Scott Brown praises Palin; suggests Obama born out of wedlock

Wrong starkey it was a dead heat until two weaks after the palin Nomination then McCain beagan talking aobut TARP and the numbers began to tumble at that point and never recovered. That's the facts. Obama appeard to distance himself from TARP and the american people went for any port in a storm. to think otherwise is absurd.

The facts backup what you are stating. Keep in mind, liberals are not interested in the facts because it interfers with what they BELEIVE.:cuckoo:
For the record, Dogbert, the USA doesn't recognize bigamy as legal which means his second marriage was not legal, ie, obama WAS born out of wedlock by your very words.

Except he was not born out of wedlock. The couple was married in the U.S. Why you seem to think it makes you feel better to deny that fact, I don't know.

The USA doesn't recognize bigamy, ie, the 2nd marriage was ILLEGAL. So, if we was born in the USA, he was born out of wedlock, however, if he was born in Kenya, because they have different laws, he would have been born IN wedlock as they recognize more than one marriage.

So the question remains, is he illegitimate? Or is he NOT a native born citizen? You can't have it both ways.

Why not? If his mother was a US citizen at the time of his birth (and she was) so is he. Doesn't matter if he was born on Mars and she wasn't sure WHO or WHAT the father was, much less if she was legally married to him.

I was born in Germany. Mom got knocked up in Chicago and refused to name dad on the adoption papers. I am a "natural born" citizen, bastard and foreign born.

I could be president someday.
Well, Chet, or whatever your name is, the first few years out of HS are a bit of a blur, but I'm told I had a really good time...
Many, many times I have shown you the error of your ways, and you simplistically say you disagree and ask for more "proof". Own your own idiocy, Yurt.

I know it's a normal pattern for you libs to use, but repeating something over and over again with absolutely nothing to back yourselves up, will never make it true.

Im not sure why this is so difficult to understand or why it's completely ignored. I mean if you want to be seen as credible and you think you have the correct point of view, support it. There are 7 pages of absolutely nothing but you dismissing everyone without supporting anything you say.

If you have the truth on your side, you have nothing to fear.
Oh bullshit starkey we lost because McCain Embraced Tarp even as Obama appeared to distance himself from it. Palin had nothing to do with it.

Actually, you lost because a special session of congress was held to make McCain eligible to run for the presidency. He didn't dare challenge Obama's eligibility.

For the record, my brother and I were both born on American military bases overseas and at the age of 18, we had to declare our citizenship, therefore we cannot run for president. McCain was born on a military base in Panama. I'm not sure how congress even had the right to change the law, though it should have been changed.

McCain could not challenge Obama's legitimacy without Obama bringing up McCain's legitimacy to run for office.

As far as I'm concerned this was a first in our history. Neither candidate actually was a native born citizen.

Makes ya really look forward to the future, doesn't it?
you haven't actually addressed a single point i raised.

if you have, please show me where, and how you either: answered, agreed, or countered said point.

come on hack.....let's see it, because so far, i'm seriously laughing my ass off at you.

Many, many times I have shown you the error of your ways, and you simplistically say you disagree and ask for more "proof". Own your own idiocy, Yurt. are hack

you can't actually take a single point and discuss it or debate it.

tbo, i am not surprised. but, i wanted to give you the chance since you so adamantly proclaim you're this non partisan ex gop person. i've asked you 3 times now, you still offer this shite. this is 4X in this thread jake. you're done.

you're bogus and nothing but a hack/troll.

We have been over this point in several threads. Your points are effectively countered with the evidence, then you say that you don't believe it and ask for more evidence. Next, you mischaracterize my position, and then lie about it. For example, I have never said, stated, or implied that I am an "ex gop person." I am GOP, working to clear the party of wing nuts
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Except he was not born out of wedlock. The couple was married in the U.S. Why you seem to think it makes you feel better to deny that fact, I don't know.

The USA doesn't recognize bigamy, ie, the 2nd marriage was ILLEGAL. So, if we was born in the USA, he was born out of wedlock, however, if he was born in Kenya, because they have different laws, he would have been born IN wedlock as they recognize more than one marriage.

So the question remains, is he illegitimate? Or is he NOT a native born citizen? You can't have it both ways.

Why not? If his mother was a US citizen at the time of his birth (and she was) so is he. Doesn't matter if he was born on Mars and she wasn't sure WHO or WHAT the father was, much less if she was legally married to him.

