Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

And now we don't know what Barr is saying, because he walked back some of what he wrote in the summary on Sunday. He said he didn't mean for the public to take it as the full summary. Really? Then what did you mean to say, and why didn't you hand deliver this report straight to Congress? Are you covering for Trump and his criminal lackeys?

Bullshit, he didn't walk back anything. From the beginning he said he would release everything in the report he was legally able to, but the Democrats, being exposed as liars and frauds are pretending that Barr is trying to hold back something only because they are, let's face it, such outrageous liars and frauds.

He should have never released anything. It should have gone straight to Congress. He has no stake in this game. Already making an opinion on obstruction over a year ago, cancels out any credibility from Barr.

Barr's credibility in intact because he made a logical case for why there couldn't have been any obstruction of justice, no matter how hard those words make you salivate, but the credibility of the Democrats, after more than two years of ceaseless lying about the investigation, is in tatters.

Of course the Democrats don't want the report released to the public because it exposes the massive fraud they perpetrated on the American people, and you claim that the AG should not release the report to cover the Democrats' fraud and possible crimes, is truly bizarre. Indeed, a strong case can be made that the AG should appoint a special counsel to investigate if any crimes where committed by the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign or others in perpetrating this fraud on the American people in an effort to influence the elections in 2016 and 2018, and if Mueller already knew the report would clear the President and conspired with Democrats to withhold the report until after the midterm elections to aid the Democrats.

It's not for Barr to decide. He also made the opinion over a year ago when he was not AG. It is for Congress to decide, not Barr.

Also, why is Barr trying to hold back intelligence information to the intelligence committee in this new letter, he he said last week he would release to them? Protecting Trump? The intelligence committee is privy to that information, and all grand jury information. This thing stinks like rotten meat.

It is for the AG to decide if a crime has been committed and not for Congress, but Congress can indeed decide to to impeach the President regardless of what the AG has decided. If there is a disagreement about what the intelligence committee is entitled to see, they can subpoena the documents and let the courts decide. Your claim that Barr is not helping the Democrats cover up the massive fraud, and possible crimes, they have perpetrated on the American people is somehow suspicious is truly bizarre.

Which is why, whatever Barr says, is worth teats on a Bo hog, because Congress will or will not impeach based on their own information.

That said, Trump and his own criminal liability with campaign finance crimes, Emoluments, Inauguration, charitable, and we know obstruction crimes, criminal or not, are all impeachable.

That said, I doubt Democrats will use that tool, but instead humiliate him and the GOP for being not only criminal, but complicit in that criminality supporting someone who disgraced the office.
It's not for Barr to decide. He also made the opinion over a year ago when he was not AG. It is for Congress to decide, not Barr.

Also, why is Barr trying to hold back intelligence information to the intelligence committee in this new letter, he he said last week he would release to them? Protecting Trump? The intelligence committee is privy to that information, and all grand jury information. This thing stinks like rotten meat,

Oooooo...your desperation stinks like rotten meat!

However...your ignorance of the law is not surprising.

It is the job of the Attorney General to examine the report and delete anything that might disclose sources, also, anyone mentioned in the Grand Jury hearings must be redacted if they were not indicted. You have so much to learn.

Please try to keep up.
Congress on the intelligence committee is entitled to all Grand Jury hearing information, otherwise, there would be no need for an intelligence committee. They can work around DOJ to get it, if Barr stonewalls.

It is, and has been the job of Congress to decide matters of guilt in an intelligence report handed off by special counsel with the AG. The AG cannot just go and redact whatever, and decide whatever at his discretion, just so it looks good for Trump. Which is what he is doing right now with the four page summary, that he now says is not a summary. If it isn't, he should have never disclosed to begin with.

Actually, no they are NOT entitled to anything related to the grand jury. Thanks to laws THEY passed after Starr's report got released. Now it bites Dems on the ass again. Barr has every leal right to redact anything in that report. He knows that Pelosi and Schitt will release every name in that report given a chance. Which would also be illegal. A 4 page summary is sufficient. Moby Dick is over twice that long and I could give a summary of that book in 4 pages or less.
Show me from the regulations where Barr can redact anything? If that were true, a report would be useless. Which by the way, as of today, it is.

