Scott Walker thinks doctors should lie to women to prevent abortions

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

Recovery from what? You just said Obama created the mess and that the economy bottomed out on (laughing) Obama's watch.

Soooooo, recovery from what, Ding dong?

He's invented a new myth, which goes,

if a Democrat inherits a good economy, that's a plus for the Republican predecessor, or,

if a Democrat inherits a bad economy, that's a plus for the Republican predecessor.
I invented nothing.
Your version goes, Obama inherited a mess and turned it around. When its pointed out that things are still a mess, well that's Bush's fault. Or Reagan's. Or Eisenhower's.

lol, poll after poll show the PEOPLE in the country has said things are NO BETTER if not worse under Obama. BUT you won't get that through a rabid cult member's head. They kicked his party into MINORITY of CONGRESS, after only SIX years with Obama. and that spoke LOUD AND CLEAR what the felt about him and his polices. they stink as well he does

Poll after poll, shows American's are idiots. LOL! Well, at least half of the country anyway.

The unemployment rate is still 5.4.
What the rabid Right does not realize, and refuses to believe, even when we come right out and tell them, is that, by disrespecting and marginalizing women, and supporting candidates that do the same, they are throwing half of the electorate into the trash heap. It is like that never realized that women got the vote in 1920! So, shine on Scott Walker! Your check is in the mail!
I'd have to call that, BS. Remember all the people they sent in to take over the capital building. some were camping out in it. that cost the Taxpayers millions to clean up after their nasty asses... Talk about Low. that is the Union/dnc slimy tactic to a tee.

Images for people camping in the Capitol building in ...

it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.
Thanks for agreeing that Obama inherited a recovery in progress and turned it into slow growth.
Steep recessions tend to engender strong recoveries. This one is an exception, due to the anti business legislation passed by Democrats.

Well, you're right, Rabbit.......I'm going to send a check to the Koch brothers and an apology note....and hope that through my check they can afford to eat something this evening.
it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.
Thanks for agreeing that Obama inherited a recovery in progress and turned it into slow growth.
Steep recessions tend to engender strong recoveries. This one is an exception, due to the anti business legislation passed by Democrats.

Well, you're right, Rabbit.......I'm going to send a check to the Koch brothers and an apology note....and hope that through my check they can afford to eat something this evening.

I'm surprised they're not holding up "will work for food" signs!

This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
The only new low it marks is just how incredibly stupid some people like you are. You dumbfucks will simply believe anything.

Well, Grampa.....fully realizing that you are beyond the "birthing age"'s about you get someone to read you the bill?
Says the people who are going to vote for Hilary....
Well, what do you expect? We're very, very bright! :)

Yes, you're going to vote for the lady who:

1) Came under sniper fire in Bosnia, which the secret service protecting her wasn't aware of

2) Couldn't breathe when she found out the Monica accusations were true when her dog of a husband had already repeatedly cheated on her

3) Was named after Sir Edmond Hillary ... who climbed Everest ... when she was ... wait for it ... five years old ...

4) Misplaced her White Water files she was legally required to keep. Then found them when the investigation was over

5) Set up her own e-mail server as if somehow it's possible she would not know she should have even asked

6) Said Chelsea was jogging around the WTC on 9/11

7) Said she took the white house gifts she wasn't allowed to keep because of a "clerical error"

8) Said she didn't know they would fire the white house travel staff after she told them to fire the white house travel staff

Maybe she is bright, she knows you leftists will swallow whatever she says

Do the Republicans plan to nominate a candidate whose positions on the issues will better reflect the positions of American liberals/Democrats than will Hillary?

No certainty, but it's likely
it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.
Thanks for agreeing that Obama inherited a recovery in progress and turned it into slow growth.
Steep recessions tend to engender strong recoveries. This one is an exception, due to the anti business legislation passed by Democrats.

LOL! A recovery in progress! Boy, that is rich! Do you remember what Bush inherited? He inherited a robust economy, then flushed it with two wars and tax cuts to boot, something no other president has ever tried.

You big dummy.
He actually inherited the dot com bust and 9/11, the results of Clinton's failed policies dealing with al Qaeda. But dont let facts get in your way.
Bush also turned the economy around in 18 months and had the lowest sustained unemployment rate post war.
What the rabid Right does not realize, and refuses to believe, even when we come right out and tell them, is that, by disrespecting and marginalizing women, and supporting candidates that do the same, they are throwing half of the electorate into the trash heap. It is like that never realized that women got the vote in 1920! So, shine on Scott Walker! Your check is in the mail!
Tell that to Sen. Mark Udall.
it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.
Thanks for agreeing that Obama inherited a recovery in progress and turned it into slow growth.
Steep recessions tend to engender strong recoveries. This one is an exception, due to the anti business legislation passed by Democrats.

