School forces 25 hungry students to throw away lunches when they couldn’t pay

If you saw what it was like. People who are ill, people who are disabled, people who are deformed, lying in the gutters and everyone walking right past them, hundreds, thousands of people every day walking right past them, yes, you would say no one cares. .

So, because you took two vacations in India you are the only person who has ever witnessed poverty? And you were granted powers of clairvoyance? Not to doubt your super powers or anything, but don't tell me what I would or would not do in a given situation, Karnack.

Oh, and I note that YOU were among the "hundreds, thousands of people...walking right past them..." You're a real humanitarian, you are.
Of course they don't say 'no one cares,' but they do say there isn't anything they as individuals can do anything about. It is up to the government and the government doesn't do it. ..

Sounds like YOU say the exact same thing. You want to surrender your individual responsibility, morality, and autonomy to big-daddy government like a good little mindless drone. 'People' like you make perfect fodder for communist dictatorships or any steps in that bloody direction.
Yes, twice. .

Ok, and both times you took a tourist trip to India you NEVER met anyone who cared about children or the poor?

You said you work with Indian people. Have they told you that they don't care about children or the poor? That has not been my experience.

If you saw what it was like. People who are ill, people who are disabled, people who are deformed, lying in the gutters and everyone walking right past them, hundreds, thousands of people every day walking right past them, yes, you would say no one cares. It is part of the culture.

One of my visits there was a tourist trip, the other was not. I stayed with Indian people in a town that is not a tourist town. I work with Indian people in an international setting. They are not Indians who are Americans, for whom America is home; they are international people working in a country outside of India. They are professionals. Of course they don't say 'no one cares,' but they do say there isn't anything they as individuals can do anything about. It is up to the government and the government doesn't do it. That is what this thread is all about: the government taking responsibility for people who need help.

If you have been reduced to harping on my terminology, then it's pretty clear you have lost this debate.

I have worked with several east Indian doctors. You know why? Because in India they force retirement on their MD at age 50. It is more lucrative for those retired MDs to come here, go through medical school and residency again, and finish out their work life in America. One I worked with was a former director in public health, and another was a general practitioner who rode a horse up into the mountains and made house calls.

Anyone who has gone to India, describes what you have described. But they don't know what the government is doing behind the shades. Psychiatry in America has a fair number of east Indian doctors. They are pretty good doctors from what I have seen, but they have been to medical school twice. The really sad thing is due to the political nature of medicine in America they can't get residencies in their own specialties. About all they are allowed to do is work in Psychiatry.

Until the people of India demand better, they will not get better. I mean, really, retiring all of your doctors at age 50 when there is a well known need for them.
I haven't changed my position one iota. .

Of course you have. First you made an irresponsibly categorical statement, then you were forced to qualify it. That is a change, idiot.
If you saw what it was like. People who are ill, people who are disabled, people who are deformed, lying in the gutters and everyone walking right past them, hundreds, thousands of people every day walking right past them, yes, you would say no one cares. .

So, because you took two vacations in India you are the only person who has ever witnessed poverty? And you were granted powers of clairvoyance? Not to doubt your super powers or anything, but don't tell me what I would or would not do in a given situation, Karnack.

Oh, and I note that YOU were among the "hundreds, thousands of people...walking right past them..." You're a real humanitarian, you are.

You don't own any country. Many people go to those countries and just because they saw in 2 weeks what the scoop is, does not invalidate what they saw. First you think you own China, now you think you own India. You are a piece of work. Maybe if you had a bigger winky you wouldn't feel so inferior when others do things, like humanitarian work in other countries.
Their social welfare programs are not designed to help the people in any real way but to make it look like they are helping people. .

So now YOU - through tourist magic - know the 'real' motivation behind every social welfare law in India? You know the personal thoughts, feelings, and motivations of every Indian legislator? Amazing... :rolleyes:
Schools should not provide free lunches.

If they cannot support their children, they have EBT and other sources of aid.

