Scott Walker Recall Campaign Losing Steam

This thread is really funny.

Collecting almost as many signatures to recall someone as there were votes electing him is a pretty successful effort.

What makes it hilarious is the denial of those anti unionists and their efforts to discredit signatures without any probable cause or evidence. Desperate, yet unwilling to look at why this happened (hint, the far right has taken control of the Republican Party and overreached).

has the far right taken control of the massachusetts democratic party?

House votes to restrict unions -

Wow. I guess we need to adopt the DINO principle. The fact is elected officials of all stripes vote in their own self interest.
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how likely is it that they actually got over 1,000,000 VALID signatures.
The total of registered voters as of 2010 was only 3,493,306. They allegedly got 29% of the voters.

I find this a little... odd.

Given the arrogance of Walker, I find it odd that they hove only a million or so.

hove? What does hove mean? Can't have been a typo, as the O and A are on opposite sides of the keyboard.

It means that old rocks in the head must be British.

Hove (hv)
A municipal borough of southeast England on the English Channel west of Brighton. It is a residential seaside resort. Population: 72,300.

Hove - definition of Hove by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
Scott Walker [R] 1,127,798 52% (X)
Tom Barrett [D] 1,004,802 47%
Libertarian / Terry Virgil [L] 6,734 0%
Jim Langer 10,528 0%
James James [C] 8,284 0%

You Decide 2010: Election Results Around Wisconsin - WNCY Y100 Your Home for Country & Fun

So we're expected to believe that they got 1,000,000 signatures to recall Walker when only 1,030,348 voters voted against him in the last election?

Yeah, right.

So why didn't the other 30,348 sign it? Did they flee to Illinois when the "volunteers" came to their houses? :dunno:

So they had 100% registered voter turnout for this election?

No new people have registered to vote since walker was elected?
how likely is it that they actually got over 1,000,000 VALID signatures.
The total of registered voters as of 2010 was only 3,493,306. They allegedly got 29% of the voters.

I find this a little... odd.

Given the arrogance of Walker, I find it odd that they hove only a million or so.

ive seen little to no evidence that Gov Walker is arrogant.
This thread is really funny.

Collecting almost as many signatures to recall someone as there were votes electing him is a pretty successful effort.

What makes it hilarious is the denial of those anti unionists and their efforts to discredit signatures without any probable cause or evidence. Desperate, yet unwilling to look at why this happened (hint, the far right has taken control of the Republican Party and overreached).

has the far right taken control of the massachusetts democratic party?

House votes to restrict unions -

I don't know, do you. The article is from April of 2011 was the acton taken in the legislature sent to the Governor and was it signed? Or was the vote a shame vote, one where Democrats could vote yes, but be sure the law would not pass and become law?
I am not spinning anything. I am talking about WI law as presented by your own source that you are now refusing to acknowledge. Their "job" is defined by the very wisconsin law that your article talks about and any challenges are up to walker not this board. If he can't follow the laws of his own state then why should he remain governor?

I just can't get over how hilarious it is that you are running away from and refusing to address the actual content of your own source. LOL

i'm not running away from it. if they were doing the job as prescribed by the law, why did a judge order them to do their job?

WAUKESHA, Wis. (AP) - A Waukesha County judge has ordered state election officials to "take affirmative steps" to remove fake or duplicate names from recall petitions.

Judge Mac Davis ruled Thursday that the Government Accountability Board needs to strengthen the process by which it confirms whether signatures are valid.

The board has said its job is to verify that addresses are legitimate, and that it's up to the targeted office-holders to challenge fake names such as "Bugs Bunny."

But Davis said the board is obligated to remove obviously fake names, as well as duplicate and illegible signatures.

The ruling comes in a lawsuit filed by Governor Scott Walker's campaign and another party, in response to comments the board made about how it plans to validate petitions seeking Walker's recall.

Judge Orders GAB to Remove Invalid Signatures from Recall Petiti - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News

i guess you'll just have to get over it. :lol:

Obviously they're not doing a good job...

Allegedly 1/5th of the population signed the petition...

I call that bullshit and propaganda...
A million signatures is a hit high, but I was in Wisconsin over the holidays. Recall Walker signs, bumper stickers, and petition stands were omni-present. Wisconsin is a fairly evenly split state between Red and Blue, and Walker's victory wasn't exactly a landslide. I could have easily seen them hitting 750,000 legitimate signatures with all the anecdotal evidence I heard while there.

At a million I guarantee that they'll clear the recall threshold even after the names are screened.

However, I didn't meet a single person who expects Walker to lose an actial recall election. No one is running worth mentioning on the Left.
how likely is it that they actually got over 1,000,000 VALID signatures.
The total of registered voters as of 2010 was only 3,493,306. They allegedly got 29% of the voters.

I find this a little... odd.

Given the arrogance of Walker, I find it odd that they hove only a million or so.

hove? What does hove mean? Can't have been a typo, as the O and A are on opposite sides of the keyboard.

hove is the past participle of heave
For drsmith1072

Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan says Gov. Scott Walker’s estimate of a $3.6 billion state budget deficit is a ‘bogus figure’


PolitiFact Wisconsin | Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan says Gov. Scott Walker
Scott Walker [R] 1,127,798 52% (X)
Tom Barrett [D] 1,004,802 47%
Libertarian / Terry Virgil [L] 6,734 0%
Jim Langer 10,528 0%
James James [C] 8,284 0%

You Decide 2010: Election Results Around Wisconsin - WNCY Y100 Your Home for Country & Fun

So we're expected to believe that they got 1,000,000 signatures to recall Walker when only 1,030,348 voters voted against him in the last election?

