School Crossword’s Definition of ‘Conservatism’ Outrages Mom!

Just more examples of the brain washing of our children by the Liberals who run the schools.

Here's the worst example:

Combine that with this Promotion Ad:
1. We have never invested as much in public education as we should have, because we have always had a private notion of our children.

2. [Sarcastic] 'Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility.'

3. We never had a collective notion that these are OUR children.

4. So part of it is that we have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents, or that kids belong to their families.

5. We must recognize that kids belong to the WHOLE COMMUNITY;

6. Once it is everyone's responsibility, and not just the household's [responsibility], we will start making better investments.

And you have the start of Communist disaster.

1: Which problem does she identify? That we aren't investing enough/properly into education - This is derived from Line 1.

2: What does she claim to be the cause of the problem? That parents are sovereign over their children - From Line 1, Line 2

3: What is her solution to the problem? To make government sovereign over your children - From lines 3 and 5

4: What are the means by which to implement her solution? To break (force) the idea of parental sovereignty over their children - From line 4

5: What will be the end result? That our investments in public education will succeed once we implement the solution to the cause of the problem - This is derived from Line 6.


In depth answers:

1: This promotion ad starts with the premise that we are not investing enough into education; however, statistics show (that are well agreed by both liberals and conservatives) that we spend more than any nation on earth per student, and get the worst return on that money as well.

But, if we look at the end of line 6, she says "we'll make better investments," so we'll give her the benefit of the doubt, and assume that her problem is that we don't invest CORRECTLY into education, instead of not investing enough.

2: She immediately identifies what she believes is the Cause of the problem. She says in Line 1:
"beCause we have always had a private notion of our children."

Thus, she claims the Cause of the problem is that Americans believe in parental sovereignty over their children, unless someone can else can dispute what "private notion" means.

Then, in Line 2, she mocks and derides the idea of parental sovereignty:
[Sarcastic] 'Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility.'

Thus she believes that any person who believes that their kid is theirs, that they have sovereignty over their children, who believes that they are ultimately responsible for their child, is a person who should be derided.

3: Her solution to the problem is that we must declare that the government is sovereign over our children, not the parents, that parents may only have their children as a PRIVILEGE that is graciously extended to us by government, a privilege that can be revoked for any or no reason (such as teaching them something against the government's values).

We get this from Line 3 and Line 5:
"We haven't had a very collective notion of these are OUR children."

So, since we've translated "private notion" to "parental sovereignty," then we must translate "collective notion" to "government sovereignty." Although it is easy to see how "notion" is being used as euphemism for "sovereignty," how are we translating "collective" to "government?"

Well, she talks about "public education," with public education being the entire premise of her very short speech. Unless you know some form of public education that is NOT run by government, I cannot see how the word "collective" (which itself is often associated with Marxist ideology) can be construed to any other meaning.

Now let's investigate Line 5,
"and recognize that kids belong to WHOLE COMMUNITIES; "

First, we must draw our attention to the word "Community." So far, she has talked about Public Education, and thus, Government; she has also invoked the idea of "government sovereignty." People often confuse society and government, and will use the word "community" to mean either when they cannot decide which term [society or government] to use, or to conceal which one they actually mean.

In the words of Thomas Paine (Common Sense):
SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.

Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an intolerable one;

However, we're not here to engage in discourse on Common Sense, I quoted this to show the difference between society and government.

So let's return to the word "Community," in Line 5.

If she is saying that children belong to the "Community," as in society, then it contradicts her own premise that government should have sovereignty, because society and government are separate entities.

Therefore, in order for her own thesis to make sense, the word Community must imply government, which solidifies the logical foundation of her argument. To say that she actually meant "society" would only serve to turn her speech into an incoherent mess, as the speech would be plagued with an illogical union of phrases.

Thus, we finally conclude that her "solution" is to transfer the sovereignty and absolute responsibility over children from the parents and families to the government. This doesn't mean that the Government is going to rush in and take your kids, it simply means that legally, the government is the final authority over your children.

Today, the government can only claim sovereignty over your children if you do something that warrants the removal of your sovereignty (custody), such as abusing your children. Only then may the government become involved, and via due process, the government must prove its case against you.

Her solution is to make government sovereign right from the start, and thus allow them to remove custody of your children for any and no reason, because the custody was already theirs to begin with.

Now, how does she plan to implement this solution? We need only look at Line 4:
"So part of it is that we have to BREAK through our kind-of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families;"

This implies the following:
1) They must convince parents that the government knows better, because the government has "experts" in raising, teaching and nuturing your children. If they can convince us of this idea, then we will Consent to transfer sovereignty of our children over to government, without any resistance.

2) For parents who will not agree to this, then the sovereign relationship between mother and child must be BROKEN, by convincing the child to Consent to the transfer of Sovereignty from the parents to the Public Education (Government) system. This would be accomplished by teaching them these ideas while they are young and then fooling them into signing some sort of devious contract that would complete the transfer of sovereignty.

Finally, she says that once her solution is implemented, our failed investments will magically better themselves, because the government will now have sovereignty over your children, instead of the parents. The problem isn't the Government, it's You!
If you don't agree with my interpretation, ask yourselves the following:
Did she say that we weren't investing correctly into education? The obvious answer here is yes, however, I'll let you privately answer the rest of the questions.

Ok, since she says we're not investing correctly into Public Education, who does she blame the problem on, the government, or the people?

Furthermore, she never even said why our investments have failed. Has she mentioned that there are children whose schools are decrepit and dilapidated? Has she mentioned that there are children without desks? Without textbooks? With paper? Without computers? Without pens and pencils?

No, she says that the "people" are the problem, not government, and that government can fix the problem.