I was born in Germany. Mom got knocked up in Chicago and refused to name dad on the adoption papers. I am a "natural born" citizen, bastard and foreign born.

I could be president someday.
Well, Chet, or whatever your name is, the first few years out of HS are a bit of a blur, but I'm told I had a really good time...

Yup, he was illegitimate but still a citizen since his mother was a citizen.
Oh bullshit starkey we lost because McCain Embraced Tarp even as Obama appeared to distance himself from it. Palin had nothing to do with it.

Actually, you lost because a special session of congress was held to make McCain eligible to run for the presidency. He didn't dare challenge Obama's eligibility.

For the record, my brother and I were both born on American military bases overseas and at the age of 18, we had to declare our citizenship, therefore we cannot run for president. McCain was born on a military base in Panama. I'm not sure how congress even had the right to change the law, though it should have been changed.

McCain could not challenge Obama's legitimacy without Obama bringing up McCain's legitimacy to run for office.

As far as I'm concerned this was a first in our history. Neither candidate actually was a native born citizen.

Makes ya really look forward to the future, doesn't it?

You are a moron, we have been over this many times. YOU need to challenge your status as being born of a MILITARY or CIVILIAN working overseas even if only one parent is a US Citizen makes you a CITIZEN and a NATURAL BORN one at that. Pretty simple concept. Perhaps your parents forgot to register your birth?

When my son was born in Okinawa I registered his birth at the Consulate and he is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN with a certificate of birth abroad.
Oh bullshit starkey we lost because McCain Embraced Tarp even as Obama appeared to distance himself from it. Palin had nothing to do with it.

Actually, you lost because a special session of congress was held to make McCain eligible to run for the presidency. He didn't dare challenge Obama's eligibility.

For the record, my brother and I were both born on American military bases overseas and at the age of 18, we had to declare our citizenship, therefore we cannot run for president. McCain was born on a military base in Panama. I'm not sure how congress even had the right to change the law, though it should have been changed.

McCain could not challenge Obama's legitimacy without Obama bringing up McCain's legitimacy to run for office.

As far as I'm concerned this was a first in our history. Neither candidate actually was a native born citizen.

Makes ya really look forward to the future, doesn't it?

You are a moron, we have been over this many times. YOU need to challenge your status as being born of a MILITARY or CIVILIAN working overseas even if only one parent is a US Citizen makes you a CITIZEN and a NATURAL BORN one at that. Pretty simple concept. Perhaps your parents forgot to register your birth?

When my son was born in Okinawa I registered his birth at the Consulate and he is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN with a certificate of birth abroad.

You are right, several members of my family were, technically, born outside the US while their fathers were serving in the US military. Simple fact, each one of them is recognized as 'natural born' American.
Oh bullshit starkey we lost because McCain Embraced Tarp even as Obama appeared to distance himself from it. Palin had nothing to do with it.

Actually, you lost because a special session of congress was held to make McCain eligible to run for the presidency. He didn't dare challenge Obama's eligibility.

For the record, my brother and I were both born on American military bases overseas and at the age of 18, we had to declare our citizenship, therefore we cannot run for president. McCain was born on a military base in Panama. I'm not sure how congress even had the right to change the law, though it should have been changed.

McCain could not challenge Obama's legitimacy without Obama bringing up McCain's legitimacy to run for office.

As far as I'm concerned this was a first in our history. Neither candidate actually was a native born citizen.

Makes ya really look forward to the future, doesn't it?

You are a moron, we have been over this many times. YOU need to challenge your status as being born of a MILITARY or CIVILIAN working overseas even if only one parent is a US Citizen makes you a CITIZEN and a NATURAL BORN one at that. Pretty simple concept. Perhaps your parents forgot to register your birth?

When my son was born in Okinawa I registered his birth at the Consulate and he is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN with a certificate of birth abroad.

I think where Againsheila is confused is that when the country of birth requires that a local birth certificate also be issued along with the US Consular Report of the Birth of a Citizen Abroad paperwork, then at 18 the said citizen has to renounce the foreign citizenship, and do it legally because some places have mandatory military service or other things and in unusual circumstances a person could get caught up in a boatload of red tape over it. My child was born in a military (US Navy) hospital in Morocco, but her birth was only registered with the Embassy, not locally. I believe their law required that at least one parent be a citizen of Morocco. On the other hand, my grandson was born in a military (US Navy) hospital in Naples, and under Italian law he will have to renounce his Italian citizenship. In the old days, the US also did not allow dual nationality, but now it does, so that, too, can be an issue, and whether or not the other country allows dual nationality might be an issue as well...
Is it somehow bad to praise Sarah Palin?

