Schiff says Kabul airport a 'very attractive target' for ISIS-K, Al Qaeda

What? This surprises somebody? Where has Lil Adam been? Is he the last to figure that out or did he just have lunch with Captain Obvious?
I am pretty sure the military already knows this, as they are the ones guarding that airport. Or is Lil Adam getting ready to pick up a rifle and stand a watch?
He couldn't even lift a rifle.

Everything we are being fed in the Western Media about the Taliban's intentions is nothing but war propaganda by the military industrial complex, and those interests in the west that have lost their gravy train.

Here, this is the press conference by those that are now in charge in Afghanistan. We need to get our shit, and our people OUT of there, post haste. They will cooperate with us in doing so.

We need to ignore the inflammatory propaganda on the TEE VEE, and in the press, by those powers that are resisting this pull out.

Transcript of Taliban’s first news conference in Kabul​

Taliban spokesperson addresses the public in first conference following the armed group’s takeover of Afghanistan.

". . .We have pardoned anyone, all those who had fought against us. We don’t want to repeat any conflict anymore again. We want to do away with the factors for conflict. Therefore, the Islamic Emirate does not have any kind of hostility or animosity with anybody; animosities have come to an end and we would like to live peacefully. We don’t want any internal enemies and any external enemies.


‘We have pardoned … all those who had fought against us. We don’t want to repeat any conflict anymore,’ Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid, centre, said [Hoshang Hashimi/AFP]

Undoubtedly, we are at a very historical stage. Our countrymen and women who have been waiting, I would like to assure that after consultations that are going to be completed very soon, we will be witnessing the formation of a strong Islamic and inclusive government, Inshallah, God willing. As the forces of the Islamic Emirate enter Kabul now this great development that has unfolded, we have not had any casualties. There have been some rioters who wanted to take advantage, wanted to abuse the situation, this was brought to our attention. We realised that that’s what was going on, but we want to assure the residents of Kabul for full security, for protection of their dignity and security and safety.

Security has been assured. God willing, day by day there will be more security. After ensuring the security, Afghanistan, especially in Kabul, there are embassies. The security of the embassies is very crucial, of crucial importance for us.

First, we would like to assure that the areas where there are embassies, there will be complete security. Therefore all foreign countries and your representatives, your embassies, your missions, international organisations, aid agencies, I would like to assure you that we will not allow anybody to do anything against you. Your security is assured. Our forces are there 24 hours around the clock to ensure your security, undoubtedly. We don’t want to see any kind of chaos, inconvenience in Kabul. Our plan was to stop at the gates of Kabul after capturing all other provinces, so that the transition process is completed smoothly without us entering Kabul, so that we stopped troubles and harms and damages.

But unfortunately, the previous government was so incompetent. As a result of their actions. Their security forces could not do anything to ensure security and we have to do something, we have to take responsibility. So that was the reason: the abusers and the rioters. They wanted to abuse the name of the Islamic Emirate, to enter houses, or to harass the people or to steal. So we, therefore, instructed our forces to enter Kabul to ensure, to stop all this and to ensure security.

So we had to do this to enter Kabul to stop those criminals and abusers, so that we ensure the safety and security of the people and the resistance of Kabul. Therefore, the residents should be assured that your security is guaranteed.

In the same way, when it comes to the kind of circumstances I would like to ensure, I would like to assure the international community, including the United States that nobody will be a harmed in Afghanistan. I would like to assure our neighbours, regional countries, we are not going to allow our territory to be used against anybody, any country in the world. So the whole global community should be assured that we are committed to these pledges that you will not be harmed in any way from our soil.. . . "

At this point? Until we have concrete proof to the contrary, I believe we need to take them at there word, as we have no means to contradict them.

This is why I have been silent on the issue. Afghanistan was nothing less than the largest theft of taxpayer money in the history of this nation. Demonstrably 90% of the funds that were procured to support that war were grifted, grafted and embezzled back into the bank accounts of elected officials here and the military industrial contractor buddies. You are 100% right about the end of the gravy train. Biden might have been clumsy about the way he did it but it needed to be done.

Schiff is about as dirty and corrupt as they get
. He is the Jewish Goebbels
I grew up with the schiff type
They are the lowest form of humanity
I think Bagram would be retaken immediately to make the situation crystal clear to the thugs in pantaloons...
There's a reason no one put you in charge of thinking or military strategy. Leave that stuff to the adults that actually know what they are doing.
I tend to agree. They want all US citizens gone. Why pick a fight with the US who could bomb Bagram and destroy everything there.

I'd say they want all American out and will do what it takes to make that happen. They have the Stan. They sure don't need to pick a fight with the US military.
So... he's a Zionist, working for Jewish interests? Care to explain how they find it helpful for him to spend 4 years attacking the president that did more for Israel than any other, EVER? I'm not following the logic. Is their goal to take down the only Jewish state on the planet?

Lost, you are. Those behind the steal were all Zionist Jews. The 911 crowd (W, Cheney, Bolton, Rupert Murdoch) are all for Biden. They did not want US troops pulled out of Syria. Donald trump is not Zionist enough for them. They stabbed him in the back....

And you are fucking lost if you are still unaware of that....

As president, trump got to read the reportedly huge FBI file on 911 that remains "sealed" "classified" etc.