No, she never mentions that children are missing proper supplies, or that their educational facilities are either too small or not maintained correctly (or both), she says that YOU having the final authority over your children is the problem.


Overall, this is a very well designed and intentionally deceptive script. It conveys MILLIONS of words by only using hundred; it presents a dangerous and repulsive ideology, whilst masquerading a caring and loving philosophy.


However, if Progressives would like to give me their alternate explanation of the TRANSCRIPT, by using the TRANSCRIPT in their explanation, please, do so, I don't' want to think that this is what MSNBC (Progressive Headquarters) was trying to preach.

Rinse and Repeat
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Just more examples of the brain washing of our children by the Liberals who run the schools.

Schools were constitutionally a responsibility of state governments and still are. State governments in turn allowed local communities to run the local schools. Most school districts have an elected board of education in charge and I doubt that all elected school district boards of education are liberal, in fact, I would suspect many are conservative.

guess you never heard of the teachers union?

Yeah I've heard of them but do school board members generally join teacher unions?
Seems like school board members would have their own statewide organization.
But a larger question: does an education generally turn people into liberals? I mean the liberal arts degree, teacher unions, but on a different tack, why has education become such a threat to conservatives?
School Crossword?s Definition of ?Conservatism? Outrages Mom! | Fox News Insider

“I looked at it, and reading the description of ‘conservatism’ being that we are the party that wants to restrict all personal freedoms struck me as pretty much incorrect,” she said.

I would be pissed too

Its the right definition. Conservatives want to deny women abortion rights, they want to deny gay people the right to marry, that is taking away personal freedoms, and conservatives are too gutless and weak to admit that that is what they support.
Just more examples of the brain washing of our children by the Liberals who run the schools.

Schools were constitutionally a responsibility of state governments and still are. State governments in turn allowed local communities to run the local schools. Most school districts have an elected board of education in charge and I doubt that all elected school district boards of education are liberal, in fact, I would suspect many are conservative.

Thanks for sharing what I thought was common knowledge. Who knew that all school board members across the country were liberals and must of been elected by liberals. If that is true, no Republican/conservative should ever be elected to public office, the numbers are just not with them, too many liberals out there, just look at all of our liberal run schools! They are everywhere, I mean everywhere!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
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I am sure you can demonstrate that public schools are indoctrinating children to be communists.

Schools are not indoctrinating children to be communists.

Teachers are going out of their way to convince students on left-wing opinions and agendas, on a wide-ranging basis, from a very early age through college, from coast to coast. At just about every opportunity. This just one example in myriad examples.

And I don't have a need to try to "demonstrate" anything to you, since you'll deny the validity of any evidence that you don't like, automatically, regardless. No reason to burn the time or effort. Fortunately, I'm not as dumb as I look, and that's saying something.


Yes. It is much easier to win debates and present oneself as an authority on a subject if no need to demonstrate anything exists.

Please....prove to me that teachers are going out of their way to convince students on left wing opinions and agendas. But before you do, please play the devil's advocate and see if you can find examples of teachers going out of their way to convince students on right wing opinions and agendas.

From a very early age...through every opportunity.

Please. You said it. Can you support it?

[ame=]Professor tells class Republican Party is "stupid and racist" - YouTube[/ame]

here it is, front and back -


Message from public school crossword puzzle: Conservatism ?restricts personal freedoms? - :: Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary
UPDATE: EAGnews report prompts company to discontinue ?skewed? crossword puzzle - :: Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary
how often are these type things that never come home with the students sliding by us?
Schools are not indoctrinating children to be communists.

Teachers are going out of their way to convince students on left-wing opinions and agendas, on a wide-ranging basis, from a very early age through college, from coast to coast. At just about every opportunity. This just one example in myriad examples.

And I don't have a need to try to "demonstrate" anything to you, since you'll deny the validity of any evidence that you don't like, automatically, regardless. No reason to burn the time or effort. Fortunately, I'm not as dumb as I look, and that's saying something.


Yes. It is much easier to win debates and present oneself as an authority on a subject if no need to demonstrate anything exists.

Please....prove to me that teachers are going out of their way to convince students on left wing opinions and agendas. But before you do, please play the devil's advocate and see if you can find examples of teachers going out of their way to convince students on right wing opinions and agendas.

From a very early age...through every opportunity.

Please. You said it. Can you support it?

[ame=]Professor tells class Republican Party is "stupid and racist" - YouTube[/ame]


I saw that on O'Reilly too. It is one example of a college professor expressing his opinion in a lecture. It does not prove the claim. Try again.
When I was in school, the doctrine was to terrorize children into hating the Russians and hide under desks from an attack. Later, I found out Russia didn't even have a means of delivering nukes to the US and, even if they had, their military doctrine was to never start a war if Moscow would be hit, and they knew Moscow would be hit - first- if America were attacked. So, such a strike was never in the cards, and our government knew it. Still, sirens wailed and frightened kids huddled under wooden furniture to shield themselves from 'the bomb'.
Now, THERE's indoctrination!
Its not.. I saw the picture of the test. I dont know why it did not show up on this website but Megyn Kelly did a story today on it and they showed the test . She did not say what the answer to libtards are but the story is not false..

Megyn said so! Oh.....forgive me! It MUST be true if she said it!
Uh, yeah, it's true....The school administration issued an apology, because one of their fellow liberal loons (libs trying to educate, too fucking funny), got caught being a liberal idiot.

Oh well, our kids attend private school, and are so far ahead of their friends who attend public school that it's laughable, yet sad just the same how the public school system in this country is so abjectly failing the kids.
Thanks to US political parties the terms conservative and liberal no longer have a clear meanings.
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