As for the Obama comments, I dont really care. We elected a President who said there were 57 states. Why the heck should this matter?

Do you really need the list of crap bush has said? Seriously. I can start with two..

Mission accomplished.

Those two cost American lives....Obama's 57 remark KILLED NO ONE.

Stay with that though.
This only goes to show that the real Scott Brown is something that the voters should see before election day.

Interesting that he can't even control himself for a couple of more days.

go wingnut go. lol..

tell us all about the "pro america parts of the country". i'm sure that will go over big in massachusetts. :cuckoo:


See here is yet another example of how stupid some in here are.

Control himself for "two more days"?????

The video link is from TWO YEARS ago!!!

You libs in here cannot even follow each other's own talking points - much the same way the Coakley campaign has been in complete chaos...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that little detail. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I now have a better understanding of why people voted for Obama. They have ADD.
Is it somehow bad to praise Sarah Palin?

As for the Obama comments, I dont really care. We elected a President who said there were 57 states. Why the heck should this matter?

Do you really need the list of crap bush has said? Seriously. I can start with two..

Mission accomplished.

Those two cost American lives....Obama's 57 remark KILLED NO ONE.

Stay with that though.

Still, it makes one wonder how smart our POTUS is if he doesn't even know how many states he's President of.
Wow. A video clip has surfaced from 2008 in which Scott Brown, the Republican candidate for Senate in Massachusetts, clearly suggested that President Obama may have been born out of wedlock.

I’m sure some will try to dismiss this as an isolated stray remark. But it’s clear if you watch the video that there’s a broader context: Brown is clearly aligning himself with the Limbaugh wing of the GOP, in which slurs along these lines are standard fare. And as Steve Benen points out, claims about Obama’s illegitimacy were an integral part of the birther craziness.


My opinion: What an asshole.

Really. Perhaps you should do better research?

For the record Scott:

At the age of 23, Obama had come to Hawaii to pursue his education, leaving behind a pregnant wife and infant son in his home town of Nyang’oma Kogelo in Kenya. Dunham and Obama were married on the Hawaiian island of Maui on February 2, 1961, despite parental opposition from both families.[5][15] Dunham was three months pregnant at the time of her marriage.[1][5] Obama Sr. eventually informed Dunham about his first marriage in Kenya but claimed he was divorced. Years later, she would discover this was false.[14] Obama Sr.'s first wife, Kezia, later said she had granted her consent for him to marry a second wife, in keeping with Luo customs.[16]
On August 4, 1961, at the age of 18, Dunham gave birth to her first child, Barack Obama II.[17]

Thoughts: Slur? I think not.

Obama was most definitely CONCEIVED outside of marriage even if his mother married his father before he was actually born.

Smear? How do you smear someone who is already as untrustworthy and despicable as this creep we have for president?

It is hard to watch as he loots our tax dollars to hand to his euro-trash banking elitist criminal friends and gets away with it.

The man is ratcheting up laws that have us all thinking we are going to have to worry about martial law in the near future when he causes further economic collapse and does more stealing.

When are you progressive sheep going to get a conscience?
Is it somehow bad to praise Sarah Palin?

As for the Obama comments, I dont really care. We elected a President who said there were 57 states. Why the heck should this matter?

Do you really need the list of crap bush has said? Seriously. I can start with two..

Mission accomplished.

Those two cost American lives....Obama's 57 remark KILLED NO ONE.

Stay with that though.

I find it amazing that anyone would characterize Sean Hannity as a 'Nazi' when he has absolutely no power to make Nazi-like laws, but when Obama is doing just that and not one peep from all the progressive control freaks out there.

I can't post the link but if you see Devvy Kidd's latest column in News With Views, you'll see a list of militarization moves this guy has made that ought to make you want to buy more ammo... they fully plan to violate posse comitatus.

Sarah Palin has more smarts in her little pinky than Obama in his whole empty suit.
She has more experience running things too - a city and a state and the national guard.

This guy sees a war going on and has to think about it before he supports the troops, or pulls them out...

He is the worst most dangerous president we've ever had.

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