Scott Walker Recall Campaign Losing Steam

Wisconsin has 5.5 million residents.....

NOT VOTERS but residents...

Half of them are of legal age to vote or sign a petition...

2.75 million remain

Of course only half of them support Walker

1.37 million would be construed as "democrat."

That would be if everyone voted....

Using the numbers Walker got - 1,000,000 signatures is HIGHLY unlikely.

Union media propaganda is what it is............

I think Scott should check out each one of those signatures by himself.

Apparently as the challenger of the petition walker is supposed to look at the list and challenge any that he believes are either duplicates or phony in order to have them removed. However, it seems that he would rather have his cash strapped state pay for it and do his job for him.

since he hasn't challenged the petitions yet, and since the courts have told the GAB to do their job, it would appear that you, sir, are full of shit.

he challenged the procedure, not the petitions themselves.

Walker Defends GOP Lawsuit Challenging Recall Procedures | TPMDC
For drsmith1072

Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan says Gov. Scott Walker’s estimate of a $3.6 billion state budget deficit is a ‘bogus figure’


PolitiFact Wisconsin | Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan says Gov. Scott Walker

I don't really know why you chose to focus on the comments by pocan but this is from your own article.

In terms of size, the shortfall that Walker projects is nothing unusual over the last decade. For instance, Doyle estimated a $3.2 billion deficit heading into 2003-2005, and at least $5.4 billion heading into 2009-2011.

The shortfalls are owing in large part to changes in how much money comes in through income and sales tax collections -- which are dependent on the economy among other factors.

and this little gem

Walker’s new team revised Doyle’s report in February, estimating the shortfall at $3.6 billion for the biennium.

How did they arrive at that? Was it just a matter of reversing some of Doyle’s assumptions?

Not entirely.

Walker’s package of tax cuts for business and people with health savings accounts, added another $140 million to the projected shortfall -- that’s lost revenue to the state treasury. The cuts were approved in January shortly after he took office.

And the administration added back $1.2 billion in social service spending based on what they say is need that can’t be ignored in the Medicaid entitlement program. That was included in a memo from Budget Director Brian Hayes to the secretary of the Department of Administration, his boss.

The Walker estimate also scrapped the $800 million that Doyle’s aides had included for prospective cuts.

While in office, Doyle asked many agencies -- but not nearly all -- to freeze their budget requests at this year’s level. Those were submitted by his appointees. Under the adjustments by Walker’s appointees, those requests add up to a much larger number.

So according to your own article walker's administration ADDED over 2.1 billion back into it with 140 million in taxcuts. Thanks for the info.
I think Scott should check out each one of those signatures by himself.

Apparently as the challenger of the petition walker is supposed to look at the list and challenge any that he believes are either duplicates or phony in order to have them removed. However, it seems that he would rather have his cash strapped state pay for it and do his job for him.

since he hasn't challenged the petitions yet, and since the courts have told the GAB to do their job, it would appear that you, sir, are full of shit.

he challenged the procedure, not the petitions themselves.

Walker Defends GOP Lawsuit Challenging Recall Procedures | TPMDC

The GAB was doing their job but walker used the court to legislate from the bench and redefine their job to include walkers responsibility as the challenger of the petition.

The sad thing is that you know better based on your own source which clearly stated that the responsibility to recongize and challenge phony and duplicate names is walkers responsibility.

I am surprised that you would support legislating from the bench like that. tsk tsk.
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Apparently as the challenger of the petition walker is supposed to look at the list and challenge any that he believes are either duplicates or phony in order to have them removed. However, it seems that he would rather have his cash strapped state pay for it and do his job for him.

since he hasn't challenged the petitions yet, and since the courts have told the GAB to do their job, it would appear that you, sir, are full of shit.

he challenged the procedure, not the petitions themselves.

Walker Defends GOP Lawsuit Challenging Recall Procedures | TPMDC

The GAB was doing their job but walker used the court to legislate from the bench and redefine their job to include walkers responsibility as the challenger of the petition.

The sad thing is that you know better based on your own source which clearly stated that the responsibility to recongize and challenge phony and duplicate names is walkers responsibility.

I am surprised that you would support legislating from the bench like that. tsk tsk.

DEL IZ A NEOCON!!!!! :lmao:
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how likely is it that they actually got over 1,000,000 VALID signatures.
The total of registered voters as of 2010 was only 3,493,306. They allegedly got 29% of the voters.

I find this a little... odd.

Given the arrogance of Walker, I find it odd that they hove only a million or so.

