School closures ‘a mistake’ as no teachers infected in classroom

Every other country on earth is opening schools but us.....stupid desperate dems....
Every other country on Earth, got their community spread/ infection rates down, BEFORE reopening their schools.... the USA is a failure, with no leadership, and has a novel corona virus, spreading like wildfire across the Sun belt hotspots. Thank you Mr.President! :(
That's not true...and kids don't suffer this virus like adults do and if super market checkers can go to work so you tards can stuff your fat faces teachers can go and teach...either teachers are essential or they are not...if not we need to reduce their pay and benefits to at least the level of a market checker.....
School closures ‘a mistake’ as no teachers infected in classroom
It's not a mistake if you understand the Democrat strategy.

Maximum Misery.

Forcing parents to stay home with children makes more people unemployed and thereby miserable, and thereby more likely to vote for Joe Biden.

It's sick and disgusting, but reality.

We should make these motherfuckers pay for it with their lives.
Huge jump in hospitalizations of kids under 18 in Florida:

Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.
How many deaths, asshat? Conducting more tests yields more positive test results. What about this simple conclusion escapes your silly simple mind?
Huge jump in hospitalizations of kids under 18 in Florida:

Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.
How many deaths, asshat? Conducting more tests yields more positive test results. What about this simple conclusion escapes your silly simple mind?
Over 150,000 so far, with extensive evidence that many survivors are suffering long term neurological and organ damage, strokes in their 30s and other issues.

You're clearly conditioned to launch immediately into Trumpian name-calling and talk radio denial. That's fine with me. I'm just not required to care about your opinion.
Watch the TDS morons fall all over themselves to deny the science.
Scientists are yet to find a single confirmed case of a teacher catching coronavirus from a pupil anywhere in the world, a leading epidemiologist has said.
Mark Woolhouse, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Edinburgh University, offered reassurance to staff preparing for the full reopening of schools next month.
Professor Woolhouse, a member of the UK government’s scientific advisory group, Sage, said that in hindsight closing schools in March was probably a mistake, but the limited role children play in spreading the virus only became clear further along the infection curve.
THOSE schools have social distancing practices as part of their school system. They aren’t doing shit the same way as we would which would be the usual shit. More importantly, the staff are a danger to EACH OTHER either way.
Really? Have you got some proof for that claim?
The media keeps reporting lies about infections just like last week when they reported babies were getting corona by the hundreds....totally untrue and not believe anything the media reports until after November....
Huge jump in hospitalizations of kids under 18 in Florida:

Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.
How many deaths, asshat? Conducting more tests yields more positive test results. What about this simple conclusion escapes your silly simple mind?
If they cared? They can look at the data themselves.

The government and corporate media are willfully not disclosing that.

Why? Because it shows we have achieved herd immunity.

zzcovid cdc deaths.jpg

Folks can put the values in themselves if they like. . .

Huge jump in hospitalizations of kids under 18 in Florida:

Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.
How many deaths, asshat? Conducting more tests yields more positive test results. What about this simple conclusion escapes your silly simple mind?
Over 150,000 so far, with extensive evidence that many survivors are suffering long term neurological and organ damage, strokes in their 30s and other issues.

You're clearly conditioned to launch immediately into Trumpian name-calling and talk radio denial. That's fine with me. I'm just not required to care about your opinion.
Wow a whole 150,000. In the grand scheme of things that ain't diddley squat shit, numbskull. Out of how many people and over what period of time, asshat? Why are you trying so hard to perfect your stupidity when we'll gladly take your word on it?
you ignorant trump worshipping moron - I wear a mask only when going to Home Depot when I need to go inside. It’s not to keep me safe. It’s to keep the employees who have to be there safe. And it works. you anti-mask Trump idiots are now even dissed by your great orange buffoon. He is for masks now Finally - so he must be a commie.
BLA BLA BLA. Snit. How am I a Trump worshiper when I criticize the guy and didn't even vote for him? Keep others safe? If you think you are a hazard to the community, just stay home. And if it "works" then explain why the Covid infections are on the rise? Most everyone is wearing masks out there, safe distancing, except BLM and rioters, so why still the problem? And if Trump is orange, well, at least he HAS a little color, unlike the pale white palor of a dead corpse like Fossil Joe.

