Schumer Releases Plan to Outlaw Every Gas Powered Car in America

The market will replace gasoline engines. Once electric cars, and eventually SUV's and pick ups are able to 1000 miles on a charge, it's ball game for gas powered vehicles.
I have 2 pickup trucks, and both get less than 400 miles per tank.
Should you ban all trucks that get less than 1000 per tank?

Name a gas powered auto that get one thousand miles per tank because I have never seen one yet.

My little car get 440 miles per tank and that is a ten gallon tank...
And you thought the green rookie Democrats were American hating morons. Their leader to the rookies are set to crush liberty.

Then they kill electricity then shrug.


You are the very epitome of a moron.

The market will replace gasoline engines. Once electric cars, and eventually SUV's and pick ups are able to 1000 miles on a charge, it's ball game for gas powered vehicles. There will always be a few models that survive, including collecters vehicles, but the normal commute vehicles will eventually be electric.

Technology is fast overtaking the fossil fuel industry. Digging a hole in the ground will become obsolete as above ground technology, that is infinite and cleaner will also be dictated by the market. Once home owners and businesses can no longer have to pay an electric bill, it will be ball game for the electric utilities, except on a much smaller scale.

Once electric cars, and eventually SUV's and pick ups are able to 1000 miles on a charge,

your great grandchildren will be too old to drive before that happens.

And you will fight to the death to make sure it takes that long for them to right?
What do they call that thingy when I won’t pay the $40K a year tax on my car?

Your lame spinning for Leftardism grows more absurd by the minute.

No different than what they did to cigarettes and none of you dumb fucks all that "outlawing"

just own up to your lies, it is less painful

It is not outlawing but taxing it and who would it hurt more:

The rich


The Middle Class and Poor?

We do not have the infrastructure in this country for mass transit and electric cars, SUVs and trucks are still in the baby stages, and the poor and lower middle class can not afford them as of yet...

So who would this hurt?

as I said in my first post...Ok, so this is a stupid fucking plan and not the job of the Fed Govt.
The market will replace gasoline engines. Once electric cars, and eventually SUV's and pick ups are able to 1000 miles on a charge, it's ball game for gas powered vehicles.
I have 2 pickup trucks, and both get less than 400 miles per tank.
Should you ban all trucks that get less than 1000 per tank?

Electric vehicles don't have tanks. They will never develope a gas vehicle that will get 1000 miles per tank, and nobody said anything about banning anything. I said the market will make that determination, and it will. Gasoline vehicles are not the future, Electric vehicles are. What anyone thinks about it is irrelevant. So feel free to continue driving your trucks until they dig one last hole for you.
Show me an honest environmentalist and I'll show you a creature getting around on electric roller skates powered by a wind turbine (plastic propellor) on the top of his/her/its solar panel beanie. On a dark, windless night.
The market will replace gasoline engines. Once electric cars, and eventually SUV's and pick ups are able to 1000 miles on a charge, it's ball game for gas powered vehicles.
I have 2 pickup trucks, and both get less than 400 miles per tank.
Should you ban all trucks that get less than 1000 per tank?

Name a gas powered auto that get one thousand miles per tank because I have never seen one yet.

My little car get 440 miles per tank and that is a ten gallon tank...
Pf 1000 miles per charge is the standard, then 1000 miles per tank needs to also be the standard.

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