Schrödinger's Border

... just like your daughters are perfectly safe with Joe and Hunter Biden ...

Personally speaking, I know my daughter could kick Hunter's arse ... and she could just pay Joe Biden's nurse to spit in his Ensure.

Well the World Economic Forum--such a noble sounding title isn't it?--envisions a world without borders.
A world without borders means that you or I could jump on a jet and go wherever we wanted, at any time we wanted....That's not what the WEF fiends want.....They want a "world without borders" that has us all sequestered in our designated "fifteen-minute cities", where we come and go only under permission...Those are some mighty small borders.
How would you know either way? MAGA would have us believe we both know and don’t know what’s in the bill, at the same time! It’s Schrödinger’s legislation, I guess. :dunno:
Because of the pattern of behavior, which has become as tiresome as it is obvious....You liberoidals aren't at all bright, are you?
A world without borders means that you or I could jump on a jet and go wherever we wanted, at any time we wanted....That's not what the WEF fiends want.....They want a "world without borders" that has us all sequestered in our designated "fifteen-minute cities", where we come and go only under permission...Those are some mighty small borders.
The focus on green energy if it continues as the 'world' is pushing it will naturally limit ability to travel. And I will concede that much of the WEF recommended policy of 'world without borders' is concentrated on economic policy--they want money/resources to be able to move around the world as easily as sending an email. But they also think large migrations should not be discouraged as they are 'necessary to address issues in countries where populations are aging.

They don't seem to acknowledge that these migrants are not going to China or Korea or other places were aging populations are at the most risk but they are going to the richest countries with the greater ability to provide them with benefits. And nobody in the WEF seems to be concerned about the economic impact on these countries now or how, if these countries are overwhelmed and fail economically, how that will more impoverish all the world.

It is not official policy of the WEF yet, but I think they are moving toward or maybe are already at the concept of one world government.

But that's a topic for another discussion. I will concede the 'world without borders' does mean something different to the WEF than it does to the hopelessly woke and economically clueless left in this country. I don't expect the WEF to be focused on the concept that a country without borders isn't really a country.
Notice the moonbats keep screeching republicans dont want to do anything?
When repulicans crafted a bill last year that would actually help, not one dem voted for it, so it died in the senate.
Notice the moonbats keep talking about going after the employer? Guess what was in the republican bill?
Dont let these dipshits gaslight you.
They are trained monkeys.
but but but….“It’s the EMPLOYERS!” - pknopp
Brain damaged commee scum completely ignoring the fact the bill is 90% Pork with little to do with sealing the border. The bill is designed to allow more in faster.
"Brain damaged comme scum..." :auiqs.jpg: I didn't think anyone actually said things like that in the real world.:auiqs.jpg:

I guess you posted this before anyone knew what was in the deal.... didn't age well.
Democrats 2021-2023: There's no crisis at the border....Quit making such a big deal of those scores of thousands of mendicants being flown into the nation's interior in the dead of night....The border is totally under control...Millions of "migrants" showing up at the border is totally normal....Quit being so hysterical.

Democrats 2024: ZOMG!...The border is a total catastrophe!....We need to pass this 2,000 page bill, that is entirely unavailable for the peasants to look at, rightfickingnow!.....It's all "bipartisan" and shit, trust us!

Oh, and did we mention that the new laws being passed, are going to be enforced by the dude who who just had articles of impeachment filed upon, for ignoring the laws that already exist?

If you're not confused as fuck, you're not really paying attention.


P.S....As an opinion-based OP, no link is required, per the rules.
And I thought Schrodinger had a cat all this time.
Signing this legislation is not going to change anything at the border....if anything it's going to make things worse with no recourse to do anything.

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