If you think anyone on the Left is going to believe Barr about anything, you're out of your mind.

You really are this stupid aren't you? Grand jury information may not be released BY LAW. Any person named in that report that was not indicted may not have their name released BY LAW. Again all this came about after Starr's report was released in its entirety, causing a lot of other problems. Dems pushed these regulations through and now want to ignore them. Nobody on the left believes Barr and they're crying for the whole report they are NOT entitled to? I doubt Barr is losing any sleep over that. Continue meltdown.
To the House intelligence committee investigating a specific case it can. If that were true, there would be no need for a House intelligence committee, and the investigation itself would be pointless.

The 115th Congress set a precedent to show all classified material. That door swings open both ways now.
Last edited:
Oooooo...your desperation stinks like rotten meat!

However...your ignorance of the law is not surprising.

It is the job of the Attorney General to examine the report and delete anything that might disclose sources, also, anyone mentioned in the Grand Jury hearings must be redacted if they were not indicted. You have so much to learn.

Please try to keep up.
Congress on the intelligence committee is entitled to all Grand Jury hearing information, otherwise, there would be no need for an intelligence committee. They can work around DOJ to get it, if Barr stonewalls.

It is, and has been the job of Congress to decide matters of guilt in an intelligence report handed off by special counsel with the AG. The AG cannot just go and redact whatever, and decide whatever at his discretion, just so it looks good for Trump. Which is what he is doing right now with the four page summary, that he now says is not a summary. If it isn't, he should have never disclosed to begin with.

Actually, no they are NOT entitled to anything related to the grand jury. Thanks to laws THEY passed after Starr's report got released. Now it bites Dems on the ass again. Barr has every leal right to redact anything in that report. He knows that Pelosi and Schitt will release every name in that report given a chance. Which would also be illegal. A 4 page summary is sufficient. Moby Dick is over twice that long and I could give a summary of that book in 4 pages or less.
Show me from the regulations where Barr can redact anything? If that were true, a report would be useless. Which by the way, as of today, it is.

If you think anyone on the Left is going to believe Barr about anything, you're out of your mind.

You really are this stupid aren't you? Grand jury information may not be released BY LAW. Any person named in that report that was not indicted may not have their name released BY LAW. Again all this came about after Starr's report was released in its entirety, causing a lot of other problems. Dems pushed these regulations through and now want to ignore them. Nobody on the left believes Barr and they're crying for the whole report they are NOT entitled to? I doubt Barr is losing any sleep over that. Continue meltdown.
To the House intelligence committee investigating a specific case it can. If that were true, there would be no need for a House intelligence committee, and the investigation itself would be pointless.

The 115th Congress set a precedent to show all classified material. That door swings open both ways now.

Keep dreaming. Piglosi and Schitt aren't getting any information they aren't entitled to. Including names and grand jury information. Go ahead and challenge it in court. You'll lose again due to laws the Dems themselves passed. Barr won't be intimidated by these Dem know nothings.
Congress on the intelligence committee is entitled to all Grand Jury hearing information, otherwise, there would be no need for an intelligence committee. They can work around DOJ to get it, if Barr stonewalls.

It is, and has been the job of Congress to decide matters of guilt in an intelligence report handed off by special counsel with the AG. The AG cannot just go and redact whatever, and decide whatever at his discretion, just so it looks good for Trump. Which is what he is doing right now with the four page summary, that he now says is not a summary. If it isn't, he should have never disclosed to begin with.

Actually, no they are NOT entitled to anything related to the grand jury. Thanks to laws THEY passed after Starr's report got released. Now it bites Dems on the ass again. Barr has every leal right to redact anything in that report. He knows that Pelosi and Schitt will release every name in that report given a chance. Which would also be illegal. A 4 page summary is sufficient. Moby Dick is over twice that long and I could give a summary of that book in 4 pages or less.
Show me from the regulations where Barr can redact anything? If that were true, a report would be useless. Which by the way, as of today, it is.

If you think anyone on the Left is going to believe Barr about anything, you're out of your mind.

