Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

That's the Obama Administration invoking Executive Privilege for one reason protect the President and the Attorney General from being exposed for knowing about Fast & Furious and doing nothing to stop it!
Nope. You folks sure do believe in a lot of bullshit. Must be the media sources you use that are lying to you every day.

Justice Department report clears Holder, but faults DOJ, ATF officials
Justice Department report clears Holder, but faults DOJ, ATF officials

The Justice Department’s inspector general (IG) on Wednesday cleared Attorney General Eric Holder in the controversial “Fast and Furious” operation but faulted several other federal officials for acting irresponsibly.

The 471-page IG report was issued after an 18-month investigation and recommends 14 agency officials receive administrative or disciplinary action for their role in the botched gun-tracking operation.

But it exonerates Holder, who has repeatedly butted heads with congressional Republicans over what he knew about the program and when he knew it.
If you have any credible evidence you can present stating Obama was aware of what was happening with F&F please present it.

Would you care to take a stab at a "credible" answer as to why Eric Holder ignored a Congressional subpoena and refused to testify as to when Barack Obama knew about Fast & Furious? He'd already lied to Congress once and been caught. Was he afraid of the consequences of having to lie to protect Barry?
Adam Schiff was not interested in getting to the truth in the Ukrainian matter! If he was he would have called on the Biden's to testify. He would have had the "whistle blower" testify in person. This was never about overseeing the Executive Branch! This was always about coming up with something to impeach Trump matter how flimsy the case was.
The Dems presented a rock solid case for which the Biden's testimony is totally irrelevant. You should read through the Judiciary Committee's report released today.

House Judiciary Says Trump Committed ‘Multiple Federal Crimes’ In Report On Impeachment
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed 'Multiple Federal Crimes' In Report On Impeachment
Wants the Senate trial to be limited to only what the House presented. He says that’s only fair. He’s an idiot.

it was just on TV. I will add link as soon as it becomes available.

Actually the idea is to put up a link WHEN it becomes available. Before that it's just hot air connected to nothing. The void.

What's the point here anyway? Why WOULDN'T* such a trial be limited to what's presented? Where have you ever seen a trial that ventures off into shit not presented?

(* And no "would" still does not mean "wouldn't".)
There were no facts presented in the House. Just hearsay and gossip. The Senate will be different.
That's the Obama Administration invoking Executive Privilege for one reason protect the President and the Attorney General from being exposed for knowing about Fast & Furious and doing nothing to stop it!
Nope. You folks sure do believe in a lot of bullshit. Must be the media sources you use that are lying to you every day.

Justice Department report clears Holder, but faults DOJ, ATF officials
Justice Department report clears Holder, but faults DOJ, ATF officials

The Justice Department’s inspector general (IG) on Wednesday cleared Attorney General Eric Holder in the controversial “Fast and Furious” operation but faulted several other federal officials for acting irresponsibly.

The 471-page IG report was issued after an 18-month investigation and recommends 14 agency officials receive administrative or disciplinary action for their role in the botched gun-tracking operation.

But it exonerates Holder, who has repeatedly butted heads with congressional Republicans over what he knew about the program and when he knew it.
If you have any credible evidence you can present stating Obama was aware of what was happening with F&F please present it.

Would you care to take a stab at a "credible" answer as to why Eric Holder ignored a Congressional subpoena and refused to testify as to when Barack Obama knew about Fast & Furious? He'd already lied to Congress once and been caught. Was he afraid of the consequences of having to lie to protect Barry?
Justice Department report clears Holder, but faults DOJ, ATF officials
Justice Department report clears Holder, but faults DOJ, ATF officials

The Justice Department’s inspector general (IG) on Wednesday cleared Attorney General Eric Holder in the controversial “Fast and Furious” operation but faulted several other federal officials for acting irresponsibly.

The 471-page IG report was issued after an 18-month investigation and recommends 14 agency officials receive administrative or disciplinary action for their role in the botched gun-tracking operation.

But it exonerates Holder, who has repeatedly butted heads with congressional Republicans over what he knew about the program and when he knew it.
If you have any credible evidence you can present stating Obama was aware of what was happening with F&F please present it.
As to MY evidence as to when Barack Obama knew about Fast & Furious? The fact that the White House only invoked Executive Privilege when THAT question was about to be asked tells me that he knew about it before he had previously claimed!
That's the Obama Administration invoking Executive Privilege for one reason protect the President and the Attorney General from being exposed for knowing about Fast & Furious and doing nothing to stop it!
Nope. You folks sure do believe in a lot of bullshit. Must be the media sources you use that are lying to you every day.

