Science is falsifiable

Sorry you are not bright enough to look up GISP2 and Vostok data....
Your data showed the present indicated as AD 2000 when in fact the last point on that graphic represented 1855. You cannot be trusted and you don't link to source.

Since you are so uninformed I suppose I should clue you in to the fact of the pause that has been going on for about 20 years now.....the global temp is statistically identical to the temp 20 years ago...great gasping and hand wringing have been going on over so called records where the climate priests were able to wring 1/100th of a degree out of the data with sufficient torture....You are a dupe the same as the rest of your warmest cult buddies...and to make it worse, you rarely have anything to say that isn't a logical fallacy.
Since you are so uninformed I suppose I should clue you in to the fact of the pause that has been going on for about 20 years now.....the global temp is statistically identical to the temp 20 years ago...great gasping and hand wringing have been going on over so called records where the climate priests were able to wring 1/100th of a degree out of the data with sufficient torture.

Where the fuck did you get THAT lie?

Since you are so uninformed I suppose I should clue you in to the fact of the pause that has been going on for about 20 years now.....the global temp is statistically identical to the temp 20 years ago...great gasping and hand wringing have been going on over so called records where the climate priests were able to wring 1/100th of a degree out of the data with sufficient torture.

Where the fuck did you get THAT lie?


Here is a clue for you skidmark...if your graph was accurate, climate science would not have fabricated some 66 excuses trying to explain it away...Your graph is a fraud...good enough to fool you and your sock though...
How come you don't address your false unsourced data?

Nothing false or unsourced about really are the skidmark's sock...aren't you?

here is the data source...
here is the data source...
More offhand lying from you. The graphic you posted is not shown on that page and is still unsourced. Oh well, SS.

The graphic was produced with that very data...there are plenty of them on to be found...feel free to make your own and you will have an exact copy of the one I already provided.


Since you are so uninformed I suppose I should clue you in to the fact of the pause that has been going on for about 20 years now.....the global temp is statistically identical to the temp 20 years ago...great gasping and hand wringing have been going on over so called records where the climate priests were able to wring 1/100th of a degree out of the data with sufficient torture.

Where the fuck did you get THAT lie?


Here is a clue for you skidmark...if your graph was accurate, climate science would not have fabricated some 66 excuses trying to explain it away...Your graph is a fraud...good enough to fool you and your sock though...

So, six different organizations have all faslified the global temperature record with nearly, but not quite, identical data. All the hundreds of people involved in producing these data are members of a perfectly executed conspiracy to defraud the public. And the thousands of researchers who depend on the accuracy of these data for their life's work say abo-fucking-lutely NOTHING. And for what? These people are government employees. They aren't getting research grants. Their income isn't dependent on these numbers. Are they all crazed socialists or outright commies? Do they just hate functioning economies and want everyone to be poor? Do they WANT to return to the Stone Age? What is it you fucking idiot? Why would all these people be guilty of your idiotic accusations? The answer, of course, is that they aren't. It is you that is spouting blatant lies. And why do you do that? Why do you lie to us all non-stop, every hour of every day?

Because you are a fucking TROLL, that's why
Anyway, deliberately posting unlinked false data is more than I can accept, ignore for that mendacious poster.

edit...Ahh, that feels better.
The winter weather in the United States this year should show that the climate is changing.
So, six different organizations have all faslified the global temperature record with nearly, but not quite, identical data. All the hundreds of people involved in producing these data are members of a perfectly executed conspiracy to defraud the public. And the thousands of researchers who depend on the accuracy of these data for their life's work say abo-fucking-lutely NOTHING. And for what? These people are government employees. They aren't getting research grants. Their income isn't dependent on these numbers. Are they all crazed socialists or outright commies? Do they just hate functioning economies and want everyone to be poor? Do they WANT to return to the Stone Age? What is it you fucking idiot? Why would all these people be guilty of your idiotic accusations? The answer, of course, is that they aren't. It is you that is spouting blatant lies. And why do you do that? Why do you lie to us all non-stop, every hour of every day?

Because you are a fucking TROLL, that's why

Like I said...if the pause did not exist, climate science wouldn't have come up with 60 plus excuses for why it was happening...excuses are what you guys are all about....
The graphic was produced with that very data
Then link to the page that contains the false graphic, as USMB terms require when one copies and pastes.

Can you demonstrate in any way that it is false...I would like to see that...

Here...take your pick..what a cry baby you are....just like your handler...the skidmark...

The big picture: 65 million years of temperature swings « JoNova

Now step on up to the plate puppet, and demonstrate that the data is false...or were your complaints just more whining?
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Anyway, deliberately posting unlinked false data is more than I can accept, ignore for that mendacious poster.

edit...Ahh, that feels better.

Best to slink away....your handler should have learned that by now...wouldn't always be having his ass handed to him..
I love it when someone here makes a head call or goes out to run an errands and whoever they're debating with accuses them of having "slinked away".
I love it when someone here makes a head call or goes out to run an errands and whoever they're debating with accuses them of having "slinked away".

Can you not read? Are you that stupid......I said that it was best that he slink away,...not that he did...clearly he didn't ...since you are and your sock...
I guess when you've got nothing, you have to just make shit up.

I would count Billy Bob, JC456 and Crusader Frank as your sock puppets Shit.

And, once again, posts with no pertinent content whatsoever. You have, in the past, claimed that AGW had been structured to be unfalsifiable. Do you still believe that to be true?

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