Schiff Stacks The Deck

I answered your question, son of perdition.
Flynn did far less than Traitor McCain.
Flynn has nothing to do with your fantasy of Russian Collusion.

And for Honorable & Highly Decorated General Flynn’s refusal to be a rat and lie about The President Mueller Crucified Him!

And he did so for defending a female analyst in The FBI who called out Comey & Strozk for Discrimination and Misogyny & Sexism at The Bureau.

And it was based on what?
Russian election interference, Flynn lying about it and Trump firing the director of the FBI for looking into Flynn. That’s just the public intel...

Flynn never lied about speaking with any Russian. That was disclosed in full. What Mueller did, and he should be smacked with Prosecutorial MisConduct for it, was grill his victims on, times, dates etc. while depriving the people he was trying to nail on process crimes of their own disclosure statements. In some cases he deprived them of their own emails and text messages. He repeatedly followed this pattern of orchestrating process crimes to squeeze people in to ratting on The President. You cannot rat on someone who never colluded. Even Cohen said Trump didn't do that.

How different is that than how Clinton was treated? Immunity, allowed to have all kinds of people with her when she was questioned. No notes taken, no testimony recorded, she was allowed to destroy evidence, devices, and she blatantly lied and then was let off the hook with a fictional defense of "Too Stupid To Know She Was A Criminal"?

Therefore she was too stupid to be President.

Why did Flynn get Fired? Simple question, please give a straight answer
For Russian Collusion?

Poor little butt hurt boy. Flynn did nothing illegal, What he did do was panic, and fudge the facts a bit.

And for that, Mueller decimated him financially, crucified him, extorted him, threatened to destroy his son, and tried to make an example of him over things Clinton and Obama do and still do today as do you 10,000 times a day.

Why has thou allowed Satan to enter thee?

Get thee behind me Satan!
Dude, simple question, why can’t you just give a simple and straight answer... Why did Trump Fire Flynn?
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Ok, so you feel being fired and/or demoted makes up for the lies and millions spent on this charade? BTW, Hillary and Obama have not been investigated for their role in this mess. Add insult to injury the Smollett situation reeks of the Obama's.
Are you talking about the Mueller investigation? That was started by Trumps people and backed by Trumps people. If you’re talking about something else then what?

And it was based on what?
Russian election interference, Flynn lying about it and Trump firing the director of the FBI for looking into Flynn. That’s just the public intel...

Which, coincidently, was known during the Obama administration and inflamed by a fake dossier which was paid for by Clinton.

Every major claim in the Dossier has been proven except the pee tape. Every. Single. One. The Dossier is hardly fake.

Trump brought this investigation on himself with lies about meetings and contacts with Russians and by firing Comey.

Well, if you mean there actually was a dossier you are correct, as far as it containing factual are an idiot.
The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why
Ok, so you feel being fired and/or demoted makes up for the lies and millions spent on this charade? BTW, Hillary and Obama have not been investigated for their role in this mess. Add insult to injury the Smollett situation reeks of the Obama's.
Are you talking about the Mueller investigation? That was started by Trumps people and backed by Trumps people. If you’re talking about something else then what?

And it was based on what?
Russian election interference, Flynn lying about it and Trump firing the director of the FBI for looking into Flynn. That’s just the public intel...

Which, coincidently, was known during the Obama administration and inflamed by a fake dossier which was paid for by Clinton.
That has nothing to do with Anything that I just said. Get off the talking points and just have a straight conversation. We all know that many Trump people lied about communications with Russia. We all know Russia committed crimes with their involvement with our election. The Trump people lies caused suspicion and purpetuated investigation. Just own it, those are facts.

Ah no, the Obama administration knowing about it and doing NOTHING was the problem.
How much time did Flynn spend in jail child of Sheol?

And why did Comey and Strozk target Honorable General Flynn for defending a young female analyst that Comey and Strozk committed Sexist and Misogynistic acts against at The Bureau?

Did the FBI retaliate against Michael Flynn by launching a Russia probe?

Why are you defending law enforcement officials who committed criminal acts, abused their authority, lied to Congress, Lied to The American People. Stained the reputation of The Bureau, Falsely Accused The President, Participated in a COUP plot, Filed False Affidavits in FISA, Leaked Classified Information, Covered up crimes Obama and Clinton Committed,and then hid behind their undeserved badges?

I have no clue

No doubt about that
We cherry picking lines now? Wow, working with a bunch of intellectual geniuses here.
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He said it on video in an interview with Lester Holt. Look it up.

No he didnt. Post the time mark. Here is entire extended interview from NBC
It’s at 1 minute. The clip that’s been on repeat since he said it. What game are you trying to play? Trump fired Comey because of the “Trump Russia thing” he met with Comey to get him to drop his investigation into Flynn which then led to a larger collusion investigation into the Trump Campaign and Russia. Trump fired Comey and Rosenstein, who was appointed by Trump, hired Mueller to take over that investigation. Funny to rewatch that interview and hear Trump boast about how great Rosenstein is.
I answered your question, son of perdition.
Flynn did far less than Traitor McCain.
Flynn has nothing to do with your fantasy of Russian Collusion.

