Schumer cried about the 90 day travel ban from 7 state sponsors of terror, no tears for 8 dead?

How about the 60 dead a few weeks ago by the white male?

You do realize that thousands of people are gunned down every year in this country? Yet, we don't hear about that from Trump.

Sure, we have our home grown crazies to deal with as it is. Importing muslims here is a guarantee of more violence down the road.
Schumer has become a national security risk....

Why? Because he believes all people including Muslims should be given a chance at being American?

No, especially because he wants to import violence prone muslims here. Muslims are anti American to begin with since they tolerate no other religions. Not that islam is a religion anyway since their prophet was a murdering rapist pig.
The left will keep their heads down and hope the American people forget that its their fault these attacks have happened.
'Diversity Visa Lottery?!' WTF? Schumer and Bush should be tarred & feathered for that nightmare. What do you tell the families? Our Immigration System is a tragic mess.
I'm all for diversity but the Left is all against vetting and promotes a lottery. Obama saying one thing and doing another was all on display last year saying that immigrants from the terror sponsoring nations would be vetted. How can you vet someone and let them in based on a lottery at the same time? Further, have you seen the joke of the vetting process the Left provided us: fill out a questionnaire asking yes or know if you are a terrorist or have intent to kill.

Trump is right. It's time to get rid of the immigration lottery. We are tired of unnecessarily importing terrorism.
I'm all for diversity but the Left is all against vetting and promotes a lottery. Obama saying one thing and doing another was all on display last year saying that immigrants from the terror sponsoring nations would be vetted. How can you vet someone and let them in based on a lottery at the same time? Further, have you seen the joke of the vetting process the Left provided us: fill out a questionnaire asking yes or know if you are a terrorist or have intent to kill.

Trump is right. It's time to get rid of the immigration lottery. We are tired of unnecessarily importing terrorism.

A Bleepin 'Diversity Visa Lottery?! Yeah, what could possibly go wrong? Bush and Schumer are disgraces.
A politician's tears are reserved for fleeting moments of political expediency only.


Irrelevant based on the fact the killer has been in the US since 2010, and the statistics which find very few immigrants from those nations created similar carnage.

Tell that to the families. I'd really like to see you spin that Bullshit to their faces. The asshole shouldn't have been in our country. Bush and Schumer should be tarred & feathered for their 'Diversity Visa Lottery' disgrace. To hell with em.
The funniest thing about the 90 day travel ban is:

1. It starts by assuming there's a danger

2. It also assumes that on the 91st day, the danger is gone.

aka Retarded.

Irrelevant based on the fact the killer has been in the US since 2010, and the statistics which find very few immigrants from those nations created similar carnage.

Tell that to the families. I'd really like to see you spin that Bullshit to their faces. The asshole shouldn't have been in our country. Bush and Schumer should be tarred & feathered for their 'Diversity Visa Lottery' disgrace. To hell with em.

Maybe you should read Jefferson's words in the Declaration of Independence and blame him, and Reagan's solution, or every Congress including the do nothings Congress of today too.

Nothing for 8 dead and 12 injured IN HIS OWN CITY. :badgrin:

It's because it's SCHUMERS lottery and he is going to be FUCKED politically.

How about the 23 people this guy sponsored?

That's the DIRTY DEM SECRET. The tethering to those chosen in the lottery.

We did not take in this one person. HE BROUGHT OVER 23 OTHER PEOPLE....but I am sure they are all very nice people.

Schumer is a POS political hack who should be voted out.
How about the 60 dead a few weeks ago by the white male?

You do realize that thousands of people are gunned down every year in this country? Yet, we don't hear about that from Trump.
We do not know what caused that mass murder. We do know that Islam, and the way it is taught inspire mass murder. Are you intelligent enough to see the difference?
'Diversity Visa Lottery?!' WTF? Schumer and Bush should be tarred & feathered for that nightmare. What do you tell the families? Our Immigration System is a tragic mess.

"The Lottery" was done to have something this side of mass influx and, at the same time, not offend the PC crowd when it comes to vetting. Bush, Obama, Shumer..... doesn't matter. The Lottery is a failure. The Left focuses on gun control because he was waving a gun. Fine. More gun control, more immigration control. In both cases, don't confuse profiling with vetting.
'Diversity Visa Lottery?!' WTF? Schumer and Bush should be tarred & feathered for that nightmare. What do you tell the families? Our Immigration System is a tragic mess.

"The Lottery" was done to have something this side of mass influx and, at the same time, not offend the PC crowd when it comes to vetting. Bush, Obama, Shumer..... doesn't matter. The Lottery is a failure. The Left focuses on gun control because he was waving a gun. Fine. More gun control, more immigration control. In both cases, don't confuse profiling with vetting.

A horrific disgrace. I truly feel for the families. It shouldn't have happened. It is time to get serious about rebuilding our dismantled Immigration System. Hopefully Trump will have some success doing that.
Don't forget the big lie by Dems....the TETHERING.

If the Dems were able to get amnesty for 1 million ILLEGAL ALIENS in the USA, it instantly turns into 10-20 million, because those people will sponsor and bring in MANY MANY MANY other immigrants.

Dems want the votes.....they would chop off Hillary's penis to get that accomplished. They would LOVE 10-20 million new Dem voters.....they don't GAF how the USA is negatively impacted.

Fuck Schumer, he's a political whore. His base consists of America hating illegals, militant homosexuals and other assorted deviants, man hating feminists, environmentalist nutjobs, welfare queens and baby daddies, and corporate fat cats who buy their politicians to perpetuate their exploitation of our resources. He would willingly take it up the ass from a gang of terrorists if it meant a sizeable campaign contribution. He is a classic POS.
Other than that, he's a nice guy.

Schumer went OVERBOARD on party loyalty-----he should retire

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