Justice Department report clears Holder, but faults DOJ, ATF officials
Justice Department report clears Holder, but faults DOJ, ATF officials

The Justice Department’s inspector general (IG) on Wednesday cleared Attorney General Eric Holder in the controversial “Fast and Furious” operation but faulted several other federal officials for acting irresponsibly.

The 471-page IG report was issued after an 18-month investigation and recommends 14 agency officials receive administrative or disciplinary action for their role in the botched gun-tracking operation.

But it exonerates Holder, who has repeatedly butted heads with congressional Republicans over what he knew about the program and when he knew it.
If you have any credible evidence you can present stating Obama was aware of what was happening with F&F please present it.

Would you care to take a stab at a "credible" answer as to why Eric Holder ignored a Congressional subpoena and refused to testify as to when Barack Obama knew about Fast & Furious? He'd already lied to Congress once and been caught. Was he afraid of the consequences of having to lie to protect Barry?
Justice Department report clears Holder, but faults DOJ, ATF officials
Justice Department report clears Holder, but faults DOJ, ATF officials

The Justice Department’s inspector general (IG) on Wednesday cleared Attorney General Eric Holder in the controversial “Fast and Furious” operation but faulted several other federal officials for acting irresponsibly.

The 471-page IG report was issued after an 18-month investigation and recommends 14 agency officials receive administrative or disciplinary action for their role in the botched gun-tracking operation.

But it exonerates Holder, who has repeatedly butted heads with congressional Republicans over what he knew about the program and when he knew it.
If you have any credible evidence you can present stating Obama was aware of what was happening with F&F please present it.

Repeating the same thing is your idea of a rebuttal? Amusing...
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial
The Senate Democratic leader wants to seek testimony from Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other White House officials, and subpoena documents the White House has withheld.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON — As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly” — including subpoenas for documents the White House has withheld and witnesses it has prevented from testifying.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, presented the proposal in a letter to his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell, in an opening move to force Republicans to negotiate over the shape and scope of the proceedings. Mr. McConnell had said last week that he was “taking my cues” from the White House, prompting Democrats to accuse him of abandoning his duty to render “impartial justice” in the trial.

In the letter, Mr. Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present its case, and called for four top White House officials who have not previously testified — including Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser — to appear as witnesses.

Mr. Schumer also called for the Senate to subpoena documents that could shed light on the events at the heart of the charges against Mr. Trump: his campaign to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. And he set forth a specific timetable for each side to present its case, modeled on the one used when President Bill Clinton was tried in 1999. Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.
Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
You have evidence now? Lol
What do you consider the testimony of Somdland, Taylor, Yovanovich, Vindman?

Sondland's story changed...His testimony is shit.

Vindman leaked classified information to someone who had no need to know...Should be court martialed.

The rest of them are hearsay "witnesses" whose testimony is entirely irrelevant.
And yet you believe debunked conspiracy theories an Russian propaganda! Makes one wonder where your allegiances lay. With the rule of law or the personality cult of a reality TV show game show host and tax dodging charlatan? When Trump is gone from the scene, will you howl with feigned rage about corruption of the law? Will America give you the benefit of the doubt as you have squandered it so ignorantly?
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial
The Senate Democratic leader wants to seek testimony from Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton and other White House officials, and subpoena documents the White House has withheld.
Schumer, Pushing McConnell to Negotiate, Lays Out Plan for Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON — As the House prepared to make President Trump only the third president in American history to be impeached, the Senate’s top Democrat on Sunday laid out a detailed proposal for a Senate trial “in which all of the facts can be considered fully and fairly” — including subpoenas for documents the White House has withheld and witnesses it has prevented from testifying.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, presented the proposal in a letter to his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell, in an opening move to force Republicans to negotiate over the shape and scope of the proceedings. Mr. McConnell had said last week that he was “taking my cues” from the White House, prompting Democrats to accuse him of abandoning his duty to render “impartial justice” in the trial.

In the letter, Mr. Schumer proposed a trial beginning Jan. 7 that would give each side a fixed amount of time to present its case, and called for four top White House officials who have not previously testified — including Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s acting chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser — to appear as witnesses.

Mr. Schumer also called for the Senate to subpoena documents that could shed light on the events at the heart of the charges against Mr. Trump: his campaign to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. And he set forth a specific timetable for each side to present its case, modeled on the one used when President Bill Clinton was tried in 1999. Mr. Clinton’s trial lasted about five weeks.
Chuck should know better by now than to think McTurtle has an interest in anything approximating the kind of deliberative trial the Senate is obligated conduct. This is why it was so important for Trump's specious narrative of an unfair process in the House to have been spewed (just as it was equally important to make the similarly, objectively false accusations about the Mueller probe). All the trained seals repeat the sham process lie endlessly and will keep doing so all through the phony process Mitch is about to orchestrate in close consultation with the WH (Mitch has adopted the Trumpian strategy of violating rules, ethics, and law right out in the open). Why does McTreason think he can get away with it? Because he knows from experience The Following will swallow any ball of shit he feeds them. They rather like it.
You have evidence now? Lol
What do you consider the testimony of Somdland, Taylor, Yovanovich, Vindman?

