Schools Closed in Virginia District After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

Sounds like some on the left are disappointed there wasn't a shooting so they could call for more gun control again.
Yes....I'm sure that was it. Points to you for squeezing guns and gun control into this thread.
leftist hypocrisy has not limit, none.

Just trying to imagine the outcry from leftist filth if the kids were given a commandment written in latin .

then reread this ***** op

Try to fathom how hard it is to be this hateful, this hypocritical and not explode.

the more muslims attack and murder us, they more they force themselves upon us, the more the left helps them.

how can leftist be ok with this lesson right after the mass shooting?

b/c they just don't care

There's a difference between teaching religions and practicing religions. Some people know the difference.

Doesn't matter. The mere presence of religion is a taboo in school if it pertains to Christianity. But the Islamic statement of faith is perfectly fine. Tell me how that reasoning works out.
False. Christian references are all over America's schools.
I have kids in school and I have never seen them sent home with anything religious.
Do they study history or literature at all? Of so then your claim is nearly impossible. Unless you mean by religious pamphlets from Jehovah's witnesses or Holy Bibles.

Look, the statement is in Arabic. It is not indoctrination. These kids don't know Arabic.
So you have no problem with children having to write the shahada, the Islamic statement of faith, the shahada that is emblazoned over the black flag of Isis? Are you for real?
Seems to be happening elsewhere, too:
'There is no God but Allah'? School accused of Islamic indoctrination

By Todd Starnes

Published September 10, 2015

Courtesy of Joy Ellis.

Maury County, Tennessee is in the heart of the Bible Belt. So it’s understandable why the local church ladies got all shook up when they discovered that school children had been forced to declare, “There is no God but Allah.”

Seventh graders at Spring Hill Middle School spent three weeks covering Islam in a Social Studies class – enraging some parents who say the lessons crossed the line into indoctrination and proselytization.

Click here to join Todd’s American Dispatch – a must-read for Conservatives.

“I am not pleased that my 12-year-old was taught the Islamic conversion prayer,” parent Brandee Porterfield told me.

Could you imagine the outcry from liberal activists if the students had been forced to write “Jesus is Lord’?

Joy Ellis was a bit fired up, too. She discovered the Islamic lessons after examining her daughter’s class work.

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“I was very angry that my child, my Christian child, was made to profess that Allah was the only God,” she told me....

They told me they would not be teaching Christianity,” she said. “Because they only taught this one faith – to me that is state-sponsored prayer in schools.”

Ellis said it appears the school is advancing a pro-Muslim agenda.

“It tells me they are trying to convert my children to being Muslim,” she said.
'There is no God but Allah'? School accused of Islamic indoctrination | Fox News
Riiiight. These schools are trying to convert Christian children to Islam by making them understand what Muslims believe.

How about when they teach children what Buddhists believe? We visited a Buddhist temple and listened to a speech by the leader of the temple. "He's a nice man, but he's going to hell" my fundie friends said afterwards.
'A parent organized a forum Tuesday night about the lesson, calling it "indoctrination" in Islam, The News Leader reported.'

More ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

We can only hope such individuals constitute but a very small minority.
You can thank Islam for this overreaction. Like blacks demanding the resignation of a DC employee for using the word niggardly.

That was ONE guy, not "blacks". And after he did resign, once the mayor looked into it he hired him back.
It was blacks who took offense and didn't come to his defense out of their conditioned hate and ignorance. The idiot who innocently used the term even offered to resign. White privilege before it was called white privilege.

NO, it was one guy, not "blacks". "Blacks" are not a monolith. "Blacks" don't hold a meeting every morning and decide what they'll do and say that day. It was one guy, an ignoramus with an entitlement/martyr complex, named Marshall Brown, who later himself got fired from a political campaign for continuing to be an asshole.

NAACP Chair Julian Bond --- who is one of "the blacks" --- said this about it:

"David Howard should not have quit. Mayor Williams should bring him back—and order dictionaries issued to all staff who need them."

Bond continued, "Seems to me the mayor has been niggardly in his judgment on the issue. You hate to think you have to censor your language to meet other people's lack of understanding. " and alluded to a national "hair-trigger sensibility" on race that can be tripped by both real and false grievances.
But you go on in your little comic book world extrapolating one gadfly to "the blacks" if that's all the complexity of life your mind can handle.
Having a secular school teach American children about Christianity would likely offend more Christians than non Christians. "How dare an atheist try to teach my child what Christianity is," "She taught it totally wrong," "He promoted papist heathenism"

So schools must be most careful about how they treat Christianity in the classroom. Yet if they teach Western or American literature or history, the topic of Christianity simply cannot be avoided.

I would recommend teaching about all religions during a three year course on world geography during grades 6 through 8, with a focus on the religious practices of the people as opposed to the details of doctrine (although doctrine must be tough to some degree to understand the practices). E.g. students must learn who the Virgin Mary is to understand why catholics say the Hail Mary.
Are you proud, conservative wingnuts?

Schools Closed in Virginia District After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

Schools Closed After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

A central Virginia school district has cancelled classes Friday after concerns over the "tone and content" of calls and emails received about a lesson in Arabic calligraphy.