Arrogance? I like arrogance if it means turning a $3.6 trillion deficit into a $300 million surplus. The real arrogance if coming from the unions and Democrats in that they are going to waste over $9 million of taxpayers money if this recall election happens. You can use the term arrogance all you want, but then I have a word for those who are on the recall Walker side, that would be extremists. I have more than enough validity to back this term:

Your past recall effort failed in its attempt to regain control of the senate

In spite of all the huge money unions and other big money spent by these same people, they LOST in the election for State Supreme Court

When you recall a governor who has turned a deficit into a surplus, not only is that extreme, but it also shows the epitome of partisan hackery - in that a select group of extremists care more about their own selfish interests than the general welfare of the state. Extreme in sticking it to the taxpayers for over $9 million if this recall election happens, just so a group of selfish freeloaders can hope to regain their ability to freeload off of the taxpayers like they have for so long until Walker put an end to it. And, it is quite extreme when the recall Walker side is able to have names like Mickey Mouse and Adolf Hitler as valid, just as long as there is a valid address.

But, unions are heavily invested in this recall, afterall, just as long as their pockets are lined as much as they can be at the expense of taxpayers. I am glad this recall could happen, the unions past efforts in WI have failed, this one will, too. When you lose the recall election, it will be even a bigger setback for unions, as this will encourage more Governors to do what Walker has done, because they will see that the left-wing economic plans are full of lies and failures - Look no further than Illinois where they thought raising taxes would solve the problem. And these governors will see what Walker is doing worked, and they can stand up and take on unions.

Walker is only the beginning of many more that will follow and stand up to unions, and when Walker wins the recall, look for what Walker did to spread to other states as well.

Hey, I will let you in on a little secret. It was a projected deficit by the end of 2013 and when walker's administration reran the numbers they "added" over 2.1 billion onto the number by removing cuts proposed by the previous administration's 2 year budget proposal and passing $140 million in taxcuts. I wonder if they just re-enstated most of the same cuts that they removed from their previous projections??

Thanks again for the info amelia
For drsmith1072

Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan says Gov. Scott Walker’s estimate of a $3.6 billion state budget deficit is a ‘bogus figure’


PolitiFact Wisconsin | Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan says Gov. Scott Walker

I don't really know why you chose to focus on the comments by pocan but this is from your own article.

In terms of size, the shortfall that Walker projects is nothing unusual over the last decade. For instance, Doyle estimated a $3.2 billion deficit heading into 2003-2005, and at least $5.4 billion heading into 2009-2011.

The shortfalls are owing in large part to changes in how much money comes in through income and sales tax collections -- which are dependent on the economy among other factors.

and this little gem

Walker’s new team revised Doyle’s report in February, estimating the shortfall at $3.6 billion for the biennium.

How did they arrive at that? Was it just a matter of reversing some of Doyle’s assumptions?

Not entirely.

Walker’s package of tax cuts for business and people with health savings accounts, added another $140 million to the projected shortfall -- that’s lost revenue to the state treasury. The cuts were approved in January shortly after he took office.

And the administration added back $1.2 billion in social service spending based on what they say is need that can’t be ignored in the Medicaid entitlement program. That was included in a memo from Budget Director Brian Hayes to the secretary of the Department of Administration, his boss.

The Walker estimate also scrapped the $800 million that Doyle’s aides had included for prospective cuts.

While in office, Doyle asked many agencies -- but not nearly all -- to freeze their budget requests at this year’s level. Those were submitted by his appointees. Under the adjustments by Walker’s appointees, those requests add up to a much larger number.

So according to your own article walker's administration ADDED over 2.1 billion back into it with 140 million in taxcuts. Thanks for the info.

I don't really know why you chose to focus on the comments by pocan but this is from your own article.

Pocan made a similar claim to what you appeared to be making - that there was no 3.6 billion dollar deficit. He at least acknowledged that there was over a billion dollars deficit, unlike your commonly circulated but mistaken version of the numbers.

So according to your own article walker's administration ADDED over 2.1 billion back into it with 140 million in taxcuts.

140 million in taxcuts added 2.1 billion to the deficit?

Thanks for the info.

I'm sorry that it did no good. Thank you for confirming that I was right about your lack of understanding.

Bottom line: Wisconsin had a huge deficit, significantly larger than the departing Governor Doyle claimed. Walker prepared a budget which fixed the deficit. He did it with structural fixes, not with gimmicks.

