Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

I do not care which party holds the majority in the Senate, the filibuster needs to go away, or at least be changed to an active event as it was intended.

Both sides use the filibuster as their crutch for never getting things done. Every election it is "well ,we tried but they would not let us".

I say the heck with that, get rid of it and let the chips fall where they may
What the filibuster is SUPPOSED to achieve is compromise.
What the filibuster is SUPPOSED to achieve is compromise.

But it does not do that, it just gives both sides an excuse for not doing what they said they were going to do.

Go back to it being an active event and no further Senate business can be done until the filibuster is over, then they would have a reason to compromise
Interesting that Biden was bashed endlessly on here for not getting the infrastructure bill he wanted, due to compromise in the Senate.

Now compromise is again a good and desirable thing.

Hard to keep up with the daily attitude changes.
The Filibuster was meant to be used on rare occasions
It is now used on all legislation

Time to end it
Wow, you really are a racist. Why do you keep saying minorities can't follow the same rules as everyone else? Do you think they are stupid?

Why ask him? Ask your cult leaders why they think these measures will suppress rhe vote. Then ask yourself why you support suppressing the vote. See if you can lie to yourself.
Why ask him? Ask your cult leaders why they think these measures will suppress rhe vote. Then ask yourself why you support suppressing the vote. See if you can lie to yourself.
The opposition is due to it being unconstitutional. Schumer is trying to nationalize elections when they are 50 individual elections.
Bad idea because when the GOP gets back in charge they will be able to pass whatever bill they wish. Schumer is a shortsighted political idiot.
Only they do nothing. But they pontificate in their greatness. Trump's agendas would have been passed. Boehner called Harry Reid a great person or so. This is endless. Reid was scum! He destroyed! His physical appearance took the image of his soul.
This is just bluster

if schumer could change the filibuster rule he would not need to change it

he does not have the votes unless the Deep State has enough dirt to blackmail a couple of repubs into crossing party lines
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it's about time my friends

So Schumer is wanting the GOP to vote for his bill or he will change the rules so it will pass. That seems short sighted of Schumer because when the GOP is in charge, they can push whatever agenda they want and the Democrats will have no recourse. Dumb idea, I didn't think Schumer was bright enough to think it through. Payback is a bitch and lat time it added another Conservative to the Supreme Court. Again, stupid idea but...
Why ask him? Ask your cult leaders why they think these measures will suppress rhe vote. Then ask yourself why you support suppressing the vote. See if you can lie to yourself.
Why am I suppressing votes? Is Democracy freedom? All I see is massive tax increases, no reduction of poverty and dictatorship to me. I rather see you die.
Interesting that Biden was bashed endlessly on here for not getting the infrastructure bill he wanted, due to compromise in the Senate.

Now compromise is again a good and desirable thing.

Hard to keep up with the daily attitude changes.
We need 500 billion dollars of road and bridges easily. We got 110 billion out of 1.2 Trillion dollars. Understand the corruption yet!!!
Actually what the filibuster does is create "Gridlock", which means no new legislation gets passed. That is the optimum outcome in DC. The more those DC morons do the worse they make things. Gridlock or "no action" is the best outcome. Unfortunately, they always seem to compromise when it comes to wasting money.
Actually what the filibuster does is create "Gridlock", which means no new legislation gets passed. That is the optimum outcome in DC. The more those DC morons do the worse they make things. Gridlock or "no action" is the best outcome. Unfortunately, they always seem to compromise when it comes to wasting money.
Indeed. The founders intentionally made legislation difficult to pass, with the intent to ensure onlty the most important - and thus, widely supported - legislation would ever be enacted.
Indeed. The founders intentionally made legislation difficult to pass, with the intent to ensure only the most important - and thus, widely supported - legislation would ever be enacted.
Exactly. If 60% of the Senate votes for a new law it shouldn't be a partisan power grab, like the dems "Election Takeover" or "Build Back Badly".

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