School Staff JAILED for Not Reporting

The law is the threat here....

It allowed a faction w/sexual agenda to influence our children, specifying sanctuary provided by these same sorts

as well as cutting out any parental rights

this became the job of 'teachers', 'educators' and or the educational profession because of the current pervert administration

most realize it does not belong in the system , and those states that adopted it are seeing mass amounts of resignations , early retirements , as well as 'school choice' being fueled by it all


AGAIN--these same conservative who decry the sexualization of their children want the govt actors to immediately cut parents out of the equation when it comes to sexual assaults between teens. (or "notify" them after they've alarmed "authorities". Aren't those authorities the parents?)

All the personal blustering at me--I don't care about student assault (not true), etc--is deflection from this. My point stands. Conservatives have contradictory expectations of teachers, putting us in a no-win situation.

Wait til the D team of teachers comes around, once you have all driven out teams A-C.
well except this entire thread is her whine that teachers should NOT have to report it.

You love the "It takes a village to raise a child" mindset, then. Noted.

Parents duly notified, maybe after we run to the "authorities". Also, noted.
JMHO....what you teachers need is an NEA or whatever union rep to back up the fact that you've been painted a target for something that is nowhere within the scope of your responsibilities



It remains unbelievable to me that so-called "conservatives" think the sex lives of teenagers--off school grounds and off school time--belongs so much to the government (school) that when teachers catch hearsay, that WE should be the ones to report to "authorities"--those authorities being not their parents.

I keep getting downvotes because no one can make a case for this and they know it. Just lob more teacher hate at me.
we get it really; we do you are a loser that thinks kids should be violated without you doing anything about it.
In choir class, a student passed a note to the choir teacher along the lines of, "My friend is being sexually assaulted". The teacher passed it to the guidance office and admin, who had meetings and did...nothing.

Of course, what happened to the girl is terrible and it's a shame the admin dropped the ball. BUT

Staff are now JAILED--including the teacher, who did the correct thing.

On one hand: Just do your job and teach! On the other: but oh yeah, you're responsible to report any misconduct you hear about, even if it's OFF school time and OFF school property--at threat of losing your job AND BEING JAILED.

America cannot decide what they want. Are we just teaching? Or are we raising your kids to the point of being responsible for what teenagers do on the weekends? And if we miss--we are in jail?

Who is going to do this job now? Why would they?

The teacher that passed the letter on should be safe, the others, not so much. One phone call was all they would have to needed to do.

We say these things but we don't really mean them.

Some kid swipes another kid's lunch money, or pencil case, or even phone. We are REQUIRED to report that?

Do you know how many cases of physical assault student-to-student go unreported?

So now we already have a grey area, don't we?
Can’t comment on those things. Doesn’t matter. I taught for 20 years. Any abuse of any kind on a child by an adult must be reported to the authorities stated by your state government. Police and state authorities if so regulated by state law. No gray area about this if a teacher knows what’s good for them. If she reported to what was required she will be set free. If not, she needs a great lawyer not a whiner

It remains unbelievable to me that so-called "conservatives" think the sex lives of teenagers--off school grounds and off school time--belongs so much to the government (school) that when teachers catch hearsay, that WE should be the ones to report to "authorities"--those authorities being not their parents.

I keep getting downvotes because no one can make a case for this and they know it. Just lob more teacher hate at me.

If you bothered to read your link, this wasn't portrayed as consensual sex between teens, it was a sexual assault and from what the letter said, it wasn't the first time for the males involved. As the link said, they had a history of not taking no for an answer. Pull your head out girl, the school staff would have only needed to make one phone call. I bet you were upset by the VA school that tried to burry the tranny assaulting a girl in the bathroom, it's really no different.

JMHO....what you teachers need is an NEA or whatever union rep to back up the fact that you've been painted a target for something that is nowhere within the scope of your responsibilities



It remains unbelievable to me that so-called "conservatives" think the sex lives of teenagers--off school grounds and off school time--belongs so much to the government (school) that when teachers catch hearsay, that WE should be the ones to report to "authorities"--those authorities being not their parents.

I keep getting downvotes because no one can make a case for this and they know it. Just lob more teacher hate at me.
we get it really; we do you are a loser that thinks kids should be violated without you doing anything about it.

Personal attacks because you got nothing.

Last time:

Tell me why the parents shouldn't be notified so THEY can do the reporting, and take the consequences if they don't.

One more personal attack with no substance proves you can't answer the question.
If you bothered to read your link, this wasn't portrayed as consensual sex between teens, it was a sexual assault and from what the letter said, it wasn't the first time for the males involved. As the link said, they had a history of not taking no for an answer. Pull your head out girl, the school staff would have only needed to make one phone call. I bet you were upset by the VA school that tried to burry the tranny assaulting a girl in the bathroom, it's really no different.


If the "tranny" assault happened at the school--there is no question. The school makes the report and notifies the parent.

I know it wasn't consensual and it was sexual assault, but off school property and off school time. I'm asking "parents rights" conservatives why a hearsay, 2nd hand report of assault off school property and off school time, not involving adults or family members, is not immediately reported TO THE PARENTS so that THEY can report to authorities.
She has a right to her opinion. But not to usurp the law.

