Science is falsifiable

Here they are again. I'd hate to have to strain your brain looking for them

It is an old argument that AGW is not falsifiable. Let me put up a few things that might undo it:

1) Show that CO2 does not act as a greenhouse gas
2) Show that CO2 levels are not increasing
3) Show that the increased CO2 in the atmosphere is not of human origin
4) Repeat 1-3 concerning methane
5) Show that humans are not responsible for deforestation
6) Show that deforestation has had no effect on CO2 levels in the atmosphere
7) Show that the planet is not warming
8) Show that something other than the greenhouse effect is responsible for the observed warming
9) Show that the planet will soon cease to warm and begin cooling off
10) Show that all the world's climate scientists are involved in a massive conspiracy to falsify all the evidence supporting AGW
11) Show that warming threatens no harm whatsoever
12) Show that warming will be a net benefit to humankind.

Let me know if you need more.
The world's average temperature has been getting hotter unnaturally since the industrial revolution.

How was the global average temperature measured in the 18th Century?
Ever heard of ice cores?

What do ice cores say about the temperature in the Chicago area in the 18th Century?
Gawd you guys are stoopid. Taking ice cores in the same place shows how gasses increased over time over the whole world. We don’t need to know about fucking Chicago.
Taking ice cores in the same place shows how gasses increased over time over the whole world.

When they look at the gas in the ice cores, what does it say the temperature was in the Chicago area in the 18th Century?
The world's average temperature has been getting hotter unnaturally since the industrial revolution.

How was the global average temperature measured in the 18th Century?
Ever heard of ice cores?

What do ice cores say about the temperature in the Chicago area in the 18th Century?
Gawd you guys are stoopid. Taking ice cores in the same place shows how gasses increased over time over the whole world. We don’t need to know about fucking Chicago.
Taking ice cores in the same place shows how gasses increased over time over the whole world.

When they look at the gas in the ice cores, what does it say the temperature was in the Chicago area in the 18th Century?
Gawd you’re stoopid.
Early History
The first thermometers were called thermoscopes and while several inventors invented a version of the thermoscope at the same time, Italian inventor Santorio Santorio was the first inventor to put a numerical scale on the instrument. Galileo Galilei invented a rudimentary water thermometer in 1593 which, for the first time, allowed temperature variations to be measured. In 1714, Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the first mercury thermometer, the modern thermometer.


The history of Chicago, Illinois, has played a central role in American economic, cultural and political history and since the 1850s the city has been one of the most dominant Midwest metropolises. The area's recorded history begins with the arrival of French explorers, missionaries and fur traders in the late 17th century and their interaction with the local Pottawatomie Native Americans. There were small settlements and a U.S. Army fort, but the soldiers and settlers were all driven off in 1812. The modern city was incorporated in 1837 by Northern businessmen and grew rapidly from real estate speculation and the realization that it had a commanding position in the emerging inland transportation network, based on lake traffic and railroads, controlling access from the Great Lakes into the Mississippi River basin.

2019 - 21st century
1919 - 20th century
1819 - 19th century
1719 - 18th century
1619 - 17th century
How was the global average temperature measured in the 18th Century?
Ever heard of ice cores?

What do ice cores say about the temperature in the Chicago area in the 18th Century?
Gawd you guys are stoopid. Taking ice cores in the same place shows how gasses increased over time over the whole world. We don’t need to know about fucking Chicago.
Taking ice cores in the same place shows how gasses increased over time over the whole world.

When they look at the gas in the ice cores, what does it say the temperature was in the Chicago area in the 18th Century?
Gawd you’re stoopid.

