Scott Walker thinks doctors should lie to women to prevent abortions

What the rabid Right does not realize, and refuses to believe, even when we come right out and tell them, is that, by disrespecting and marginalizing women, and supporting candidates that do the same, they are throwing half of the electorate into the trash heap. It is like that never realized that women got the vote in 1920! So, shine on Scott Walker! Your check is in the mail!
OMG, You called Mrs. Palins daughter a whore. and how you all treated Mrs. Palin was some the most vile and nasty I have ever seen in my 60 years
So do not even sit here on some high horese and feed us all the crap

Steph, I don't spread lies about you. I am mostly amused with you. This is the fourth time that you have repeated the lie that I called Palin's kid a whore, and I'm getting pretty damned tired of it. If you want to start playing hard ball with me, just do it one more time.
Last edited:
it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?
Is it ever possible that you could post something that is not a strawman fallacy? I mean, you do this at least once a day on here. Pretty tiring actually.
And taking away constitutional rights by subterfuge from women is not enough!

Wow, of all the whacked out things leftists read in the Constitution that isn't there, I believe you have impressively taken the lead with this one. The Constitution says government has to force doctors to disclose birth defects? Where did you find that one? Is it the one after the right to have a pony at your birthday party and to not pay ATM fees?
I know you won't take my advice, right wingers....but on this thread especially....just stay away from it. Defending the indefensible is tiring and given your "delicate condition" I worry about your arteries.

Find another candidate to support....Heaven knows you have a LOT of fellow nitwits to choose from.

oh stuff a dirty sock in your pie hole. you don't come on here being the Judge and jury of ALL aka, rightwingers
I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.
Thanks for agreeing that Obama inherited a recovery in progress and turned it into slow growth.
Steep recessions tend to engender strong recoveries. This one is an exception, due to the anti business legislation passed by Democrats.

LOL! A recovery in progress! Boy, that is rich! Do you remember what Bush inherited? He inherited a robust economy, then flushed it with two wars and tax cuts to boot, something no other president has ever tried.

You big dummy.
He actually inherited the dot com bust and 9/11, the results of Clinton's failed policies dealing with al Qaeda. But dont let facts get in your way.
Bush also turned the economy around in 18 months and had the lowest sustained unemployment rate post war.

lol, so suddenly Presidents do effect the economy.
The following year, Walker introduced “conscience clause” legislation that would have allowed medical professionals to deny patients medical services such as contraception if they objected on medical grounds.

What is it about conservatives that want to go back to the time when contraceptives were not available? Are they seriously thinking that families should have as many kids as they get every time they have sex? Really? This is bordering on the bizzare.
No, it's crossed the border well into bizarre and is now at the outskirts of insane.
Maybe it's because conservatives have such a skewed image of sex....they probably don't have to worry about procreating, they think everybody else doesn't need contraceptives.

It's yet another example of conservative authoritarianism and arrogance, the right's desire to compel conformity through force of law, and to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

Yep....they want smaller government where it affects "capitalism" but humongous government peeking into people's bedrooms.
I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?
Is it ever possible that you could post something that is not a strawman fallacy? I mean, you do this at least once a day on here. Pretty tiring actually.

Are you denying that you claimed Obama had no effect on the economy?

Are you denying that you people have claimed the above about Obama's opponents?

Careful how you answer... lol...
it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?

Wow, liberals have serious reading comprhension issues:

Kaz: "It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession"

NYCarbineer: "If presidents have no effect on the economy"

What is different than what I said and what you said I said? Cue the Jeopardy music...
Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?
Is it ever possible that you could post something that is not a strawman fallacy? I mean, you do this at least once a day on here. Pretty tiring actually.

Are you denying that you claimed Obama had no effect on the economy?

Are you denying that you people have claimed the above about Obama's opponents?

Careful how you answer... lol...
I never claimed Obama had no effect on the economy. The opposite, in fact.
I dont know who "you people" is. Thus I cant answer the second question.
Arent you tired of strawman fallacies?
I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?
Is it ever possible that you could post something that is not a strawman fallacy? I mean, you do this at least once a day on here. Pretty tiring actually.

It is amazing, isn't it?
I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?

Wow, liberals have serious reading comprhension issues:

Kaz: "It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession"

NYCarbineer: "If presidents have no effect on the economy"

What is different than what I said and what you said I said? Cue the Jeopardy music...

So you're conceding that neither McCain nor Romney could have done better for the economy...

Okay. Now go convince your rightwing pals of that.
And taking away constitutional rights by subterfuge from women is not enough!

Wow, of all the whacked out things leftists read in the Constitution that isn't there, I believe you have impressively taken the lead with this one. The Constitution says government has to force doctors to disclose birth defects? Where did you find that one? Is it the one after the right to have a pony at your birthday party and to not pay ATM fees?

