Science, R&D and Infrastructure

We should fund them right and start competing with China, India, Germany, etc.
We should fund them right and start competing with China, India, Germany, etc.
My point is that you're always bemoaning the republicans for not supporting these things.

Each link takes you to a list of bills for each category
We should fund them right and start competing with China, India, Germany, etc.
My point is that you're always bemoaning the republicans for not supporting these things.

Each link takes you to a list of bills for each category
I would love to hear Matthew respond honestly to that post too.
Just finally got tired of his broken record bullshit.
He needs to address these bills or shut his repetitive yap
What you do is start taking a serious look at the bills. Then you do a Google search using the name of the bill and add the word "summary". What Republicans are really good at is naming bills with names like "Patriot Act" that has nothing to do with patriotism. You have to really read the summary, at least, of the bill to know what it does.

Take a look at Democratic Bills, it's usually about building stuff or education.

S. 1187: America Implementing New National Opportunities To Vigorously Accelerate Technology, Energy, and Science Act
Sponsor: Sen. Chris Coons [D-DE]
Introduced: May 4, 2015
Referred to Committee: May 4, 2015

S. 1243: Grid Modernization Act of 2015
Sponsor: Sen. Maria Cantwell [D-WA]
Introduced: May 7, 2015
Referred to Committee: May 7, 2015

H.R. 591: Engineering Biology Research and Development Act of 2015
Sponsor: Rep. Eddie Johnson [D-TX30]
Introduced: Jan 28, 2015
Referred to Committee: Jan 28, 2015

S. 797: Railroad Infrastructure Financing Improvement Act
Sponsor: Sen. Cory Booker [D-NJ]
Introduced: Mar 19, 2015
Referred to Committee: Mar 19, 2015

S. 268: Rebuild America Act of 2015
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 27, 2015
Referred to Committee: Jan 27, 2015

Take a look at Republican bills. Finding one with development, improvement or building is rare. Even when they say they are about development or building. Don't just look at the title Find out what the bill actually is about.

H.R. 240: Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015
Sponsor: Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers [R-KY5]
Introduced: Jan 9, 2015
Enacted — Signed by the President: Mar 4, 2015

S. 272: Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015
Sponsor: Sen. Jeanne Shaheen [D-NH]
Introduced: Jan 27, 2015
Reported by Committee: Jan 28, 2015

S. 227: Strengthening Education through Research Act
Sponsor: Sen. Lamar Alexander [R-TN]
Introduced: Jan 21, 2015
Reported by Committee: Feb 4, 2015

H.R. 3128: Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2016
Sponsor: Rep. John Carter [R-TX31]
Introduced: Jul 21, 2015
Reported by Committee: Jul 21, 2015
We should fund them right and start competing with China, India, Germany, etc.
My point is that you're always bemoaning the republicans for not supporting these things.

Each link takes you to a list of bills for each category
the only problem, the infrastructure bill has a kill Oblamacare amendment...
Not a problem for me
just passage of a much needed bill...
We should fund them right and start competing with China, India, Germany, etc.

We fund the highways to the tune of 100 billion a year in gas taxes and other earmarked fees

So where the fuck is all that money going?
We should fund them right and start competing with China, India, Germany, etc.
My point is that you're always bemoaning the republicans for not supporting these things.

Each link takes you to a list of bills for each category
the only problem, the infrastructure bill has a kill Oblamacare amendment...
Every bill should.
Why? Don't you want Americans to have health care?
We should fund them right and start competing with China, India, Germany, etc.
My point is that you're always bemoaning the republicans for not supporting these things.

Each link takes you to a list of bills for each category
the only problem, the infrastructure bill has a kill Oblamacare amendment...
Every bill should.
Why? Don't you want Americans to have health care?
I want Americans to have healthcare OPTIONS

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