You really are this stupid aren't you? Grand jury information may not be released BY LAW. Any person named in that report that was not indicted may not have their name released BY LAW. Again all this came about after Starr's report was released in its entirety, causing a lot of other problems. Dems pushed these regulations through and now want to ignore them. Nobody on the left believes Barr and they're crying for the whole report they are NOT entitled to? I doubt Barr is losing any sleep over that. Continue meltdown.
To the House intelligence committee investigating a specific case it can. If that were true, there would be no need for a House intelligence committee, and the investigation itself would be pointless.

The 115th Congress set a precedent to show all classified material. That door swings open both ways now.

Keep dreaming. Piglosi and Schitt aren't getting any information they aren't entitled to. Including names and grand jury information. Go ahead and challenge it in court. You'll lose again due to laws the Dems themselves passed. Barr won't be intimidated by these Dem know nothings.
Barr will be intimidated as long as he is there, because he is on the wrong side of the law. He believes Trump is a king and cannot be touched. I think the rule of law and the Constitution will ultimately prevail in those kinds of flawed decisions;
Bullshit, he didn't walk back anything. From the beginning he said he would release everything in the report he was legally able to, but the Democrats, being exposed as liars and frauds are pretending that Barr is trying to hold back something only because they are, let's face it, such outrageous liars and frauds.

He should have never released anything. It should have gone straight to Congress. He has no stake in this game. Already making an opinion on obstruction over a year ago, cancels out any credibility from Barr.
Barr's credibility in intact because he made a logical case for why there couldn't have been any obstruction of justice, no matter how hard those words make you salivate, but the credibility of the Democrats, after more than two years of ceaseless lying about the investigation, is in tatters.

Of course the Democrats don't want the report released to the public because it exposes the massive fraud they perpetrated on the American people, and you claim that the AG should not release the report to cover the Democrats' fraud and possible crimes, is truly bizarre. Indeed, a strong case can be made that the AG should appoint a special counsel to investigate if any crimes where committed by the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign or others in perpetrating this fraud on the American people in an effort to influence the elections in 2016 and 2018, and if Mueller already knew the report would clear the President and conspired with Democrats to withhold the report until after the midterm elections to aid the Democrats.
It's not for Barr to decide. He also made the opinion over a year ago when he was not AG. It is for Congress to decide, not Barr.

Also, why is Barr trying to hold back intelligence information to the intelligence committee in this new letter, he he said last week he would release to them? Protecting Trump? The intelligence committee is privy to that information, and all grand jury information. This thing stinks like rotten meat.
It is for the AG to decide if a crime has been committed and not for Congress, but Congress can indeed decide to to impeach the President regardless of what the AG has decided. If there is a disagreement about what the intelligence committee is entitled to see, they can subpoena the documents and let the courts decide. Your claim that Barr is not helping the Democrats cover up the massive fraud, and possible crimes, they have perpetrated on the American people is somehow suspicious is truly bizarre.
Which is why, whatever Barr says, is worth teats on a Bo hog, because Congress will or will not impeach based on their own information.

That said, Trump and his own criminal liability with campaign finance crimes, Emoluments, Inauguration, charitable, and we know obstruction crimes, criminal or not, are all impeachable.

That said, I doubt Democrats will use that tool, but instead humiliate him and the GOP for being not only criminal, but complicit in that criminality supporting someone who disgraced the office.
After watching the slime in D.C. all of these decades, who cares?
He should have never released anything. It should have gone straight to Congress. He has no stake in this game. Already making an opinion on obstruction over a year ago, cancels out any credibility from Barr.
Barr's credibility in intact because he made a logical case for why there couldn't have been any obstruction of justice, no matter how hard those words make you salivate, but the credibility of the Democrats, after more than two years of ceaseless lying about the investigation, is in tatters.

Of course the Democrats don't want the report released to the public because it exposes the massive fraud they perpetrated on the American people, and you claim that the AG should not release the report to cover the Democrats' fraud and possible crimes, is truly bizarre. Indeed, a strong case can be made that the AG should appoint a special counsel to investigate if any crimes where committed by the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign or others in perpetrating this fraud on the American people in an effort to influence the elections in 2016 and 2018, and if Mueller already knew the report would clear the President and conspired with Democrats to withhold the report until after the midterm elections to aid the Democrats.
It's not for Barr to decide. He also made the opinion over a year ago when he was not AG. It is for Congress to decide, not Barr.

