Schools Closed in Virginia District After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

I have no fucking clue. Nor do I care.

But the rednecks are flamed up into a violent passion if anybody dares try to build understanding of Islam other than "Muslims are jihad scumbags who worship a child molester and want to kill every non Muslim in the world".
But you brought up copying texts in a foreign language as as a way of comprehending them. Copying Korean would be far more useful than copying arabic. The Koreans are batshit proud of Hangul. Really. The king who created it has a 40' statue in Seoul. The Japanese and the Chinese are goofy proud of their writing systems as well. (I think the Japanese writing system is beyond insane myself nouns get chinese characters, others parts of speech get two alphabets depending of whatever)

So, if it is a good way of learning culture, do they do it for all cultures? If one, why that one?
I have no fucking clue. Nor do I care.

But the rednecks are flamed up into a violent passion if anybody dares try to build understanding of Islam other than "Muslims are jihad scumbags who worship a child molester and want to kill every non Muslim in the world".
I'm a baptized and confirmed Catholic and I attended Catholic school and academy (high school) but I have absolutely no interest in Catholicism, or any religion for that matter. I went along with all the ritual nonsense to please my mother -- who would have been horrified to know I've been a tolerant atheist since about age fifteen.

I have no interest in Islam except to know what it is about that religion which is responsible for suicidal jihadists.
well, there is a lot of arabic culture that is not bat shit religious texts. Algorithm is a kurdish scholars name, the guy who came up with Algebra. There is lots of great poetry.

The unfortunate thing is Islam is a fundy religion. It is what the left wing zealots think baptists and presbyterians are. There is one book, and it permits none other.
As I said, there is lots of arabic poetry which is fine. THAT phrase is not fine. They were given this to copy down knowing what they were copying down.
They've promised to change the assignment. That said, it would make some sense to have them copy possibly the most important piece of Arabic calligraphy which happens to be a religious statement.

And yet despite the promise to change the assignment, the ignorant rednecks still call in threats to the school.
How very generous of them. The fact that it was an assignment in the first place is a disgrace.
Deserving of dumb ass rednecks threatening violence?
If it was a madrasah it would have been bombed already.
You mean you rednecks are that violent?
I just looked up redneck and I don't seem to fit the criteria. But anyway, my point was you are taking umbrage at 'rednecks' issuing threats, whilst I was suggesting had the school been a madrasah and the children were writing biblical quotes, it would have had the crap bombed out of it already, children and all. Do you have comprehension problems?
As I said, there is lots of arabic poetry which is fine. THAT phrase is not fine. They were given this to copy down knowing what they were copying down.
They've promised to change the assignment. That said, it would make some sense to have them copy possibly the most important piece of Arabic calligraphy which happens to be a religious statement.

And yet despite the promise to change the assignment, the ignorant rednecks still call in threats to the school.
How very generous of them. The fact that it was an assignment in the first place is a disgrace.
Deserving of dumb ass rednecks threatening violence?
If it was a madrasah it would have been bombed already.
You mean you rednecks are that violent?
It's Islamists that kill school children and their teachers.
what was it changed to? I hadn't heard of it.

I would prefer them to copy something in Japanese or Korean
Arabic calligraphy as part of the World Geography course, Middle Eastern section. No Koreans or Japanese there. Read the link.
So do they copy things out from the Korean when they do the far east? Do they do Cyrillic when they study Russia? Attic Greek when they study Greece?
I have no fucking clue. Nor do I care.

But the rednecks are flamed up into a violent passion if anybody dares try to build understanding of Islam other than "Muslims are jihad scumbags who worship a child molester and want to kill every non Muslim in the world".
Who are these 'rednecks'?
Imagine an art class being taught how to properly draw one of these:

But, of course, with no explanation of how it might have been used in the last century.