Of course, this is not about whether I would or would not follow the law. I would. This is about WHY parents rights conservatives CONDONE this situation.

No one can give me an answer.
Can’t comment on those things. Doesn’t matter. I taught for 20 years. Any abuse of any kind on a child by an adult must be reported to the authorities stated by your state government. Police and state authorities if so regulated by state law. No gray area about this if a teacher knows what’s good for them. If she reported to what was required she will be set free. If not, she needs a great lawyer not a whiner

This was not assault or abuse by an adult.

This was a teacher being passed a note written by a student, reporting that ANOTHER student was being assaulted by OTHER students. Teen-to-teen, second hand. He reported it to admin, who did some investigating, dragged their feet a little, and finally reported it.

And the staff was JAILED for--idk--reporting it too late?

Why is this the govt schools' job?
This was not assault or abuse by an adult.

This was a teacher being passed a note written by a student, reporting that ANOTHER student was being assaulted by OTHER students. Teen-to-teen, second hand. He reported it to admin, who did some investigating, dragged their feet a little, and finally reported it.

And the staff was JAILED for--idk--reporting it too late?

Why is this the govt schools' job?
keep complaining that adults in positions of authority over children shouldn't be held accountable for reporting crimes to said children it is such a good look for you.
keep complaining that adults in positions of authority over children shouldn't be held accountable for reporting crimes to said children it is such a good look for you.

Not talking to this poster anymore, who keeps misrepresenting my position. But for anyone new here reading. Schools should absolutely be responsible for reporting:

1. Crimes that happen on school time and/or school property and
2. Crimes children confide to a "safe adult" at school when another adult is the perpetrator

For the millionth time, this crime could have been reported to the parents, to be handled BY the parents. But suddenly, these folks love them some "it takes a village", Big Govco oversight.

Ain't that a kick in the head?
If the "tranny" assault happened at the school--there is no question. The school makes the report and notifies the parent.

I know it wasn't consensual and it was sexual assault, but off school property and off school time. I'm asking "parents rights" conservatives why a hearsay, 2nd hand report of assault off school property and off school time, not involving adults or family members, is not immediately reported TO THE PARENTS so that THEY can report to authorities.

It's pretty simple, the law in most States have a list of mandatory reporters. They are required to report everything from suspicions to witnessed events. Call it hearsay all you want, all allegations need to be investigated when it comes to minors.

It's pretty simple, the law in most States have a list of mandatory reporters. They are required to report everything from suspicions to witnessed events. Call it hearsay all you want, all allegations need to be investigated when it comes to minors.


A mandatory reporter, you realize, reports to Child Protective Services. Does this make sense to you, in the case of teen to teen sexual assault? It didn't to the school--they reported to the police. Whether that is "mandated" is nebulous.

But again my position is: why do PARENTS RIGHTS folks want the school to make the police report--NOT child abuse as it is typically understood--and NOT the parents?
It's pretty simple, the law in most States have a list of mandatory reporters. They are required to report everything from suspicions to witnessed events. Call it hearsay all you want, all allegations need to be investigated when it comes to minors.


More to the point, we are mandatory reporters for CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT. Here is the definition of child abuse and neglect. Note that it involves abuse by the parent or caregiver.

So again my point is, since teachers are not mandatory reporters in this situation, why--from a parents rights POV--not just pass the hearsay on to parents and let them report it? And face jail time?

Federal law definitions of child abuse and neglect​

Federal legislation provides guidance to States by identifying a minimum set of acts or behaviors that define child abuse and neglect. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g), as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum:

  • "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or
  • "An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm."
This definition of child abuse and neglect refers specifically to parents and other caregivers. A "child" under this definition generally means a person who is younger than age 18 or who is not an emancipated minor.

More to the point, we are mandatory reporters for CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT. Here is the definition of child abuse and neglect. Note that it involves abuse by the parent or caregiver.

So again my point is, since teachers are not mandatory reporters in this situation, why--from a parents rights POV--not just pass the hearsay on to parents and let them report it? And face jail time?

Federal law definitions of child abuse and neglect​

Federal legislation provides guidance to States by identifying a minimum set of acts or behaviors that define child abuse and neglect. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g), as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum:

  • "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or
  • "An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm."
This definition of child abuse and neglect refers specifically to parents and other caregivers. A "child" under this definition generally means a person who is younger than age 18 or who is not an emancipated minor.

Look RETARD claiming crimes against minors shouldn't be reported is just such a good look for you. Keep it up.
Look RETARD claiming crimes against minors shouldn't be reported is just such a good look for you. Keep it up.

What a liberal you are. "Not a good look", "you should be ashamed", "says more about you".....

You don't have an argument. We're not even mandatory reporters for this situation, yet you want us being Big Brothers for these teens. All right then, you're all in on "it takes a village"

Duly noted.
They had a responsibility to do something. They did not do anything. They deserve the arrest.

Your first post in this thread before you knee jerked to just insulting me. They didn't have a legal "responsibility" to "do something" in the way mandatory reporters do, because technically this was not child abuse.

But hey, good to know that you LOVE Big Daddy Govco taking the problems to the police before the parents even know.

Duly noted.

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