Schiff says Kabul airport a 'very attractive target' for ISIS-K, Al Qaeda

got this on fox news i think planning to force the usa and other western countries not getting to their deadline of 31 august
What? This surprises somebody? Where has Lil Adam been? Is he the last to figure that out or did he just have lunch with Captain Obvious?
I am pretty sure the military already knows this, as they are the ones guarding that airport. Or is Lil Adam getting ready to pick up a rifle and stand a watch?

got this on fox news i think planning to force the usa and other western countries not getting to their deadline of 31 august eg pick a fight
I'm pretty sure the airport has always been an attractive target. Something is holding them back and me thinks they just want the US gone.

got this on fox news i think planning to force the usa and other western countries not getting to their deadline of 31 august eg pick a fight
The only thing I want to know is how does this creepy fucker ever keep getting re-elected even in Southern California...?

( aside from the way he routinely gets away with lying in Congress and on CNN )
Speaking of targets I forgot about this one...
Don't they have a statue of George W bush in Iraq now ?
R (4).gif
What? This surprises somebody? Where has Lil Adam been? Is he the last to figure that out or did he just have lunch with Captain Obvious?
I am pretty sure the military already knows this, as they are the ones guarding that airport. Or is Lil Adam getting ready to pick up a rifle and stand a watch?
That’s your guy from your party?

got this on fox news i think planning to force the usa and other western countries not getting to their deadline of 31 august eg pick a fight

Schiff, homo left wing Zionist traitor, and murdoch's fox talking AQ and ISIS


100% pure Zionist bullshit
Wow, she lays it out very clearly. But if Democrats say there's nothing there, then case closed.
I cant understand the lack of accountability except that the corruption must run so deep that they
are all covering each other.
It's my understanding that a lot of secrets went to the grave with McCain and Bush Sr..... there was even talk of Military Tribunals..... remember the mysterious envelope at Poppy's funeral ?
That’s your guy from your party?
Not my party. He has always been to the radical side of my tastes. He is one of the California Democrats, so you don't follow or even really want them on your flank.
Not my party. He has always been to the radical side of my tastes. He is one of the California Democrats, so you don't follow or even really want them on your flank.
But you voted for Biden who is his ally?
But you voted for Biden who is his ally?
You mean, I am supposed to support everybody that supported him? Wouldn't that be like party member support? That is positively "Republican" in thinking. Not much room for independence there.
You have heard me say I am and independent since the first night I was on here. What part did you not get? You may have a party you support along with all the players in it (though if true, it would just make you a mindless party tool), but that's you, not me.
You mean, I am supposed to support everybody that supported him? Wouldn't that be like party member support? That is positively "Republican" in thinking. Not much room for independence there.
You have heard me say I am and independent since the first night I was on here. What part did you not get? You may have a party you support along with all the players in it (though if true, it would just make you a mindless party tool), but that's you, not me.
Yet you said you would vote for Ralph Warnock, who is a far right leftist. You’re an Independent in name only IMO.
Yet you said you would vote for Ralph Warnock, who is a far right leftist. You’re an Independent in name only IMO.
What the heck is a "far right leftist"? Zog, are you doing drugs this morning? Did you forget, I live in Tennessee, not Georgia? I don't vote in their elections and have not followed Warnock. I certainly think better of that junior Senator of Georgia, than the batsh#t crazy MT Greene Representative they elected at the same time. Watch out for those Jewish fire lasers, dude!

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