Zone1 Science Can NOT Explain True Consciousness

Why would God have a sex, male or female?
It doesn’t reproduce

God's pronouns are "He" and Him", not "it."

You'll meet Him some day when you're on your deathbed, gasping for your last breath of air. You'll most likely beg Him for one more breath of air, and for His forgiveness.

See you then.
God's pronouns are "He" and Him", not "it."

You'll meet Him some day when you're on your deathbed, gasping for your last breath of air. You'll most likely beg Him for one more breath of air, and for His forgiveness.

See you then.

Does God have a penis?
But I don’t claim to be made in their image

Does God look like you?

You claimed that you believed in evolution, therefore you were directly-descended from pond scum.

I'll give you a break and assume your ancestors evolved into ape-like creatures, since you evolutionist liberals seem to resemble those.
You claimed that you believed in evolution, therefore you were directly-descended from pond scum.

I'll give you a break and assume your ancestors evolved into ape-like creatures, since you evolutionist liberals seem to resemble those.
What is so scary about evolving from simpler organisms?
You would rather believe in magic
I don’t have faith in things that are improbable

Those things are "improbable" only because you haven't seen them or aren't aware of them. Hebrews 11 says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.". Do you really live in a world where there is no hope, nothing to believe in, and a world where you deny the evidence of things you have not seen?

If you bothered to take the time to read the Bible, you would know that the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus was foretold a thousand years before those things ever happened. God does not lie to you, that is an impossibility. Everything He told us that will happen, will happen. Much of it already has occurred.

Now I'm probably not the best Christian there ever was, but what I'm telling you is true.
Those things are "improbable" only because you haven't seen them or aren't aware of them. Hebrews 11 says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.". Do you really live in a world where there is no hope, nothing to believe in, and a world where you deny the evidence of things you have not seen?

If you bothered to take the time to read the Bible, you would know that the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus was foretold a thousand years before those things ever happened. God does not lie to you, that is an impossibility. Everything He told us that will happen, will happen. Much of it already has occurred.

Now I'm probably not the best Christian there ever was, but what I'm telling you is true.
God is just a theory

A theory unsupported by any proof
God is just a theory

A theory unsupported by any proof

Theories are proven or disproved by science, and science can neither disprove or prove the existence of God.

Therefore science is a flawed human contrivance, while God is infallible, eternal, and ever-present.
Theories are proven or disproved by science, and science can neither disprove or prove the existence of God.

Therefore science is a flawed human contrivance, while God is infallible, eternal, and ever-present.
God is a failed human contrivance
Just because we cant explain something, doesnt mean its "god"
We arent ignorant desert savages from 4k years ago. Come on people.
It doesn't necessarily have to be an, "anthropomorphized," god, to be a panspychism explanation though. . .

Would you sign a contract to give all your money away in exchange for transferring your consciousness to an AI robot right before you die?

If I were the company I would take the persons money when they sign but pay them the interest the money makes till they die. So you can’t spend your money or give it away in the years to follow.

I would take the deal. It would be you. You’d never get old. Get to watch the nfl forever. I thought I was dying and I remember thinking I wouldn’t get to see the end of the season. You wouldn’t have feeling. No sex. If you could have sex too then hell yea. But I’m talking about being a robot only with your consciousness in it. How would they transfer it from your brain to the AI? Idk. But if they could, I’d take it. To be able to love, laugh, watch tv, be alive, I’d want it.

But wait a second. I wouldn’t be able to taste food you say? Hmm. Hat would suck. So no food or sex? Maybe I need to rethink this.
We are consciousness. Many are not aware and think they should strive to be more conscious through thinking about it. That won’t work.

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