Sondland's story changed...His testimony is shit.

Vindman leaked classified information to someone who had no need to know...Should be court martialed.

The rest of them are hearsay "witnesses" whose testimony is entirely irrelevant.
And yet you believe debunked conspiracy theories an Russian propaganda! Makes one wonder where your allegiances lay. With the rule of law or the personality cult of a reality TV show game show host and tax dodging charlatan? When Trump is gone from the scene, will you howl with feigned rage about corruption of the law? Will America give you the benefit of the doubt as you have squandered it so ignorantly?

Pointing out that this "investigation" by Schiff was a farce means that I'm against the "rule of law"? Nice try, Nosmo! (eye roll)
Wants the Senate trial to be limited to only what the House presented. He says that’s only fair. He’s an idiot.

it was just on TV. I will add link as soon as it becomes available.

Actually the idea is to put up a link WHEN it becomes available. Before that it's just hot air connected to nothing. The void.

What's the point here anyway? Why WOULDN'T* such a trial be limited to what's presented? Where have you ever seen a trial that ventures off into shit not presented?

(* And no "would" still does not mean "wouldn't".)
There were no facts presented in the House. Just hearsay and gossip. The Senate will be different.
Yep, and so will the press when they're seated before a justice court explaining why they committed calumny and treason against America.
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed ‘Multiple Federal Crimes’ In Report On Impeachment
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed 'Multiple Federal Crimes' In Report On Impeachment
Well THAT settles it.

When the Senate acquits Trump, will you accept the fact that he did NOT commit the crimes the House Dems accused him of?
Why would anyone do that when the Senate's already made up their minds on acquitting when we haven't even started the trial yet?
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed ‘Multiple Federal Crimes’ In Report On Impeachment
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed 'Multiple Federal Crimes' In Report On Impeachment
Well THAT settles it.

When the Senate acquits Trump, will you accept the fact that he did NOT commit the crimes the House Dems accused him of?
You are erroneously conflating the Repubs inevitable acquittal of Trump with whether he is guilty. The two have nothing to do with one another.
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed ‘Multiple Federal Crimes’ In Report On Impeachment
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed 'Multiple Federal Crimes' In Report On Impeachment
Well THAT settles it.

When the Senate acquits Trump, will you accept the fact that he did NOT commit the crimes the House Dems accused him of?
dont work like that Gomer -
So, regardless of the fact Trump is acquitted, you will still believe he committed those supposed crimes.
Why are you obstinately and intolerantly devoted to your opinions and prejudices?
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed ‘Multiple Federal Crimes’ In Report On Impeachment
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed 'Multiple Federal Crimes' In Report On Impeachment
Well THAT settles it.

When the Senate acquits Trump, will you accept the fact that he did NOT commit the crimes the House Dems accused him of?
You are erroneously conflating the Repubs inevitable acquittal of Trump with whether he is guilty. The two have nothing to do with one another.
So, regardless of the fact Trump is acquitted, you will still believe he committed those supposed crimes.
Why are you obstinately and intolerantly devoted to your opinions and prejudices?
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed ‘Multiple Federal Crimes’ In Report On Impeachment
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed 'Multiple Federal Crimes' In Report On Impeachment
Well THAT settles it.

When the Senate acquits Trump, will you accept the fact that he did NOT commit the crimes the House Dems accused him of?
You are erroneously conflating the Repubs inevitable acquittal of Trump with whether he is guilty. The two have nothing to do with one another.
So, regardless of the fact Trump is acquitted, you will still believe he committed those supposed crimes.
Why are you obstinately and intolerantly devoted to your opinions and prejudices?
I base my opinions on the facts of the case. Not on a decision by Senate Repubs to ignore the facts and cast a vote designed to save their political behinds.
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed ‘Multiple Federal Crimes’ In Report On Impeachment
House Judiciary Says Trump Committed 'Multiple Federal Crimes' In Report On Impeachment
Well THAT settles it.

When the Senate acquits Trump, will you accept the fact that he did NOT commit the crimes the House Dems accused him of?
Why would anyone do that when the Senate's already made up their minds on acquitting when we haven't even started the trial yet?
The innerweb irony meter just blew up.

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