The women have a constitutional right to an abortion. For a law making body to allow no disclosure of non-viable and disabled fetuses in order to influence her to NOT get an abortion would be a state sanctioned circumvention of her right to make that decision with truthful and full disclosure by a medical professional. i have absolutely no doubt that it would never pass the Supreme Court if it had passed. It would be like the state allowing a poll worker to tell a hispanic citizen that he can not vote until he has been here 15 years.
Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?

Wow, liberals have serious reading comprhension issues:

Kaz: "It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession"

NYCarbineer: "If presidents have no effect on the economy"

What is different than what I said and what you said I said? Cue the Jeopardy music...

So you're conceding that neither McCain nor Romney could have done better for the economy...

Okay. Now go convince your rightwing pals of that.
Thanks for admitting that Obama was in fact born in Kenya and that you've had half your brain removed.
The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?
Is it ever possible that you could post something that is not a strawman fallacy? I mean, you do this at least once a day on here. Pretty tiring actually.

Are you denying that you claimed Obama had no effect on the economy?

Are you denying that you people have claimed the above about Obama's opponents?

Careful how you answer... lol...
I never claimed Obama had no effect on the economy. The opposite, in fact.
I dont know who "you people" is. Thus I cant answer the second question.
Arent you tired of strawman fallacies?

'You people' are those upon whose feet the shoes fit. Is that too complicated for you?

Oh right you wanted to pretend that Obama hindered the growth of the economy.

Which president hindered the growth of the economy in the 80's, when we had a double dip recession?
I know you won't take my advice, right wingers....but on this thread especially....just stay away from it. Defending the indefensible is tiring and given your "delicate condition" I worry about your arteries.

Find another candidate to support....Heaven knows you have a LOT of fellow nitwits to choose from.
Translation: this didnt turn out like I wanted.

There you go, rabbit, refusing to take advice...but, like a moth to flame, you're too dense to even avoid getting burned to ashes.
The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?

Wow, liberals have serious reading comprhension issues:

Kaz: "It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession"

NYCarbineer: "If presidents have no effect on the economy"

What is different than what I said and what you said I said? Cue the Jeopardy music...

So you're conceding that neither McCain nor Romney could have done better for the economy...

Okay. Now go convince your rightwing pals of that.
Thanks for admitting that Obama was in fact born in Kenya and that you've had half your brain removed.

You do have entertaining ways of losing an argument. You and the anti-Semite Where are my Keys should buddy up.
It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?
Is it ever possible that you could post something that is not a strawman fallacy? I mean, you do this at least once a day on here. Pretty tiring actually.

Are you denying that you claimed Obama had no effect on the economy?

Are you denying that you people have claimed the above about Obama's opponents?

Careful how you answer... lol...
I never claimed Obama had no effect on the economy. The opposite, in fact.
I dont know who "you people" is. Thus I cant answer the second question.
Arent you tired of strawman fallacies?

'You people' are those upon whose feet the shoes fit. Is that too complicated for you?

Oh right you wanted to pretend that Obama hindered the growth of the economy.

Which president hindered the growth of the economy in the 80's, when we had a double dip recession?
Complicated? It's nonsense. A non-answer.
There is no pretending Obama hindered the growth of the economy. Average growth is under 2% in what is supposed to be a recovery. That is by every measure the worst performance under a president in post war history.
Which president hindered the growth of the economy in the 80s? Probably Richard Nixon with his layering on government agenices in the 70s. If you were thinking Reagan you were thinking wrong. Clinton's boom economy he inherited was due entirely to Reagan's legacy.
It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?

Wow, liberals have serious reading comprhension issues:

Kaz: "It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession"

NYCarbineer: "If presidents have no effect on the economy"

What is different than what I said and what you said I said? Cue the Jeopardy music...

So you're conceding that neither McCain nor Romney could have done better for the economy...

Okay. Now go convince your rightwing pals of that.
Thanks for admitting that Obama was in fact born in Kenya and that you've had half your brain removed.

You do have entertaining ways of losing an argument. You and the anti-Semite Where are my Keys should buddy up.
Lose the argument. You havent made an argument. You set up a strawman and declared victory over him.
The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?

Wow, liberals have serious reading comprhension issues:

Kaz: "It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession"

NYCarbineer: "If presidents have no effect on the economy"

What is different than what I said and what you said I said? Cue the Jeopardy music...

So you're conceding that neither McCain nor Romney could have done better for the economy...

Okay. Now go convince your rightwing pals of that.
Thanks for admitting that Obama was in fact born in Kenya and that you've had half your brain removed.

Rabbit, please do not forget to ALSO state that Obama was not only born in Kenya...but that he is a Muslim, communist, ISIS sympathizer....Like that you can check off ALL the boxes that Breibart instructed you to always emphasize.
I've been amused for some time about the fact that the democrats managed to elect a gay Kenyan Muslim, communist, ISIS supporter, over the republican candidate, not once, but twice. I think that is says a whole lot more about the republican candidates than it does about Obama!

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