Well, you're right, Rabbit.......I'm going to send a check to the Koch brothers and an apology note....and hope that through my check they can afford to eat something this evening.
Why dont you eat my shorts?
What the rabid Right does not realize, and refuses to believe, even when we come right out and tell them, is that, by disrespecting and marginalizing women, and supporting candidates that do the same, they are throwing half of the electorate into the trash heap. It is like that never realized that women got the vote in 1920! So, shine on Scott Walker! Your check is in the mail!
OMG, You called Mrs. Palins daughter a whore. and how you all treated Mrs. Palin was some the most vile and nasty I have ever seen in my 60 years
So do not even sit here on some high horese and feed us all the crap
the tard claims that the left only spent 4 million

trying to dump walker


I'd have to call that, BS. Remember all the people they sent in to take over the capital building. some were camping out in it. that cost the Taxpayers millions to clean up after their nasty asses... Talk about Low. that is the Union/dnc slimy tactic to a tee.

Images for people camping in the Capitol building in ...

it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W
I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.
Thanks for agreeing that Obama inherited a recovery in progress and turned it into slow growth.
Steep recessions tend to engender strong recoveries. This one is an exception, due to the anti business legislation passed by Democrats.

Well, you're right, Rabbit.......I'm going to send a check to the Koch brothers and an apology note....and hope that through my check they can afford to eat something this evening.
Why dont you eat my shorts?

Depends, what flavor are they? edible panties for women Health Personal Care
And taking away constitutional rights by subterfuge from women is not enough! The GOP in South Carolina is calling all immigrants from Mexico "rats and roaches" (not even limiting that to illegals!). So, there goes the Hispanic vote! Then, we have the Georgia principal who goes ballistically racist during the graduation ceremony against blacks! Yes, I know that the article does not call her a republican, but I grew up 15 miles from Stone Mountain, and they have not seen a democrat there since the days when the KKK used to burn crosses on top of the mountain! So, there goes the African-American vote!

GOP Crowd Applauds Calling Immigrants Rats and Roaches Lauren Windsor

Principal Nancy Gordeuk Shocks With Racist Outburst

I am sure that somewhere today, a story is developing whereby someone in the GOP will marginalize athiests and non Christains, as well.

You guys are making this election way too easy. Us democrats are going to lose our edge!
And taking away constitutional rights by subterfuge from women is not enough! The GOP in South Carolina is calling all immigrants from Mexico "rats and roaches" (not even limiting that to illegals!). So, there goes the Hispanic vote! Then, we have the Georgia principal who goes ballistically racist during the graduation ceremony against blacks! Yes, I know that the article does not call her a republican, but I grew up 15 miles from Stone Mountain, and they have not seen a democrat there since the days when the KKK used to burn crosses on top of the mountain! So, there goes the African-American vote!

GOP Crowd Applauds Calling Immigrants Rats and Roaches Lauren Windsor

Principal Nancy Gordeuk Shocks With Racist Outburst

I am sure that somewhere today, a story is developing whereby someone in the GOP will marginalize athiests and non Christains, as well.

You guys are making this election way too easy. Us democrats are going to lose our edge!

oh well, don't go live in those states you don't like it. Most republican states they STILL listen to their people WHO LIVES in them

so right now you only like a fool and tool
I know you won't take my advice, right wingers....but on this thread especially....just stay away from it. Defending the indefensible is tiring and given your "delicate condition" I worry about your arteries.

Find another candidate to support....Heaven knows you have a LOT of fellow nitwits to choose from.
And taking away constitutional rights by subterfuge from women is not enough! The GOP in South Carolina is calling all immigrants from Mexico "rats and roaches" (not even limiting that to illegals!). So, there goes the Hispanic vote! Then, we have the Georgia principal who goes ballistically racist during the graduation ceremony against blacks! Yes, I know that the article does not call her a republican, but I grew up 15 miles from Stone Mountain, and they have not seen a democrat there since the days when the KKK used to burn crosses on top of the mountain! So, there goes the African-American vote!

GOP Crowd Applauds Calling Immigrants Rats and Roaches Lauren Windsor

Principal Nancy Gordeuk Shocks With Racist Outburst

I am sure that somewhere today, a story is developing whereby someone in the GOP will marginalize athiests and non Christains, as well.

You guys are making this election way too easy. Us democrats are going to lose our edge!
ZOMG! Some Republican Tea Party member in South Snortville AL who works as a janitor told a racist joke! ZOMG! The GOP is doomed!!
I know you won't take my advice, right wingers....but on this thread especially....just stay away from it. Defending the indefensible is tiring and given your "delicate condition" I worry about your arteries.

Find another candidate to support....Heaven knows you have a LOT of fellow nitwits to choose from.
Translation: this didnt turn out like I wanted.
I'd have to call that, BS. Remember all the people they sent in to take over the capital building. some were camping out in it. that cost the Taxpayers millions to clean up after their nasty asses... Talk about Low. that is the Union/dnc slimy tactic to a tee.

Images for people camping in the Capitol building in ...

it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?

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