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I don't know how they deal with petitions in WI, but here in LIBERAL California each signature is checked against the county's file. If the voter listed their current residential address on file and the sig matches, it is counted ONCE and only once, no matter how many times a person signs. They MUST be registered to vote.

well it appears that in wisconsin, they just check to see if it's actually on paper

GAB officials say Mickey Mouse and Hitler signatures might count - The Lakeland Times - Minocqua, Wisc.

That would be counter to WI recall requirements so I question the validity of that claim.

Individual Signature Requirements
The specific requirements that apply to each signature on a petition to recall a local officeholder are listed here and can also be found in El.Bd. 2.09, Wis. Adm.Code. •

The signature listed must be that of a qualified elector of the jurisdiction or district
represented by the officeholder.
• The full address, including municipality of residence, of each signer must be listed on the petition and must be within the election district or jurisdiction of the officeholder.
• Each signature must be dated when it is affixed to the petition.
• The date of the signature must be within 60 days from the date the recall petitioner registered with the filing officer.
• The date of the signature must not be later than the date of the circulator’s signature in
the Certification of Circulator.


Challenges to a Recall Petition
Within 10 days after a recall petition is offered for filing, the officeholder can challenge its sufficiency. The challenge must be made in the form of a written, sworn complaint.
The challenge must specify any alleged insufficiency in the petition. Any challenge to the validity of signatures on a recall petition must demonstrate by affidavits or other supporting evidence a failure to comply with statutory requirements. The burden of proof is on the challenger. The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. El.Bd. 2.11., Wis. Adm. Code.

Walker has changed that through legislating from the bench and republicans are happy about it.

I don't really know why you chose to focus on the comments by pocan but this is from your own article.

and this little gem

So according to your own article walker's administration ADDED over 2.1 billion back into it with 140 million in taxcuts. Thanks for the info.

Pocan made a similar claim to what you appeared to be making - that there was no 3.6 billion dollar deficit. He at least acknowledged that there was over a billion dollars deficit, unlike your commonly circulated but mistaken version of the numbers.[\quote]
Uh I got the numbers from YOUR SOURCE. Are you really that stupid?? Furthermore IF you could add I said based on YOUR SOURCE that they added 2.1 billion back into the debt now if you could please tell me if you know the difference between 2.1 billion and 3.6 billion and can you tell me if it is over 1 billion??

So according to your own article walker's administration ADDED over 2.1 billion back into it with 140 million in taxcuts.

140 million in taxcuts added 2.1 billion to the deficit?

Are you really this ignorant?? I quoted YOUR OWN SOURCES for the info. Here it is for you AGAIN.

Walker’s new team revised Doyle’s report in February, estimating the shortfall at $3.6 billion for the biennium.

How did they arrive at that? Was it just a matter of reversing some of Doyle’s assumptions?

Not entirely.

Walker’s package of tax cuts for business and people with health savings accounts, added another $140 million to the projected shortfall -- that’s lost revenue to the state treasury. The cuts were approved in January shortly after he took office.

And the administration added back $1.2 billion in social service spending based on what they say is need that can’t be ignored in the Medicaid entitlement program. That was included in a memo from Budget Director Brian Hayes to the secretary of the Department of Administration, his boss.

The Walker estimate also scrapped the $800 million that Doyle’s aides had included for prospective cuts.
While in office, Doyle asked many agencies -- but not nearly all -- to freeze their budget requests at this year’s level. Those were submitted by his appointees. Under the adjustments by Walker’s appointees, those requests add up to a much larger number.

So can you read or are you intentionally this ignorant?? Add up the numbers of what walker added into the projected debt by removing cuts that were proposed by the previous administration as well as the 140 million added by his taxcuts.

Thanks for the info.

I'm sorry that it did no good. Thank you for confirming that I was right about your lack of understanding.

Bottom line: Wisconsin had a huge deficit, significantly larger than the departing Governor Walker claimed. Walker prepared a budget which fixed the deficit. He did it with structural fixes, not with gimmicks.


Bottom line is that the numbers were not high compared to previous 2 year projected shortfalls and the projections for 2013 were increased by actions taken by walkers administration and that is according to your own source that you are now pretending doesn't exist.

Seriously, do you republicans read your sources BEFORE you cite them?? That is twice tonight that a right winger has cited a source only to have it counter the spin that they were trying to present.
if by working with the unions you mean the legislature told them what they'd get and like it, you're right.

