Scott Walker - Handicapping the GOP hopefuls

What point? That the american automakers got out competed? That Detroit didn't adjust to it?

You go for the typical blame the rich, blame the republicans, blame everyone but the actual culprits (i did notice you threw the mayor to the wolves, how quaint of you) because those asshats are your asshats.

i blame the rich because we actually had it pretty good. We were making plenty of money, but that wasn't good enough for them.

As Herbert Hoover observed. The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned greedy.

Blaming the rich is the same as blaming the jews. Its scapegoating, nothing more, and nothing less.
What point? That the american automakers got out competed? That Detroit didn't adjust to it?

You go for the typical blame the rich, blame the republicans, blame everyone but the actual culprits (i did notice you threw the mayor to the wolves, how quaint of you) because those asshats are your asshats.

i blame the rich because we actually had it pretty good. We were making plenty of money, but that wasn't good enough for them.

As Herbert Hoover observed. The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned greedy.

Blaming the rich is the same as blaming the jews. Its scapegoating, nothing more, and nothing less.
That's all some have left.
Not a chance!

He is lacking in way too many crucial areas of leadership in my opinion. As an Independent I am looking at Kasich as being a viable GOP candidate right now. Way better choice that Walker in my opinion.
Walker isn't president obama doesn't act like a president, but walker would be a better president than obama
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I Mai
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I maintained my own middle class lifestyle. Didn't need a union doing it for me. Guess those using unions can't do it on their own.
He's taken on PUBLIC unions, and note that even FDR, the progressive Washington, thought they were a terrible idea.

The Public Sector needs unions for the same reason the private sector does.

Otherwise the boss's drinking buddy get promoted even though you have seniority.
What's wrong with a private business owner promoting who they want? If it's my money, I'll promote whomever I want.
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I Mai
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I maintained my own middle class lifestyle. Didn't need a union doing it for me. Guess those using unions can't do it on their own.

Unions got you a 40 hour week, workplace safety, anti- discrimination, fair labor protections did it all yourself
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I Mai
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I maintained my own middle class lifestyle. Didn't need a union doing it for me. Guess those using unions can't do it on their own.

Unions got you a 40 hour week, workplace safety, anti- discrimination, fair labor protections did it all yourself
I did. That you didn't isn't a shock. Some just can't do it like me son.
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I Mai
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I maintained my own middle class lifestyle. Didn't need a union doing it for me. Guess those using unions can't do it on their own.

Unions got you a 40 hour week, workplace safety, anti- discrimination, fair labor protections did it all yourself
I did. That you didn't isn't a shock. Some just can't do it like me son.

Typical conservative....I did it ALL myself
What happened before does not matter
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I Mai
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I maintained my own middle class lifestyle. Didn't need a union doing it for me. Guess those using unions can't do it on their own.

Unions got you a 40 hour week, workplace safety, anti- discrimination, fair labor protections did it all yourself
I did. That you didn't isn't a shock. Some just can't do it like me son.

Typical conservative....I did it ALL myself
What happened before does not matter
Typical whatever you are who can't do it for himself. Sorry you couldn't cut it.
Someone wanting to keep what they earned isn't greedy except to those like you that think they owe you something.

If you don't have it good anymore, you are the cause. Better yourself and quit blaming someone else for your failures.

guy, the problem is, the rich didn't EARN what htey have. They stole it from the people who did the actual work.

the 1% who control 43% of the wealth did not do 43% of the physical labor.
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I Mai
The third in a series.

Scott Walker-

Qualifications- Governor of Wisconsin.

Pros- Blue State governor with a record of winning tough races. Took on the powerful unions and won.

Cons - Has earned the enmity of unions. Doesn't have a college degree. Has a few scandals rattling around in his closet.

My own opinion, I really don't like what he did with the unions up there. His view is that gosh darn it, some unions actually managed to hold on to a Middle Class lifestyle and we can't have that.

But he did have to make some tough choices. If I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be this guy.
I maintained my own middle class lifestyle. Didn't need a union doing it for me. Guess those using unions can't do it on their own.

Unions got you a 40 hour week, workplace safety, anti- discrimination, fair labor protections did it all yourself
I did. That you didn't isn't a shock. Some just can't do it like me son.

Typical conservative....I did it ALL myself
What happened before does not matter

Isn't it amazing you have all these supposed successful people on USMB, all these self- made men, and yet USMB struggles to raise $100.00 every month to keep running.
The problem is you define abuse as an employee not getting what he/she wants.

No, if they can totally justify why the boss's drinking buddy got promoted before the person with seniority, they are free to do so.
Because the boss can promote whomever he wants because he's doing the paying. If I want to hire a friend's son over someone I don't know I can because it's my money and none of your business. I don't have to justify it to you.
Someone wanting to keep what they earned isn't greedy except to those like you that think they owe you something.

If you don't have it good anymore, you are the cause. Better yourself and quit blaming someone else for your failures.

guy, the problem is, the rich didn't EARN what htey have. They stole it from the people who did the actual work.

the 1% who control 43% of the wealth did not do 43% of the physical labor.
Did those doing the work get paid? Do you really believe the workers should make as much as the owner? Your problem is you will never amount to shit in your sorry life and expect someone like me that's does to hand mine to you. If you want it, man up and come fail in your attempt to take it. If you won't, STFU, better yourself and earn it for a change.
Because the boss can promote whomever he wants because he's doing the paying. If I want to hire a friend's son over someone I don't know I can because it's my money and none of your business. I don't have to justify it to you.

That's a nice, quaint view.

It doesn't happen to be current law, though. Nor should it be. But we were talking about government employees.
Did those doing the work get paid? Do you really believe the workers should make as much as the owner? Your problem is you will never amount to shit in your sorry life and expect someone like me that's does to hand mine to you. If you want it, man up and come fail in your attempt to take it. If you won't, STFU, better yourself and earn it for a change.

Should they make as much as the owner? Nope.

Should we have a situation where the Waltons (Owners of Walmart) pay their employees so little many of them have to go on Food Stamps and Medicaid, while the Waltons are amongst the richest people in the country? Fuck no, that's insane.

And frankly, I don't believe one of you right wing losers has accomplished as much as I have and never will. MOst of you are just happy to have more than the other guy, and you think that makes you "superior".
Did those doing the work get paid? Do you really believe the workers should make as much as the owner? Your problem is you will never amount to shit in your sorry life and expect someone like me that's does to hand mine to you. If you want it, man up and come fail in your attempt to take it. If you won't, STFU, better yourself and earn it for a change.

Should they make as much as the owner? Nope.

Should we have a situation where the Waltons (Owners of Walmart) pay their employees so little many of them have to go on Food Stamps and Medicaid, while the Waltons are amongst the richest people in the country? Fuck no, that's insane.

And frankly, I don't believe one of you right wing losers has accomplished as much as I have and never will. MOst of you are just happy to have more than the other guy, and you think that makes you "superior".

What's insane is paying someone more than their skills are worth then the taxpayers providing them anything when the cause of their low pay is them.

I'm superior to you simply because I breath. It doesn't take much to be better than you.
Because the boss can promote whomever he wants because he's doing the paying. If I want to hire a friend's son over someone I don't know I can because it's my money and none of your business. I don't have to justify it to you.

That's a nice, quaint view.

It doesn't happen to be current law, though. Nor should it be. But we were talking about government employees.

Is it a nice view and how it works.

So you support promoting the most senior solely for that reason? I thought you lefties wanted the most qualified. With how you think , it's no wonder we have the dipshit we have for President. Too many dumbasses thought him being black was a qualification.

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