School Crossword’s Definition of ‘Conservatism’ Outrages Mom!

If they were so smart, you would think they would come up with better crossword definitions instead of making up shit.

I have dealt with teachers for years in business, they really aren't to bright.

You are uninformed. The teacher did not make up the definition. It was in prepared material....approved by the school. meant to say "too" bright.

As if YOU are equipped to judge "brightness".

Yeah, well if you dealt with them as much as I have, you'd learn real quick, to talk slow and use simple English, otherwise they are pretty clueless.

Are these teachers your customers?
I simply cannot understand why this country isn't educationally up to places like South Korea and Germany.


Actually, I do. All these RWrs telling us what's wrong with education but can't be bothered to step up and become teachers themselves....and solve those problems.

For conservatives the ‘solution’ to education issues is to do away with public schools altogether, and return to a time when education was the purview of those who could afford it.

For conservatives, the quality of one’s education should be predicated on family income: the wealthy will be educated, the poor, not.

The evidence of this is the right’s advocacy of ‘home schooling,’ virtually impossible for middle and low income families where both parents must work, ‘charter schools,’ an example of rightist hypocrisy where public funds are used to fund private schools, and policies and measure by conservative lawmakers to defund public schools perceived to be ‘under-performing,’ where the ‘poor performance’ is the direct consequence of that diminished funding.

vouchers would help concerned poor parents to CHOOSE a good school for their kids so they get a decent education...

vouchers would create competition and the bad schools would be weeded out...thus poor kids would get a better education overall...

however liberals control our public schools via the unions....which is exactly why they hate competition from private schools....
Absolutely....put the power of their childs education in the hands of the parents, particularly poor parents in our inner cities, where their children are stuck in public schools that are tantamount to nothing more than warehouses.

But then, liberals hate the idea of well educated poor.....As, the more educated they become, the more likely they are to figure out that the liberal agenda is what is keeping them mired in mediocrity with little hope....An educated voting bloc that liberalism seeks to keep oppressed, is a liberals worst nightmare.....It's the democratic party's worst nightmare.
For conservatives the ‘solution’ to education issues is to do away with public schools altogether, and return to a time when education was the purview of those who could afford it.

For conservatives, the quality of one’s education should be predicated on family income: the wealthy will be educated, the poor, not.

The evidence of this is the right’s advocacy of ‘home schooling,’ virtually impossible for middle and low income families where both parents must work, ‘charter schools,’ an example of rightist hypocrisy where public funds are used to fund private schools, and policies and measure by conservative lawmakers to defund public schools perceived to be ‘under-performing,’ where the ‘poor performance’ is the direct consequence of that diminished funding.

vouchers would help concerned poor parents to CHOOSE a good school for their kids so they get a decent education...

vouchers would create competition and the bad schools would be weeded out...thus poor kids would get a better education overall...

however liberals control our public schools via the unions....which is exactly why they hate competition from private schools....
Absolutely....put the power of their childs education in the hands of the parents, particularly poor parents in our inner cities, where their children are stuck in public schools that are tantamount to nothing more than warehouses.

But then, liberals hate the idea of well educated poor.....As, the more educated they become, the more likely they are to figure out that the liberal agenda is what is keeping them mired in mediocrity with little hope....An educated voting bloc that liberalism seeks to keep oppressed, is a liberals worst nightmare.....It's the democratic party's worst nightmare.

Very true, which is why our education system's run by unions and libtards and they like stupid people to buy into global warming/cooling/climate change, whatever label we need to use as well as the homo agenda, restricting our rights with guns, obamacare, sodas, basically they determine what we need.....and liberals, who think they're intelligent, go along with that......amazing
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School boards are very conservative here. The teachers.....being highly educated....trend liberal, of course. But he assholes on the school board are certified nutters.

If they were so smart, you would think they would come up with better crossword definitions instead of making up shit.

I have dealt with teachers for years in business, they really aren't to bright.

