Science and Technology of Faith Benefits


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
My good buddy, James Bond, posted this in another thread:


It is terribly incomplete for purely scientific and sociological reasons.

1. Atheists are more miserable than people of faith while they live. It's a proven fact, demonstrated by science.
2. Atheists don't marry as often as people of faith. It's also a proven fact, demonstrated by science.
3. Atheists don't give as much, not to religious institutions, but more importantly, not even to secular ones. Nor do they give as much blood, nor time volunteering for free. In other words, they're stingy.
4. In his book, Who Really Cares: Who Gives, Who Doesn't and Why It Matters, Arthur C. Brooks gives plentiful evidence of the panoply of benefits from generosity and giving, and documents the stinginess of atheists, leftists, and unmarried people. These benefits are denied to many atheists here on earth.

So the bottom line is, that right or wrong, you are wiser to enjoy life here and now by practicing faith, pledging allegiance, as it were, to one nation, "under God," with liberty and justice for all.

We scientists have found that doing a kindness produces the single most reliable momentary increase in well-being of any exercise we have tested... – Martin Seligman, psychologist, in his book Flourish

If atheism is so "rational" and "logical," then why is its retention rate on the BOTTOM ! ! !

Religious retention rates.png
As a Christian I do not feel some need to put down those who are not.
As a Christian I do not feel some need to put down those who are not.

Good for you! Let them mock and ridicule you endlessly and you simply smile and reply, "Thank you, may I have another?"

Your Leader, Jesus Christ, said "Let him who hath no sword sell his garment and buy one."

Swords are not used to plow fields nor to cut fruit from trees. They are implements of war.
As a Christian I do not feel some need to put down those who are not.

Good for you! Let them mock and ridicule you endlessly and you simply smile and reply, "Thank you, may I have another?"

Your Leader, Jesus Christ, said "Let him who hath no sword sell his garment and buy one."

Swords are not used to plow fields nor to cut fruit from trees. They are implements of war.
Not sure why angry religionists hold such hate for the non-believers. It's as though they feel that promoting their hate makes them better religionists.
My good buddy, James Bond, posted this
good buddy

A term that back in the 70's meant someone on the other end of a CB radio communications that you were on good terms with and since then has morphed into meaning homosexual trucker.
1) Thats a big 10-4 good buddy, it's time to put the hammer down. 2) Roger that good buddy, I'm in the back row of the Flying J and am ready to play meat puppets.
by Jolly Roger March 15, 2004
Good for them, I guess? Coming out like this :dunno:
As a Christian I do not feel some need to put down those who are not.

Good for you! Let them mock and ridicule you endlessly and you simply smile and reply, "Thank you, may I have another?"

Your Leader, Jesus Christ, said "Let him who hath no sword sell his garment and buy one."

Swords are not used to plow fields nor to cut fruit from trees. They are implements of war.

I can't think where I've ever been mocked. Even if so that isn't on me.
As a Christian I do not feel some need to put down those who are not.

Good for you! Let them mock and ridicule you endlessly and you simply smile and reply, "Thank you, may I have another?"

Your Leader, Jesus Christ, said "Let him who hath no sword sell his garment and buy one."

Swords are not used to plow fields nor to cut fruit from trees. They are implements of war.

Swords are implements of self-defence as well. Jesus' Disciples were a lot of Roman attention calling him the "King of the Jews", but notice that Jesus stopped his Disciples from attacking the Roman soldiers who came to arrest him.
I can't think where I've ever been mocked. Even if so that isn't on me.

You don't read much. "Fundy," "Bible-thumper," "ignorance thumping a Bible," "flat-earther".
The list is endless.
"Anyone who doesn't believe in evolution is either ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked." - Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion
One of his atheist colleagues said "The God Delusion makes me embarrassed to be an atheist."

Ridicule is man's most potent weapon, and atheists have weaponized it far and wide.
Look up Flying Spaghetti Monster. If you are a person of faith, it IS on you.
You don't read much. "Fundy," "Bible-thumper," "ignorance thumping a Bible," "flat-earther".
The list is endless.

I don't believe I have ever been called anything. I don't know how "reading" something will change that.

"Anyone who doesn't believe in evolution is either ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked." - Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion
One of his atheist colleagues said "The God Delusion makes me embarrassed to be an atheist."

Ridicule is man's most potent weapon, and atheists have weaponized it far and wide.
Look up Flying Spaghetti Monster. If you are a person of faith, it IS on you.

The FSM affect me none. Which commandment commands us to ridicule others?
As a Christian I do not feel some need to put down those who are not.

Good for you! Let them mock and ridicule you endlessly and you simply smile and reply, "Thank you, may I have another?"

Your Leader, Jesus Christ, said "Let him who hath no sword sell his garment and buy one."

Swords are not used to plow fields nor to cut fruit from trees. They are implements of war.
Not sure why angry religionists hold such hate for the non-believers. It's as though they feel that promoting their hate makes them better religionists.

Historically speaking ... that's been the school of thought for a long time.

knights templar.jpg
The reason it's worthwhile to convince an atheist that God exists is because atheists are more likely to commit moral errors like joining the Communist Party or cheating on their wife or having an abortion.
The reason it's worthwhile to convince an atheist that God exists is because atheists are more likely to commit moral errors like joining the Communist Party or cheating on their wife or having an abortion.

Truth will always be paucorem hominem*, and must therefore quietly and modestly wait for the few whose unusual mode of thought may find it enjoyable. Life is short, but works far and lives long; let us speak the truth. – Arthur Schopenhauer * Latin - "of few men"

Wisdom excelleth folly as far as light exceedeth darkness. - The Holy Bible

Come, let us reason together. - The Holy Bible
Ridicule is man's most potent weapon, and atheists have weaponized it far and wide.
Look up Flying Spaghetti Monster. If you are a person of faith, it IS on you.

The FSM affect me none. Which commandment commands us to ridicule others?
Mr. Knopp, as I said, you do not read much. This latest remark demonstrates that you don't comprehend very well at all. I said "atheists have weaponized (ridicule) and you pose the question, "Which commandment (sic) commands us to ridicule others?" In fact, atheists by definition care nothing about God's Commandments. Can't you even understand that? I spoke atheist conduct, and you brought in the Bible as some sort of guideline that ATHEISTS follow? I can't take any more, pknopp. To my Ignore List you go. You don't even know which side you're on.

Ridicule is man's most potent weapon, and atheists have weaponized it far and wide.
Look up Flying Spaghetti Monster. If you are a person of faith, it IS on you.

The FSM affect me none. Which commandment commands us to ridicule others?
Mr. Knopp, as I said, you do not read much. This latest remark demonstrates that you don't comprehend very well at all. I said "atheists have weaponized (ridicule) and you pose the question, "Which commandment (sic) commands us to ridicule others?" In fact, atheists by definition care nothing about God's Commandments. Can't you even understand that? I spoke atheist conduct, and you brought in the Bible as some sort of guideline that ATHEISTS follow? I can't take any more, pknopp. To my Ignore List you go. You don't even know which side you're on.


It affects me none what they believe. Can you understand that? You even made up some position for me I never took because I will not take up your hate.

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