Scott Walker Recall Campaign Losing Steam

Some people are saying Gov. Walker is in New York attending a play with one of the executives of AIG. Taxpayer dollars paying for their evening out?

'some people' are morons.

Gov. Walker skips interviews, does NYC fundraiser - JSOnline


Don't see anything there that states that Walker did not go there on Wisconsin's dime. Just that a lot of suckers will ante up $2500 to listen to that loser.

Don't see anything in there verifying it was a play, or that AIG had anything to do with it, as Wry Catcher claimed.
if by working with the unions you mean the legislature told them what they'd get and like it, you're right.

Caddyshack - You'll get nothing and like it! - YouTube

Humorous clips from Chevy Chase movies do not change the facts. In MA,the legislature worked with the unions. That's all they wanted in WI, but Walker was too busy overreaching to even consider it. Now he's paying the price (which is why he's trying to do damage control)

they told the unions tough luck, essentially.

you can try to spin it otherwise, but the unions have no say in what they get for healthcare.

management decides, period.

edit-your link appears to be broken

From my previous link:

Governor Deval Patrick reached an agreement with the House and Senate yesterday to soften a bill to limit collective bargaining rights for teachers, firefighters, and other local government workers.

Walker didn't even attempt to work with the unions. It makes a difference.

My other link works just fine for me, but here it is for your enjoyment.

Scott Walker: Regrets, he’s had a few
Humorous clips from Chevy Chase movies do not change the facts. In MA,the legislature worked with the unions. That's all they wanted in WI, but Walker was too busy overreaching to even consider it. Now he's paying the price (which is why he's trying to do damage control)

they told the unions tough luck, essentially.

you can try to spin it otherwise, but the unions have no say in what they get for healthcare.

management decides, period.

edit-your link appears to be broken

From my previous link:

Governor Deval Patrick reached an agreement with the House and Senate yesterday to soften a bill to limit collective bargaining rights for teachers, firefighters, and other local government workers.

Walker didn't even attempt to work with the unions. It makes a difference.

My other link works just fine for me, but here it is for your enjoyment.

Scott Walker: Regrets, he’s had a few

thanks. that link works. i don't know why the other one wouldn't

the softening of the bill was that the munies will discuss what they're going to do with the unions and then do it anyway.

certainly it's more polite, but it's substantively no different than what walker did.

and of course, our legislators didn't run away and hide in rhode island. :lol:
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and where did the last 600,000 signatures come from all of a sudden? remember in late december when they had around 400,000?

One word: Fraud.

Mickey Mouse, Adolf Hitler Allowed On Wis. Recall Petitions

Read more:

The gubmint union goons might even have got some dead people to be moved from Chicago to Milwaukee, so they can vote in the recall election.

I'm sure they'll move Richard J Daley up there so he can vote early and vote often.
and where did the last 600,000 signatures come from all of a sudden? remember in late december when they had around 400,000?

One word: Fraud.

Mickey Mouse, Adolf Hitler Allowed On Wis. Recall Petitions

The gubmint union goons might even have got some dead people to be moved from Chicago to Milwaukee, so they can vote in the recall election.

Typical rightwing misdirection

You won't find a single Mickey Mouse or Adolph Hitler......just one million irate Wisconsin voters.....

And they will vote in the recall election also

Your ACORN nonsense will not work outside of rightwing talk radio
fine, so let them recall Walker, then lets see how many tax payers move out and later Scott Walker will be on Romneys Cabinet,,,maybe even Secretary of Voter Fraud Prevention.
Wisconsin has 5.5 million residents.....

NOT VOTERS but residents...

Half of them are of legal age to vote or sign a petition...

2.75 million remain

Of course only half of them support Walker

1.37 million would be construed as "democrat."

That would be if everyone voted....

Using the numbers Walker got - 1,000,000 signatures is HIGHLY unlikely.

Union media propaganda is what it is............

I think Scott should check out each one of those signatures by himself.

Apparently as the challenger of the petition walker is supposed to look at the list and challenge any that he believes are either duplicates or phony in order to have them removed. However, it seems that he would rather have his cash strapped state pay for it and do his job for him.
and where did the last 600,000 signatures come from all of a sudden? remember in late december when they had around 400,000?

One word: Fraud.

Mickey Mouse, Adolf Hitler Allowed On Wis. Recall Petitions

The gubmint union goons might even have got some dead people to be moved from Chicago to Milwaukee, so they can vote in the recall election.

Typical rightwing misdirection

You won't find a single Mickey Mouse or Adolph Hitler......just one million irate Wisconsin voters.....

And they will vote in the recall election also

Your ACORN nonsense will not work outside of rightwing talk radio
Whatever, Buckwheat.

Difference between you and me is that WI is my home state.

There isn't anyone worth a shit that will be running against Walker.

Besides that, there's a world's worth of difference between some wasted college boy signing a petition outside liquor store in Madison, and people who have lower property tax bills showing up at the polls.
and where did the last 600,000 signatures come from all of a sudden? remember in late december when they had around 400,000?

One word: Fraud.

Mickey Mouse, Adolf Hitler Allowed On Wis. Recall Petitions

The gubmint union goons might even have got some dead people to be moved from Chicago to Milwaukee, so they can vote in the recall election.

Typical rightwing misdirection

You won't find a single Mickey Mouse or Adolph Hitler......just one million irate Wisconsin voters.....

And they will vote in the recall election also

Your ACORN nonsense will not work outside of rightwing talk radio

And yet we have credible sources claiming one guy signed the Petition 80 times and submitted a sheet from a previous recall effort.