Caddyshack - You'll get nothing and like it! - YouTube

Humorous clips from Chevy Chase movies do not change the facts. In MA,the legislature worked with the unions. That's all they wanted in WI, but Walker was too busy overreaching to even consider it. Now he's paying the price (which is why he's trying to do damage control)

they told the unions tough luck, essentially.

you can try to spin it otherwise, but the unions have no say in what they get for healthcare.

management decides, period.

edit-your link appears to be broken

THis is from your own source AGAIN

The Senate approved the legislation as an amendment to the state budget, after making several last-minute changes designed to make the bill a bit more palatable to unions.
One change, for example, would require cities and towns to prove that they could save more by moving workers into the state health insurance plan than if they created their own plan with similar parameters. Supporters said the change would encourage cities and towns to design their own health plans, which would be less disruptive for local employees than moving them into the state program.

and this is from your other source.

The governor and legislative leaders say the plan allows communities to keep rising health care cost down while giving public workers a fair say in the process.

So they do get a say, can question the motives and may even be better off with a local plan over being forced to be put in the state plan. Did you even read your own source??
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I don't really know why you chose to focus on the comments by pocan but this is from your own article.

and this little gem

So according to your own article walker's administration ADDED over 2.1 billion back into it with 140 million in taxcuts. Thanks for the info.

Pocan made a similar claim to what you appeared to be making - that there was no 3.6 billion dollar deficit. He at least acknowledged that there was over a billion dollars deficit, unlike your commonly circulated but mistaken version of the numbers.[\quote]
Uh I got the numbers from YOUR SOURCE. Are you really that stupid?? Furthermore IF you could add I said based on YOUR SOURCE that they added 2.1 billion back into the debt now if you could please tell me if you know the difference between 2.1 billion and 3.6 billion and can you tell me if it is over 1 billion??

Are you really this ignorant?? I quoted YOUR OWN SOURCES for the info. Here it is for you AGAIN.

So can you read or are you intentionally this ignorant?? Add up the numbers of what walker added into the projected debt by removing cuts that were proposed by the previous administration as well as the 140 million added by his taxcuts.

Thanks for the info.

I'm sorry that it did no good. Thank you for confirming that I was right about your lack of understanding.

Bottom line: Wisconsin had a huge deficit, significantly larger than the departing Governor Doyle claimed. Walker prepared a budget which fixed the deficit. He did it with structural fixes, not with gimmicks.


Bottom line is that the numbers were not high compared to previous 2 year projected shortfalls and the projections for 2013 were increased by actions taken by walkers administration and that is according to your own source that you are now pretending doesn't exist.

Seriously, do you republicans read your sources BEFORE you cite them?? That is twice tonight that a right winger has cited a source only to have it counter the spin that they were trying to present.

No spin.

You've simply shown that you aren't sufficiently well-versed in the subject to converse intelligently about it even with the help of the summary at that link.

You don't know the history. You've internalized a wrong set of data. You don't appreciate how bad the problem was before Walker took office. You don't appreciate the tricks Doyle played with the books. You probably don't know about how Doyle used the stimulus to help kick the problem down the road.

And you're obviously not going to get caught up tonight.

But that's not going to stop you from pretending that you're qualified to act as if your understanding of this matter is superior to that of people who have been paying close attention to it and incorporating correct information into their understanding in a timely manner over the last several years.

Carry on.
Pocan made a similar claim to what you appeared to be making - that there was no 3.6 billion dollar deficit. He at least acknowledged that there was over a billion dollars deficit, unlike your commonly circulated but mistaken version of the numbers.[\quote]
Uh I got the numbers from YOUR SOURCE. Are you really that stupid?? Furthermore IF you could add I said based on YOUR SOURCE that they added 2.1 billion back into the debt now if you could please tell me if you know the difference between 2.1 billion and 3.6 billion and can you tell me if it is over 1 billion??

Are you really this ignorant?? I quoted YOUR OWN SOURCES for the info. Here it is for you AGAIN.

So can you read or are you intentionally this ignorant?? Add up the numbers of what walker added into the projected debt by removing cuts that were proposed by the previous administration as well as the 140 million added by his taxcuts.

I'm sorry that it did no good. Thank you for confirming that I was right about your lack of understanding.

Bottom line: Wisconsin had a huge deficit, significantly larger than the departing Governor Doyle claimed. Walker prepared a budget which fixed the deficit. He did it with structural fixes, not with gimmicks.


Bottom line is that the numbers were not high compared to previous 2 year projected shortfalls and the projections for 2013 were increased by actions taken by walkers administration and that is according to your own source that you are now pretending doesn't exist.