Now WHO could possibly be upset by that?
There is nothing aesthetically pleasing or interesting about the Swastika, which is a simple geometric doodle.
Hindu"s would disagree with you. Stop dissing their religious symbols.
I have no fucking clue. Nor do I care.

But the rednecks are flamed up into a violent passion if anybody dares try to build understanding of Islam other than "Muslims are jihad scumbags who worship a child molester and want to kill every non Muslim in the world".
But you brought up copying texts in a foreign language as as a way of comprehending them. Copying Korean would be far more useful than copying arabic. The Koreans are batshit proud of Hangul. Really. The king who created it has a 40' statue in Seoul. The Japanese and the Chinese are goofy proud of their writing systems as well. (I think the Japanese writing system is beyond insane myself nouns get chinese characters, others parts of speech get two alphabets depending of whatever)

So, if it is a good way of learning culture, do they do it for all cultures? If one, why that one?
I'm not from Staunton VA. In my school, we did practice some kind of East Asian calligraphy with calligraphy pens during world geography. It was a good exercise.
well, there is a lot of arabic culture that is not bat shit religious texts. Algorithm is a kurdish scholars name, the guy who came up with Algebra. There is lots of great poetry.

The unfortunate thing is Islam is a fundy religion. It is what the left wing zealots think baptists and presbyterians are. There is one book, and it permits none other.
Baptists and other fundy Christians consider only one book too.

We know that most of you fundy Christians hate and fear Islam and don't want American children to learn anything about it other than to hate it and fear it and know the word jihad.

But we'd rather the people not be ignorant.
Imagine an art class being taught how to properly draw one of these:

But, of course, with no explanation of how it might have been used in the last century.

Now WHO could possibly be upset by that?
There is nothing aesthetically pleasing or interesting about the Swastika, which is a simple geometric doodle.
Hindu"s would disagree with you. Stop dissing their religious symbols.
The Hindus would say it's not simple? Aesthetically pleasing is a matter of opinion and I'm sure many Hindus do not find it so.
what was it changed to? I hadn't heard of it.

I would prefer them to copy something in Japanese or Korean
Arabic calligraphy as part of the World Geography course, Middle Eastern section. No Koreans or Japanese there. Read the link.
So do they copy things out from the Korean when they do the far east? Do they do Cyrillic when they study Russia? Attic Greek when they study Greece?
I have no fucking clue. Nor do I care.

But the rednecks are flamed up into a violent passion if anybody dares try to build understanding of Islam other than "Muslims are jihad scumbags who worship a child molester and want to kill every non Muslim in the world".
Who are these 'rednecks'?
The idiots calling into the school with language disturbing and violent enough to cause the schools to close Friday.
what was it changed to? I hadn't heard of it.

I would prefer them to copy something in Japanese or Korean
Arabic calligraphy as part of the World Geography course, Middle Eastern section. No Koreans or Japanese there. Read the link.
So do they copy things out from the Korean when they do the far east? Do they do Cyrillic when they study Russia? Attic Greek when they study Greece?
I have no fucking clue. Nor do I care.

But the rednecks are flamed up into a violent passion if anybody dares try to build understanding of Islam other than "Muslims are jihad scumbags who worship a child molester and want to kill every non Muslim in the world".
Who are these 'rednecks'?
The idiots calling into the school with language disturbing and violent enough to cause the schools to close Friday.
That's the definition of a redneck? Ok. So I guess I'm not one then, and neither are the other posters you've been referring to as rednecks. Thanks for clearing that up :)
what was it changed to? I hadn't heard of it.

I would prefer them to copy something in Japanese or Korean
Arabic calligraphy as part of the World Geography course, Middle Eastern section. No Koreans or Japanese there. Read the link.
So do they copy things out from the Korean when they do the far east? Do they do Cyrillic when they study Russia? Attic Greek when they study Greece?
I have no fucking clue. Nor do I care.