Put up, make some sacrifice if it is discovered that in fact some bogus names were submitted.
One word: Fraud.

Mickey Mouse, Adolf Hitler Allowed On Wis. Recall Petitions

The gubmint union goons might even have got some dead people to be moved from Chicago to Milwaukee, so they can vote in the recall election.

Typical rightwing misdirection

You won't find a single Mickey Mouse or Adolph Hitler......just one million irate Wisconsin voters.....

And they will vote in the recall election also

Your ACORN nonsense will not work outside of rightwing talk radio

And yet we have credible sources claiming one guy signed the Petition 80 times and submitted a sheet from a previous recall effort.

Put up, make some sacrifice if it is discovered that in fact some bogus names were submitted.

No...that won't work

What you guys really need to do is dress some guy up like a pimp and make a YouTube claiming that he signed one million times as Mickey Mouse

Rush Limbaugh will put him on the air right now
One word: Fraud.

Mickey Mouse, Adolf Hitler Allowed On Wis. Recall Petitions

The gubmint union goons might even have got some dead people to be moved from Chicago to Milwaukee, so they can vote in the recall election.

Typical rightwing misdirection

You won't find a single Mickey Mouse or Adolph Hitler......just one million irate Wisconsin voters.....

And they will vote in the recall election also

Your ACORN nonsense will not work outside of rightwing talk radio
Whatever, Buckwheat.

Difference between you and me is that WI is my home state.

There isn't anyone worth a shit that will be running against Walker.

Besides that, there's a world's worth of difference between some wasted college boy signing a petition outside liquor store in Madison, and people who have lower property tax bills showing up at the polls.

New York Football Giants kicked some serious Cheesehead butt last weekend Buckwheat
Typical rightwing misdirection

You won't find a single Mickey Mouse or Adolph Hitler......just one million irate Wisconsin voters.....

And they will vote in the recall election also

Your ACORN nonsense will not work outside of rightwing talk radio

And yet we have credible sources claiming one guy signed the Petition 80 times and submitted a sheet from a previous recall effort.

Put up, make some sacrifice if it is discovered that in fact some bogus names were submitted.

No...that won't work

What you guys really need to do is dress some guy up like a pimp and make a YouTube claiming that he signed one million times as Mickey Mouse

Rush Limbaugh will put him on the air right now

Law of Averages means there ARE multiple names and cartoon characters somewhere in the million signatures. You know it, I know it and any intelligent person knows it.
Typical rightwing misdirection

You won't find a single Mickey Mouse or Adolph Hitler......just one million irate Wisconsin voters.....

And they will vote in the recall election also

Your ACORN nonsense will not work outside of rightwing talk radio
Whatever, Buckwheat.

Difference between you and me is that WI is my home state.

There isn't anyone worth a shit that will be running against Walker.

Besides that, there's a world's worth of difference between some wasted college boy signing a petition outside liquor store in Madison, and people who have lower property tax bills showing up at the polls.

New York Football Giants kicked some serious Cheesehead butt last weekend Buckwheat

That is very true :lol:..

We will probably never agree ever again about anything.. :lol:
spin it any way you want, if they would leave mickey mouse on the list if he supplied a WI address, they're not doing their job. EOF

have a nice day

I am not spinning anything. I am talking about WI law as presented by your own source that you are now refusing to acknowledge. Their "job" is defined by the very wisconsin law that your article talks about and any challenges are up to walker not this board. If he can't follow the laws of his own state then why should he remain governor?

I just can't get over how hilarious it is that you are running away from and refusing to address the actual content of your own source. LOL

i'm not running away from it. if they were doing the job as prescribed by the law, why did a judge order them to do their job?

WAUKESHA, Wis. (AP) - A Waukesha County judge has ordered state election officials to "take affirmative steps" to remove fake or duplicate names from recall petitions.

Judge Mac Davis ruled Thursday that the Government Accountability Board needs to strengthen the process by which it confirms whether signatures are valid.

The board has said its job is to verify that addresses are legitimate, and that it's up to the targeted office-holders to challenge fake names such as "Bugs Bunny."

But Davis said the board is obligated to remove obviously fake names, as well as duplicate and illegible signatures.

The ruling comes in a lawsuit filed by Governor Scott Walker's campaign and another party, in response to comments the board made about how it plans to validate petitions seeking Walker's recall.

Judge Orders GAB to Remove Invalid Signatures from Recall Petiti - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News

i guess you'll just have to get over it. :lol:

So legislating from the bench and you are ok with that?? Really?? WOW!

And I know it must wound your inner child but your previous source stated that according to WI law names are to be removed when walker challenged them. So they had a judge legislate from the bench and give the board NEW responsibilities that they didn't have before and took all of the responsibility off of walker.

As to why the judge decided to legislate from the bench I guess you should ask him and then ask yourself why you are ok with something that most rightwingers claim to be against.

Any way you look at it your own source still ended up countering the argument that you were trying to present which is still hilarious. LOL
Typical rightwing misdirection

You won't find a single Mickey Mouse or Adolph Hitler......just one million irate Wisconsin voters.....

And they will vote in the recall election also

Your ACORN nonsense will not work outside of rightwing talk radio
Whatever, Buckwheat.

Difference between you and me is that WI is my home state.

There isn't anyone worth a shit that will be running against Walker.

Besides that, there's a world's worth of difference between some wasted college boy signing a petition outside liquor store in Madison, and people who have lower property tax bills showing up at the polls.

New York Football Giants kicked some serious Cheesehead butt last weekend Buckwheat

Unlike some, I don't tie my sense of worth to sports teams over which I have zero control.

When you swerve anywhere near a relevant point, gimme a call.

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