Also, why is Barr trying to hold back intelligence information to the intelligence committee in this new letter, he he said last week he would release to them? Protecting Trump? The intelligence committee is privy to that information, and all grand jury information. This thing stinks like rotten meat.
It is for the AG to decide if a crime has been committed and not for Congress, but Congress can indeed decide to to impeach the President regardless of what the AG has decided. If there is a disagreement about what the intelligence committee is entitled to see, they can subpoena the documents and let the courts decide. Your claim that Barr is not helping the Democrats cover up the massive fraud, and possible crimes, they have perpetrated on the American people is somehow suspicious is truly bizarre.
Which is why, whatever Barr says, is worth teats on a Bo hog, because Congress will or will not impeach based on their own information.

That said, Trump and his own criminal liability with campaign finance crimes, Emoluments, Inauguration, charitable, and we know obstruction crimes, criminal or not, are all impeachable.

That said, I doubt Democrats will use that tool, but instead humiliate him and the GOP for being not only criminal, but complicit in that criminality supporting someone who disgraced the office.
After watching the slime in D.C. all of these decades, who cares?
The Democrats still care about the rule of law and the Constitution, that the Right claimed they always have, but proved they never did. The Constitution, the rule of law, and the majority of the country who actually believe in the system that we fought for, that has held for 250 years, still holds for most of us.
Bullshit, he didn't walk back anything. From the beginning he said he would release everything in the report he was legally able to, but the Democrats, being exposed as liars and frauds are pretending that Barr is trying to hold back something only because they are, let's face it, such outrageous liars and frauds.

He should have never released anything. It should have gone straight to Congress. He has no stake in this game. Already making an opinion on obstruction over a year ago, cancels out any credibility from Barr.
Barr's credibility in intact because he made a logical case for why there couldn't have been any obstruction of justice, no matter how hard those words make you salivate, but the credibility of the Democrats, after more than two years of ceaseless lying about the investigation, is in tatters.

Of course the Democrats don't want the report released to the public because it exposes the massive fraud they perpetrated on the American people, and you claim that the AG should not release the report to cover the Democrats' fraud and possible crimes, is truly bizarre. Indeed, a strong case can be made that the AG should appoint a special counsel to investigate if any crimes where committed by the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign or others in perpetrating this fraud on the American people in an effort to influence the elections in 2016 and 2018, and if Mueller already knew the report would clear the President and conspired with Democrats to withhold the report until after the midterm elections to aid the Democrats.
It's not for Barr to decide. He also made the opinion over a year ago when he was not AG. It is for Congress to decide, not Barr.

Also, why is Barr trying to hold back intelligence information to the intelligence committee in this new letter, he he said last week he would release to them? Protecting Trump? The intelligence committee is privy to that information, and all grand jury information. This thing stinks like rotten meat.
It is for the AG to decide if a crime has been committed and not for Congress, but Congress can indeed decide to to impeach the President regardless of what the AG has decided. If there is a disagreement about what the intelligence committee is entitled to see, they can subpoena the documents and let the courts decide. Your claim that Barr is not helping the Democrats cover up the massive fraud, and possible crimes, they have perpetrated on the American people is somehow suspicious is truly bizarre.
Which is why, whatever Barr says, is worth teats on a Bo hog, because Congress will or will not impeach based on their own information.

That said, Trump and his own criminal liability with campaign finance crimes, Emoluments, Inauguration, charitable, and we know obstruction crimes, criminal or not, are all impeachable.

That said, I doubt Democrats will use that tool, but instead humiliate him and the GOP for being not only criminal, but complicit in that criminality supporting someone who disgraced the office.
Whatever kind of circus the Democrats dream up, with the Mueller report released they will have no more credibility after two years of constant lies.
Barr's credibility in intact because he made a logical case for why there couldn't have been any obstruction of justice, no matter how hard those words make you salivate, but the credibility of the Democrats, after more than two years of ceaseless lying about the investigation, is in tatters.