You are uninformed. The teacher did not make up the definition. It was in prepared material....approved by the school. meant to say "too" bright.

As if YOU are equipped to judge "brightness".

You are uninformed. The teacher did not make up the definition. It was in prepared material....approved by the school.

So that makes it better? So instead of a teacher it's an entire school system administration? well awesome....thanks for proving me and other righties correct

And I can judge brightness....and you are not it.
Please, nutters................provide an example of a society whose education system reflects the one that you are advocating for......vouchers and charters.......which succeeds in educating all of it's children adequately.
Please, nutters................provide an example of a society whose education system reflects the one that you are advocating for......vouchers and charters.......which succeeds in educating all of it's children adequately.,205129&_dad=ptl

Ya' see, even broken school systems like LAUSD are embracing Charter Schools as a way to empower students.

But then, you'll just dismiss it,....seeing as though you refuse to acknowledge that the quality of education provided by this nations public school system is going down the fucking tubes, and that the private school system is seriously kicking its ass,....and only further makes the case for a voucher system that would put power in the hands of parents who actually give a shit about their childs education.
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Right from the playbook of one of the left's greatest heroes.
"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." - Vladimir Lenin
The left, especially those many in our Public Education system, pose a clear and present danger to our nation, it's future, it's heritage and the American way of life, and should be dealt with as the traitorous scum they are. The pendulumn has swung far, far to the left. My hope is that when it finally swings back to the right, and it will, it will swing so far that those who perpetuated this filth and corruption on our nation will be seen as the anti-American subversive pieces of crap that they are and that they will be tried, found guilty of treason, and then placed before a firing squad.

The primary reason the demand for private schooling is so strong is that many parents are more concerned with their children's quality of education and the creation of good work habits than they are about some government institution leveraging political correctness to avoid "hurt feelings" and trying to fill their children with phony, undeserved "self esteem". Avoiding teachers preaching left-wing opinions is important as well, but my guess is that the first two reasons are paramount.

These parents know that that only hard work, self discipline and sacrifice will (a) prepare their children for the increasingly competitive world -- competition provided, by the way, by children who were educated in foreign government school systems not worried about "hurt feelings" and phony "self esteem" -- that awaits them, and (b) understand that real "self esteem" more often comes from accomplishment than it does from some government institution just giving it to you. In other words, the world will be difficult enough without being hamstrung by artificial "self esteem", without expecting some reward just for showing up for work.

And so, now we're seeing the results of political correctness in our educational system, they were quite predictable, and they're why so many concerned parents want no part of it:

Study shows college students think they're more special than ever...even those that can't read or write and barely study | Mail Online

For Math Students, Self-Esteem Might Not Equal High Scores

Confident Idiots: American Students Growing More Confident, Less Capable

Interview with Dr. Twenge: Is Generation Y more narcissistic than earlier generations? | Washington Times Communities

NO ONE can claim to be surprised at these results.

Remove PC from our public schools and you'll see demand for private schools decline.

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So someone who's dumber than a 5th grader is qualified to teach the 4th grade.

Good thinking.

...and we wonder why our schools are failing.

In reality, schools of education attract the dregs of academia, those who couldn't possibly handle the rigors of a degree in the arts or sciences. Schools of business aren't far behind. After all, you only need to function at the first grade level to be a kindergarten teacher, right?

You are fun....for a nutter.

If you wish to be a teacher of Social Studies, you need a degree in "the arts" AND teacher certification. Same if you want to be a Biology teacher. You need a degree in Biology PLUS teacher certification.

Where are you getting your info?

No, you need 30 hours in your specialty and the rest are cake courses in the department of education. There are no foreign language requirements, there are no hard science requirements, there are no math requirements.

A degree from a school of Arts and Sciences will require those things as a minimum for graduation. Students who cannot survive those rigors run to the school of education, or, if they are a touch brighter, to the school of business.