But the rednecks are flamed up into a violent passion if anybody dares try to build understanding of Islam other than "Muslims are jihad scumbags who worship a child molester and want to kill every non Muslim in the world".
Who are these 'rednecks'?
The idiots calling into the school with language disturbing and violent enough to cause the schools to close Friday.

'School officials said there are no specific threats to students, schools or school offices.'
Bad rednecks.
Are you proud, conservative wingnuts?

Schools Closed in Virginia District After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

Schools Closed After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

A central Virginia school district has cancelled classes Friday after concerns over the "tone and content" of calls and emails received about a lesson in Arabic calligraphy.

Augusta County Public Schools, near Staunton in central Virginia, will be closed after the district received "voluminous phone calls and electronic mail locally and from outside the area" about a high school World Geography class lesson, the district announced Thursday evening.

In a lesson Friday on the Middle East, students were presented with an Islamic statement of faith written in Arabic calligraphy
, superintendent Eric Bond told The News Leader.

"The students were presented with the statement to demonstrate the complex artistry of the written language used in the Middle East, and were asked to attempt to copy it in order to give the students an idea of the artistic complexity of the calligraphy," a statement Bond gave the paper said.
The statement was not translated into English, and students were not asked to "translate it, recite it or otherwise adopt or pronounce it as a personal belief," Bond said.

A parent organized a forum Tuesday night about the lesson, calling it "indoctrination" in Islam, The News Leader reported.
leftist hypocrisy has not limit, none.

Just trying to imagine the outcry from leftist filth if the kids were given a commandment written in latin .

then reread this ***** op

Try to fathom how hard it is to be this hateful, this hypocritical and not explode.

the more muslims attack and murder us, they more they force themselves upon us, the more the left helps them.

how can leftist be ok with this lesson right after the mass shooting?

b/c they just don't care
bwahaha,what an emotional dumb cuntyou are. Thanks for the entertaining rant
Are you proud, conservative wingnuts?

Schools Closed in Virginia District After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

Schools Closed After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

A central Virginia school district has cancelled classes Friday after concerns over the "tone and content" of calls and emails received about a lesson in Arabic calligraphy.

Augusta County Public Schools, near Staunton in central Virginia, will be closed after the district received "voluminous phone calls and electronic mail locally and from outside the area" about a high school World Geography class lesson, the district announced Thursday evening.

In a lesson Friday on the Middle East, students were presented with an Islamic statement of faith written in Arabic calligraphy
, superintendent Eric Bond told The News Leader.

"The students were presented with the statement to demonstrate the complex artistry of the written language used in the Middle East, and were asked to attempt to copy it in order to give the students an idea of the artistic complexity of the calligraphy," a statement Bond gave the paper said.
The statement was not translated into English, and students were not asked to "translate it, recite it or otherwise adopt or pronounce it as a personal belief," Bond said.

A parent organized a forum Tuesday night about the lesson, calling it "indoctrination" in Islam, The News Leader reported.
leftist hypocrisy has not limit, none.

Just trying to imagine the outcry from leftist filth if the kids were given a commandment written in latin .

then reread this ***** op

Try to fathom how hard it is to be this hateful, this hypocritical and not explode.

the more muslims attack and murder us, they more they force themselves upon us, the more the left helps them.

how can leftist be ok with this lesson right after the mass shooting?

b/c they just don't care
Translation: Latin is hard.
You don't care that you are helping our enemies kill civilians.
Are you proud, conservative wingnuts?

Schools Closed in Virginia District After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

Schools Closed After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

A central Virginia school district has cancelled classes Friday after concerns over the "tone and content" of calls and emails received about a lesson in Arabic calligraphy.

Augusta County Public Schools, near Staunton in central Virginia, will be closed after the district received "voluminous phone calls and electronic mail locally and from outside the area" about a high school World Geography class lesson, the district announced Thursday evening.

In a lesson Friday on the Middle East, students were presented with an Islamic statement of faith written in Arabic calligraphy
, superintendent Eric Bond told The News Leader.

