Scott Walker Recall Campaign Losing Steam

Whatever, Buckwheat.

Difference between you and me is that WI is my home state.

There isn't anyone worth a shit that will be running against Walker.

Besides that, there's a world's worth of difference between some wasted college boy signing a petition outside liquor store in Madison, and people who have lower property tax bills showing up at the polls.

New York Football Giants kicked some serious Cheesehead butt last weekend Buckwheat

Unlike some, I don't tie my sense of worth to sports teams over which I have zero control.

When you swerve anywhere near a relevant point, gimme a call.

Not a Packer fan?

Nuff said
If the signatures......half of them....are found to be bogus, I will state that the effort to get enough signatures to recall your idiot poster-boy, was a failure.

Need a softball analogy? My kid missed third base and was called out. Not a success.

This is such fun.......this explaining things to simple people.

simple minds use simple explanations. That explains you.

Now back to the thread. Submitting signatures is not the victory.

Awwww. Ya got yer feelings hurt by my comment aimed at the other dummy. And cleverly turned my comment around on me! What high level thinking!

Now with the projections .

Pathetically predictable.
Awwww. Ya got yer feelings hurt by my comment aimed at the other dummy. And cleverly turned my comment around on me! What high level thinking!

Now with the projections .

Pathetically predictable.

This is great! Got any more?

What more do I need?

It is you straining to pat yourself on the back.

Myself I want to see the sigs verified before talking any smack.

But you are not that smart.
wouldn't the success be better measured AFTER the actual recall election?

OR, is it a success to Dems if they waste 10 million dollars of tax payer money, only to have Walker win the recall election anyway? Do they get to claim some moral high ground?

I wonder if you can grasp how simple-minded that comment is?

apparently it's too intense and thought provoking for your tiny mind to comprehend.

Success should be measured AFTER the desired effect is achieved, or not achieved.

The desired effect of the recall petition is to oust Walker in a recall election.

You could have 2 million signatures, and it is still a failure if he wins the recall election.

Well, we will just have to create a thread on that when that happens won't we?

Until then, we get to comment on a significant milestone that republicans said couldn't be met
simple minds use simple explanations. That explains you.

Now back to the thread. Submitting signatures is not the victory.

Awwww. Ya got yer feelings hurt by my comment aimed at the other dummy. And cleverly turned my comment around on me! What high level thinking!

Now with the projections .

Pathetically predictable.

did the doctor drop you when you were born? You're not making much sense. At least make an effort.

How is the recall a success, if Walker goes on to win the recall election?

Answer... it isn't.

Actually, it is and it should be celebrated. They collected WAY more signatures than necessary to trigger the recall election. That IS a success. This recall effort has gotten Wanker to admit he went way too fucking far. That IS a success. Significant victories in a long battle that they may not ultimately win, but they HAVE been successful along the way.
link to his admission he went 'way too fucking far' please?

I already provide it in this thread.
And like your daughters fictional home run, if Walker goes on to win the recall election, the ultimate goal of the left will have failed.

Yes. That is correct. But that has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not the effort to get the signatures is viewed as a success or not. Your simple mind is on display.
Any coach in any sport will tell you that individual stats mean nothing if the team loses the game. The game is the election, not the recall petition.

You are incorrect on that one. Do we erase the stats of everyone on the losing team? A lead-off home run.....even in a losing viewed by all in sports to be a success. You fail.

my God, you are dim.

What is the goal of a game?

To win. NOT to garner individual stats.

If this is what you teach your daughter, I feel sorry for her. Your parenting skills are quite simply, poor, to say the least.

Your view of the "game" analogy is very simple minded. The "game" as it were would not be over even IF walker were to win the recall. That is merely one inning in the "game."

Furthermore, Do you watch sports??

In the midst of watching a "game" whatever sport you may be watching do the teams celebrate after scoring or do they just stand there and do nothing?

A "score" like the one in this "game" is important to the "team" that made it but the opposing team, which is you, would like to pretend it doesn't matter. However, at this stage of the "game" it shows that momentum is on the side that you oppose and it looks like instead of trying make a score of your own you are willing to talk trash and personally attack players on the opposing "team" instead of actually offering anything of value.