Augusta County Public Schools, near Staunton in central Virginia, will be closed after the district received "voluminous phone calls and electronic mail locally and from outside the area" about a high school World Geography class lesson, the district announced Thursday evening.

In a lesson Friday on the Middle East, students were presented with an Islamic statement of faith written in Arabic calligraphy, superintendent Eric Bond told The News Leader.

"The students were presented with the statement to demonstrate the complex artistry of the written language used in the Middle East, and were asked to attempt to copy it in order to give the students an idea of the artistic complexity of the calligraphy," a statement Bond gave the paper said.
The statement was not translated into English, and students were not asked to "translate it, recite it or otherwise adopt or pronounce it as a personal belief," Bond said.

A parent organized a forum Tuesday night about the lesson, calling it "indoctrination" in Islam, The News Leader reported.

What's next? You guys (Americans) going to outlaw the Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,) and start using Roman numerals? Try getting to Mars with that system. Oh yeah, I forgot, you've given up BIG IDEAS, regressing to the little ones, back to the future with the 19th century Know Nothings. Jesus, to think I used to envy you guys.
They'll have to change about 75% of the names of the stars...they are in Arabic.
'A parent organized a forum Tuesday night about the lesson, calling it "indoctrination" in Islam, The News Leader reported.'

More ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

We can only hope such individuals constitute but a very small minority.
You can thank Islam for this overreaction. Like blacks demanding the resignation of a DC employee for using the word niggardly.

That was ONE guy, not "blacks". And after he did resign, once the mayor looked into it he hired him back.
It was blacks who took offense and didn't come to his defense out of their conditioned hate and ignorance. The idiot who innocently used the term even offered to resign. White privilege before it was called white privilege.

NO, it was one guy, not "blacks". "Blacks" are not a monolith. "Blacks" don't hold a meeting every morning and decide what they'll do and say that day. It was one guy, an ignoramus with an entitlement/martyr complex, named Marshall Brown, who later himself got fired from a political campaign for continuing to be an asshole.

NAACP Chair Julian Bond --- who is one of "the blacks" --- said this about it:

"David Howard should not have quit. Mayor Williams should bring him back—and order dictionaries issued to all staff who need them."

Bond continued, "Seems to me the mayor has been niggardly in his judgment on the issue. You hate to think you have to censor your language to meet other people's lack of understanding. " and alluded to a national "hair-trigger sensibility" on race that can be tripped by both real and false grievances.
But you go on in your little comic book world extrapolating one gadfly to "the blacks" if that's all the complexity of life your mind can handle.
Inaction by the city council is part and parcel. Blacks don't think monolithically but then you reference the NAACP. Explain the geography-transcending dialect.
My analogy is spot-on.
Are you proud, conservative wingnuts?

Schools Closed in Virginia District After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

Schools Closed After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

A central Virginia school district has cancelled classes Friday after concerns over the "tone and content" of calls and emails received about a lesson in Arabic calligraphy.

Augusta County Public Schools, near Staunton in central Virginia, will be closed after the district received "voluminous phone calls and electronic mail locally and from outside the area" about a high school World Geography class lesson, the district announced Thursday evening.

In a lesson Friday on the Middle East, students were presented with an Islamic statement of faith written in Arabic calligraphy, superintendent Eric Bond told The News Leader.

"The students were presented with the statement to demonstrate the complex artistry of the written language used in the Middle East, and were asked to attempt to copy it in order to give the students an idea of the artistic complexity of the calligraphy," a statement Bond gave the paper said.
The statement was not translated into English, and students were not asked to "translate it, recite it or otherwise adopt or pronounce it as a personal belief," Bond said.

A parent organized a forum Tuesday night about the lesson, calling it "indoctrination" in Islam, The News Leader reported.

What's next? You guys (Americans) going to outlaw the Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,) and start using Roman numerals? Try getting to Mars with that system. Oh yeah, I forgot, you've given up BIG IDEAS, regressing to the little ones, back to the future with the 19th century Know Nothings. Jesus, to think I used to envy you guys.

Wonder if some of these yahoos ever use alcohol with or without a carafe. Or algebra. Or use software that uses algorithms, or ever use alkaline batteries.

-- Or drink coffee or carob. Or eat candy. Or spinach or artichokes or lemons or limes or oranges or tangerines or apricots. Or play a guitar. Or write a check (cheque). Or wear cotton. Or sleep on a mattress or even a sofa.

They gonna have to give all that up. It's all "indoctrination".
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'A parent organized a forum Tuesday night about the lesson, calling it "indoctrination" in Islam, The News Leader reported.'

More ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

We can only hope such individuals constitute but a very small minority.
You can thank Islam for this overreaction. Like blacks demanding the resignation of a DC employee for using the word niggardly.

That was ONE guy, not "blacks". And after he did resign, once the mayor looked into it he hired him back.
It was blacks who took offense and didn't come to his defense out of their conditioned hate and ignorance. The idiot who innocently used the term even offered to resign. White privilege before it was called white privilege.