And for Honorable & Highly Decorated General Flynn’s refusal to be a rat and lie about The President Mueller Crucified Him!

And he did so for defending a female analyst in The FBI who called out Comey & Strozk for Discrimination and Misogyny & Sexism at The Bureau.

Russian election interference, Flynn lying about it and Trump firing the director of the FBI for looking into Flynn. That’s just the public intel...

Flynn never lied about speaking with any Russian. That was disclosed in full. What Mueller did, and he should be smacked with Prosecutorial MisConduct for it, was grill his victims on, times, dates etc. while depriving the people he was trying to nail on process crimes of their own disclosure statements. In some cases he deprived them of their own emails and text messages. He repeatedly followed this pattern of orchestrating process crimes to squeeze people in to ratting on The President. You cannot rat on someone who never colluded. Even Cohen said Trump didn't do that.

How different is that than how Clinton was treated? Immunity, allowed to have all kinds of people with her when she was questioned. No notes taken, no testimony recorded, she was allowed to destroy evidence, devices, and she blatantly lied and then was let off the hook with a fictional defense of "Too Stupid To Know She Was A Criminal"?

Therefore she was too stupid to be President.

Why did Flynn get Fired? Simple question, please give a straight answer
For Russian Collusion?

Poor little butt hurt boy. Flynn did nothing illegal, What he did do was panic, and fudge the facts a bit.

And for that, Mueller decimated him financially, crucified him, extorted him, threatened to destroy his son, and tried to make an example of him over things Clinton and Obama do and still do today as do you 10,000 times a day.

Why has thou allowed Satan to enter thee?

Get thee behind me Satan!
Dude, simple question, why can’t you just give a simple and straight answer... Why did Trump Fire Flynn?
I must have missed your answer in all that jibberish you spew... can you repeat and not clutter it with a bunch of garbage. Give a simple answer. Why did Trump fire Flynn?
Are you talking about the Mueller investigation? That was started by Trumps people and backed by Trumps people. If you’re talking about something else then what?

And it was based on what?
Russian election interference, Flynn lying about it and Trump firing the director of the FBI for looking into Flynn. That’s just the public intel...

Which, coincidently, was known during the Obama administration and inflamed by a fake dossier which was paid for by Clinton.
That has nothing to do with Anything that I just said. Get off the talking points and just have a straight conversation. We all know that many Trump people lied about communications with Russia. We all know Russia committed crimes with their involvement with our election. The Trump people lies caused suspicion and purpetuated investigation. Just own it, those are facts.

Ah no, the Obama administration knowing about it and doing NOTHING was the problem.
It’s a different conversation that I’m happy to have but I don’t want to lose the point of what we are talking about. What you are doing is called a diversion, a “whataboutism” I don’t like playing those games, it just takes us in circles. Stay on point and if you want to talk about Obama afterwards then I’m happy to do so.
How much time did Flynn spend in jail child of Sheol?

And why did Comey and Strozk target Honorable General Flynn for defending a young female analyst that Comey and Strozk committed Sexist and Misogynistic acts against at The Bureau?

Did the FBI retaliate against Michael Flynn by launching a Russia probe?

Why are you defending law enforcement officials who committed criminal acts abuse their authority, lie to The American People. Stain the reputation of The Bureau, and then hide behind their undeserved badges?

I have no clue

No doubt about that
We cherry picking lines now? Wow, working with a bunch of intellectual geniuses here.
I’m sorry but I’m looking for a direct answer to my question before I consider or even read yours. When I see you avoiding my question and going off on tangents I stop reading
It’s at 1 minute. The clip that’s been on repeat since he said it. What game are you trying to play?

He was asked if he was angry with Comey about the russian investigation and Trump said he just wants competency.

Your assertion that he said he fired him because of the investigation will never stand the test for obstruction and why Comey didn't recommend any such charges.
Conflict of interests...

Anything he does is suspect... I wonder if they realize they are shooting themselves in the foot..
And the exact reason why no one believes anything AG Barr says about the Mueller investigation without seeing the Mueller report, after he had already auditioned for the job by writing a memo to Trump's lawyers giving his personal reasons of why President Trump could not ever obstruct justice....

He should have recused himself, as the ethics department had recommended.
It’s at 1 minute. The clip that’s been on repeat since he said it. What game are you trying to play?

He was asked if he was angry with Comey about the russian investigation and Trump said he just wants competency.

Your assertion that he said he fired him because of the investigation will never stand the test for obstruction and why Comey didn't recommend any such charges.
I never said a word about obstruction, why are you shifting the conversation to that?
Ok, so you feel being fired and/or demoted makes up for the lies and millions spent on this charade? BTW, Hillary and Obama have not been investigated for their role in this mess. Add insult to injury the Smollett situation reeks of the Obama's.
Are you talking about the Mueller investigation? That was started by Trumps people and backed by Trumps people. If you’re talking about something else then what?

