Scientist call out New York Times for incorrect claim about climate report


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Scientists appear to have debunked The New York Times’ claim it was leaked a secret, gloomy climate change report which it published amid fears President Trump would suppress it.

On Monday, The New York Times published a story saying there are concerns that the Trump administration could suppress what’s known as the National Climate Assessment, a project of the U.S. Global Change Research Program.

Scientists Call Out New York Times for Incorrect Claim about Climate Report

All to sucker you into their trap we all fell for it in the beginning. Just as the children are being brainwashed into this gay tranny agenda bs, well you see how well it worked when schools started teaching you how to oh love the earth, go green, buy this , buy that then the Gov. got in on it forcing companies to do this recycling bs and it spidered out into hundreds of other areas.

That's not to say taking care of the earth isn't important but it deceit used by the elites to make billions off those they've lied to and guilt tripped over it all.

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