Scientists Say New Study Is A ‘Death Blow’ To Global Warming Hysteria

Now, don't you global warming nuts feel just a little silly?

New Study Is A Death Blow To Global Warming Hysteria The Daily Caller

First of all. let me say that I find it amusing that conservatives who have ranted on and on about the invalidity of climate models have apparently latched onto a model that they believe agrees with their politics. Secondly, I don't believe this paper says what they claim it says. Perhaps you folks should re-read it (after, of course, taking a primer on climate science so you can understand the big words).
My goodness, ol' Wrong is another little lying corksmoker with no idea what a real science article is.

Every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now, who to believe, a bunch of flapyap idiots on a message board, or the vast majority of real scientists?
Conservatives are experts on whatever issue they're talking about at the time always.
no we're right when the facts support our claim. When you can present the facts and evidence that proves us wrong let us all know and we will gladly bow our heads, until then, talk about something you actually know.
Sure thing you can just go ahead and look at the studies of practically every reputable weather or environmental foundation in the world since they all concur.

You can bow now btw
They can all kiss my ass as you can!
typical conservative response when they're proven wrong
My goodness, ol' Wrong is another little lying corksmoker with no idea what a real science article is.

Every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now, who to believe, a bunch of flapyap idiots on a message board, or the vast majority of real scientists?
Conservatives are experts on whatever issue they're talking about at the time always.
no we're right when the facts support our claim. When you can present the facts and evidence that proves us wrong let us all know and we will gladly bow our heads, until then, talk about something you actually know.
Sure thing you can just go ahead and look at the studies of practically every reputable weather or environmental foundation in the world since they all concur.

You can bow now btw
They can all kiss my ass as you can!
typical conservative response when they're proven wrong
Ha, got ya, then post up that experiment that shows what 120ppm of co2 does to temperature
This is what comes of being that stupid.

I'd like you to be smarter. If you'd had the sort of childhood you should have, we wouldn't be in this situation. What did your parents do for a living? It certainly looks as if educating you was not one of their high priorities.

You say that, but let me remind you of your quote in my sig line....people who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Crick is OK with mass murder because he has a planet to save
This is what comes of being that stupid.

I'd like you to be smarter. If you'd had the sort of childhood you should have, we wouldn't be in this situation. What did your parents do for a living? It certainly looks as if educating you was not one of their high priorities.
Too late you showed your hand, loser!
but the dummies are winning s0n!!! Nobody cares about global warming in 2015.

"Winning" exactly what???

Here ya go s0n.........390 pages of education >>

:rock::rock::rock:More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum:rock::rock::rock:

Dingbat.....I am asking what exactly do you think you're WINNING ???

We are winning simply because the facts show even with all the adjusted lies, fiddling with all the records to keep your lie alive, it is dying...
Now, don't you global warming nuts feel just a little silly?

New Study Is A Death Blow To Global Warming Hysteria The Daily Caller

First of all. let me say that I find it amusing that conservatives who have ranted on and on about the invalidity of climate models have apparently latched onto a model that they believe agrees with their politics. Secondly, I don't believe this paper says what they claim it says. Perhaps you folks should re-read it (after, of course, taking a primer on climate science so you can understand the big words).
I don't want the same class you took sorry I'll go to my school
Now, don't you global warming nuts feel just a little silly?

New Study Is A Death Blow To Global Warming Hysteria The Daily Caller

First of all. let me say that I find it amusing that conservatives who have ranted on and on about the invalidity of climate models have apparently latched onto a model that they believe agrees with their politics. Secondly, I don't believe this paper says what they claim it says. Perhaps you folks should re-read it (after, of course, taking a primer on climate science so you can understand the big words).
I don't want the same class you took sorry I'll go to my school

Fine. Just go to school, dopy.
Now, don't you global warming nuts feel just a little silly?

New Study Is A Death Blow To Global Warming Hysteria The Daily Caller

First of all. let me say that I find it amusing that conservatives who have ranted on and on about the invalidity of climate models have apparently latched onto a model that they believe agrees with their politics. Secondly, I don't believe this paper says what they claim it says. Perhaps you folks should re-read it (after, of course, taking a primer on climate science so you can understand the big words).
I don't want the same class you took sorry I'll go to my school

Fine. Just go to school, dopy.

^ lolz
Now, don't you global warming nuts feel just a little silly?

New Study Is A Death Blow To Global Warming Hysteria The Daily Caller

First of all. let me say that I find it amusing that conservatives who have ranted on and on about the invalidity of climate models have apparently latched onto a model that they believe agrees with their politics. Secondly, I don't believe this paper says what they claim it says. Perhaps you folks should re-read it (after, of course, taking a primer on climate science so you can understand the big words).
I don't want the same class you took sorry I'll go to my school

Fine. Just go to school, dopy.
I did, learned how to see through bullshit. You should have gone to my school
Wasn't Phil Jones the guy who pointed out how embarrassing it was that mother nature refused to validate their stupid theory so they were reduced to altering and forging data?
Phil was the who admitted three or four years ago that there had been no statistically significant warming for fifteen years. And that he didn't know how to plot regression curves in Excel.
Now, don't you global warming nuts feel just a little silly?