I get my info from experience because I am a licensed teacher who has taught in the public schools. I also have a couple of real degrees.

Where do you get yours, from bathroom walls?

You have no idea what you are talking about. What did you major in, storm door hanging?

You are woefully uninformed.

Teachers are the very bottom rung of academia. Schools of education are a joke.

I thought my 2 (ONLY TWO, note) "education" courses were worthless, too.

However I DID have to take a science course and a math course to get my BS.

The 2 ED required courses I had to take (plus the student teaching requirement counted as two courses) replaced the 4 foreign language courses that people getting a BA in liberal arts had to take.

Basically if one is headed toward teaching at the post elementrary ED level, the difference beween a BS in ED and a BA in any of the liberal arts of humanities is merely the FOREIGN LANGUAGE requirements.

Leastwise that's how it worked when I was getting my teacher certification.

I got out of university prepared to teach Social Sciences (history, mostly) or Literature at the 7-12 levels.
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The primary reason the demand for private schooling is so strong is that many parents are more concerned with their children's quality of education and the creation of good work habits than they are about some government institution leveraging political correctness to avoid "hurt feelings" and trying to fill their children with phony, undeserved "self esteem". Avoiding teachers preaching left-wing opinions is important as well, but my guess is that the first two reasons are paramount.

These parents know that that only hard work, self discipline and sacrifice will (a) prepare their children for the increasingly competitive world -- competition provided, by the way, by children who were educated in foreign government school systems not worried about "hurt feelings" and phony "self esteem" -- that awaits them, and (b) understand that real "self esteem" more often comes from accomplishment than it does from some government institution just giving it to you. In other words, the world will be difficult enough without being hamstrung by artificial "self esteem", without expecting some reward just for showing up for work.

And so, now we're seeing the results of political correctness in our educational system, they were quite predictable, and they're why so many concerned parents want no part of it:

Study shows college students think they're more special than ever...even those that can't read or write and barely study | Mail Online

For Math Students, Self-Esteem Might Not Equal High Scores

Confident Idiots: American Students Growing More Confident, Less Capable

Interview with Dr. Twenge: Is Generation Y more narcissistic than earlier generations? | Washington Times Communities

NO ONE can claim to be surprised at these results.

Remove PC from our public schools and you'll see demand for private schools decline.


It seems that someone does not find the results accurate, though....

Is Jean Twenge a Narcissist? -

I asked you earlier if you have regular dealings with young people.....other than your own children? Of course, you do not have to answer....but I wish you would.

I coach youth baseball and softball. My players range from 8 years old to 18 years old. Having done this for the past 20 years or so, I have had the opportunity to get to know hundreds of kids.

I believe that your generalizations about our youth are not accurate. Our nation will be in good hands as this younger generation takes the reigns.

Some positives:

Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing - The Office of Adolescent Health

Teen Smoking Rates Drop To Record Low | ThinkProgress

High school graduation rate rises in U.S. - Washington Post

Juvenile Arrest Rate Trends
The question I have is does education make one more liberal. Education, real education, liberates the mind by clearing away the cobwebs of the junk we have learned over time. For example, my mother taught me that if one had an itchy palm it meant one would be receiving money shortly. My fifth grade teacher seemed to disagree and my mother was irate and wanted to put me in a private school. A private school she said didn't put those goofy notions in a child's head.
Education doesn't make a person liberal. There are enough educated conservatives to substantiate this.


woman's rights check
gay rights check
minority rights check
voter suppression check
I think that about covers it. Check.

Are you saying liberals change party's at a drop of a hat?

There are no liberals in the Republican Party. Not one. So it would be more difficult for liberals to change parties. The options are limited.
Education doesn't make a person liberal. There are enough educated conservatives to substantiate this.

There are less than you think. Only 6% of scientists are Republican. Many Republicans say they have degrees, but a degree in Bible Study is worth, oh, I don't know about, well, that's the answer, "I don't know". Does anybody?

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