Scott Walker Recall Campaign Losing Steam

I don't know how they deal with petitions in WI, but here in LIBERAL California each signature is checked against the county's file. If the voter listed their current residential address on file and the sig matches, it is counted ONCE and only once, no matter how many times a person signs. They MUST be registered to vote.

well it appears that in wisconsin, they just check to see if it's actually on paper

GAB officials say Mickey Mouse and Hitler signatures might count - The Lakeland Times - Minocqua, Wisc.

That would be counter to WI recall requirements so I question the validity of that claim.

Individual Signature Requirements
The specific requirements that apply to each signature on a petition to recall a local officeholder are listed here and can also be found in El.Bd. 2.09, Wis. Adm.Code. •

The signature listed must be that of a qualified elector of the jurisdiction or district
represented by the officeholder.
• The full address, including municipality of residence, of each signer must be listed on the petition and must be within the election district or jurisdiction of the officeholder.
• Each signature must be dated when it is affixed to the petition.
• The date of the signature must be within 60 days from the date the recall petitioner registered with the filing officer.
• The date of the signature must not be later than the date of the circulator’s signature in
the Certification of Circulator.

ive seen little to no evidence that Gov Walker is arrogant.

Well, you're from Philly.

And you're from San Fran. Your point?

My point? Well, I've been to Niner games when the Eagles have come to town and I've been to Giants games at Citizens Bank Park (a really nice ballpark btw with really good food). Eagle fans are (in no order) arrogant, pugnacious and obnoxious drunks, poor losers, poorer winners and basic jerks. Philly fans are better, simply arrogant (except when the Giants beat them in the 2010 payoffs).
Well, you're from Philly.

And you're from San Fran. Your point?

My point? Well, I've been to Niner games when the Eagles have come to town and I've been to Giants games at Citizens Bank Park (a really nice ballpark btw with really good food). Eagle fans are (in no order) arrogant, pugnacious and obnoxious drunks, poor losers, poorer winners and basic jerks. Philly fans are better, simply arrogant (except when the Giants beat them in the 2010 payoffs).

And that's at all relevant to Governor Walker because...?
Such intelligent wit! Hard to imagine coming from someone who thinks Walker is worth a shit.

such meaningless drivel.

easy to imagine from someone who sees things that aren't there.

fuckchop :lol:

Hey Del, did the legislation pass in MA or not?

Reading difficulties as a child??

has the far right taken control of the massachusetts democratic party?

House votes to restrict unions -

I don't know, do you. The article is from April of 2011 was the acton taken in the legislature sent to the Governor and was it signed? Or was the vote a shame vote, one where Democrats could vote yes, but be sure the law would not pass and become law?

"While the measures backed by the House, Senate, and governor vary, all three would allow mayors and other local officials to move local workers into the state’s health insurance plan or to design their own plans that similarly trim costs for management. Each plan would leave a window to discuss those changes with workers, but would ultimately let local officials alter their plans, regardless of whether workers oppose it."

State Senate limits collective bargaining rights; approves $30.5b budget -

BOSTON (AP) — Gov. Deval Patrick has signed a much debated municipal health care overhaul giving cities and towns more flexibility to make changes to public employee health insurance outside of the collective bargaining process

Gov. Deval Patrick Signs Municipal Health Care Overhaul Bill « CBS Boston
Some people are saying Gov. Walker is in New York attending a play with one of the executives of AIG. Taxpayer dollars paying for their evening out?

'some people' are morons.

Gov. Walker skips interviews, does NYC fundraiser - JSOnline

Well, you're from Philly.

And you're from San Fran. Your point?

My point? Well, I've been to Niner games when the Eagles have come to town and I've been to Giants games at Citizens Bank Park (a really nice ballpark btw with really good food). Eagle fans are (in no order) arrogant, pugnacious and obnoxious drunks, poor losers, poorer winners and basic jerks. Philly fans are better, simply arrogant (except when the Giants beat them in the 2010 payoffs).

you want to bitch about my fellow Eagles fans?

Riots break out in San Francisco after Giants win World Series

go fuck yourself, riot-boy
anyone a bit suspicious that the primary reason to come up with a million signatures was to make the process longer and most frustrating to verify? in other words? who really wants to verify a million signatures, lets skip it and have another election? hmm? sounds like a scheme only libs & unions would pull.
anyone a bit suspicious that the primary reason to come up with a million signatures was to make the process longer and most frustrating to verify? in other words? who really wants to verify a million signatures, lets skip it and have another election? hmm? sounds like a scheme only libs & unions would pull.

Yep. Damned Liberals and Union Members. Excersizing their Constitutional Rights, can you imagine that? Of course you cannot. Braindead rightwingnuts don't do that.:lol:
Some people are saying Gov. Walker is in New York attending a play with one of the executives of AIG. Taxpayer dollars paying for their evening out?

'some people' are morons.

Gov. Walker skips interviews, does NYC fundraiser - JSOnline


Don't see anything there that states that Walker did not go there on Wisconsin's dime. Just that a lot of suckers will ante up $2500 to listen to that loser.

you show me something that proves Walker went to a fund raiser in NYC on the tax payers dime then. You want to make the accusation, or agree with the accusation, then prove it or be shown to be a bigger fool than you usually are.
Patrick, leaders strike deal on unions

In MA, the legislature worked with the unions. Walker ignored them completely.

if by working with the unions you mean the legislature told them what they'd get and like it, you're right.

[ame=]Caddyshack - You'll get nothing and like it! - YouTube[/ame]

Humorous clips from Chevy Chase movies do not change the facts. In MA,the legislature worked with the unions. That's all they wanted in WI, but Walker was too busy overreaching to even consider it. Now he's paying the price (which is why he's trying to do damage control)
Patrick, leaders strike deal on unions

In MA, the legislature worked with the unions. Walker ignored them completely.

if by working with the unions you mean the legislature told them what they'd get and like it, you're right.

[ame=]Caddyshack - You'll get nothing and like it! - YouTube[/ame]

Humorous clips from Chevy Chase movies do not change the facts. In MA,the legislature worked with the unions. That's all they wanted in WI, but Walker was too busy overreaching to even consider it. Now he's paying the price (which is why he's trying to do damage control)

they told the unions tough luck, essentially.

you can try to spin it otherwise, but the unions have no say in what they get for healthcare.

management decides, period.

edit-your link appears to be broken

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