Scotland Sucks

UK under fire for recruiting an army of children - Home News - UK - The Independent

The figures, released last week, have sparked renewed criticism of the British Army's use of boy soldiers. Following an outcry over the deployment of 17-year-olds to the Gulf War in 1991, and to Kosovo in 1999, the Army amended its rules stopping soldiers under 18 from being sent on operations where there was a possibility of fighting.
UK under fire for recruiting an army of children - Home News - UK - The Independent

The figures, released last week, have sparked renewed criticism of the British Army's use of boy soldiers. Following an outcry over the deployment of 17-year-olds to the Gulf War in 1991, and to Kosovo in 1999, the Army amended its rules stopping soldiers under 18 from being sent on operations where there was a possibility of fighting.

Thanks. I wasn't aware of this policy change. It seems they can still serve but not in combat roles. If you can serve 16 then should be able to vote.
The separatists thought it would be a good idea to give 16 year olds the right to vote.
It still is a good idea, if they can have sex at that age then surely they can vote. And realistically most wouldn't vote at that age that weren't politically aware.
They can fuck at age eight. So what?
The sixteen year old voters turned out in droves. Most of them couldn't local Great Britain on a map of the world.
So in your tiny brain only people who are "politically aware" vote. You get more stupid with every post pal.
Once again the polls were garbage....."too close to call" turned out 55%-45% against leaving. I don't care one way or another other than Scotland's submarine base is an important key to Britain's defense....this is no time to cut that capability.
The separatists thought it would be a good idea to give 16 year olds the right to vote.
It still is a good idea, if they can have sex at that age then surely they can vote. And realistically most wouldn't vote at that age that weren't politically aware.
Fucking and voting is the same to you? Good God.
Well it is mostly politicians sucking off lobbyists, voters being manipulated, and partisans taking it in the mouth from their favorite candidate.
The separatists thought it would be a good idea to give 16 year olds the right to vote.
It still is a good idea, if they can have sex at that age then surely they can vote. And realistically most wouldn't vote at that age that weren't politically aware.
They can fuck at age eight. So what?
The sixteen year old voters turned out in droves. Most of them couldn't local Great Britain on a map of the world.
So in your tiny brain only people who are "politically aware" vote. You get more stupid with every post pal.
Sure they could find it on a map, most are probably as smart as their parents, if not smarter. If kids can be responsible about sex, why shouldn't they be able to vote.

In your world there is no such thing as a XBOX, PS4, or the internet* - otherwise you wouldn't rage fest over my post, because unless they are interested in politics they are going to play games, get wasted, or have sex instead of voting.

*WOW, Starcraft, and online gaming.
The millennials will soon be running things ant the older TPM are going to freak when no one listens to them.
Yep, though this thread seems to be mainstay of ignorance.

They don't even have a clue what goes through the heads of my generation, let alone younger ones.

First off, most don't care that gay people can get married, they don't care that people smoke pot, and they don't like the right wing, and most are apathetic about the left wing.

Those that don't vote, do so because they don't think much of the establishment, don't believe their vote counts, and would prefer to play XBox rather than waste their time.

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