Scott Walker 2016: You can bank on it

lol, what? why???

Because Obama&Co didnt engineer a takeover fo the Democratic party to give the lead slot to some old white bitch from Arkansas.
The Dems have a winning formula: a clean articulate black man promising free cheese to inner city Negroes. They'll stick with that script.
Besides, Hillary polls the most negatives of any politician.

She also has the strongest background. And you're nuts if you think they'll stick with black guys forever

Really? Background in what, lying, deception and treachery? Yeah, Run Hillary. Please.
lol, what? why???

Because Obama&Co didnt engineer a takeover fo the Democratic party to give the lead slot to some old white bitch from Arkansas.
The Dems have a winning formula: a clean articulate black man promising free cheese to inner city Negroes. They'll stick with that script.
Besides, Hillary polls the most negatives of any politician.

This is actually the democrats’ winning formula, the above hate, ignorance, and racism practiced by some on the right.

It’s repulsive.

And it drives voters of all races away from the GOP, however unfairly.

At least you agree it is the Dem's wiining formula. Worked twice for Obama and once for Cory Booker. The Dems may be clueless liars but they understand power and how to maintain it. And Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are not tickets to power.

Why should we? The Left doesnt care about Obamacare lies, Benghazi, the iRS scandals, intimidation of reporters, fast n furious, or any of the other scandals of Obama, scandals that have actually cost lives and imperiled the republic. They'd rather talk about traffic jams in NJ and whether Scott Walker's aid's secretary used gov't toilet paper to take a dump.

Are you talking about an email dump from a closed case after a thorough prosecution by someone who would have loved to have nailed Walker for something if there was a scintilla of anything to stick him with?

They have to keep repeating it. Note the emails "suggest Walker MAY have known more than he let on". WTF does that even mean? Of course he knew more. He knew what color ties people were wearing. He knew what he had for lunch that day. It is all innuendo without a shred of substance. And no one would give a shit except that Walker is being touted for president. When Jindal was touted there were a million hit stories on him. Same with Christie. Same with all the GOP possible candidates. The media is th Dem lapdog. They ignore blatant scandals and illegal acitivity in the White House and focus on the most nugatory crap and blow it up into a scandal. Edgetho is right: they are scum.
you people have to realize that whomever you pick, they have to be able to pick up Independent/Undecided voters AND Hispanic voters so keep that in mind. Just because someone will get 99.9% of the GOP/con vote doesn't mean anything.

What we need is a politician to speak to Americans and not "women" or "Hispanics" or "Blacks".

Only until this happens can they succeed.
When people act as if Hilary Clinton has 2016 in the bag, I have two words for them: Scott Walker. Scott Walker governed a blue state and won his recall election easily despite millions of union dollars being spent against him. He balanced the budget, cut taxes, and solved real problems. He brought people together to get things done and put government back in the hands of the people. As Milwaukee County executive, he won when the last executive spent millions of government money on himself. He and other citizens got together and recalled him. Walker cut taxes in Milwaukee County and got re-elected in an overwhelmingly Democrat county. He won in 2010 and the anti-Republican year of 2012 as governor of Wisconsin, where he fought against the greedy public employee union bosses, and won.

America needs a real leader who will fight for all Americans. Someone who's not afraid to cut taxes and say no to more government spending. That's why we need governor Scott Walker as President.

Walker has my vote. He's what we need to turn things around. He returned money back to the people.. what a great background. Fighting against all odds.
We need to fumigate the WH after Obummer leaves. The stich of socialism will take a while to get rid of.

No one cares about Obama and the IRS scandal. No one cares about Obama tapping the phones and computers of everyone on the planet. No one cares about Obama shoving Obamacare down our throats and then exempting people from it by edict.

Yep, no one cares anymore my friend.
When people act as if Hilary Clinton has 2016 in the bag, I have two words for them: Scott Walker. Scott Walker governed a blue state and won his recall election easily despite millions of union dollars being spent against him. He balanced the budget, cut taxes, and solved real problems. He brought people together to get things done and put government back in the hands of the people. As Milwaukee County executive, he won when the last executive spent millions of government money on himself. He and other citizens got together and recalled him. Walker cut taxes in Milwaukee County and got re-elected in an overwhelmingly Democrat county. He won in 2010 and the anti-Republican year of 2012 as governor of Wisconsin, where he fought against the greedy public employee union bosses, and won.

America needs a real leader who will fight for all Americans. Someone who's not afraid to cut taxes and say no to more government spending. That's why we need governor Scott Walker as President.

Walker has my vote. He's what we need to turn things around. He returned money back to the people.. what a great background. Fighting against all odds.
We need to fumigate the WH after Obummer leaves. The stich of socialism will take a while to get rid of.

Gee. You had me thinking that you were just an average nutter with that first paragraph. Claiming to support Walker for POTUS is decidedly average. But then, you bring tha "stich" of socialism comment. It suddenly became clear that you are well below average. Congratulations.
When people act as if Hilary Clinton has 2016 in the bag, I have two words for them: Scott Walker. Scott Walker governed a blue state and won his recall election easily despite millions of union dollars being spent against him. He balanced the budget, cut taxes, and solved real problems. He brought people together to get things done and put government back in the hands of the people. As Milwaukee County executive, he won when the last executive spent millions of government money on himself. He and other citizens got together and recalled him. Walker cut taxes in Milwaukee County and got re-elected in an overwhelmingly Democrat county. He won in 2010 and the anti-Republican year of 2012 as governor of Wisconsin, where he fought against the greedy public employee union bosses, and won.

America needs a real leader who will fight for all Americans. Someone who's not afraid to cut taxes and say no to more government spending. That's why we need governor Scott Walker as President.

Walker has my vote. He's what we need to turn things around. He returned money back to the people.. what a great background. Fighting against all odds.
We need to fumigate the WH after Obummer leaves. The stich of socialism will take a while to get rid of.

And probably replacing the oval office carpet after Obama is dragged kicking and screaming on January 21st, 2017.

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