Compared to people who want to waste...err...invest trillions in windmills, I'm a goddamn genius!!
What do you think it will cost to relocate 150 million people Todd? Feed millions starving? Supply water for millions dying of thirst? Relocate thousands of square kilometers of dying crops. At +4C the Equator of this planet will be essentially uninhabitable due to temperature. Roughly 200 million people live within 10 degrees latitude of the Equator.*

* The world by latitudes: A global analysis of human population, development level and environment across the north-south axis over the past half century
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What do you think it will cost to relocate 150 million people Todd? Feed millions starving? Supply water for millions dying of thirst? Relocate thousands of square kilometers of dying crops. At +4C the equator of this planet will be essentially uninhabitable due to temperature..

What do you think it will cost to relocate 150 million people Todd?

Gym shoes, water bottles and directions to higher ground.

Feed millions starving? Supply water for millions dying of thirst?

Will that be more or less affordable after we waste trillions on windmills?
Far more affordable because it won't be wasted. Sea level rise will slow and will stop sooner than without.

No offense Todd, but it is idiotic not to do something. And the suggestion that it will cost less to ignore the problem is unsupportable nonsense.
Far more affordable because it won't be wasted. Sea level rise will slow and will stop sooner than without.

No offense Todd, but it is idiotic not to do something. And the suggestion that it will cost less to ignore the problem is unsupportable nonsense.

but it is idiotic not to do something

I agree. The first thing we have to do is deport 15 million illegal aliens and secure our border.

Do you know how much CO2 an illegal alien produces in the US compared to in their homeland?
They are literally melting the icecaps every time they enter the US.
How was the global average temperature measured in the 18th Century?
Ever heard of ice cores?

What do ice cores say about the temperature in the Chicago area in the 18th Century?
Gawd you guys are stoopid. Taking ice cores in the same place shows how gasses increased over time over the whole world. We don’t need to know about fucking Chicago.
Taking ice cores in the same place shows how gasses increased over time over the whole world.

When they look at the gas in the ice cores, what does it say the temperature was in the Chicago area in the 18th Century?
Gawd you’re stoopid. answer..............
Far more affordable because it won't be wasted. Sea level rise will slow and will stop sooner than without.

No offense Todd, but it is idiotic not to do something. And the suggestion that it will cost less to ignore the problem is unsupportable nonsense.

wait a second the experts admit the Parris accord will not stop nothing.
Parris will not stop nothing? Thank goodness.

Paris won't solve the problem More is needed. But Paris will help; it's a step in the right direction. Doing nothing, however, is the height of lunacy.
Parris will not stop nothing? Thank goodness.

Paris won't solve the problem More is needed. But Paris will help; it's a step in the right direction. Doing nothing, however, is the height of lunacy.

AOC needs to stand at the south end of a north facing cow with a Zippo.
Reducing cow methane is the best use of her talents.
Perhaps you could move to Brooklyn and vote against her in the next election. I think she has been exceptionally impressive for a 29-year old.

And AGW is falsifiable. It just hasn't happened because it isn't false.
Ever heard of ice cores?

What do ice cores say about the temperature in the Chicago area in the 18th Century?
Gawd you guys are stoopid. Taking ice cores in the same place shows how gasses increased over time over the whole world. We don’t need to know about fucking Chicago.
Taking ice cores in the same place shows how gasses increased over time over the whole world.

When they look at the gas in the ice cores, what does it say the temperature was in the Chicago area in the 18th Century?
Gawd you’re stoopid. answer..............
Gawd, you're stoopid too.
Perhaps you could move to Brooklyn and vote against her in the next election. I think she has been exceptionally impressive for a 29-year old.

And AGW is falsifiable. It just hasn't happened because it isn't false.

Yes, for someone so young to spew so much crap in such a short time....impressive.

Haven't seen that since all night binges at college.
Here they are again. I'd hate to have to strain your brain looking for them

It is an old argument that AGW is not falsifiable. Let me put up a few things that might undo it:

1) Show that CO2 does not act as a greenhouse gas
2) Show that CO2 levels are not increasing
3) Show that the increased CO2 in the atmosphere is not of human origin
4) Repeat 1-3 concerning methane
5) Show that humans are not responsible for deforestation
6) Show that deforestation has had no effect on CO2 levels in the atmosphere
7) Show that the planet is not warming
8) Show that something other than the greenhouse effect is responsible for the observed warming
9) Show that the planet will soon cease to warm and begin cooling off
10) Show that all the world's climate scientists are involved in a massive conspiracy to falsify all the evidence supporting AGW
11) Show that warming threatens no harm whatsoever
12) Show that warming will be a net benefit to humankind.