The Zionist 911 traitors know what TRUTH is in that file.

Maybe you can join with other patriotic Americans demanding the FBI 911 file be made open to the public.....
Yeah --- I don't know why it's in Breaking News, as it isn't news at all ---- it's just someone saying something.
people taking a shit these days is BREAKING NEWS!!!

only way people can get attention is to sensationalize. in time that won't even work. wonder what's next.
I'm pretty sure the airport has always been an attractive target. Something is holding them back and me thinks they just want the US gone.
They've been stringing Biden along from the get go. First they block access to the airport, no violence and the Taliban promises no harm to any who want to leave. Biden believed them. Then the Taliban starts blocking the airport more forcefully, some violence but now not everyone can leave. Then it was no Afghans can leave at all. Now there are bombings and five days to the deadline. Every measured step a brand new humiliation for Biden and his 'advisors'. Anyone who has been watching could see this coming, except the so-called president and his lemmings.
First they block access to the airport, no violence and the Taliban promises no harm to any who want to leave.
So no Taliban have attacked the airport itself yet? AQ or ISIS is the one that did the bombings just so you have your facts in order.
So no Taliban have attacked the airport itself yet? AQ or ISIS is the one that did the bombings just so you have your facts in order.
The same AQ and ISISK the Taliban released from prison in the last few weeks? How convenient. Far more plausible than having to blame an overzealous lone wolf. The edge of the cliff is nearing, there is still time for you to take a step back.
The same AQ and ISISK the Taliban released from prison in the last few weeks? How convenient. Far more plausible than having to blame an overzealous lone wolf. The edge of the cliff is nearing, there is still time for you to take a step back.
Take a step back from what? I dont step back unless I'm coming with a round house.
Take a step back from what? I dont step back unless I'm coming with a round house.
Then enjoy the fall off the cliff lemming. This whole withdrawal has been a train wreck in slow motion and only the Biden true believers didn't see it coming.
Then enjoy the fall off the cliff lemming. This whole withdrawal has been a train wreck in slow motion and only the Biden true believers didn't see it coming.
There is no cliff anywhere near me. I'm not in Afghanistan. I left last year when the withdrawal was first announced. I voted for Biden because I couldn't take another 4 years of the incompent fuckup and carnival barker Drumpf. I'm all good.
people taking a shit these days is BREAKING NEWS!!!

only way people can get attention is to sensationalize. in time that won't even work. wonder what's next.
Toilets, I think: I've been thinking about this too, with all the dubious clickbait around.
Then enjoy the fall off the cliff lemming. This whole withdrawal has been a train wreck in slow motion and only the Biden true believers didn't see it coming.
All troop pullouts are clustrfks. We lost a lot more trying to get out of Iraq until Obama just said "fk it." And people were pissed. The same people pissed at this, I suspect.

I still don't know if, and if not, why, Team Biden didn't give Americans a drop dead date of July to gtfo or expect to be on their own. I suppose Team Biden bought the predictions that the afghans would hang on for a year or two ... but I don't know why. But once Trump drew down to 2500, the US didn't really have much muscle to do jack shite. And Biden also wanted all of them out.
I tend to agree. They want all US citizens gone. Why pick a fight with the US who could bomb Bagram and destroy everything there.

I'd say they want all American out and will do what it takes to make that happen. They have the Stan. They sure don't need to pick a fight with the US military.
Why not? We never really fight them --- somebody might get hurt, and besides, Jesus said to turn the other cheek, see. Real war is indeed bombing, but we don't fight real war anymore, we just run fast, run far.
All troop pullouts are clustrfks. We lost a lot more trying to get out of Iraq until Obama just said "fk it." And people were pissed. The same people pissed at this, I suspect.

I still don't know if, and if not, why, Team Biden didn't give Americans a drop dead date of July to gtfo or expect to be on their own. I suppose Team Biden bought the predictions that the afghans would hang on for a year or two ... but I don't know why. But once Trump drew down to 2500, the US didn't really have much muscle to do jack shite. And Biden also wanted all of them out.
This is a good question, and my husband keeps asking it!

I am thinking that we're buying what the propagandists are telling us, and not what is actually happening. These are a quarter-million people, perhaps (Fox News) surging on the airport, and we sure didn't hire all of them, or any of them. Afghans for years have tried every which way to get out of Aghanistan --- well, who wouldn't! Mostly, they end up in Europe, where they are the worst of the worst illegals, I have read. That's what these are --- Afghans trying to get a free ride to America from the American military. A good chance, they think, until the suicide bombers show up, anyway.
This is a good question, and my husband keeps asking it!

I am thinking that we're buying what the propagandists are telling us, and not what is actually happening. These are a quarter-million people, perhaps (Fox News) surging on the airport, and we sure didn't hire all of them, or any of them. Afghans for years have tried every which way to get out of Aghanistan --- well, who wouldn't! Mostly, they end up in Europe, where they are the worst of the worst illegals, I have read. That's what these are --- Afghans trying to get a free ride to America from the American military. A good chance, they think, until the suicide bombers show up, anyway.
Yeah, we've airlifted something like 96,000 people and there were only something like 4500 Americans two weeks ago, and apparently that included people with visas and afgan-us dual citizens. I just cannot conceive why people waited as long as two weeks ago, and we are airlifting far more than "interpreters."

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