Scientists Say New Study Is A ‘Death Blow’ To Global Warming Hysteria

But the climate science predictions have been correct, for decades running now. That's why the science has such credibility.

If you deniers want the same credibility, you'll have to do some real science, and you'll also have to stop failing consistently at every single thing. Whining that you're not taken seriously because of the big conspiracy won't get you taken seriously.
prove it, I know they're wrong, I know the only way to make the models fit is to fudge the data. Do they manipulate the data tooth? yep!!!! you lose. Again, and again and again.
But the climate science predictions have been correct, for decades running now. That's why the science has such credibility.

If you deniers want the same credibility, you'll have to do some real science, and you'll also have to stop failing consistently at every single thing. Whining that you're not taken seriously because of the big conspiracy won't get you taken seriously.
but, but, but,........
Now, don't you global warming nuts feel just a little silly?

New Study Is A Death Blow To Global Warming Hysteria The Daily Caller
Dude like these scientists are totally just lying about that study to get tenure and more grant money you can't trust scientists bro forreal it's just politics bros.


Don't fret OldSchool, in ten years no one will remember that you were bamboozled into believing this pseudo-science. You can pretend you were on to those crazy global-warmerists the whole time. :D

In twenty years, you can claim it was really only Republicans who believed that man-made global warming was "settled science". :lol: :lol: XD
He'll be claiming that at some point, they switched sides.
exactly, well put!!!!!!
My goodness, ol' Wrong is another little lying corksmoker with no idea what a real science article is.

Every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now, who to believe, a bunch of flapyap idiots on a message board, or the vast majority of real scientists?
socks you failed a few threads ago. go away.
My goodness, ol' Wrong is another little lying corksmoker with no idea what a real science article is.

Every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now, who to believe, a bunch of flapyap idiots on a message board, or the vast majority of real scientists?
Conservatives are experts on whatever issue they're talking about at the time always.
no we're right when the facts support our claim. When you can present the facts and evidence that proves us wrong let us all know and we will gladly bow our heads, until then, talk about something you actually know.
What is being won is a changed world. How much change, we don't know, we have not been down this road before. What are the total effects going to be? We don't know that, either. And, what will be the time scale that the effects take hold on? We don't know that, also. We do know that some of the effects predicted, such as the regression of the Arctic Sea Ice have progressed far faster than any thought possible. And we know that there are some unknowns, the rate of discharge of CO2 and CH4 by the Arctic Ocean clathrates and Arctic permafrost, that could drastically change the equation.

In the face of all these unknowns, and with the knowledge that GHGs do increase the heat in the atmosphere, the deniers continue to insist we can go on as we have before. Either denying observed effects, or denying the basic physical science. And when they can no longer deny either, they will deny that they ever did, or that the scientists told them of the trouble ahead.
you know nothing and we've been telling you that socks. As in every other thread you pop up in, you have no evidence to support whatever it is you're trying to say. You fail again.
He's got AR1, AR2, AR3, AR4 and AR5. He's got better than 90% of every climate paper published in the last ten years. What have YOU got?

PS, if the study mentioned in the OP has dealt a death blow to AGW, AGW-believing climate scientists must be dropping like flies. There must be news stories all over about the overturn. Got any links on that?
My goodness, ol' Wrong is another little lying corksmoker with no idea what a real science article is.

Every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now, who to believe, a bunch of flapyap idiots on a message board, or the vast majority of real scientists?
Conservatives are experts on whatever issue they're talking about at the time always.
no we're right when the facts support our claim. When you can present the facts and evidence that proves us wrong let us all know and we will gladly bow our heads, until then, talk about something you actually know.
Sure thing you can just go ahead and look at the studies of practically every reputable weather or environmental foundation in the world since they all concur.

You can bow now btw
My goodness, ol' Wrong is another little lying corksmoker with no idea what a real science article is.

Every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now, who to believe, a bunch of flapyap idiots on a message board, or the vast majority of real scientists?
Conservatives are experts on whatever issue they're talking about at the time always.
no we're right when the facts support our claim. When you can present the facts and evidence that proves us wrong let us all know and we will gladly bow our heads, until then, talk about something you actually know.
Sure thing you can just go ahead and look at the studies of practically every reputable weather or environmental foundation in the world since they all concur.

You can bow now btw
They can all kiss my ass as you can!
It's not as if everyone here, jc, didn't know you were lying when you made the offer.
Just have to point out a little factoid..........the discussion about all these "climate papers" over the last 20 years = moot. Its had an impact on nothing except on internet forums like this one.:up:

In other words...........nobody gives a rats ass about the science in 2015 except the internet AGW OCD's.;)
Just have to point out a little factoid..........the discussion about all these "climate papers" over the last 20 years = moot. Its had an impact on nothing except on internet forums like this one.:up:

In other words...........nobody gives a rats ass about the science in 2015 except the internet AGW OCD's.;)


Knock knock Penny? Knock knock Penny? Knock knock Penny? Let me in I have to wash my hands.

Really though, if so much money wasn't being wasted it would be funny.
Just have to point out a little factoid..........the discussion about all these "climate papers" over the last 20 years = moot. Its had an impact on nothing except on internet forums like this one.:up:

In other words...........nobody gives a rats ass about the science in 2015 except the internet AGW OCD's.;)
Not exactly sure why they're so bothered by what we say if everything is set. Goes to also talk radio, why do they care what I believe?
This is what comes of being that stupid.

I'd like you to be smarter. If you'd had the sort of childhood you should have, we wouldn't be in this situation. What did your parents do for a living? It certainly looks as if educating you was not one of their high priorities.
This is what comes of being that stupid.

I'd like you to be smarter. If you'd had the sort of childhood you should have, we wouldn't be in this situation. What did your parents do for a living? It certainly looks as if educating you was not one of their high priorities.

You say that, but let me remind you of your quote in my sig line....people who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
This is what comes of being that stupid.

I'd like you to be smarter. If you'd had the sort of childhood you should have, we wouldn't be in this situation. What did your parents do for a living? It certainly looks as if educating you was not one of their high priorities.

You say that, but let me remind you of your quote in my sig line....people who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Allow me to remind you that there are two possibilities regarding your use of that quote in your sig:
1) You're too stupid to understand what "hypothetically" means and too stupid to consider that my use of the comparative ("more effective") and my quotation marks around "off" are a clear indication I was responding to someone (that would be our local lady Nazi Stephanie) who wanted to "off" all the warmists and made no bones about hypotheticality.
2) You know what you're doing is a personal attack based on a profound lie but you don't care because you've got the ethics of slime mold.

So, you're use of that sig does nothing but make you look like a stupid, amoral dickhead. Carry on, asshole.

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