Of course the Democrats don't want the report released to the public because it exposes the massive fraud they perpetrated on the American people, and you claim that the AG should not release the report to cover the Democrats' fraud and possible crimes, is truly bizarre. Indeed, a strong case can be made that the AG should appoint a special counsel to investigate if any crimes where committed by the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign or others in perpetrating this fraud on the American people in an effort to influence the elections in 2016 and 2018, and if Mueller already knew the report would clear the President and conspired with Democrats to withhold the report until after the midterm elections to aid the Democrats.
It's not for Barr to decide. He also made the opinion over a year ago when he was not AG. It is for Congress to decide, not Barr.

Also, why is Barr trying to hold back intelligence information to the intelligence committee in this new letter, he he said last week he would release to them? Protecting Trump? The intelligence committee is privy to that information, and all grand jury information. This thing stinks like rotten meat.
It is for the AG to decide if a crime has been committed and not for Congress, but Congress can indeed decide to to impeach the President regardless of what the AG has decided. If there is a disagreement about what the intelligence committee is entitled to see, they can subpoena the documents and let the courts decide. Your claim that Barr is not helping the Democrats cover up the massive fraud, and possible crimes, they have perpetrated on the American people is somehow suspicious is truly bizarre.
Which is why, whatever Barr says, is worth teats on a Bo hog, because Congress will or will not impeach based on their own information.

That said, Trump and his own criminal liability with campaign finance crimes, Emoluments, Inauguration, charitable, and we know obstruction crimes, criminal or not, are all impeachable.

That said, I doubt Democrats will use that tool, but instead humiliate him and the GOP for being not only criminal, but complicit in that criminality supporting someone who disgraced the office.
After watching the slime in D.C. all of these decades, who cares?
The Democrats still care about the rule of law and the Constitution, that the Right claimed they always have, but proved they never did. The Constitution, the rule of law, and the majority of the country who actually believe in the system that we fought for, that has held for 250 years, still holds for most of us.
"The Democrats still care about the rule of law and the Constitution"

That's a very funny line.
Barr's credibility in intact because he made a logical case for why there couldn't have been any obstruction of justice, no matter how hard those words make you salivate, but the credibility of the Democrats, after more than two years of ceaseless lying about the investigation, is in tatters.

Of course the Democrats don't want the report released to the public because it exposes the massive fraud they perpetrated on the American people, and you claim that the AG should not release the report to cover the Democrats' fraud and possible crimes, is truly bizarre. Indeed, a strong case can be made that the AG should appoint a special counsel to investigate if any crimes where committed by the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign or others in perpetrating this fraud on the American people in an effort to influence the elections in 2016 and 2018, and if Mueller already knew the report would clear the President and conspired with Democrats to withhold the report until after the midterm elections to aid the Democrats.
It's not for Barr to decide. He also made the opinion over a year ago when he was not AG. It is for Congress to decide, not Barr.

Also, why is Barr trying to hold back intelligence information to the intelligence committee in this new letter, he he said last week he would release to them? Protecting Trump? The intelligence committee is privy to that information, and all grand jury information. This thing stinks like rotten meat.
It is for the AG to decide if a crime has been committed and not for Congress, but Congress can indeed decide to to impeach the President regardless of what the AG has decided. If there is a disagreement about what the intelligence committee is entitled to see, they can subpoena the documents and let the courts decide. Your claim that Barr is not helping the Democrats cover up the massive fraud, and possible crimes, they have perpetrated on the American people is somehow suspicious is truly bizarre.
Which is why, whatever Barr says, is worth teats on a Bo hog, because Congress will or will not impeach based on their own information.

That said, Trump and his own criminal liability with campaign finance crimes, Emoluments, Inauguration, charitable, and we know obstruction crimes, criminal or not, are all impeachable.

