School closures ‘a mistake’ as no teachers infected in classroom


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Watch the TDS morons fall all over themselves to deny the science.
Scientists are yet to find a single confirmed case of a teacher catching coronavirus from a pupil anywhere in the world, a leading epidemiologist has said.
Mark Woolhouse, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Edinburgh University, offered reassurance to staff preparing for the full reopening of schools next month.
Professor Woolhouse, a member of the UK government’s scientific advisory group, Sage, said that in hindsight closing schools in March was probably a mistake, but the limited role children play in spreading the virus only became clear further along the infection curve.
Yep, we are witnessing a coalescing of attack vectors.
It's all part of the plan.

There are a LOT of distractions out there.....but you don't have to wonder what's going on or what the goal is here.....
ALL of the above ties in to ONE thing....

Although most people haven't YET figured it out.......
MOST of what is going on is due to Agenda21, and it could also tie in to Communist activity in the USA
We do know there are a LOT of people in the world who would like to see America fall.

This easy to read, illustrated colorful document
Until they're read this, most are just shooting from the hip with no idea how organized this movement against America really is
Watch the TDS morons fall all over themselves to deny the science.
Scientists are yet to find a single confirmed case of a teacher catching coronavirus from a pupil anywhere in the world, a leading epidemiologist has said.
Mark Woolhouse, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Edinburgh University, offered reassurance to staff preparing for the full reopening of schools next month.
Professor Woolhouse, a member of the UK government’s scientific advisory group, Sage, said that in hindsight closing schools in March was probably a mistake, but the limited role children play in spreading the virus only became clear further along the infection curve.
Well, please understand, snowflake leftists are risk-adverse.
  • They vote against Trump not because of anything he's done but because he MIGHT or COULD "go crazy any second and start a war."
  • They wear masks not because of any hard scientific data on them or the virus but because of the theoretical advantage that if it makes them 0.00001% safer, THEY WANT THAT EDGE.
  • They condemn and eviscerate strangers in public for making personal choices because it might pose a 0.1% greater chance of them catching the flu.
Likewise, they close the schools against all other considerations of education and economy, because some kid somewhere might possibly become a carrier and carry the bug home then some adult in the home COULD get it and die! Not that it has actually happened.

If it saves even ONE life, it was worth the trouble, so much so they are willing to destroy the lives of hundreds of millions, collapse the national economy into ruins, destroys thousands of businesses and set the nation back decades.
Huge jump in hospitalizations of kids under 18 in Florida:

Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.
Clearly, the Left wants the pandemic bullshit to be as painful as possible, in order to help the Senile Geezer to an election victory.

Easy solution: Lay off everyone in every school district until in-person classes resume. No work-ee, No mon-ee. And don't tell us that on line learning is the same as in person. Total B.S., and everyone knows it.
Watch the TDS morons fall all over themselves to deny the science.
Scientists are yet to find a single confirmed case of a teacher catching coronavirus from a pupil anywhere in the world, a leading epidemiologist has said.
Mark Woolhouse, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Edinburgh University, offered reassurance to staff preparing for the full reopening of schools next month.
Professor Woolhouse, a member of the UK government’s scientific advisory group, Sage, said that in hindsight closing schools in March was probably a mistake, but the limited role children play in spreading the virus only became clear further along the infection curve.

That'll change in a few weeks.
Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Sounds about right. You can track it here:

I've been keeping an eye on it.
Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Sounds about right. You can track it here:

I've been keeping an eye on it.
The scary thing is, I specifically asked her where these came from. If they came from people who were symptomatic or exposed, that's one thing. But these are just random freaking tests.
Watch the TDS morons fall all over themselves to deny the science.
Scientists are yet to find a single confirmed case of a teacher catching coronavirus from a pupil anywhere in the world, a leading epidemiologist has said.
Mark Woolhouse, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Edinburgh University, offered reassurance to staff preparing for the full reopening of schools next month.
Professor Woolhouse, a member of the UK government’s scientific advisory group, Sage, said that in hindsight closing schools in March was probably a mistake, but the limited role children play in spreading the virus only became clear further along the infection curve.

Yes, but he's not an "expert". Know how you can tell? He's not saying what leftists want to believe.
Huge jump in hospitalizations of kids under 18 in Florida:

Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.

I'm very sorry that you wasted time thinking anyone gave a shit about your anecdotal story about your alleged daughter the alleged microbiologist who was allegedly going to be proof of something. Perhaps you should have remembered that you weren't talking to people as gullible and easily impressed as yourself. Please write down somewhere the fact that your word for anything is valueless.
Huge jump in hospitalizations of kids under 18 in Florida:

Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.

I'm very sorry that you wasted time thinking anyone gave a shit about your anecdotal story about your alleged daughter the alleged microbiologist who was allegedly going to be proof of something. Perhaps you should have remembered that you weren't talking to people as gullible and easily impressed as yourself. Please write down somewhere the fact that your word for anything is valueless.
My goodness, you are just full of hate and self importance.

I'm sorry I'm so far up in your head. Not a pleasant place to be.
.Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.

Dangerous to ourselves far more than anyone else. I’d think you’d want us all dead. If the situation were reversed we certainly would.
Huge jump in hospitalizations of kids under 18 in Florida:

Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.

Just for kicks, what counts as a hospitalization? Is it the kids were taken in and put in a bed? Or was it they showed up and we're diagnosed with covid and told to go home and come back if it gets worse? See, saying "hospitalization" basically means they were admitted. I would like to see the stats on discharges from those hospitals. I would say stats on mortality as well, bit none of the panic mongers want to talk about any of that. For the record, ER wait time here is about 1 hour. I went yesterday in the evening and I was in and out in one hour.
Sorry to hear that. That's not the way I am.

Don’t be sorry. I am who/what I am. It’s what I’ve always been and what I will always be.

The only thing I wish for my enemies is a swift, brutal death; and that’s all I expect from them as well.
Huge jump in hospitalizations of kids under 18 in Florida:

Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.
You mean like the people who got tired of waiting in line, went home...and "tested positive" ?
Huge jump in hospitalizations of kids under 18 in Florida:

Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.
You mean like the people who got tired of waiting in line, went home...and "tested positive" ?
I have no idea what that means. Went home and "tested positive"? In quotes?

I know you guys are supposed to downplay and ignore the facts, but you should at least try to make sense.
I have no idea what that means. Went home and "tested positive"? In quotes?

I know you guys are supposed to downplay and ignore the facts, but you should at least try to make sense.

After 2+ hours waiting, they gave up and went home. Three days later, they were notified (by mail) that their tests were positive. The test they did not actually take.
I have no idea what that means. Went home and "tested positive"? In quotes?

I know you guys are supposed to downplay and ignore the facts, but you should at least try to make sense.

After 2+ hours waiting, they gave up and went home. Three days later, they were notified (by mail) that their tests were positive. The test they did not actually take.
These were actual tests done in a lab. She's there, doing this hands on, every day.

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