Scott Walker: 'vote rigging an "interesting idea"'

they only care when its officailly illegal.

that is why they hate laws.

They want to do ANYTHING to win
Instant runoff voting (IRV) could be used for Presidential elections with or without the Electoral College. With a direct vote, voters would rank their preferences rather than marking only one candidate. Then, when the votes are counted, if no single candidate has a majority, the candidate with the lowest number of votes is eliminated. The ballots are then counted again, this time tallying the second choice votes from those ballots indicating the eliminated candidate as the first choice. The process is repeated until a candidate receives a majority, reducing time and money wasted in a normal runoff election.

Instant runoff voting on a national scale has the potential to solve many of the current dilemmas introduced by the Electoral College as well as the problems introduced by some of the other alternatives. It would end the spoiler dynamic of third party and independent candidates and consistently produce a majority, nationwide winner. It also allows voters to select their favorite candidate without ensuring a vote for their least favorite (as often happens when the spoiler dynamic is a factor and a voter prefers a third candidate the most).

Individual states can also adopt instant runoffs without a Constitutional amendment. Unlike proportional allocation, which could be unfair if only used in some states, IRV would not have negative consequences if only adopted by a few states.

Each state's electors would still be appointed through a winner-take-all method, but the IRV states would now be guaranteed to have a winner with majority approval. IRV would be best instituted without the Electoral College though, so that the winner would not just enjoy a majority within any state, but within the entire country.

FOR MORE (MUCH MORE) The Electoral College - Reform Options
Democrats have been vote rigging for many many years.

You say this a lot as though by repeating it often enough, that means it is true. I know that those on the far right like to use this tactic, but it is blatantly transparent and pretty much worthless to say something like this with no proof.

If you don't have reliable proof, you are just a robot repeating talking points and nothing more.

This re-allocating electoral votes based on redrawn and gerrymandered districts to give Reps more electoral votes in blue states is direct proof of Republicans trying to rig the vote in their favor.

If you can't win fairly, cheat right.

I will agree that both sides gerrymander and that should be done away with completely
Democrats have been vote rigging for many many years.

You say this a lot as though by repeating it often enough, that means it is true. I know that those on the far right like to use this tactic, but it is blatantly transparent and pretty much worthless to say something like this with no proof.

If you don't have reliable proof, you are just a robot repeating talking points and nothing more.

This re-allocating electoral votes based on redrawn and gerrymandered districts to give Reps more electoral votes in blue states is direct proof of Republicans trying to rig the vote in their favor.

If you can't win fairly, cheat right.

I will agree that both sides gerrymander and that should be done away with completely

In response to highlight above ^: You got that email too? :lol::lol::lol:

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