Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

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One year ago this week, we experienced great sorrow: mere hours after the dawn of a new
Congress and a new Majority, our beloved Capitol was attacked. It was attacked in a naked
attempt to derail our Republic’s most sacred tradition: the peaceful transfer of power. Domestic
violent extremists sought to inflict chaos and violence. Fueled by conspiracy and the ravings of a
vengeful former President, they sought to destroy our Republic.
Our democracy held – for now.
As we all are witnessing, the attacks on our democracy have not ceased. In fact, they have only
accelerated. Much like the violent insurrectionists who stormed the US Capitol nearly one year
ago, Republican officials in states across the country have seized on the former president’s Big
Lie about widespread voter fraud to enact anti-democratic legislation and seize control of
typically non-partisan election administration functions. While these actions all proceed under
the guise of so-called “election integrity”, the true aim couldn’t be more clear. They want to
unwind the progress of our Union, restrict access to the ballot, silence the voices of millions of
voters, and undermine free and fair elections. They wish to propagate the Big Lie perpetuated by
the former president that our elections are not on the level.
Make no mistake about it: this week Senate Democrats will make clear that what happened on
January 6th and the one-sided, partisan actions being taken by Republican-led state legislatures
across the country are directly linked, and we can and must take strong action to stop this antidemocratic march. Specifically, as we honor the brave Capitol police officers who defended us
from those motivated by the Big Lie who tried to undo a fair and free election, Senate Democrats
will continue to make the case for passing voting rights legislation to counter the Republican
voter suppression and election nullification laws with the same anti-democratic motives born out
of the Big Lie.
Let me be clear: January 6th was a symptom of a broader illness - an effort to delegitimize our
election process, and the Senate must advance systemic democracy reforms to repair our republic
or else the events of that day will not be an aberration – they will be the new norm. Given the
urgency of the situation and imminence of the votes, we as Senate Democrats must urge the
public in a variety of different ways to impress upon their Senators the importance of acting and
reforming the Senate rules, if that becomes a perquisite for action to save our democracy.

We must ask ourselves: if the right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy, then how can we
in good conscience allow for a situation in which the Republican Party can debate and pass voter
suppression laws at the State level with only a simple majority vote, but not allow the United
States Senate to do the same?
We must adapt. The Senate must evolve, like it has many times before. The Senate was designed
to evolve and has evolved many times in our history. As former Senator Robert Byrd famously
said, Senate Rules “must be changed to reflect changed circumstances.” Put more plainly by
Senator Byrd, “Congress is not obliged to be bound by the dead hand of the past.”
The fight for the ballot is as old as the Republic. Over the coming weeks, the Senate will once
again consider how to perfect this union and confront the historic challenges facing our
democracy. We hope our Republican colleagues change course and work with us. But if they do
not, the Senate will debate and consider changes to Senate rules on or before January 17, Martin
Luther King Jr. Day, to protect the foundation of our democracy: free and fair elections
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It's amazing how the Democrats always do shit that comes back to bite them in the ass....

Considering the great job the Fucktard (along with the Democrats) are doing screwing up everything they touch, their polling is in the toilet!!!!

At this rate, when the Republicans retake the House and Senate this fall (and the White House in 2024), the Democrats won't be able to obstruct anything!!!!

so, if we don't get our way, we're changing the rules cause this is REALLY important. that's what i am hearing them say.

meanwhile, they keep up the song and dance of how 1/6 was out to overthrow the gov they are trying to work around right now.

biden issuing unconstitutional EO's like halloween candy, schurmer saying "fuck it we will do it anyway" so they can alter voting rules in their favor... and most people on the left are cool with the level of bullshit THEIR side is up to simply because they OTHER side is painted to be worse.
I don't trust the goddamned Democrats any more than I trust the goddamned Republicans... both sides are jam-packed with hyper-partisan whiny bitches.

And the Dems are as wrong-as-wrong-can-be, about this... just like they're dead-wrong when it comes to reconfiguring SCOTUS...