That said, I doubt Democrats will use that tool, but instead humiliate him and the GOP for being not only criminal, but complicit in that criminality supporting someone who disgraced the office.
After watching the slime in D.C. all of these decades, who cares?
The Democrats still care about the rule of law and the Constitution, that the Right claimed they always have, but proved they never did. The Constitution, the rule of law, and the majority of the country who actually believe in the system that we fought for, that has held for 250 years, still holds for most of us.
To bad they don't follow what you just preached.
He should have never released anything. It should have gone straight to Congress. He has no stake in this game. Already making an opinion on obstruction over a year ago, cancels out any credibility from Barr.
Barr's credibility in intact because he made a logical case for why there couldn't have been any obstruction of justice, no matter how hard those words make you salivate, but the credibility of the Democrats, after more than two years of ceaseless lying about the investigation, is in tatters.

Of course the Democrats don't want the report released to the public because it exposes the massive fraud they perpetrated on the American people, and you claim that the AG should not release the report to cover the Democrats' fraud and possible crimes, is truly bizarre. Indeed, a strong case can be made that the AG should appoint a special counsel to investigate if any crimes where committed by the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign or others in perpetrating this fraud on the American people in an effort to influence the elections in 2016 and 2018, and if Mueller already knew the report would clear the President and conspired with Democrats to withhold the report until after the midterm elections to aid the Democrats.
It's not for Barr to decide. He also made the opinion over a year ago when he was not AG. It is for Congress to decide, not Barr.

Also, why is Barr trying to hold back intelligence information to the intelligence committee in this new letter, he he said last week he would release to them? Protecting Trump? The intelligence committee is privy to that information, and all grand jury information. This thing stinks like rotten meat.
It is for the AG to decide if a crime has been committed and not for Congress, but Congress can indeed decide to to impeach the President regardless of what the AG has decided. If there is a disagreement about what the intelligence committee is entitled to see, they can subpoena the documents and let the courts decide. Your claim that Barr is not helping the Democrats cover up the massive fraud, and possible crimes, they have perpetrated on the American people is somehow suspicious is truly bizarre.
Which is why, whatever Barr says, is worth teats on a Bo hog, because Congress will or will not impeach based on their own information.

That said, Trump and his own criminal liability with campaign finance crimes, Emoluments, Inauguration, charitable, and we know obstruction crimes, criminal or not, are all impeachable.

That said, I doubt Democrats will use that tool, but instead humiliate him and the GOP for being not only criminal, but complicit in that criminality supporting someone who disgraced the office.
Whatever kind of circus the Democrats dream up, with the Mueller report released they will have no more credibility after two years of constant lies.
What lies?

The only circus that I know of, is the one where Bill Barr decides for Mueller what is and what isn't, canceling out the 22 month investigation as worthless. If Barr decided over a year ago in his nineteen page memo that a sitting president has so much power that he cannot obstruct, then what was the point of the investigation into obstruction? That's the only confirmed circus I see.

The good news is, public opinion matters, the Democrat controlled Congress matters, and whether Barr believes Trump is a King who can't be touched, will be worth shit at the end of the day.
It's not for Barr to decide. He also made the opinion over a year ago when he was not AG. It is for Congress to decide, not Barr.

Also, why is Barr trying to hold back intelligence information to the intelligence committee in this new letter, he he said last week he would release to them? Protecting Trump? The intelligence committee is privy to that information, and all grand jury information. This thing stinks like rotten meat.
It is for the AG to decide if a crime has been committed and not for Congress, but Congress can indeed decide to to impeach the President regardless of what the AG has decided. If there is a disagreement about what the intelligence committee is entitled to see, they can subpoena the documents and let the courts decide. Your claim that Barr is not helping the Democrats cover up the massive fraud, and possible crimes, they have perpetrated on the American people is somehow suspicious is truly bizarre.
Which is why, whatever Barr says, is worth teats on a Bo hog, because Congress will or will not impeach based on their own information.

That said, Trump and his own criminal liability with campaign finance crimes, Emoluments, Inauguration, charitable, and we know obstruction crimes, criminal or not, are all impeachable.