Mask On!
you ignorant trump worshipping moron - I wear a mask only when going to Home Depot when I need to go inside. It’s not to keep me safe. It’s to keep the employees who have to be there safe. And it works. you anti-mask Trump idiots are now even dissed by your great orange buffoon. He is for masks now Finally - so he must be a commie.
BLA BLA BLA. Snit. How am I a Trump worshiper when I criticize the guy and didn't even vote for him? Keep others safe? If you think you are a hazard to the community, just stay home. And if it "works" then explain why the Covid infections are on the rise? Most everyone is wearing masks out there, safe distancing, except BLM and rioters, so why still the problem? And if Trump is orange, well, at least he HAS a little color, unlike the pale white palor of a dead corpse like Fossil Joe.

Mask On! View attachment 368698

If anyone is responsible for all of this, Joe bears more blame.

He was in the Obama administration when they gave they gave the CDC permission to work with the Chinese to tinker with these viruses, and other BSL labs on what they call, "Gain of Function."

Folks have no idea the back story of all this, but Trump worked in the private sector and has nothing to do with this. Joe had to know what they were doing, and the risks involved.

Watch the TDS morons fall all over themselves to deny the science.
Scientists are yet to find a single confirmed case of a teacher catching coronavirus from a pupil anywhere in the world, a leading epidemiologist has said.
Mark Woolhouse, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Edinburgh University, offered reassurance to staff preparing for the full reopening of schools next month.
Professor Woolhouse, a member of the UK government’s scientific advisory group, Sage, said that in hindsight closing schools in March was probably a mistake, but the limited role children play in spreading the virus only became clear further along the infection curve.
Why don't you become a teacher....I bet you'd be awesome at it.
Huge jump in hospitalizations of kids under 18 in Florida:

Spoke with my microbiologist daughter today, and she tells me positives from the drive-thru centers in Florida are running about 18%, and it hasn't been unusual to see 25 positives in a 100-capacity tray come back positive the last couple of days.

Trumpism has now gone beyond merely arrogant and ignorant, and is now dangerous.
How many deaths, asshat? Conducting more tests yields more positive test results. What about this simple conclusion escapes your silly simple mind?
If they cared? They can look at the data themselves.

The government and corporate media are willfully not disclosing that.

Why? Because it shows we have achieved herd immunity.

View attachment 368691
Folks can put the values in themselves if they like. . .

Which we need to do.
Watch the TDS morons fall all over themselves to deny the science.
Scientists are yet to find a single confirmed case of a teacher catching coronavirus from a pupil anywhere in the world, a leading epidemiologist has said.
Mark Woolhouse, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Edinburgh University, offered reassurance to staff preparing for the full reopening of schools next month.
Professor Woolhouse, a member of the UK government’s scientific advisory group, Sage, said that in hindsight closing schools in March was probably a mistake, but the limited role children play in spreading the virus only became clear further along the infection curve.
Why don't you become a teacher....I bet you'd be awesome at it.
No value troll post.
you ignorant trump worshipping moron - I wear a mask only when going to Home Depot when I need to go inside. It’s not to keep me safe. It’s to keep the employees who have to be there safe. And it works. you anti-mask Trump idiots are now even dissed by your great orange buffoon. He is for masks now Finally - so he must be a commie.
BLA BLA BLA. Snit. How am I a Trump worshiper when I criticize the guy and didn't even vote for him? Keep others safe? If you think you are a hazard to the community, just stay home. And if it "works" then explain why the Covid infections are on the rise? Most everyone is wearing masks out there, safe distancing, except BLM and rioters, so why still the problem? And if Trump is orange, well, at least he HAS a little color, unlike the pale white palor of a dead corpse like Fossil Joe.

Mask On! View attachment 368698

If anyone is responsible for all of this, Joe bears more blame.

He was in the Obama administration when they gave they gave the CDC permission to work with the Chinese to tinker with these viruses, and other BSL labs on what they call, "Gain of Function."

Folks have no idea the back story of all this, but Trump worked in the private sector and has nothing to do with this. Joe had to know what they were doing, and the risks involved.

