SCOTUS confirms leaked draft

All this does is put it back to the voters of each state. Of course that's what liberals fear most------------the voters.
It also forces the legislators to stop hiding who they are. There may well be enough of them to codify Roe into law but that means they will have to vote on it and that's where they turn to yellow bellies! ALL OF THEM!
She'll lose her job...
Roberts can refuse to allow her to sit.
I think she has to be impeached. I've never seen the issue before, so not really sure but if memory of my 8th grade civics class serves, SCOTUS justices can only be removed by resignation, death or impeachment.
I wouldn't be surprised if Sotomayor is involved at the top.
The point is my friend, that Trump made everything fair game in politics in America, and now the 'fair game' is coming back to bite your asses.

The possibilities of who leaked the plan are too numerous to ever root out.

And if that's not bad enough, a part of the anti-abortion supporters associated with the Scotus are obviously posers too!

59% of Americans at least are pro-women's rights and if the anti-women posers are lumped in, that is likely as high as 75% in favour of ending this nonsense of opposition to abortions.

On a positive note, that would lead to everybody coming back down to earth so they can start to look for some of the obvioius solutions the world's democracies have already found!

Ask me politely about those solutions!
I think she has to be impeached. I've never seen the issue before, so not really sure but if memory of my 8th grade civics class serves, SCOTUS justices can only be removed by resignation, death or impeachment.
Roberts cannot remove her but he can refuse to let her sit. After that the rest would be more or less automatic I think. At That point her only option would be to retire. Still I would be quite shocked if any of the justices were that stupid.
I think she has to be impeached. I've never seen the issue before, so not really sure but if memory of my 8th grade civics class serves, SCOTUS justices can only be removed by resignation, death or impeachment.
Convicting Sotomayor is getting a little ahead of the curve you two.

The consequences are hard to stomach but the rules no longer apply in America. Trump's behaviour has consequences and is coming home with the chickens.
Convicting Sotomayor is getting a little ahead of the curve you two.

The consequences are hard to stomach but the rules no longer apply in America. Trump's behaviour has consequences and is coming home with the chickens.
You forgot Obama...
Also the leak will lead to a high profile prosecution that neither party will be able to stop. There is just no question about it. I personally do not think any sitting justice could be that stupid. But an activist staffer? Yeah maybe.
The person who leaked it, and that can be narrowed down rapidly... we all know it is going to be a legal assistant working for one of the liberal judges, that person needs to be made example of.
As in, whatever the highest punishment is... obviously including permanent loss of any law degrees, or the ability to attain one, imprisonment of I would say at least 1 year with a fine of $100,000 or more. With a ruling that they can never be employed in the judical system for life.

I would say this if it was a conservative assistant.
This is an insurrection which will receive very little attention while they prattle on endlessly about 1/6.
Roberts cannot remove her but he can refuse to let her sit. After that the rest would be more or less automatic I think. At That point her only option would be to retire. Still I would be quite shocked if any of the justices were that stupid.
FYI, because I'm a responsible person and I believe you are too. I'm not in favour of abortion. No decent person should be, but we don't duck (duck, no pun intended) the responsibility of facing the issue that isn't going to vanish overnight with abolishing R vs. W.

That's the irresponsible part of it all.
FYI, because I'm a responsible person and I believe you are too. I'm not in favour of abortion. No decent person should be, but we don't duck (duck, no pun intended) the responsibility of facing the issue that isn't going to vanish overnight with abolishing R vs. W.

That's the irresponsible part of it all.
Yes.... This moment should have taken place 50 years ago.
The point is my friend, that Trump made everything fair game in politics in America, and now the 'fair game' is coming back to bite your asses.
You reached way up your ass to pull out that little piece of nonsense.
The possibilities of who leaked the plan are too numerous to ever root out.
Bullshit, duck. There are a very limited number of people who are privy to that info. The truth WILL come out on this one.
59% of Americans at least are pro-women's rights and if the anti-women posers are lumped in, that is likely as high as 75% in favour of ending this nonsense of opposition to abortions.
As usual, you are spouting numbers with NO substantiation, duck. Quit lying or produce a source.
Ask me politely about those solutions!
Fuck off duck. We are not interested in your commie solutions from Canada. Fix your own house.
Convicting Sotomayor is getting a little ahead of the curve you two.
There's part of your problem, duck. No one called for convicting anyone. The point was speculation about who MIGHT have leaked and what the possible outcome could be. Now STFU and go fix TURDEAU.
You forgot Obama...
Also the leak will lead to a high profile prosecution that neither party will be able to stop. There is just no question about it. I personally do not think any sitting justice could be that stupid. But an activist staffer? Yeah maybe.
I really very much doubt that the leaker has been careless.

The importance of the lead isn't being played out of proportion IMO. If the people take to the streets, the apple cart could be upset and it could be over.

Eventually the push to outlaw abortions has to be over eventually. It's completely untenable.

Some day it will be about reducing the number of abortions due to a woman's perceived need for an abortion.

Prevention of the need before it becomes a need.

I'm always interested in your opinions!

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