So go ahead and stand out in left field chanting and screaming "we need a batter not a broken ladder" over and over if it makes you feel better but it really does nothing to help your "team."
Actually, it is and it should be celebrated. They collected WAY more signatures than necessary to trigger the recall election. That IS a success. This recall effort has gotten Wanker to admit he went way too fucking far. That IS a success. Significant victories in a long battle that they may not ultimately win, but they HAVE been successful along the way.
link to his admission he went 'way too fucking far' please?

I already provide it in this thread.

what... this?
Scott Walker: Regrets, he’s had a few |
How is this admitting he went 'way too fucking far'??
“If I could do this all over again, I’d spend more time in January and February making a case,” Walker said in an interview with the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism.

or this?
Walker said he “didn’t want to have it be a focal point, looking like I was going after public employees,” but that’s what happened. He feels it would have been better to make a public case for reining in collective bargaining — like pointing out the cost savings that can come when school districts have more flexibility on health insurance plans.

NOTHING in this piece supports your statement that he admitted he 'went too fucking far'. EVERYTHING in this piece shows only he thinks he should have done a better job explaining his actions/policies.

link to his admission he went 'way too fucking far' please?

I already provide it in this thread.

what... this?
Scott Walker: Regrets, he’s had a few |
How is this admitting he went 'way too fucking far'??
“If I could do this all over again, I’d spend more time in January and February making a case,” Walker said in an interview with the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism.

or this?
Walker said he “didn’t want to have it be a focal point, looking like I was going after public employees,” but that’s what happened. He feels it would have been better to make a public case for reining in collective bargaining — like pointing out the cost savings that can come when school districts have more flexibility on health insurance plans.

NOTHING in this piece supports your statement that he admitted he 'went too fucking far'. EVERYTHING in this piece shows only he thinks he should have done a better job explaining his actions/policies.


LOL...of course it is. He is admitting he made a mistake in ramrodding his ideology down the throats of Wisconsinites...that are fighting back by submitting a million signatures to trigger a recall election. He wouldn't have said it if he wasn't scared of losing his job (even though he's got a nice cushy Koch sucking job waiting for him when he's fired) :D
I already provide it in this thread.

what... this?
Scott Walker: Regrets, he’s had a few |
How is this admitting he went 'way too fucking far'??

or this?
Walker said he “didn’t want to have it be a focal point, looking like I was going after public employees,” but that’s what happened. He feels it would have been better to make a public case for reining in collective bargaining — like pointing out the cost savings that can come when school districts have more flexibility on health insurance plans.

NOTHING in this piece supports your statement that he admitted he 'went too fucking far'. EVERYTHING in this piece shows only he thinks he should have done a better job explaining his actions/policies.


LOL...of course it is. He is admitting he made a mistake in ramrodding his ideology down the throats of Wisconsinites...that are fighting back by submitting a million signatures to trigger a recall election. He wouldn't have said it if he wasn't scared of losing his job (even though he's got a nice cushy Koch sucking job waiting for him when he's fired) :D
Show me the quote where he says ANY policy or action was a mistake. There are none. The only mistake he admits to is not explaining his policies/actions adequately enough.

You insist on reading something that, even between the lines, simply is not there.

Show me the quote where he says ANY policy or action was a mistake. There are none. The only mistake he admits to is not explaining his policies/actions adequately enough.

You insist on reading something that, even between the lines, simply is not there.


If he thinks he didn't "explain" it enough, that's admitting he went too far (which he clearly did). If nothing else comes from all of this than Walker running scared, that will be enough...and a SUCCESS.
Show me the quote where he says ANY policy or action was a mistake. There are none. The only mistake he admits to is not explaining his policies/actions adequately enough.

You insist on reading something that, even between the lines, simply is not there.


If he thinks he didn't "explain" it enough, that's admitting he went too far (which he clearly did). If nothing else comes from all of this than Walker running scared, that will be enough...and a SUCCESS.

No, it's not. It's admitting he didn't explain it well enough.

Show me the quote where he says ANY policy or action was a mistake. There are none. The only mistake he admits to is not explaining his policies/actions adequately enough.

You insist on reading something that, even between the lines, simply is not there.


If he thinks he didn't "explain" it enough, that's admitting he went too far (which he clearly did). If nothing else comes from all of this than Walker running scared, that will be enough...and a SUCCESS.

