Science is falsifiable

The winter weather in the United States this year should show that the climate is changing.
The climate IS changing whether or nor we have a cold winter for this year or a few more due to the solar minimum.
Don't the last 20, 50, or 100 years count?
You want to put it all on ONE year in a larger trend that is never straight up.
Your IQ is showing
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Ask yourself one simple question.

If the Sun went dark right now, what do you think will happen to the 'climate' on Earth?
You are one Stupid Dipshlt.
Right above your post is my #42

The "Primary driver" of climate is solar radiation. Affected by Solar activity or the tilt of the earth.
No debate at least over the lat few million years.
Barring that, and we CAN bar that for the last half century at least (NASA/NOAA), Warming has been caused by something else.

All evidence points to GHGs.
GHGs ARE GHGs not only by definition, but light not reflected back out into space has been measured at blocking/trapping at the precise wavelengths of those GHG molecules.
That's it in brief.

Which of course doesn't preclude several year mini cooling trends due to solar minimums, etc.
Thus MOST of the idiot Weather threads from this winter.​

You 12 Moron, your MAGA hat cut off blood to your wittle brain.


Ask yourself one simple question.

If the Sun went dark right now, what do you think will happen to the 'climate' on Earth?
You are one Stupid Dipshlt.
Right above your post is my #42

The "Primary driver" of climate is solar radiation. Affected by Solar activity or the tilt of the earth.
No debate at least over the lat few million years.
Barring that, and we CAN bar that for the last half century at least (NASA/NOAA), Warming has been caused by something else.

All evidence points to GHGs.
GHGs ARE GHGs not only by definition, but light not reflected back out into space has been measured at blocking/trapping at the precise wavelengths of those GHG molecules.
That's it in brief.

Which of course doesn't preclude several year mini cooling trends due to solar minimums, etc.
Thus MOST of the idiot Weather threads from this winter.​

You 12 Moron, your MAGA hat cut off blood to your wittle brain.

Wow, another dumb fuck.

the output of the sun has been shrinking; by a very small amount, but it is shrinking. The planet, however, has been warming. The increased warming effect of our greenhouse emissions is outpacing the drop in total solar irradiance.
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OK ice layers,,,just seeing if your awake

how many layers after 75 yrs??
I dunno, I don't pretend to have a science degree like you do.'re not getting it. The science isnt transcending anywhere beyond it's own field. Climate science is a hobby....its impacting zero in the real world. It's a big billboard for progressives on internet message boards but otherwise NOBODY is caring. The evidence of that is astounding.

When solar energy is providing more than 1.4% of our electrcity, come talk to us!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Wtf does solar energy has to do with climate change?
EVERYTHING YOU MORON! What do you think drives the climate engine of the world!

Talk about an ignorant fool!

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Solar power drives climate? Gawd you’re dumb.

:ack-1: Soooooo, what would happen if the Sun were to know....go dark?:eusa_think:

the output of the sun has been shrinking; by a very small amount, but it is shrinking. The planet, however, has been warming. The increased warming effect of our greenhouse emissions is outpacing the drop in total solar irradiance.

Provably false. The Sun is indeed getting cooler, and the only way the climate fraudsters can make the claim you just made is by running raw data through computer models which magically show warming. Hence the "climate REANALYZER" bullshit you clowns post up.
Manners, manners young strigiform.

It is an old argument that AGW is not falsifiable. Let me put up a few things that might undo it:

1) Show that CO2 does not act as a greenhouse gas
2) Show that CO2 levels are not increasing
3) Show that the increased CO2 in the atmosphere is not of human origin
4) Repeat 1-3 concerning methane
5) Show that humans are not responsible for deforestation
6) Show that deforestation has had no effect on CO2 levels in the atmosphere
7) Show that the planet is not warming
8) Show that something other than the greenhouse effect is responsible for the observed warming
9) Show that the planet will soon cease to warm and begin cooling off
10) Show that all the world's climate scientists are involved in a massive conspiracy to falsify all the evidence supporting AGW
11) Show that warming threatens no harm whatsoever
12) Show that warming will be a net benefit to humankind.