Let me know if you need more.

Cute list...completely stupid but cute that you believe it amounts to want to know what falsifies a hypothesis? Predictive failures falsify a hypothesis...

1990 IPCC FAR: “Under the IPCC ‘Business as Usual’ emissions of greenhouse gases the average rate of increase of global mean temperature during the next century is estimated to be 0.3°C per decade (with an uncertainty range of 0.2°C – 0.5°C).” See, page xi.

Reality check: Since 1990 the warming rate has been from 0.12 to 0.19°C per decade depending on the database used, outside the uncertainty range of 1990.

1990 IPCC FAR: “Under the IPCC ‘Business as Usual’ emissions of greenhouse gases … this will result in a likely increase in global mean temperature of about 1°C above the present value by 2025.” See, page xi.

Reality check: From 1990 to 2017 (first 8 months) the increase in temperatures has been 0.31 to 0.49°C depending on the database used.

2001 IPCC TAR (AR3) predicts that milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms

2014 Dr. John Holdren, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy for the Obama administration said: “a growing body of evidence suggests that the kind of extreme cold being experienced by much of the United States as we speak is a pattern we can expect to see with increasing frequency, as global warming continues.

Reality check: By predicting both milder winters and colder winters the probability of getting it right increases. Now, to cover all possibilities they simply need to predict no change in winters.

2000 Dr. David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, predicts that within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”

2001 IPCC TAR (AR3) predicts that milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms.

2004 Adam Watson, from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Banchory, Aberdeenshire, said the Scottish skiing industry had no more than 20 years left.

Reality check: 2014 had the snowiest Scottish mountains in 69 years. One ski resort’s problem was having some of the lifts buried in snow. Northern Hemisphere snow area shows remarkable little change since 1967. The 2012-2013 winter was the fourth largest winter snow cover extent on record for the Northern Hemisphere.

2007 IPCC AR4 predicts that by 2020, between 75 and 250 million of people are projected to be exposed to increased water stress due to climate change. In some countries, yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 50%.

Reality check: Only six years later, IPPC acknowledges that confidence is low for a global-scale observed trend in drought or dryness (lack of rainfall) since the middle of the 20th century, and that AR4 conclusions regarding global increasing trends in drought since the 1970s were probably overstated.

2010 Dr. Morris Bender, from NOAA, and coauthors predict that “the U.S. Southeast and the Bahamas will be pounded by more very intense hurricanes in the coming decades due to global warming.” They say the strongest hurricanes may double in frequency.

Reality check: After 40 years of global warming no increase in hurricanes has been detected. NOAA U.S. Landfalling Tropical System index shows no increase, and in fact, a very unusual 11-year drought in strong hurricane US landfalls took place from 2005-2016.

2001 IPCC TAR (AR3) said that fire frequency is expected to increase with human-induced climate change, and that several authors suggest that climate change is likely to increase the number of days with severe burning conditions, prolong the fire season, and increase lightning activity, all of which lead to probable increases in fire frequency and areas burned.

2012 Steve Running, a wildfire expert, ecologist and forestry professor at the University of Montana says the fires burning throughout the U.S. offer a window into what we can expect in the future as the climate heats up.

Reality check: The global area of land burned each year declined by 24 percent between 1998 and 2015, according to analysis of satellite data by NASA scientists and their colleagues. Scientists now believe the decrease in forest fires is increasing 7% the amount of CO2 stored by plants.

2007 Dr. Felix Landerer of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany, published a study predicting that Global warming will make Earth spin faster.