That said, I doubt Democrats will use that tool, but instead humiliate him and the GOP for being not only criminal, but complicit in that criminality supporting someone who disgraced the office.
After watching the slime in D.C. all of these decades, who cares?
The Democrats still care about the rule of law and the Constitution, that the Right claimed they always have, but proved they never did. The Constitution, the rule of law, and the majority of the country who actually believe in the system that we fought for, that has held for 250 years, still holds for most of us.
To bad they don't follow what you just preached.
The one's who don't, are playing for the wrong team, and time will not reward them for it.
It's not for Barr to decide. He also made the opinion over a year ago when he was not AG. It is for Congress to decide, not Barr.

Also, why is Barr trying to hold back intelligence information to the intelligence committee in this new letter, he he said last week he would release to them? Protecting Trump? The intelligence committee is privy to that information, and all grand jury information. This thing stinks like rotten meat.
It is for the AG to decide if a crime has been committed and not for Congress, but Congress can indeed decide to to impeach the President regardless of what the AG has decided. If there is a disagreement about what the intelligence committee is entitled to see, they can subpoena the documents and let the courts decide. Your claim that Barr is not helping the Democrats cover up the massive fraud, and possible crimes, they have perpetrated on the American people is somehow suspicious is truly bizarre.
Which is why, whatever Barr says, is worth teats on a Bo hog, because Congress will or will not impeach based on their own information.

That said, Trump and his own criminal liability with campaign finance crimes, Emoluments, Inauguration, charitable, and we know obstruction crimes, criminal or not, are all impeachable.

That said, I doubt Democrats will use that tool, but instead humiliate him and the GOP for being not only criminal, but complicit in that criminality supporting someone who disgraced the office.
After watching the slime in D.C. all of these decades, who cares?
The Democrats still care about the rule of law and the Constitution, that the Right claimed they always have, but proved they never did. The Constitution, the rule of law, and the majority of the country who actually believe in the system that we fought for, that has held for 250 years, still holds for most of us.
"The Democrats still care about the rule of law and the Constitution"

That's a very funny line.
It's going to be even funnier when they keep on using it to bury the Right, when all this is over.
Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

Gee, why are the MAGATS so afraid of Chairman Schiff?

You folks seem to be forgetting that Mueller's brief was to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and to see if any Americans were willingly involved. He reported on the Russian part in detail such a long time ago that I guess you guys have forgotten it?

There WAS a basis for this investigation. There was a reason for the initial Benghazi hearings. Since Hillary's server was NOT illegal at the time she installed and used it, and since no one in the Department ever said boo about it, I am not sure where they managed to find evidence of criminal wrongdoing enough to begin an investigation into the server, either.. And no, it's not "different."
Forgotten what Mueller's investigation was about?

-- No, & he reported: NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION.

-- Evidence shows the Russian interference began in 2014, shows Barry knew about it, & shows Barry did nothing about it...while he gave Putin Crimea, uranium, & 2 years of unchallenged 'interference'.

On his way back more than a decade ago to investigate Manafort, Mueller skipped right over Barry's 'collusion' back in 2014...

Benghazi was not a criminal trial - never was.

Hillary Clinton's server was unapproved, illegally contained TOP SECRET PLUS data she no longer legally had the right to access / possess, it was unencrypted - a violation of both rules and laws pertaining to the handling and storage of classified material, & it was being illegally stored in the unsecured BATHROOM of a small tech company that did not have the required security clearance necessary to have it in their possession or to handle it - also violations of multiple rules and laws pertaining to the handling and storage of classified material.

You are either the biggest damn liar on this board or the dumbest member.

You are right about 1 thing though - the 'Benghazi' scandal and her 'classified server's scandal are NOT different.

BOTH were royal f*-ups by Hillary Clinton. The 1st cost 4 Americans their lives needlessly while the 2nd compromised our National Security.

In BOTH cases, neither one were actually 'criminal' investigations, and in both cases she was protected from the very start.

Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

Gee, why are the MAGATS so afraid of Chairman Schiff?

Racist you say?

Like TYT:
The Young Turks Sued for Racial Discrimination by Ex-Employee
Famed SPLC accused of racism and sexism by some staffers - CNN Video

Funny you can take the person out of the democrat, but never the democrat out of the person...…..
SPLC.....lets mark a group as hateful....then on to the Klan rally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woooohoooooooo

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