And it was based on what?
Russian election interference, Flynn lying about it and Trump firing the director of the FBI for looking into Flynn. That’s just the public intel...

Which, coincidently, was known during the Obama administration and inflamed by a fake dossier which was paid for by Clinton.

Every major claim in the Dossier has been proven except the pee tape. Every. Single. One. The Dossier is hardly fake.

Trump brought this investigation on himself with lies about meetings and contacts with Russians and by firing Comey.

List them Oh Legion of Lucifer
How much time did Flynn spend in jail child of Sheol?

And why did Comey and Strozk target Honorable General Flynn for defending a young female analyst that Comey and Strozk committed Sexist and Misogynistic acts against at The Bureau?

Did the FBI retaliate against Michael Flynn by launching a Russia probe?

Why are you defending law enforcement officials who committed criminal acts abuse their authority, lie to The American People. Stain the reputation of The Bureau, and then hide behind their undeserved badges?

I have no clue

No doubt about that
We cherry picking lines now? Wow, working with a bunch of intellectual geniuses here.
I’m sorry but I’m looking for a direct answer to my question before I consider or even read yours. When I see you avoiding my question and going off on tangents I stop reading
Dear Gargoyle of Gehenna:

Schiff Stacks The Deck
Conflict of interests...

Anything he does is suspect... I wonder if they realize they are shooting themselves in the foot..
And the exact reason why no one believes anything AG Barr says about the Mueller investigation without seeing the Mueller report, after he had already auditioned for the job by writing a memo to Trump's lawyers giving his personal reasons of why President Trump could not ever obstruct justice....

He should have recused himself, as the ethics department had recommended.
You idiots think anyone who doesn't toe the lib/fool line should recuse themselves... Get a grip in reality..
How much time did Flynn spend in jail child of Sheol?

And why did Comey and Strozk target Honorable General Flynn for defending a young female analyst that Comey and Strozk committed Sexist and Misogynistic acts against at The Bureau?

Did the FBI retaliate against Michael Flynn by launching a Russia probe?

Why are you defending law enforcement officials who committed criminal acts abuse their authority, lie to The American People. Stain the reputation of The Bureau, and then hide behind their undeserved badges?

I have no clue

No doubt about that
We cherry picking lines now? Wow, working with a bunch of intellectual geniuses here.
I’m sorry but I’m looking for a direct answer to my question before I consider or even read yours. When I see you avoiding my question and going off on tangents I stop reading
Dear Gargoyle of Gehenna:

Schiff Stacks The Deck
Why did Trump fire Flynn?
How much time did Flynn spend in jail child of Sheol?

And why did Comey and Strozk target Honorable General Flynn for defending a young female analyst that Comey and Strozk committed Sexist and Misogynistic acts against at The Bureau?

Did the FBI retaliate against Michael Flynn by launching a Russia probe?

Why are you defending law enforcement officials who committed criminal acts abuse their authority, lie to The American People. Stain the reputation of The Bureau, and then hide behind their undeserved badges?

No doubt about that
We cherry picking lines now? Wow, working with a bunch of intellectual geniuses here.
I’m sorry but I’m looking for a direct answer to my question before I consider or even read yours. When I see you avoiding my question and going off on tangents I stop reading
Dear Gargoyle of Gehenna:

Schiff Stacks The Deck
Why did Trump fire Flynn?
The Link has the answer. I answered your question, now little Hellion of Hades, why won't you answer the multiple questions I posed to you?

Clapper btw is already spilling the beans that it was Obama who ordered the COUP against President Trump.

And since there was NO COLLUSION, there is no reason to talk about Trumped Up Process Crimes (EXTORTION) that were born from the fruit of a Poison Tree, and an even more Poisonous, Traitorous President Obama Bin Spying.

Obama will burn in Hell for all eternity and so will all the Liars and Traitors with him.

He definitely will be burning in the 8th level, but most likely will be in the 9th will all those that betray their friends and their country.

Your wicked Heros will be burning in the deepest levels of Hell, so the question is here, are you willing to join them? Does it mean that much to you?

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It’s at 1 minute. The clip that’s been on repeat since he said it. What game are you trying to play?

He was asked if he was angry with Comey about the russian investigation and Trump said he just wants competency.

Your assertion that he said he fired him because of the investigation will never stand the test for obstruction and why Comey didn't recommend any such charges.
I never said a word about obstruction, why are you shifting the conversation to that?
You said that he stated he fired Comey for the Russia thing. Your video does not support that assertion.

I am confused as to what you think your actual point is here slade?
You said that he stated he fired Comey for the Russia thing. Your video does not support that assertion.

I am confused as to what you think your actual point is here slade?

Actual Point = I regurgitated democrat talking points on what the interview said without ever actually watching the interview.

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