason for the initial Benghazi hearings. Since Hillary's server was NOT illegal at the time she installed and used it, and since no one in the Department ever said boo about it, I am not sure where they managed to find evidence of criminal wrongdoing enough to begin an investigation into the server, either.. And no, it's not "different."

My highlight.

That's just foolish. Since...Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, ANYTHING she emailed is the property of the government and NOT Clinton's cabal property.
Unfortunately, Hillary was stupid enough to believe that every email she sent to any government person, was saved to the National Archives and could be retrieved at a later date. She thought all of her emails were already saved and stupidly believed there was an easy access to them.

but the way our government archives work, is not that efficient, and we can not do what she thought the archives did.

There is no way for the National archives to simply do something similar to a google search, on her name, Hillary Clinton, with all of the emails with State department staff or with her Diplomats.... and pull them all up.

they are individual files that are given to the Archives from the employee gvt worker, themselves.

So, she most certainly broke the rules on making certain all of her gvt emails were in a file in the National Archives, she did not send them to the National Archives, until after she left and the State Department asked for them.

this was definitely WRONG DOING, and broke their rules on it, but it was NOT criminal, not a crime.
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I have not been persuaded that the Intelligence Committee needs to reinvestigate the points of the Mueller investigation. At this point, knowing what we know so far, I think we should move on.

Unfortunately D-Schiff believes that our President is a TRAITOR, a compromised individual being controlled by Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Despite the fact that d-Schiff is out of his damn mind, that his 'I THINK' beliefs have been proven by evidence to be NOTHING, I still respect Schiff a hell of a lot more than I do YOU and other Trump-Hating snowflakes....and here's why.

You think we should just act like none of this ever happened and just MOVE ON?! For 2+ years you and vile Trump-haters have been calling this President a TRAITOR, a Russian Puppet, a Russian Colluder...a very serious charge...that was based on bullshit, lies, ZERO EVIDENCE, ZERO CRIME, ZERO COLLUSION....but you rejected all of that, all of the evidence and facts. You clung to every desperate 'we have him now' moment that came up and FINALLY 'put all your eggs in one basket' declaring that Mueller's report would bring down the President.

The problem now is that last gasp, that last hope was just extinguished - Mueller definitively stated he and his team found NO EVEIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION with Russians....something former FBI Agent Page testified long ago that the FBI already knew before this 2+ year COUP was put into motion by the FISA Warrants and Brennan conning Congress into opening an official investigation.

Many of the Democrats / snowflakes are still going bat-shit crazy lying, denying, justifying, bargaining, and trying to hold out for any hope... YOU, it seems - and I applaud you for it - have accepted Mueller's report as FACT. Part of that reason, I believe, is because you KNOW - deep down - that there never was any 'Russian Collusion'. And now Mueller has proven it / declared it. IF you REALLY thought it was still true, that our President was a Russian Puppet / Colluder, there is no way as an American you could let that go! As a liberal / snowflake finally FORCED to face the death of the false narrative by THE investigator himself you can let it go? Yup......but as an American who still believes Trump is a legitimate traitor - you would not be able to.

SCHIFF is not letting it go. I actually believe that HE believes, despite all the evidence to the contrary as pointed out by Mueller and other evidence, the crap he is saying. I believe he REALLY thinks Trump IS a traitor and as an American he can't let that go. It APPEARS this is not JUST about partisan politics in his mind, it's about ;national security'. Though I still believe he has and continues to show he is incapable of running the House Intel Committee because HE HAS NO OBJECTIVITY, I respect, at least for now, him doing this because HE BELIEVES the crap he is saying...without the definitive evidence to back it up.

You think we should 'move on'? Just IGNORE all the exposed evidence of crime perpetrated by not only Hillary but by those at the highest levels within our government, to include the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI?!

You think we should just ignore / walk away from the FACT that the DOJ told the FBI to drop the Hillary investigation because they had no intention of indicting her and derailing her Presidential run....despite the fact that she took over $100 million from the Russians, despite the fact that she paid Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians for a document with which to try to alter the election, despite the fact that she compromised national security, and perpetrated thousands of criminal counts of crimes to include espionage...?

You think we should just ignore / walk away from the FACT that evidence shows the Obama administration's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI - leaders and members / agents - engaged in seditious conspiracy to affect a coup against a newly elected president by defrauding / conning the FISA Court and Congress to open an official investigation against the President on the false narrative / charge that he and his team were traitorous Russian Colluders....based on zero evidence zero crime committed, and no collusion proven (by the FBI's investigation that already showed this, according to Page)?

Yeah, sure...what the F*?!

It's just the biggest scandal in US history involving an attempt to alter al election to help a proven criminal who compromised national security and committed literally thousands of criminal counts / violations with an exposed treasonous conspiracy / coup attempt by the previous administration's top agency big crisis...nothing to see here. No need to investigate or hold anyone accountable....



An investigation comes to a conclusion of guilty or not. In our country, we do not punish those who begin an investigation to answer serious questions. That is third world tinpot stuff. And it is absolutely ridiculous, I think, for you to even be considering this, since Trump was found not guilty and even if this conspiracy theory of yours was true (which it's not), Trump rose above it and was elected anyway, so why can't YOU move on?
it's absolutely ridiculous to think that simply saying WE MUST INVESTIGATE is reason enough to do it.

since there was absolutely no basis for this investigation, as born out by said investigation, we need to ensure this political stunt/tactic doesn't happen again or that's wll we'll see from now on.

president wins, other side investigates. rinse / repeat.
You folks seem to be forgetting that Mueller's brief was to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and to see if any Americans were willingly involved. He reported on the Russian part in detail such a long time ago that I guess you guys have forgotten it?