Let me know if you need more.

Here's a falsifiable experiment you can do in the lab. Create a sealed environment, then create a terrarium, add in a representative atmosphere that is accurate. Then increase by correct volume the infinitisimal amount of CO2 that has been added to the Earths atmosphere, and see what happens.

That is your first experiment to do. Not the flooding the vessel with CO2 moronic "experiments" you idiots point to, all they represent are the Ideal Gas Laws.
I wonder who pays.


Clear Energy Alliance (CEA) describes itself as “the latest venture of Mark Mathis who has spent most of his career challenging widely accepted ideas that are simply untrue.”

Before starting CEA, Mathis founded another pro-fossil-fuel group called Citizens' Alliance for Responsible Energy (CARE). While heading CARE, Mathis testified before Congress “on the dangers of anti-energy extremist groups.” [1]

CEA primarily produces videos criticizing renewable energy and mainstream science on climate change. According to its website, “Much of what the media and activist groups tell us about energy is misleading or entirely false, which can lead to dangerous and expensive outcomes.” [1]

According to corporate registry records, CEA was filed as a foreign LLC company in November 2017. It was organized in Delaware and operates out of the state of Florida. [3]

CEI primarily produces videos on YouTube and has regularly paid to promote its videos across Facebook. [2]
Clear Energy Alliance

Manners, manners young strigiform.

It is an old argument that AGW is not falsifiable. Let me put up a few things that might undo it:

1) Show that CO2 does not act as a greenhouse gas
2) Show that CO2 levels are not increasing
3) Show that the increased CO2 in the atmosphere is not of human origin
4) Repeat 1-3 concerning methane
5) Show that humans are not responsible for deforestation
6) Show that deforestation has had no effect on CO2 levels in the atmosphere
7) Show that the planet is not warming
8) Show that something other than the greenhouse effect is responsible for the observed warming
9) Show that the planet will soon cease to warm and begin cooling off
10) Show that all the world's climate scientists are involved in a massive conspiracy to falsify all the evidence supporting AGW
11) Show that warming threatens no harm whatsoever
12) Show that warming will be a net benefit to humankind.

Let me know if you need more.

Here's a falsifiable experiment you can do in the lab. Create a sealed environment, then create a terrarium, add in a representative atmosphere that is accurate. Then increase by correct volume the infinitisimal amount of CO2 that has been added to the Earths atmosphere, and see what happens.

That is your first experiment to do. Not the flooding the vessel with CO2 moronic "experiments" you idiots point to, all they represent are the Ideal Gas Laws.


What a clever change in propaganda when they directed their sheep is stop global warming chants to something far more ambiguous which would of course include any and all events in weather.

From droughts to floods. Feom less snowfall to more snowfall. From more hurricanes, to less hurricanes.

Deliberately far more ambiguous term.

Of course global warming is falsifiable. Simply prove that the absorption spectrum for the GHGs does not exist.
  • Thanks
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Haven't you heard? No one has ever shown that absorbing energy raises the temperature of a gas. Same Shit told me man. It's gotta be true.

; - (

What a clever change in propaganda when they directed their sheep is stop global warming chants to something far more ambiguous which would of course include any and all events in weather.

From droughts to floods. Feom less snowfall to more snowfall. From more hurricanes, to less hurricanes.

Deliberately far more ambiguous term.

Of course global warming is falsifiable. Simply prove that the absorption spectrum for the GHGs does not exist.

No it's not falsifiable....Every got-damned odd weather event gets blamed by you cranks on Goebbels warming...That's classic unfalsifiability.

Or, to put it another way, is there anything that isn't caused by the great climactic googly-moogly?
Yes it is falsifiable. You just don't understand what that means.

Unequivocally demonstrate anything from the list below and AGW will be falsified.

1) Show that CO2 does not act as a greenhouse gas
2) Show that CO2 levels are not increasing
3) Show that the increased CO2 in the atmosphere is not of human origin
4) Repeat 1-3 concerning methane
5) Show that the planet is not warming
6) Show that something other than the greenhouse effect is responsible for the observed
7) Show that the planet will soon cease to warm and begin cooling off
8) Show that all the world's climate scientists are involved in a massive conspiracy to falsify the evidence supporting AGW

What a clever change in propaganda when they directed their sheep is stop global warming chants to something far more ambiguous which would of course include any and all events in weather.