2015 Dr. Jerry Mitrovica, professor of geophysics at Harvard University finds out that days are getting longer as the Earth spins slower, and blames climate change

Reality check: Doing one thing and its opposite simultaneously has always been possible for climate change. However, the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) informs us that the Earth slowed down from the start of measurements in 1962 to 1972, and sped up between 1972 and 2005. Since 2006 it is slowing down again. It shows the same inconsistency as global warming.

2007 Prof. Wieslaw Maslowski from Dept. Oceanography of the US Navy predicted an ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer 2013, and said the prediction was conservative.

2007 NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally predicted that the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer in 2012.

2008 University of Manitoba Prof. David Barber predicted an ice-free North Pole for the first time in history in 2008

2010 Mark Serreze, director of the NSIDC predicts the Arctic will be ice free in the summer by 2030

2012 Prof. Peter Wadhams, head of the polar ocean physics group at the University of Cambridge (UK), predicted a collapse of the Arctic ice sheet by 2015-2016

Reality check: No decrease in September Arctic sea ice extent has been observed since 2007,

2005 The 40 members of the Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) of the World Conservation Union decided to classify the polar bear as “vulnerable” based on a predicted 30 percent decline in their worldwide population over the next 35 to 50 years. The principal cause of this decline is stated to be climatic warming and its negative effects on the sea ice habitat.

2017 The US Fish and Wildlife Service releases a report concluding that human-driven global warming is the biggest threat to polar bears and that if action isn’t taken soon the Arctic bears could be in serious risk of extinction. “It cannot be overstated that the single most important action for the recovery of polar bears is to significantly reduce the present levels of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Reality check: Average September Arctic sea ice extent for the 1996-2005 period was 6.46 million km2. It declined by 26% to 4.77 million km2 for the 2007-2016 period. Despite the sea ice decline the polar bear population increased from a 20,000-25,000 estimate in 2005 to a 22,000-31,000 estimate in 2015.

2007 IPCC AR4 says there is a very high likelihood that Himalayan glaciers will disappear by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner if the Earth keeps warming at the current rate.

PCC officials recanted the prediction in 2010 after it was revealed the source was not peer-reviewed. Previously they had criticized the Indian scientist that questioned the prediction and ignored an IPCC author than in 2006 warned the prediction was wrong.

981 James Hansen, NASA scientist, predicted a global warming of “almost unprecedented magnitude” in the next century that might even be sufficient to melt and dislodge the ice cover of West Antarctica, eventually leading to a worldwide rise of 15 to 20 feet in the sea level

Reality check: Since 1993 (24 years) we have totaled 72 mm (3 inches) of sea level rise instead of the 4 feet that corresponds to one-fourth of a century. The alarming prediction is more than 94% wrong, so far.

And it goes on and on...predictions of sinking nations...predictions of global food shortages....predictions of climate refugees...time running out predictions...

Then there are the things that climate science failed to predict like a greener increase in forest biomass...increases in CO2 sinks....the slow down in warming....and on and on...

predictive failure after predictive failure and every one of them is falsification of the AGW hypothesis...
Predictive failures falsify a hypothesis...
But you present false unlinked data, as in the ice core graphic with the present indicated to be ad 2000. Your data cannot be trusted and you won't link to the source.
Predictive failures falsify a hypothesis...
But you present false unlinked data, as in the ice core graphic with the present indicated to be ad 2000. Your data cannot be trusted and you won't link to the source.

Sorry you are not bright enough to look up GISP2 and Vostok data....if you are unaware of them, then you are so far behind the curve that providing any further data would be a waste of time....pearls before swine and all of that....let me know when you get caught up enough that you don't need links to such well known that point you may be beyond only arguing with logical fallacies...
Sorry you are not bright enough to look up GISP2 and Vostok data....
Your data showed the present indicated as AD 2000 when in fact the last point on that graphic represented 1855. You cannot be trusted and you don't link to source.

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