NO, it was one guy, not "blacks". "Blacks" are not a monolith. "Blacks" don't hold a meeting every morning and decide what they'll do and say that day. It was one guy, an ignoramus with an entitlement/martyr complex, named Marshall Brown, who later himself got fired from a political campaign for continuing to be an asshole.

NAACP Chair Julian Bond --- who is one of "the blacks" --- said this about it:

"David Howard should not have quit. Mayor Williams should bring him back—and order dictionaries issued to all staff who need them."

Bond continued, "Seems to me the mayor has been niggardly in his judgment on the issue. You hate to think you have to censor your language to meet other people's lack of understanding. " and alluded to a national "hair-trigger sensibility" on race that can be tripped by both real and false grievances.
But you go on in your little comic book world extrapolating one gadfly to "the blacks" if that's all the complexity of life your mind can handle.
Inaction by the city council is part and parcel. Blacks don't think monolithically but then you reference the NAACP. Explain the geography-transcending dialect.
My analogy is spot-on.

You didn't make an "analogy" --- you made a Composition Fallacy/Blanket Statement.
You can thank Islam for this overreaction. Like blacks demanding the resignation of a DC employee for using the word niggardly.

That was ONE guy, not "blacks". And after he did resign, once the mayor looked into it he hired him back.
It was blacks who took offense and didn't come to his defense out of their conditioned hate and ignorance. The idiot who innocently used the term even offered to resign. White privilege before it was called white privilege.

NO, it was one guy, not "blacks". "Blacks" are not a monolith. "Blacks" don't hold a meeting every morning and decide what they'll do and say that day. It was one guy, an ignoramus with an entitlement/martyr complex, named Marshall Brown, who later himself got fired from a political campaign for continuing to be an asshole.

NAACP Chair Julian Bond --- who is one of "the blacks" --- said this about it:

"David Howard should not have quit. Mayor Williams should bring him back—and order dictionaries issued to all staff who need them."

Bond continued, "Seems to me the mayor has been niggardly in his judgment on the issue. You hate to think you have to censor your language to meet other people's lack of understanding. " and alluded to a national "hair-trigger sensibility" on race that can be tripped by both real and false grievances.
But you go on in your little comic book world extrapolating one gadfly to "the blacks" if that's all the complexity of life your mind can handle.
Inaction by the city council is part and parcel. Blacks don't think monolithically but then you reference the NAACP. Explain the geography-transcending dialect.
My analogy is spot-on.

You didn't make an "analogy" --- you made a Composition Fallacy/Blanket Statement.
You're in denial.
But keep talking about yahoos.
We probably count ourselves fortunate that the school did not instigate a liberal firestorm by teaching children how to draw something really challenging - like this:
That was ONE guy, not "blacks". And after he did resign, once the mayor looked into it he hired him back.
It was blacks who took offense and didn't come to his defense out of their conditioned hate and ignorance. The idiot who innocently used the term even offered to resign. White privilege before it was called white privilege.

NO, it was one guy, not "blacks". "Blacks" are not a monolith. "Blacks" don't hold a meeting every morning and decide what they'll do and say that day. It was one guy, an ignoramus with an entitlement/martyr complex, named Marshall Brown, who later himself got fired from a political campaign for continuing to be an asshole.

NAACP Chair Julian Bond --- who is one of "the blacks" --- said this about it:

"David Howard should not have quit. Mayor Williams should bring him back—and order dictionaries issued to all staff who need them."

Bond continued, "Seems to me the mayor has been niggardly in his judgment on the issue. You hate to think you have to censor your language to meet other people's lack of understanding. " and alluded to a national "hair-trigger sensibility" on race that can be tripped by both real and false grievances.
But you go on in your little comic book world extrapolating one gadfly to "the blacks" if that's all the complexity of life your mind can handle.
Inaction by the city council is part and parcel. Blacks don't think monolithically but then you reference the NAACP. Explain the geography-transcending dialect.
My analogy is spot-on.

You didn't make an "analogy" --- you made a Composition Fallacy/Blanket Statement.
You're in denial.
But keep talking about yahoos.

Denial? :rofl:
Which one of us took a whine from one illiterate guy and extended it to his entire race?
Did anybody know it was an Islamic Statement of Faith or was it picked because it was available and a beautiful example of the art.

If people would study cultures and religions more, say Islam, properly, they would see that image as the Islamic statement of faith, the shahada. Ignorance is no excuse. Ignorance of any religion is no excuse. Even if you aren't religious, knowing the beliefs and practices of the major religions would help you alleviate such ignorance.
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They shouldn't have used the shahada for the calligraphy assignment.

I could never quite get the hang of calligraphy as my hands are far too unsteady for such intricate work.
Years ago schools could get away with that stuff but people are better informed today. Meanwhile the radical left seems outraged that concerned citizens sent e mails and made phone calls to a school while the BLM is freaking rioting in the streets and OWS takes over parks and stops commerce.
They might have been a lesson copying the poetry of Omar Khayaam. It is short, and fits what is the ostensible goal. Statement of religious faith does not belong in schools. they can't do the catholic catechism, the niacine (sp?) creed, whatever the jews do in this regard, or the moslem statement of faith.

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