Seriously, do you republicans read your sources BEFORE you cite them?? That is twice tonight that a right winger has cited a source only to have it counter the spin that they were trying to present.

No spin.

You've simply shown that you aren't sufficiently well-versed in the subject to converse intelligibly about it even with the help of the summary at that link.

You don't know the history. You've internalized a wrong set of data. You don't appreciate how bad the problem was before Walker took office. You don't appreciate the tricks Doyle played with the books. You probably don't know about how Doyle used the stimulus to help kick the problem down the road.

And you're obviously not going to get caught up tonight.

But that's not going to stop you from pretending that you're qualified to act as if your understanding of this matter is superior to that of people who have been paying close attention to it and incorporating correct information into their understanding in a timely manner over the last several years.

Carry on.

Yay, baseless personal attacks in lieu of a real argument and notice how you failed to actually address anything that I actually said. Thanks for showing that you have nothing and will run away from your own source when it counters the line of spin that you were trying to spew.

If i got something wrong then please explain in detail how I got it wrong after all I am using the numbers from your last source. Calling me names and then running away changes nothing nor does it counter anything that I said.

I cited your own source and discussed specifics from your own source and you won't even address the content of your own source as you try to blaim me for your inability to defend your own arguments in comparison with the data from your source.

Your own source talks about things that walker's administration added to the projected debate so why is it so hard for you to address the content of your own source?
Over a million signatures.....the most successful recall petition in history... just petered out...lost steam... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Neo Cons...You are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet...go fuck yourselves...

They are just so exicted that they got a judge to legislate from the bench and force the GAB to do gov walkers job as challenger of the petition and verify that all signatures on the petition are not duplicated or phony. The problem is that existting state law requires that the burden of proof is on the challenger and he has to prove that the signatures are duplicates or phony. However, he apparently wants the state to do his job for him and have the state pay for it as well.

Challenges to a Recall Petition
Within 10 days after a recall petition is offered for filing, the officeholder can challenge its sufficiency. The challenge must be made in the form of a written, sworn complaint.
The challenge must specify any alleged insufficiency in the petition. Any challenge to the validity of signatures on a recall petition must demonstrate by affidavits or other supporting evidence a failure to comply with statutory requirements. The burden of proof is on the challenger. The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. El.Bd. 2.11., Wis. Adm. Code.

It's funny how the law really doesn't seem to matter to republicans when it stands in their way.
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Humorous clips from Chevy Chase movies do not change the facts. In MA,the legislature worked with the unions. That's all they wanted in WI, but Walker was too busy overreaching to even consider it. Now he's paying the price (which is why he's trying to do damage control)

they told the unions tough luck, essentially.

you can try to spin it otherwise, but the unions have no say in what they get for healthcare.

management decides, period.

edit-your link appears to be broken

THis is from your own source AGAIN

The Senate approved the legislation as an amendment to the state budget, after making several last-minute changes designed to make the bill a bit more palatable to unions.
One change, for example, would require cities and towns to prove that they could save more by moving workers into the state health insurance plan than if they created their own plan with similar parameters. Supporters said the change would encourage cities and towns to design their own health plans, which would be less disruptive for local employees than moving them into the state program.
State Senate limits collective bargaining rights; approves $30.5b budget -

and this is from your other source.

The governor and legislative leaders say the plan allows communities to keep rising health care cost down while giving public workers a fair say in the process.
State Senate limits collective bargaining rights; approves $30.5b budget -

So they do get a say, can question the motives and may even be better off with a local plan over being forced to be put in the state plan. Did you even read your own source??

She doesn't usually provide a source.
Over a million signatures.....the most successful recall petition in history... just petered out...lost steam... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Neo Cons...You are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet...go fuck yourselves...

wouldn't the success be better measured AFTER the actual recall election?

OR, is it a success to Dems if they waste 10 million dollars of tax payer money, only to have Walker win the recall election anyway? Do they get to claim some moral high ground?
and where did the last 600,000 signatures come from all of a sudden? remember in late december when they had around 400,000?

One word: Fraud.

Mickey Mouse, Adolf Hitler Allowed On Wis. Recall Petitions

The gubmint union goons might even have got some dead people to be moved from Chicago to Milwaukee, so they can vote in the recall election.

Typical rightwing misdirection

You won't find a single Mickey Mouse or Adolph Hitler......just one million irate Wisconsin voters.....

And they will vote in the recall election also

Your ACORN nonsense will not work outside of rightwing talk radio

you honestly think there is not a single solitary bogus signature in the entire recall petition?

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