If they actually go through with this then they will have lost me for 2022... maybe for 2024 as well... depends on who the Pubs run...
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One year ago this week, we experienced great sorrow: mere hours after the dawn of a new
Congress and a new Majority, our beloved Capitol was attacked. It was attacked in a naked
attempt to derail our Republic’s most sacred tradition: the peaceful transfer of power. Domestic
violent extremists sought to inflict chaos and violence. Fueled by conspiracy and the ravings of a
vengeful former President, they sought to destroy our Republic.
Our democracy held – for now.
As we all are witnessing, the attacks on our democracy have not ceased. In fact, they have only
accelerated. Much like the violent insurrectionists who stormed the US Capitol nearly one year
ago, Republican officials in states across the country have seized on the former president’s Big
Lie about widespread voter fraud to enact anti-democratic legislation and seize control of
typically non-partisan election administration functions. While these actions all proceed under
the guise of so-called “election integrity”, the true aim couldn’t be more clear. They want to
unwind the progress of our Union, restrict access to the ballot, silence the voices of millions of
voters, and undermine free and fair elections. They wish to propagate the Big Lie perpetuated by
the former president that our elections are not on the level.
Make no mistake about it: this week Senate Democrats will make clear that what happened on
January 6th and the one-sided, partisan actions being taken by Republican-led state legislatures
across the country are directly linked, and we can and must take strong action to stop this antidemocratic march. Specifically, as we honor the brave Capitol police officers who defended us
from those motivated by the Big Lie who tried to undo a fair and free election, Senate Democrats
will continue to make the case for passing voting rights legislation to counter the Republican
voter suppression and election nullification laws with the same anti-democratic motives born out
of the Big Lie.
Let me be clear: January 6th was a symptom of a broader illness - an effort to delegitimize our
election process, and the Senate must advance systemic democracy reforms to repair our republic
or else the events of that day will not be an aberration – they will be the new norm. Given the
urgency of the situation and imminence of the votes, we as Senate Democrats must urge the
public in a variety of different ways to impress upon their Senators the importance of acting and
reforming the Senate rules, if that becomes a perquisite for action to save our democracy.

We must ask ourselves: if the right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy, then how can we
in good conscience allow for a situation in which the Republican Party can debate and pass voter
suppression laws at the State level with only a simple majority vote, but not allow the United
States Senate to do the same?
We must adapt. The Senate must evolve, like it has many times before. The Senate was designed
to evolve and has evolved many times in our history. As former Senator Robert Byrd famously
said, Senate Rules “must be changed to reflect changed circumstances.” Put more plainly by
Senator Byrd, “Congress is not obliged to be bound by the dead hand of the past.”
The fight for the ballot is as old as the Republic. Over the coming weeks, the Senate will once
again consider how to perfect this union and confront the historic challenges facing our
democracy. We hope our Republican colleagues change course and work with us. But if they do
not, the Senate will debate and consider changes to Senate rules on or before January 17, Martin
Luther King Jr. Day, to protect the foundation of our democracy: free and fair elections
Really Schumer?...just in time for the GOP to take control of your senate?.....can't fix stupid in demtards....they keep stepping in their own shit....
I welcome gridlock
IDK what that federal supremacists problem is :dunno:
the gridlock is SUPPOSED to make the parties work together and find the common ground. that was the intent of things like the filibuster. make sure both sides have "skin in the game" so one side isn't pushing the other side around.

i think it's a fair way to do it. i am NOT for EITHER SIDE being able to dominate over the other and kick them aside as if they don't matter. we *all* matter but we choose to forget that these days cause hate is the rage.

any democrat ok with bypassing laws to allow one side to push their agenda over the other isn't in favor of who we used to be anymore. maybe they never were. we've always had our fights and even in the best of times, would still fight over the issues.

but we are so far beyond that and people pom poming for either side can't see the entire city burning.

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