Science denialism: The problem that just won’t go away

These are the two most reputable globally and seasonally averaged temperature trend analyses:

Both trends are definitely and significantly up. In addition to direct measurements of surface temperature, there are many other measurements and indicators that support the general direction and magnitude of the change the earth is currently undergoing. The following diverse empirical observations lead to the same unequivocal conclusion that the earth is warming:

There is simply no room for doubt: the Earth is undergoing a rapid and large warming trend.
please post something of value. you're getting boring. nothing of fact, irrelevant data
Yeah, this is what I reduced .
Inoculating against science denial
Posted on 27 April 2015 by John Cook

Science denial has real, societal consequences. Denial of the link between HIV and AIDS led to more than 330,000 premature deaths in South Africa. Denial of the link between smoking and cancer has caused millions of premature deaths. Thanks to vaccination denial, preventable diseases are making a comeback.

Denial is not something we can ignore or, well, deny. So what does scientific research say is the most effective response? Common wisdom says that communicating more science should be the solution. But a growing body of evidence indicates that this approach can actually backfire, reinforcing people’s prior beliefs.

When you present evidence that threatens a person’s worldview, it can actually strengthen their beliefs. This is called the “worldview backfire effect”. One of the first scientific experiments that observed this effect dates back to 1975.

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Remember evolution? Luckily, anyone who denies evolution these days is a verifiable idiot.

Evolution makes less sense than Gullible Warming
I truly hope you're not serious.
Yeah, this is what I reduced .
Inoculating against science denial
Posted on 27 April 2015 by John Cook

Science denial has real, societal consequences. Denial of the link between HIV and AIDS led to more than 330,000 premature deaths in South Africa. Denial of the link between smoking and cancer has caused millions of premature deaths. Thanks to vaccination denial, preventable diseases are making a comeback.

Denial is not something we can ignore or, well, deny. So what does scientific research say is the most effective response? Common wisdom says that communicating more science should be the solution. But a growing body of evidence indicates that this approach can actually backfire, reinforcing people’s prior beliefs.

When you present evidence that threatens a person’s worldview, it can actually strengthen their beliefs. This is called the “worldview backfire effect”. One of the first scientific experiments that observed this effect dates back to 1975.

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Remember evolution? Luckily, anyone who denies evolution these days is a verifiable idiot.

Evolution makes less sense than Gullible Warming
I truly hope you're not serious.

Absolutely, 100% deadly serious.

The Theory of Evolution makes less than no sense and is a mathematical impossibility
Yeah, this is what I reduced .
Inoculating against science denial
Posted on 27 April 2015 by John Cook

Science denial has real, societal consequences. Denial of the link between HIV and AIDS led to more than 330,000 premature deaths in South Africa. Denial of the link between smoking and cancer has caused millions of premature deaths. Thanks to vaccination denial, preventable diseases are making a comeback.

Denial is not something we can ignore or, well, deny. So what does scientific research say is the most effective response? Common wisdom says that communicating more science should be the solution. But a growing body of evidence indicates that this approach can actually backfire, reinforcing people’s prior beliefs.

When you present evidence that threatens a person’s worldview, it can actually strengthen their beliefs. This is called the “worldview backfire effect”. One of the first scientific experiments that observed this effect dates back to 1975.

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Remember evolution? Luckily, anyone who denies evolution these days is a verifiable idiot.

Evolution makes less sense than Gullible Warming
I truly hope you're not serious.

Absolutely, 100% deadly serious.

The Theory of Evolution makes less than no sense and is a mathematical impossibility
Now I know you're a real quack.
There's a positive perspective to take on all this: TV is only going to get more exciting, rapidly. Us couch potatoes are gonna have us some serious reailty TV to fill the End Days! :dance:
Duke Researcher Denounces Rush Limbaugh's "Ridiculous" Distortion Of His Global Warming Study


Rush Limbaugh grossly distorted a new study from Duke University, claiming it shows that "there isn't any [global] warming going on." But one of its authors noted that the study actually confirms humans' role in driving global warming and said that Limbaugh's claim is "ridiculous."

On the April 22 edition of his show, Limbaugh touted the Duke University study as "ad news for the climate change crowd" and claimed the Duke researchers are part of a "consensus" of people who think "there isn't any warming going on." He went on to assert that the study, which examines temperature records over the past 1,000 years, shows that "there's no evidence whatsoever to suggest that long-term warming over the next 100 years is going to be anything even noticeable, abnormal."

But the study itself said nothing of the sort. Rather, the study stated that, out of the range of warming projections outlined by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), temperature records suggest that at present time the "middle-of-the-road warming scenario" is more likely than the most severe warming projections. One of the study's authors, Duke doctoral candidate Patrick Brown, confirmed as much in an email to Media Matters, and called Limbaugh's assertion "ridiculous":

The idea that there 'isn't any warming' is ridiculous. Over the past century there are countless data sets indicating warming (weather stations, sea level, ice mass, ocean temperatures, etc.).


Our study shows that we are probably not on the worst-case IPCC scenario but that we may be on an IPCC middle-of-the road scenario. The IPCC does not make predictions they make hypothetical projections. So this result does not contradict the IPCC conclusions at all.
Inoculating against science denial
Posted on 27 April 2015 by John Cook

Science denial has real, societal consequences. Denial of the link between HIV and AIDS led to more than 330,000 premature deaths in South Africa. Denial of the link between smoking and cancer has caused millions of premature deaths. Thanks to vaccination denial, preventable diseases are making a comeback.

Denial is not something we can ignore or, well, deny. So what does scientific research say is the most effective response? Common wisdom says that communicating more science should be the solution. But a growing body of evidence indicates that this approach can actually backfire, reinforcing people’s prior beliefs.

When you present evidence that threatens a person’s worldview, it can actually strengthen their beliefs. This is called the “worldview backfire effect”. One of the first scientific experiments that observed this effect dates back to 1975.

Read more
Remember evolution? Luckily, anyone who denies evolution these days is a verifiable idiot.

Evolution makes less sense than Gullible Warming
I truly hope you're not serious.

Absolutely, 100% deadly serious.

The Theory of Evolution makes less than no sense and is a mathematical impossibility
Now I know you're a real quack.

Inorganic atoms and molecules bumped around and formed amino acids and proteins and developed self awareness.

Yeah, right
Remember evolution? Luckily, anyone who denies evolution these days is a verifiable idiot.

Evolution makes less sense than Gullible Warming
I truly hope you're not serious.

Absolutely, 100% deadly serious.

The Theory of Evolution makes less than no sense and is a mathematical impossibility
Now I know you're a real quack.

Inorganic atoms and molecules bumped around and formed amino acids and proteins and developed self awareness.

Yeah, right
No a dude with a bushy beard got some water some dirt and put it together baked it and out came people...then he put them in a garden spot until a talking snake appeared and said to eat of a fruit the bushy bearded entity had left conveniently in the Garden spot...the rest is history....hey we are all the product of incest..... Adam and Eve kids procreated with one another .......

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