In fact, after re-watching, the crux of the issue is at minute 18:30 where he reports on EcoHealth Alliance's research with China into "gain of function."

Both Gates and Fauci were involved in this.

Biden HAD to have known. I find Biden far more culpable than Trump.

The liberal media was OUTRAGED when Trump cut the funds they were sending to this project, and then called it a "conspiracy theory" when independent journalists broke the story.

That video by the way? Is from a far left progressive who only cares about TRUTH, FACTS, and HONEST INQUIRY.

Folks really need to learn about the bio-warfare laws and what gain of function research is, and how the Deep State used this as a weapon to manipulate the world's economy, and make war upon the world's citizenry to introduce the technocracy since the AGW hoax wasn't getting it done.

Expert attacks EcoHealth Alliance’s involvement in “really risky” bat coronavirus research in Wuhan labs
Expert attacks EcoHealth Alliance’s involvement in “really risky” bat coronavirus research in Wuhan labs

Trump cut funding for a group researching bat-to-human virus transmissions after unfounded conspiracy theories linked it to a Wuhan lab, report says

(If you watch that video, you will find that "unfounded" is far from accurate. Stake holders and conflicts of interest are all over the place.)

I'm sure Biden knew about EcoHealth Alliance and the Agenda. . .
They sent money to Fauci's EcoHealth Alliance for gain of function research. . . . Watch that video. . . something is rotten, it smells.

"EcoHealth Alliance and coronavirus research
The EcoHealth Alliance is a nongovernmental research group that focuses on emerging diseases caused by human and animal interactions. The National Institutes of Health has consistently funded the organization for projects since at least 2002.

In 2014, the NIH approved a grant to EcoHealth Alliance designated for research into “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” The project involved collaborating with researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to study coronaviruses in bats and the risk of potential transfer to humans.

The original five-year grant was reapproved by the Trump administration in July 2019. In total, $3,378,896 in NIH funding was directed from the government to the project.

The project, which was established “to understand what factors allow coronaviruses, including close relatives to SARS, to evolve and jump into the human population,” yielded 20 scientific reports on how zoonotic diseases may transfer from bats to humans.. . . ."

Folks really need to learn about the bio-warfare laws and what gain of function research is, and how the Deep State used this as a weapon to manipulate the world's economy, and make war upon the world's citizenry to introduce the technocracy since the AGW hoax wasn't getting it done.

Tell us more about the Deep State‘s manipulation of the world’s economy. Did the Deep State intentionally manipulate the Republican Governors of Texas and Florida to fail to stop the spread of the pandemic in the way that the Deep State Governor of NY stopped it following the initial spike in cases and deaths.

What is being manipulated by the deep state?
Folks really need to learn about the bio-warfare laws and what gain of function research is, and how the Deep State used this as a weapon to manipulate the world's economy, and make war upon the world's citizenry to introduce the technocracy since the AGW hoax wasn't getting it done.

Tell us more about the Deep State‘s manipulation of the world’s economy. Did the Deep State intentionally manipulate the Republican Governors of Texas and Florida to fail to stop the spread of the pandemic in the way that the Deep State Governor of NY stopped it following the initial spike in cases and deaths.

What is being manipulated by the deep state?

What you watch.

What you read.

Where you work.

What you eat.

What you drink.

When you go to sleep and when you wake up.

Where you live.

What you think about.

. . . and how you think about it.

You probably even believe that who wins the next election will have some big impact on the grand history of the future of what they have planned, huh?

This is probably a bit hyperbolic, but then, I watched a video back in March that predicted where we would be in Oct.? And I thought that was a bit out there. . . . turns out, it is coming to fruition.

Schiff called the 2008 crash pretty on spot around 2006 or 07. He just thought it would be a hell of a lot worse than it was.

I'm of the opinion that when this next one gets really bad, the international system will take over with their already planned system to replace the US government will be introduced. . . and the left will welcome it, the right will want to live off the land and resist.

And will civil war result with "UN emergency aid?" I can't say.

It would be ironic if the U.S. were treated like Syria by Europe, Russia, China and the rest of the world. . . :p


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