"The students were presented with the statement to demonstrate the complex artistry of the written language used in the Middle East, and were asked to attempt to copy it in order to give the students an idea of the artistic complexity of the calligraphy," a statement Bond gave the paper said.
The statement was not translated into English, and students were not asked to "translate it, recite it or otherwise adopt or pronounce it as a personal belief," Bond said.

A parent organized a forum Tuesday night about the lesson, calling it "indoctrination" in Islam, The News Leader reported.
leftist hypocrisy has not limit, none.

Just trying to imagine the outcry from leftist filth if the kids were given a commandment written in latin .

then reread this ***** op

Try to fathom how hard it is to be this hateful, this hypocritical and not explode.

the more muslims attack and murder us, they more they force themselves upon us, the more the left helps them.

how can leftist be ok with this lesson right after the mass shooting?

b/c they just don't care
bwahaha,what an emotional dumb cuntyou are. Thanks for the entertaining rant
So you support the double standard.

people just got murdered by islamist so lets teach our kids to accept islamist.

leftist are just so evil, it's hard to comprehend.
The Hindus would say it's not simple? Aesthetically pleasing is a matter of opinion and I'm sure many Hindus do not find it so.
I have no argument with its symbolic value to the Hindus. But as an art form no skill, special effort or inspiration is required. It consists of six straight, connected, intersecting lines. One need only see it once and casually set to work with a straight-edge and a pen to imitate it. There is extremely limited area for variation or individual expression.
Are you proud, conservative wingnuts?

Schools Closed in Virginia District After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

Schools Closed After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

A central Virginia school district has cancelled classes Friday after concerns over the "tone and content" of calls and emails received about a lesson in Arabic calligraphy.

Augusta County Public Schools, near Staunton in central Virginia, will be closed after the district received "voluminous phone calls and electronic mail locally and from outside the area" about a high school World Geography class lesson, the district announced Thursday evening.

In a lesson Friday on the Middle East, students were presented with an Islamic statement of faith written in Arabic calligraphy
, superintendent Eric Bond told The News Leader.

"The students were presented with the statement to demonstrate the complex artistry of the written language used in the Middle East, and were asked to attempt to copy it in order to give the students an idea of the artistic complexity of the calligraphy," a statement Bond gave the paper said.
The statement was not translated into English, and students were not asked to "translate it, recite it or otherwise adopt or pronounce it as a personal belief," Bond said.

A parent organized a forum Tuesday night about the lesson, calling it "indoctrination" in Islam, The News Leader reported.
leftist hypocrisy has not limit, none.

Just trying to imagine the outcry from leftist filth if the kids were given a commandment written in latin .

then reread this ***** op

Try to fathom how hard it is to be this hateful, this hypocritical and not explode.

the more muslims attack and murder us, they more they force themselves upon us, the more the left helps them.

how can leftist be ok with this lesson right after the mass shooting?

b/c they just don't care

There's a difference between teaching religions and practicing religions. Some people know the difference.

Doesn't matter. The mere presence of religion is a taboo in school if it pertains to Christianity. But the Islamic statement of faith is perfectly fine. Tell me how that reasoning works out.
christians don't want to kill you for any religious reasons, islamist do want to kill you b/c you aren't a muslim or aren't the same kind of muslim they are.

so b/c all terrorist are muslim, it's ok to teack islam in school b/c we have to teach christians that they should be killed.

that's why, you fucking racist
Eh? Why are you calling me racist? Don't you know a statement of irony when you see one?
TemplarKormac, I love the SkyRim shoutout beneath your handle. I started playing again several weeks ago. Too much fun!

It is a fantastic game. You can get lost in the scenery by itself. Just a tip: stand on the stairs in front of and below Jarl Balgruuf's palace in Dragonsreach at night, and stare upwards. It's mesmerizing.

Oh, and I love playing Khajiits and Redguards.
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