From droughts to floods. Feom less snowfall to more snowfall. From more hurricanes, to less hurricanes.

Deliberately far more ambiguous term.

Of course global warming is falsifiable. Simply prove that the absorption spectrum for the GHGs does not exist.

Of course the spectrum exists...what you need to do is provide some observed, measured evidence which establishes a coherent relationship between the absorption of IR by a gas, and warming in the atmosphere...that is a great big assumption that climate science is making and a million hours of experiment, design, testing, and observation of commercial and residential infrared heating systems has proven quite clearly that IR can not, and does not warm the air...your assumption that absorption and emission equals warming is proven wrong by observable, measurable experiment...
Yes it is falsifiable. You just don't understand what that means.

Unequivocally demonstrate anything from the list below and AGW will be falsified.

1) Show that CO2 does not act as a greenhouse gas
2) Show that CO2 levels are not increasing
3) Show that the increased CO2 in the atmosphere is not of human origin
4) Repeat 1-3 concerning methane
5) Show that the planet is not warming
6) Show that something other than the greenhouse effect is responsible for the observed
7) Show that the planet will soon cease to warm and begin cooling off
8) Show that all the world's climate scientists are involved in a massive conspiracy to falsify the evidence supporting AGW

Shot that steaming pile down on another thread....not worth bothering with again.

In real science, do you know what falsifies a hypothesis? Predictive failure...a single predictive failure falsifies a hypothesis in real pseudoscience, predictive failures are ignored so long as the funding continues.....
You have not touched it. Ever. You tried arguing that AGW had been constructed to be unfalsifiable. Unfortunately for you and your sock puppet JC, I and a half dozen other provided long lists of points by which AGW could be falsified. That you now pretend that you never heard such a thing is clear evidence that you are a born-again mother-fucking TROLL.
You have not touched it. Ever. You tried arguing that AGW had been constructed to be unfalsifiable. Unfortunately for you and your sock puppet JC, I and a half dozen other provided long lists of points by which AGW could be falsified. That you now pretend that you never heard such a thing is clear evidence that you are a born-again mother-fucking TROLL.

Your idiot lists were based on assume that CO2 can warm the assume that IR can warm the assume that CO2 is responsible for warming...AGW was falsified long ago....but being pseudoscience, it just keeps going so long as the funding keeps going...
You have not touched it. Ever. You tried arguing that AGW had been constructed to be unfalsifiable. Unfortunately for you and your sock puppet JC, I and a half dozen other provided long lists of points by which AGW could be falsified. That you now pretend that you never heard such a thing is clear evidence that you are a born-again mother-fucking TROLL.

Your idiot lists were based on assume that CO2 can warm the assume that IR can warm the assume that CO2 is responsible for warming...AGW was falsified long ago....but being pseudoscience, it just keeps going so long as the funding keeps going...

you assume that CO2 can warm the assume that IR can warm the air.

IR absorbed by CO2 in the air doesn't result in warmer air?

Why not?

How does air ever get warmer?

Post a list.
Provably false. The Sun is indeed getting cooler, and the only way the climate fraudsters can make the claim you just made is by running raw data through computer models which magically show warming

It's good that Westwall isn't even trying to defend his lunatic cult pseudoscience any longer. He always sucked at it, and everyone just laughed.

Now, he just jumps straight to shrieking conspiracy propaganda. I agree he should use that tactic. It's the only thing he's ever been able to do, and one should always do what they're good at.

Here's a falsifiable experiment you can do in the lab. Create a sealed environment, then create a terrarium, add in a representative atmosphere that is accurate. Then increase by correct volume the infinitisimal amount of CO2 that has been added to the Earths atmosphere, and see what happens.

Done. The result is it gets warmer.

It's fascinating, the way conspiracy cultists actually believe they can change the physical properties of greenhouse gases if they just repeat enough propaganda and BELIEVE hard enough.

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