Yeah, right.

So why didn't the other 30,348 sign it? Did they flee to Illinois when the "volunteers" came to their houses? :dunno:

So they had 100% registered voter turnout for this election?

No new people have registered to vote since walker was elected?

People who didn't care enough to go out and vote are suddenly going to care enough to sign a recall petition? :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
how likely is it that they actually got over 1,000,000 VALID signatures.
The total of registered voters as of 2010 was only 3,493,306. They allegedly got 29% of the voters.

I find this a little... odd.

Given the arrogance of Walker, I find it odd that they hove only a million or so.

Arrogance? I like arrogance if it means turning a $3.6 trillion deficit into a $300 million surplus. The real arrogance if coming from the unions and Democrats in that they are going to waste over $9 million of taxpayers money if this recall election happens. You can use the term arrogance all you want, but then I have a word for those who are on the recall Walker side, that would be extremists. I have more than enough validity to back this term:

Your past recall effort failed in its attempt to regain control of the senate

In spite of all the huge money unions and other big money spent by these same people, they LOST in the election for State Supreme Court

When you recall a governor who has turned a deficit into a surplus, not only is that extreme, but it also shows the epitome of partisan hackery - in that a select group of extremists care more about their own selfish interests than the general welfare of the state. Extreme in sticking it to the taxpayers for over $9 million if this recall election happens, just so a group of selfish freeloaders can hope to regain their ability to freeload off of the taxpayers like they have for so long until Walker put an end to it. And, it is quite extreme when the recall Walker side is able to have names like Mickey Mouse and Adolf Hitler as valid, just as long as there is a valid address.

But, unions are heavily invested in this recall, afterall, just as long as their pockets are lined as much as they can be at the expense of taxpayers. I am glad this recall could happen, the unions past efforts in WI have failed, this one will, too. When you lose the recall election, it will be even a bigger setback for unions, as this will encourage more Governors to do what Walker has done, because they will see that the left-wing economic plans are full of lies and failures - Look no further than Illinois where they thought raising taxes would solve the problem. And these governors will see what Walker is doing worked, and they can stand up and take on unions.

Walker is only the beginning of many more that will follow and stand up to unions, and when Walker wins the recall, look for what Walker did to spread to other states as well.
i'm not running away from it. if they were doing the job as prescribed by the law, why did a judge order them to do their job?

WAUKESHA, Wis. (AP) - A Waukesha County judge has ordered state election officials to "take affirmative steps" to remove fake or duplicate names from recall petitions.

Judge Mac Davis ruled Thursday that the Government Accountability Board needs to strengthen the process by which it confirms whether signatures are valid.

The board has said its job is to verify that addresses are legitimate, and that it's up to the targeted office-holders to challenge fake names such as "Bugs Bunny."

But Davis said the board is obligated to remove obviously fake names, as well as duplicate and illegible signatures.

The ruling comes in a lawsuit filed by Governor Scott Walker's campaign and another party, in response to comments the board made about how it plans to validate petitions seeking Walker's recall.

Judge Orders GAB to Remove Invalid Signatures from Recall Petiti - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News

i guess you'll just have to get over it. :lol:

Obviously they're not doing a good job...

Allegedly 1/5th of the population signed the petition...

I call that bullshit and propaganda...
A million signatures is a hit high, but I was in Wisconsin over the holidays. Recall Walker signs, bumper stickers, and petition stands were omni-present. Wisconsin is a fairly evenly split state between Red and Blue, and Walker's victory wasn't exactly a landslide. I could have easily seen them hitting 750,000 legitimate signatures with all the anecdotal evidence I heard while there.

At a million I guarantee that they'll clear the recall threshold even after the names are screened.

However, I didn't meet a single person who expects Walker to lose an actial recall election. No one is running worth mentioning on the Left.
So what it boils down to is yet another example of what the left does best...Expend a ton of effort and OPM, with no results to show for it. :lol:
What makes it hilarious is the denial of those anti unionists and their efforts to discredit signatures without any probable cause or evidence. Desperate, yet unwilling to look at why this happened (hint, the far right has taken control of the Republican Party and overreached).

has the far right taken control of the massachusetts democratic party?

House votes to restrict unions -

I don't know, do you. The article is from April of 2011 was the acton taken in the legislature sent to the Governor and was it signed? Or was the vote a shame vote, one where Democrats could vote yes, but be sure the law would not pass and become law?

"While the measures backed by the House, Senate, and governor vary, all three would allow mayors and other local officials to move local workers into the state’s health insurance plan or to design their own plans that similarly trim costs for management. Each plan would leave a window to discuss those changes with workers, but would ultimately let local officials alter their plans, regardless of whether workers oppose it."

State Senate limits collective bargaining rights; approves $30.5b budget -

BOSTON (AP) — Gov. Deval Patrick has signed a much debated municipal health care overhaul giving cities and towns more flexibility to make changes to public employee health insurance outside of the collective bargaining process

Gov. Deval Patrick Signs Municipal Health Care Overhaul Bill « CBS Boston

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