Scott Walker thinks doctors should lie to women to prevent abortions

Wow, liberals have serious reading comprhension issues:

Kaz: "It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession"

NYCarbineer: "If presidents have no effect on the economy"

What is different than what I said and what you said I said? Cue the Jeopardy music...

So you're conceding that neither McCain nor Romney could have done better for the economy...

Okay. Now go convince your rightwing pals of that.

Strawman. What is wrong with you? Seriously? Did you finish the sixth grade? That's a complete non-sequitur to what I said. If you want to know how I think McCain or Romney would have done, ask me, don't make up my position.

As for your insistence I'm "right wing," where are the examples of issues where I am right wing that are not libertarian I keep asking for?
The women have a constitutional right to an abortion

No, they don't. The Constitution doesn't mention abortion. The Federal government has no say to make it legal or illegal. Roe v. Wade was a Constitutional abomination, pure legislation from the bench

For a law making body to allow no disclosure of non-viable and disabled fetuses in order to influence her to NOT get an abortion would be a state sanctioned circumvention of her right to make that decision with truthful and full disclosure by a medical professional. i have absolutely no doubt that it would never pass the Supreme Court if it had passed. It would be like the state allowing a poll worker to tell a hispanic citizen that he can not vote until he has been here 15 years.

None of that puts forcing doctors to disclose information in the Constitution, your preposterous claim.

Just do you know, Homey:

1) I'm pro choice
2) I think a doctor who doesn't disclose information they know to pregnant women are despicable and should never practice medicine again.

None of that means I want to make up shit and say it's in the Constitution
The economy took the first 6 months of 2009 to get off the bottom Bush handed to Obama in January of 2009.

There's no reason we should have had a robust recovery.

It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?

Wow, liberals have serious reading comprhension issues:

Kaz: "It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession"

NYCarbineer: "If presidents have no effect on the economy"

What is different than what I said and what you said I said? Cue the Jeopardy music...

So you're conceding that neither McCain nor Romney could have done better for the economy...

Okay. Now go convince your rightwing pals of that.
Thanks for admitting that Obama was in fact born in Kenya and that you've had half your brain removed.

Perfect response. He won't get it, but you did exactly what he's been doing
It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession.

It rained yesterday for the flowers, all hail Obama!

The tide continues to come in and go out, all hail Obama!

The sun continues to rise, the fish swim in the sea, horses carry riders and vegetable gardens still grow in the spring. ALL HAIL OBAMA!

Oops, we still have hurricanes, damned W

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?

Wow, liberals have serious reading comprhension issues:

Kaz: "It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession"

NYCarbineer: "If presidents have no effect on the economy"

What is different than what I said and what you said I said? Cue the Jeopardy music...

So you're conceding that neither McCain nor Romney could have done better for the economy...

Okay. Now go convince your rightwing pals of that.
Thanks for admitting that Obama was in fact born in Kenya and that you've had half your brain removed.

You do have entertaining ways of losing an argument. You and the anti-Semite Where are my Keys should buddy up.

I told him you wouldn't get it, LOL.

That was exactly what you did in the post he responded to. Get someone who can read to explain it to you
Rabbit, please do not forget to ALSO state that Obama was not only born in Kenya...

No, he lied about that. He said he was born in Kenya but he wasn't. He's the original birther, patient zero

but that he is a Muslim

No, Obama worships himself, he puts no God above him. He is a Muslim sympathizer though



, ISIS sympathizer....


Like that you can check off ALL the boxes that Breibart instructed you to always emphasize.

While you independently through personal research, reflection and meditation individually arrived at the same conclusion as every DNC talking point for the same reasons they did. Just like every other independent liberal thinker
Well, i think that abortions aren't necessary, but i'm not typical anti-abortionist.
I really think that we should stop funding abortions for alcoholic mothers **** and make an abortions only in case of real necessity!
And there's no reason to lie.
a long history of left wing "truth" keeps me from trusting anything they say....I'lol wait for the entire story to come out....and considering how long he has been a target of the left if this story had legs it would have been a 24/7 story already...

So...Clayton...fuck you....
What more do you need than the text of the legislation and his name attached to it?

What more could there be to the story?

the truth...
The truth is in the cited article, whether you accept it or not, whether you like it or not, it really doesn't matter.
a long history of left wing "truth" keeps me from trusting anything they say....I'lol wait for the entire story to come out....and considering how long he has been a target of the left if this story had legs it would have been a 24/7 story already...

So...Clayton...fuck you....
What more do you need than the text of the legislation and his name attached to it?

What more could there be to the story?

the truth...
The truth is in the cited article, whether you accept it or not, whether you like it or not, it really doesn't matter.

Yeah.....considering none of the other news sources seems to be picking up on this.......yeah..I'll just trust the left wing nut jobs on the truth of this........:badgrin:
"But..but..but we are the party of the big tent and support liberty, freedom and transparency, we are not autocrats nor are we misogynists, racists, bigots, warmongers, fear mongers or voter suppressors."

Some of the BIG LIES of RINO's.
a long history of left wing "truth" keeps me from trusting anything they say....I'lol wait for the entire story to come out....and considering how long he has been a target of the left if this story had legs it would have been a 24/7 story already...