New Study Is A Death Blow To Global Warming Hysteria The Daily Caller

First of all. let me say that I find it amusing that conservatives who have ranted on and on about the invalidity of climate models have apparently latched onto a model that they believe agrees with their politics. Secondly, I don't believe this paper says what they claim it says. Perhaps you folks should re-read it (after, of course, taking a primer on climate science so you can understand the big words).
I don't want the same class you took sorry I'll go to my school

Fine. Just go to school, dopy.
I did, learned how to see through bullshit. You should have gone to my school

Well, guy, if you weren't so full of bullshit, you wouldn't need to learn to see through it.
Now, don't you global warming nuts feel just a little silly?

New Study Is A Death Blow To Global Warming Hysteria The Daily Caller

First of all. let me say that I find it amusing that conservatives who have ranted on and on about the invalidity of climate models have apparently latched onto a model that they believe agrees with their politics. Secondly, I don't believe this paper says what they claim it says. Perhaps you folks should re-read it (after, of course, taking a primer on climate science so you can understand the big words).

Here's a primer for you. The models that IPCC uses have high climate sensitivity that is offset by high aerosol cooling. Then one of their own, Stevens, comes along and says aerosols are much lower than previously thought.

You do the math.
but the dummies are winning s0n!!! Nobody cares about global warming in 2015.

"Winning" exactly what???

Here ya go s0n.........390 pages of education >>

:rock::rock::rock:More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum:rock::rock::rock:

Dingbat.....I am asking what exactly do you think you're WINNING ???

We are winning simply because the facts show even with all the adjusted lies, fiddling with all the records to keep your lie alive, it is dying...
the same website has a page about the problems with cherrypicking short samples of time.


this is literally from the same website.
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Now, don't you global warming nuts feel just a little silly?

New Study Is A Death Blow To Global Warming Hysteria The Daily Caller

First of all. let me say that I find it amusing that conservatives who have ranted on and on about the invalidity of climate models have apparently latched onto a model that they believe agrees with their politics. Secondly, I don't believe this paper says what they claim it says. Perhaps you folks should re-read it (after, of course, taking a primer on climate science so you can understand the big words).

Here's a primer for you. The models that IPCC uses have high climate sensitivity that is offset by high aerosol cooling. Then one of their own, Stevens, comes along and says aerosols are much lower than previously thought.

You do the math.

Batasch, from the OP claims that the paper "casts further doubt on the so-called global warming “consensus” by suggesting the atmosphere may be less sensitive to increases in carbon dioxide emissions than most scientists think."

Except that if the aerosols (which tend to cool climate) are MUCH lower than previously though, the CO2 emissions would have a more dramatic effect on global warming, not less. And since 14 out of the last 15 years have seen record temperature increases, I think it is safe to say that the report isn't saying what you people claim it is saying, particularly as there is nothing in the report that makes the claims you are making. Certainly nothing in the summary or the conclusions supports the OP claim.
I don't think the issue is that whether global warming is actually happening; it's quite obvious that it's happening and anyone with a brain knows it is.

The issue is whether it's caused by human activity or not. That's up to debate and more research needs to be done on the topic.
Conservatives are experts on whatever issue they're talking about at the time always.
no we're right when the facts support our claim. When you can present the facts and evidence that proves us wrong let us all know and we will gladly bow our heads, until then, talk about something you actually know.
Sure thing you can just go ahead and look at the studies of practically every reputable weather or environmental foundation in the world since they all concur.

You can bow now btw
They can all kiss my ass as you can!
typical conservative response when they're proven wrong
Ha, got ya, then post up that experiment that shows what 120ppm of co2 does to temperature
I don't have a study because I don't know of any, this is the first study I've heard of at all that deals with this issue on either side. It doesn't matter much because CO2 is only one of 10+ greenhouse gases. Watervapor is a greenhouse gas, for christ's sake. Apparently Water Vapor accounts for between 36% and up to 70% of the greenhouse effect. I don't know why the range for that is so high. Methane is also closely behind CO2.
but the dummies are winning s0n!!! Nobody cares about global warming in 2015.

"Winning" exactly what???

Here ya go s0n.........390 pages of education >>

:rock::rock::rock:More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum:rock::rock::rock:

Dingbat.....I am asking what exactly do you think you're WINNING ???

We are winning simply because the facts show even with all the adjusted lies, fiddling with all the records to keep your lie alive, it is dying...
literally the same website has a page about the problems with cherrypicking short samples of time.


this is literally from the same website.

But you cherry picked the bottom of the trend to show warming.. Coming out of the LIA so this was the bottom of the cooling trend.. but you alarmists fail to recognize it because you think that all warming is man caused..

Tell me, what caused the warming on several occasions over the last 450 million years?
CO2 - 500 million years.JPG

CO2 and Ice Ages.JPG

Tell me if any of those previous warm ups had anything to do with CO2 and why today's is no different than those in the past..
I don't think the issue is that whether global warming is actually happening; it's quite obvious that it's happening and anyone with a brain knows it is.

The issue is whether it's caused by human activity or not. That's up to debate and more research needs to be done on the topic.

When you say "global warming" do you mean MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING? If so, that statement is patently false. We have not yet proven if man is causing any portion of it. In fact, we can say that man has had no effect on the global temp averages as shown by the rates of warming over the last 150 years and that no increase of rate has been seen even with mans contribution of CO2. Natural variation can been shown to be 100% of all warming that has occurred.
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