Schumer warns that the Senate will vote on changes to the chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 unless Republicans get out of the way on elections reform

I can, but 400 voter suppression bills will keep many minorities from voting. Poll closings in minority areas will also keep them from voting.
You really need to try to think for yourself for once in your life and not live off the dumbass lies your handlers feed you.
Some Democrats like Schumer will stop at nothing to get their voter fraud law passed. If the voter fraud law passes, this country is finished.
Nope. The states could just ignore it as "unconstitutional".
State legislatures run elections, period.
There should be parties thrown when SCHUMER AND PELOSI are no longer in Congress.
Another stupid move that will blow up directly in their faces.

Did Democrats learn nothing from ending the filibuster on judicial nominations?

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) asserted Monday that he will force a vote on a measure to change the upper chamber’s rules by Jan. 17 in order to pass a sweeping election reform bill — a gambit that is certain to fail due to opposition by moderate Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) to making such changes along party lines.

Back in 2005 Schumer said that abolishing the filibuster would be a "doomsday for democracy"
Soooooo, now we can safely say that Chuck Schumer wants to end America's democracy so that he can ban Voter ID laws and ban Poll Watcher laws and require nation-wide mail-in ballots and bunch of other toxic crap that is in the HR1 bill.

Democrats don't care about "democracy." If they did, Pelosi would allow amendments to be introduced on the House floor, without committee approval.
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I do not care which party holds the majority in the Senate, the filibuster needs to go away, or at least be changed to an active event as it was intended.

Both sides use the filibuster as their crutch for never getting things done. Every election it is "well ,we tried but they would not let us".

I say the heck with that, get rid of it and let the chips fall where they may
Some Democrats like Schumer will stop at nothing to get their voter fraud law passed. If the voter fraud law passes, this country is finished.

I don't know what the democrats intend to do about the filibuster, my guess is they'll try to include a rule that says a simple majority can declare a particular bill to be an emergency that can bypass the 60-vote filibuster rules and pass with a simple majority (50+1). Which essentially guts the filibuster cuz then anything the majority wants to pass could be called an emergency and then you don't have a filibuster anymore. And once the filibuster is gone, it's gone for good; you can say goodbye to any future compromises or cooperation between the parties except maybe for absolute and real emergencies.

Maybe they'll change the rules in some other way, like requiring somebody to talk endlessly, which delays the vote. But what if that person is preplaced by another person who keeps talking, and on it goes. Would they limit the number of speakers? Set a deadline and then vote on the bill that only needs a simple majority? I dunno how it would work, right now they vote to open debate on a bill that needs 60 votes, and then they vote to stop debate on a bill (cloture) that also requires 60 votes, and then they vote on the bill. Are they going to change the rules to open debate with only a simple majority? What about cloture? 50+1 votes for that too? Are the US Senate democrats so desperate to have their way right now that they would change the rules like that? They'll tell you it's only a one-time deal, but that is a lie and they know it. The next bill will also be a one-time deal and the one after that. Just like the rule change that Harry Reid did for judicial and executive positions. Used to be 60 votes for all of them, now it's just a simple 50+1.

Right now, I'd say the Senate majority is up for grabs in the next election. But if they manage to do this then they can kiss their majority goodbye. The hardliners don't care because they know their seat is safe; nobody is going to oust Schumer in New York for example, so he can pretty do whatever he wants to without fear of retaliation. But what amazes me is that he thinks he can do this without losing his majority leader position. And so do the other Senate democrats with the exception of Manchin and Sinema. And I can only surmise that he believes the Voting Rights law will not be challenge and overturned in the courts; does he not know that the Supreme Court is 6-3 in favor of the conservatives? I don't think this legislation is going to save the Democratic Party, I think it's going to damage it and not just a little bit either.
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I do not care which party holds the majority in the Senate, the filibuster needs to go away, or at least be changed to an active event as it was intended.

Both sides use the filibuster as their crutch for never getting things done. Every election it is "well ,we tried but they would not let us".

I say the heck with that, get rid of it and let the chips fall where they may

I disagree. If you supported the whole idea about letting the chips fall, then you have to consider the filibuster being one of the chips.

This whole problem isn't that there is a filibuster. But more so the fact that the R & D's appear to be at odd's over everything.
Personally, I don't trust anything they say. But let's say for funzies they really are at odd's over what they say, that only says they didn't try hard enough to make better decisions for "we the people." It's a "We're in the majority, so we're going to do what we want" power play that senators know their voters won't agree with.

So if they actually listened to their voters, instead of the lobbyist and special interest (which is where most legislation stems from), they'd probably not disagree on much. After, most of us voters aren't that different. At least not as different as the R & D politicians make to be.
I do not care which party holds the majority in the Senate, the filibuster needs to go away, or at least be changed to an active event as it was intended.

Both sides use the filibuster as their crutch for never getting things done. Every election it is "well ,we tried but they would not let us".

I say the heck with that, get rid of it and let the chips fall where they may
The filibuster is one way to often force both sides to compromise so it does eventually get done just not in the way the party pushing the legislation wanted it. If the filibuster prevents the far right and far left completely getting their way I'm ALL for it.
I do not care which party holds the majority in the Senate, the filibuster needs to go away, or at least be changed to an active event as it was intended.

Both sides use the filibuster as their crutch for never getting things done. Every election it is "well ,we tried but they would not let us".

I say the heck with that, get rid of it and let the chips fall where they may
Government being stalled is not a bad thing. Sometimes doing nothing is the best course.
I do not care which party holds the majority in the Senate, the filibuster needs to go away, or at least be changed to an active event as it was intended.

Both sides use the filibuster as their crutch for never getting things done. Every election it is "well ,we tried but they would not let us".

I say the heck with that, get rid of it and let the chips fall where they may

I think what you miss is, that most Americans and financial markets, like grid lock! The Senate was supposed to be a deliberate body that started with a small bill, then had add ons to get 60 votes; not start with a 2000 page bill and not have debate. These huge bills are why nothing gets done at all!

The ship of state which is the United States was purposely designed to move sloooooooooowly on a change of course, not swing wildly back and forth depending upon what flavor of political party is in charge at the time. Business and people can NOT plan long term, if everything changes every 2 years. Giving either party the ability to do a 180 because of 1 or 2 seats in either chamber is ridiculous. What this thought process is called in public is INSTANT GRATIFICATION, and is no way to run a country, especially one of such significance.

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