There WAS a basis for this investigation. There was a reason for the initial Benghazi hearings. Since Hillary's server was NOT illegal at the time she installed and used it, and since no one in the Department ever said boo about it, I am not sure where they managed to find evidence of criminal wrongdoing enough to begin an investigation into the server, either.. And no, it's not "different."
her server was not illegal. her use of it was.

trump was some mythical meeting that no one knows what happened. thats 2 years of investigations.
hillary was intentionally physically deleting info - that's "nothing to see here" to far too many.

Negative. Her server was ILLEGAL.

The server was not authorized for such classified use.

The server was not authorized to contain TOP SECRET+ data, as she was not legally authorized to have access to that data after being 'read out' of those programs before leaving the State Department.

The server was not encrypted as per both rules, regulations, and laws. Encrypting her server would have been tasked to someone qualified / knowlegable enough to do so. Hillary Clinton was NEITHER of those 2 things - remember, the FBI / Comey said she was too stupid to know she was breaking laws.

The server containing TOP SECRET PLUS data - data Obama declared was SO CLASSIFIED that if it was released to anyone would cause GRAVE DAMAGE to our National Security - was sitting in the BATHROOM of a small tech company that did not have the clearance to have it in their possession.

The server was an illegal server that by itself -it existence, what it contained, how it was configured, where it was, who had access to it... - violated several laws.

You can argue IT was not illegal, that Hillary used it illegally. That's playing with symantics and is still partly wrong.
And Hillary and her use of the server is funny, coming from the Right who ignore Jared and Ivanka's use of theirs; Kushner 'used WhatsApp for official work'
What is pathetic is that fake media ... and you ... are trying to claim that Jared and Ivanka did what Hillary did...which is a lie.

Hillary was 'read out' of TOP SECRET SPECIAL COMPARTMENTALIZED INFORMATION programs before she left the State Department, meaning she could no longer have access to any of that information ever again.

TS-SCI data was found on her server.

TS-SCI data was recovered from her server.

Comey testified she lied to the FBI about
Her server, lied about deleting only personal files -- she Attempted to destroy evidenc.

Huma Abedin sent copies of all of Hillary's files illegally to her illegal personal home P C.

Hillary compromised national security.

She was protected by the Obama DOJ & FBI.

The Mueller report did find evidence of collusion just not beyond a reasonable doubt.
What crime were they colluding on? Mueller said there was no crime at all.. S who is lying you or Mueller?

Mueller determined that Trump had not been exonerating of colluding with Russia to fix a election. Colluding with a Russian attempt to undermine this country.
You folks seem to be forgetting that Mueller's brief was to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and to see if any Americans were willingly involved. He reported on the Russian part in detail such a long time ago that I guess you guys have forgotten it?

There WAS a basis for this investigation. There was a reason for the initial Benghazi hearings. Since Hillary's server was NOT illegal at the time she installed and used it, and since no one in the Department ever said boo about it, I am not sure where they managed to find evidence of criminal wrongdoing enough to begin an investigation into the server, either.. And no, it's not "different."
Forgotten what Mueller's investigation was about?

-- No, & he reported: NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION.

-- Evidence shows the Russian interference began in 2014, shows Barry knew about it, & shows Barry did nothing about it...while he gave Putin Crimea, uranium, & 2 years of unchallenged 'interference'.

On his way back more than a decade ago to investigate Manafort, Mueller skipped right over Barry's 'collusion' back in 2014...

Benghazi was not a criminal trial - never was.

Hillary Clinton's server was unapproved, illegally contained TOP SECRET PLUS data she no longer legally had the right to access / possess, it was unencrypted - a violation of both rules and laws pertaining to the handling and storage of classified material, & it was being illegally stored in the unsecured BATHROOM of a small tech company that did not have the required security clearance necessary to have it in their possession or to handle it - also violations of multiple rules and laws pertaining to the handling and storage of classified material.

You are either the biggest damn liar on this board or the dumbest member.

You are right about 1 thing though - the 'Benghazi' scandal and her 'classified server's scandal are NOT different.

BOTH were royal f*-ups by Hillary Clinton. The 1st cost 4 Americans their lives needlessly while the 2nd compromised our National Security.

In BOTH cases, neither one were actually 'criminal' investigations, and in both cases she was protected from the very start.


No he did not. What the Mueller reports contains is evidence of collusion but not beyond a reasonable doubt.

There is no doubt that Obama got taken to cleaners by Putin after he tried to establish better relations. We see what is going on with Trump's foreign policy. A sham agreement in Afghanistan that will leave the Taliban in charge. Abandoning Syria to Russia and Iran. Little wonder Dick Cheney compares Trump's foreign policy to Obama's. Evidence shows there is nothing to the uranium issue.

There is no evidence she had any classified e-mails after she resigned as Secretary of State. So she wanted to work from home. The fact is that there was no espionage and clearly Clinton's server was not hacked by the Russians. If it had then the Russians would have leaked it when Trump wanted them to.

The only f*-ups I see are you and Trump supporters. Liars and stupid at the same time.
"Republicans are stepping up calls for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign
And Schiff is laughing at those lying traitors. Aside from whimpering, what do you plan to do about that?

A very strong majority still wants the full Mueller report released. The American people didn't buy your scam. Did you have a Plan B?

This doesn't get any better for you.

If the report is released, the Republicans look like criminals and traitors.

If the Republicans keep blocking the release, they look like criminals and traitors.

Sucks to be you. No wonder you're trying to deflect by rage-weeping. What else can you do?
Excellent twist and lie, Goebbels.

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