Walker thought that because he won, he could do what he wanted and force a TeaParty agenda

The voters have shown him who is boss
Show me the quote where he says ANY policy or action was a mistake. There are none. The only mistake he admits to is not explaining his policies/actions adequately enough.

You insist on reading something that, even between the lines, simply is not there.


If he thinks he didn't "explain" it enough, that's admitting he went too far (which he clearly did). If nothing else comes from all of this than Walker running scared, that will be enough...and a SUCCESS.

Walker thought that because he won, he could do what he wanted and force a TeaParty agenda

The voters have shown him who is boss

Your comments go no closer to proving Sea's comment than her own did.

Over a million signatures.....the most successful recall petition in history... just petered out...lost steam... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Neo Cons...You are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet...go fuck yourselves...

wouldn't the success be better measured AFTER the actual recall election?
OR, is it a success to Dems if they waste 10 million dollars of tax payer money, only to have Walker win the recall election anyway? Do they get to claim some moral high ground?

I have no dog in this fight other than to point out the stupidity of the OP.
Over a million signatures.....the most successful recall petition in history... just petered out...lost steam... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Neo Cons...You are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet...go fuck yourselves...

wouldn't the success be better measured AFTER the actual recall election?
OR, is it a success to Dems if they waste 10 million dollars of tax payer money, only to have Walker win the recall election anyway? Do they get to claim some moral high ground?

I have no dog in this fight other than to point out the stupidity of the OP.

I am not spinning anything. I am talking about WI law as presented by your own source that you are now refusing to acknowledge. Their "job" is defined by the very wisconsin law that your article talks about and any challenges are up to walker not this board. If he can't follow the laws of his own state then why should he remain governor?

I just can't get over how hilarious it is that you are running away from and refusing to address the actual content of your own source. LOL

i'm not running away from it. if they were doing the job as prescribed by the law, why did a judge order them to do their job?

WAUKESHA, Wis. (AP) - A Waukesha County judge has ordered state election officials to "take affirmative steps" to remove fake or duplicate names from recall petitions.

Judge Mac Davis ruled Thursday that the Government Accountability Board needs to strengthen the process by which it confirms whether signatures are valid.

The board has said its job is to verify that addresses are legitimate, and that it's up to the targeted office-holders to challenge fake names such as "Bugs Bunny."

But Davis said the board is obligated to remove obviously fake names, as well as duplicate and illegible signatures.

The ruling comes in a lawsuit filed by Governor Scott Walker's campaign and another party, in response to comments the board made about how it plans to validate petitions seeking Walker's recall.

Judge Orders GAB to Remove Invalid Signatures from Recall Petiti - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News

i guess you'll just have to get over it. :lol:

So legislating from the bench and you are ok with that?? Really?? WOW!

And I know it must wound your inner child but your previous source stated that according to WI law names are to be removed when walker challenged them. So they had a judge legislate from the bench and give the board NEW responsibilities that they didn't have before and took all of the responsibility off of walker.

As to why the judge decided to legislate from the bench I guess you should ask him and then ask yourself why you are ok with something that most rightwingers claim to be against.

Any way you look at it your own source still ended up countering the argument that you were trying to present which is still hilarious. LOL

i'm glad you're enjoying yourself. i guess the idea that an agency charged with vetting sigs on a petition should actually, you know, vet the sigs for obvious phonies (like mickey mouse) is a draconian one for you.

i'm always amused that when a judge makes a decision one agrees with it's good law, but if not, it's legislating from the bench. :lol:
Apparently as the challenger of the petition walker is supposed to look at the list and challenge any that he believes are either duplicates or phony in order to have them removed. However, it seems that he would rather have his cash strapped state pay for it and do his job for him.

since he hasn't challenged the petitions yet, and since the courts have told the GAB to do their job, it would appear that you, sir, are full of shit.

he challenged the procedure, not the petitions themselves.

Walker Defends GOP Lawsuit Challenging Recall Procedures | TPMDC

The GAB was doing their job but walker used the court to legislate from the bench and redefine their job to include walkers responsibility as the challenger of the petition.

The sad thing is that you know better based on your own source which clearly stated that the responsibility to recongize and challenge phony and duplicate names is walkers responsibility.

I am surprised that you would support legislating from the bench like that. tsk tsk.

based on what you've written, i expect the sun rising in the east comes as a shock to you every morning.:eusa_shhh:

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