Schools should focus on education
Please note that it IS NOT THE SCHOOL that made them dump their lunches, it was the contractor, a private contractor not part of the school or school district, that made them dump their lunches. Maybe it is the case the kids don't pay, so the contractor is losing money and was pissed about it. There is no proof at all, however, that the kids who had to dump their lunches were all minorities. There are lots of kids, of every color, who will try to get out of paying if they can. Their parents give them money for 'lunch,' but they want to spend it on other things.

Good post. I am also suspecting it was black and hispanic kids whose parents were irresponsible, and I definitely don't think the contractor should be losing money because of systematic reverse racisim!!!

However, you are right that we don't know what the racial makeup of the kids was who didn't pay. Could have been an all-black school. Could have been an all-white school.

More data needed.
Isn't the free lunch program income based?

Who knows and who cares.? It's all done on the honor system anyway. The minority parents just say they don't have the money (cause they spend it on drugs and booze) and the school takes their word and feeds their kids for free while the white kids pay.

are you always this much of an asshole?.....or is that what your bigot friends tell you to say?....

Yes to both, Harry.
OK, here's one of those "back in my day" stories. Let me first say that during this time period, each school was part of a school "district", and was not then under any state or federal control.
When I attended high school (in Illinois) back in the mid 1960's, our parents had one of two choices when it came to our lunches. They had to sign a form which stated that their children would either pay for their lunches or they would bring their own lunches. There was no such thing as the school paying for your lunch.

Additionally, we were responsible for bringing our own notebooks, paper, pen/pencils, etc. There was a "book store" within the school where you could buy these items. If you lost or damaged one of your initial study books, you bought a replacement from the book store. All proceeds from these sales stayed within the school, and the profits went to fund other school activities, such as building a school 'float' for local parades.
Frankly, I think we should go back to that type of operation. The state or federal government should not be in charge of feeding our children. That's up to the parents, who should be responsible for making sure their children are fed, clothed, and properly prepared when they go to school.

I agree with this, but I'm afraid it may never happen. BTW...the Federal Free Lunch program is the #1 method the Feds use as leverage to tell the school districts what they can or cannot do, i.e. NCLB.
in this country the day we can't give kids in school a hot lunch [thye are the future] while they are trying to learn the skills needed to succeed [they are our future] is a sad day for America !!no child should go hungry !!

And yet hot lunches are provided based on income, and too much for some who have bills to pay for. If we are going to provide them for some children, why not for all? And while we're at it, why do they have to be hot? Have you had a hot lunch at a school lately? Our elementary school lunches are all made in the central kitchen at 5am. By the time they get to the schools, they are rubbery and tasteless. Check out the waste. So much of those lunches end up in the garbage because the students can't or won't eat them.

Our junior highs and high schools have their lunches prepared fresh in their kitchens. Fresh salads, you can make your own sandwiches, those lunches are good, and the same price as the lunches at the elementary schools. Something is wrong with the school lunch program, it needs to be fixed.
get the damn feds out of our schools.

However, you are right that we don't know what the racial makeup of the kids was who didn't pay. Could have been an all-black school. Could have been an all-white school.


Yes we do know. The school is 85% white and 5% black and 5% hispo. This is a nice white schools and the negros and hispos are taking advantage of white generosity like they always do.
Just found out the contractor will FIRE the employees who did their job and refused to give free meals to these scummy brats that refused to pay!!! America is so screwed up that workers get fired for NOT letting customers steal from the company!!!

Cafeteria Workers Will Be Fired For Denying Attleboro Students School Lunch « CBS Boston

ATTLEBORO (CBS) – The school lunch company announced Friday that it is taking disciplinary actions against four of it’s employees it says denied school lunch to students who didn’t have enough money in their accounts at the Coelho Middle School in Attleboro.

Holly Van Seggern, a spokesperson for Whitsons, said that several individuals will be terminated as a result of their investigation.

Van Seggern said, “As a family company, we can hardly imagine the shock and humiliation they felt and our primary focus at this time is to help restore the community’s faith in our ability to provide every child in the district with the meals they need to fortify themselves throughout each and every school day.”

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