So...Clayton...fuck you....
What more do you need than the text of the legislation and his name attached to it?

What more could there be to the story?

the truth...
The truth is in the cited article, whether you accept it or not, whether you like it or not, it really doesn't matter.

Yeah.....considering none of the other news sources seems to be picking up on this.......yeah..I'll just trust the left wing nut jobs on the truth of this........:badgrin:
At least you're consistent at being wrong and ridiculous.
Please, my fellow democrats, DO NOT discourage our friends on the right from promoting Walker's candidacy...After all, in the midst of somber events, we NEED comic relief.
The women have a constitutional right to an abortion

No, they don't. The Constitution doesn't mention abortion. The Federal government has no say to make it legal or illegal. Roe v. Wade was a Constitutional abomination, pure legislation from the bench

For a law making body to allow no disclosure of non-viable and disabled fetuses in order to influence her to NOT get an abortion would be a state sanctioned circumvention of her right to make that decision with truthful and full disclosure by a medical professional. i have absolutely no doubt that it would never pass the Supreme Court if it had passed. It would be like the state allowing a poll worker to tell a hispanic citizen that he can not vote until he has been here 15 years.

None of that puts forcing doctors to disclose information in the Constitution, your preposterous claim.

Just do you know, Homey:

1) I'm pro choice
2) I think a doctor who doesn't disclose information they know to pregnant women are despicable and should never practice medicine again.

None of that means I want to make up shit and say it's in the Constitution

i get it. Abortion is unconstitutional, in spite of the Supreme Court decision to the contrary, because you don't agree with it.

That being the case, Madison vs. Mulberry is unconstitutional as well. This means that the Supreme Court, as a branch of government, is virtually powerless. This is going to come as a serious shock to attorneys and the judiciary all over the country!
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The women have a constitutional right to an abortion

No, they don't. The Constitution doesn't mention abortion. The Federal government has no say to make it legal or illegal. Roe v. Wade was a Constitutional abomination, pure legislation from the bench

For a law making body to allow no disclosure of non-viable and disabled fetuses in order to influence her to NOT get an abortion would be a state sanctioned circumvention of her right to make that decision with truthful and full disclosure by a medical professional. i have absolutely no doubt that it would never pass the Supreme Court if it had passed. It would be like the state allowing a poll worker to tell a hispanic citizen that he can not vote until he has been here 15 years.

None of that puts forcing doctors to disclose information in the Constitution, your preposterous claim.

Just do you know, Homey:

1) I'm pro choice
2) I think a doctor who doesn't disclose information they know to pregnant women are despicable and should never practice medicine again.

None of that means I want to make up shit and say it's in the Constitution

i get it. Abortion is unconstitutional, in spite of the Supreme Court decision to the contrary, because you don't agree with it.
An example of the errant libertarian perception that the Constitution is a "cafeteria plan."
this thread has become a bore. they got smacked down with the one about Walker from STINKprogress, so they go dig up more crap like it's the frikken gospel truth...

you all have fun batting the mouse around until it expires. lol
kaz said:
None of that puts forcing doctors to disclose information in the Constitution, your preposterous claim.

Just do you know, Homey:

1) I'm pro choice
2) I think a doctor who doesn't disclose information they know to pregnant women are despicable and should never practice medicine again.

None of that means I want to make up shit and say it's in the Constitution

i get it. Abortion is unconstitutional

Strawman. That isn't what I said. How can you not accurately read a 5 line post? How stupid are you? Give it another whack and see if you can grasp what I said this time. Disagreeing with me is fine, but saying I said something I specifically did not say doesn't cut it. Again, it's FIVE lines. How did you not comprehend it?

And here's the post I wrote to you before that:

kaz said:
The Constitution doesn't mention abortion. The Federal government has no say to make it legal or illegal. Roe v. Wade was a Constitutional abomination, pure legislation from the bench
"....The Federal government has no say to make it legal or illegal. Roe v. Wade was a Constitutional abomination, pure legislation from the bench..."

Sorry Kaz, I could have sworn that you posted this. You need to report this to the mods right away. You have an imposter on the board!
None of that means I want to make up shit and say it's in the Constitution

i get it. Abortion is unconstitutional, in spite of the Supreme Court decision to the contrary, because you don't agree with it.
An example of the errant libertarian perception that the Constitution is a "cafeteria plan."

First of all, dumb ass, you only use quote marks if I said it's a "cafeteria plan." Then you are quoting me. You don't use quote marks when you quote yourself and you don't when you think you are paraphrasing me. With all your pompous pontifications, you should learn how to write the English language properly. Either way, I did not use that term, so you don't quote it.

Second of all, what does that even mean? The Constitution is an employee benefit? Is that supposed to mean picking and choosing from the Constitution? How do I pick and chose that which isn't there? I suppose it somehow made sense in your head with all the inflated air that gets blown in there
"....The Federal government has no say to make it legal or illegal. Roe v. Wade was a Constitutional abomination, pure legislation from the bench..."

Sorry Kaz, I could have sworn that you posted this. You need to report this to the mods right away. You have an imposter on the board!

So where in that quote do you get this?

i get it. Abortion is unconstitutional

You do not know the difference between the two green statements? Seriously?

OK, this just got interesting. Wow, you are seriously a stupid man.


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