SCOTUS Lifts Injunction Against Most of Travel Ban.

Supreme Court says travel ban can go into effect now | Daily Mail Online

SCOTUS 9-0 the president has the authority to block any group to protect the CITIZENS of the USA!

i love how you trump loons are pretending this is a total reversal.

it's a partial win....i wouldn't go tearing my underwear over it if i were you.

the orange sociopath is still an epic fail

It's simply a slap in the face to Liberal worms like you, who pretended that some judge in Hawaii had more power over America's foreign policy than the President.
Why? We're talking about the U.S..
Yep. So why does the left want European immigration policies?

Afraid to answer what's going inside this nations? Why is that?
Because it's not a problem here. We've been immigrating people from those nations for many years now. Not one attack from anyone of them.

You folks on the right are pussies and Trump grabbed you.
Thanks for reminding us why Trump won.
More utter nonsense. Trump won because he received more electoral votes. Meanwhile, more Americans wanted Hillary than wanted Trump.
You got Trump elected. Who cares what the morons in KKKalifornia think.
See post #254
Can you imagine....Liberals making the argument that individuals in foreign countries are their the protections of our Constitution????

And....these are Liberals that claim to have law degrees.

Liberal dishonesty knows no bounds.
Lying that redundant?.....keep referring to the ban as a 'Muslim Ban,' but it does not mention Muslim.
There are some 45 Muslim countries not covered by the ban...and the two factors that he banned countries have in common are:
a. there is no central government that controls those countries, so no vetting is possible
b. Obama named them as a danger due to terrorism
other countries problems with muslims are the same thing that you and your kids will eventually see in the USA Faun .
I take it by that diversion, you know the answer to my question is -- zero
------------------------------------------------ think as you like , one of my rotten wishes and thoughts on young people and , millenials , liberal people , women that have no common sense is that i hope that they and their kids get what they deserve Faun .
Oh? Why be coy? What is it you think it is we deserve?
---------------------------------------- well , i only have my experience in an all American country with very little foreign influence in the years after 1950 . My experience was in a country that was still pretty lightly populated , wide open and pretty free . Schools were great with American teachers that spoke English , cop on the corner was American , Doctors and nurses were American and most everyone was American everywhere . And since about 2000 i have seen the USA going downhill in all the things i mention . I think that the downward trend will continue and i think that young people , kids , liberals and many millenia women will suffer the consequences of the downhill trend that the USA is taking . If i am correct millenials , kids , children and women will get what they deserve Faun .
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already see it , millenials living in their Parents basement and on Dads insurance , MS 13 torturing , raping school kids in New York and Texas . Takes both parents working sh1tty jobs just to pay the bills . Supposedly much too expensive Doctors care or nonexistant healthcare , English as a second language in schools . ---------------------- i'll be watching to see what more happens but whatever happens its YOU and your kid or kids that will Deserve and get it Faun .
other countries problems with muslims are the same thing that you and your kids will eventually see in the USA Faun .
I take it by that diversion, you know the answer to my question is -- zero
------------------------------------------------ think as you like , one of my rotten wishes and thoughts on young people and , millenials , liberal people , women that have no common sense is that i hope that they and their kids get what they deserve Faun .
Oh? Why be coy? What is it you think it is we deserve?
---------------------------------------- well , i only have my experience in an all American country with very little foreign influence in the years after 1950 . My experience was in a country that was still pretty lightly populated , wide open and pretty free . Schools were great with American teachers that spoke English , cop on the corner was American , Doctors and nurses were American and most everyone was American everywhere . And since about 2000 i have seen the USA going downhill in all the things i ention . I think that the downward trend will continue and i think that young people , kids , liberals and many women will suffer the consequences of the downhill trend that the USA is taking . If i am correct millenials , kids , children and women will get what they deserve Faun .
What does that have to do with terrorism? And what exactly is it you think we "deserve?" Why won't you say?
Your beloved CNN AND MSNBC.

A little more specific? Who, when? Looks like you can't answer the question. Why?
I flipped through those channels yesterday, and that's all they were whining about..."clear undeniable victory for Trump". Look up Jeffrey Toubin

Got it. You can't back up your claim. The court struck down the majority of Trump's silly plan by saying anyone with a connection to the US is not effected by the ban, and only 3 of 9 judges wanted Trump's entire plan approved, They told him "come back next fall, and we will look at it again. Doesn't sound like much victory to me. Sounds like he got a few scraps and was told to check back later, and they would think about it.
Here we go, watch the crows on this CNN panel eat crow and claim that Trump did win a CLEAR VICTORY. You are just being delusional here.

You finally did present something, but as usual, it doesn't say what you claim it says. Not once did anyone there say it as a CLEAR VICTORY. Several times it was referred to as a partial victory with in depth explanation as to why it was only partial. Point out the place in that video here it as referred to as anything other than a partial victory. They didn't even call it a victory. Every time it was prefaced as a PARTIAL victory.

Yawn...well of course CNN isn't going to called it a complete victory, considering how many times the idiots spiked the ball over the 9th Circuit Court unconstitional rulings. But they did call it a victory and a win for Trump. so there you go.
A little more specific? Who, when? Looks like you can't answer the question. Why?
I flipped through those channels yesterday, and that's all they were whining about..."clear undeniable victory for Trump". Look up Jeffrey Toubin

Got it. You can't back up your claim. The court struck down the majority of Trump's silly plan by saying anyone with a connection to the US is not effected by the ban, and only 3 of 9 judges wanted Trump's entire plan approved, They told him "come back next fall, and we will look at it again. Doesn't sound like much victory to me. Sounds like he got a few scraps and was told to check back later, and they would think about it.
Here we go, watch the crows on this CNN panel eat crow and claim that Trump did win a CLEAR VICTORY. You are just being delusional here.

You finally did present something, but as usual, it doesn't say what you claim it says. Not once did anyone there say it as a CLEAR VICTORY. Several times it was referred to as a partial victory with in depth explanation as to why it was only partial. Point out the place in that video here it as referred to as anything other than a partial victory. They didn't even call it a victory. Every time it was prefaced as a PARTIAL victory.

Yawn...well of course CNN isn't going to called it a complete victory, considering how many times the idiots spiked the ball over the 9th Circuit Court unconstitional rulings. But they did call it a victory and a win for Trump. so there you go.

Here is your quote.
"Here we go, watch the crows on this CNN panel eat crow and claim that Trump did win a CLEAR VICTORY."

You even capitalized it. Are you admitting that was bullshit and looking for some way to keep from admitting it?
I flipped through those channels yesterday, and that's all they were whining about..."clear undeniable victory for Trump". Look up Jeffrey Toubin

Got it. You can't back up your claim. The court struck down the majority of Trump's silly plan by saying anyone with a connection to the US is not effected by the ban, and only 3 of 9 judges wanted Trump's entire plan approved, They told him "come back next fall, and we will look at it again. Doesn't sound like much victory to me. Sounds like he got a few scraps and was told to check back later, and they would think about it.
Here we go, watch the crows on this CNN panel eat crow and claim that Trump did win a CLEAR VICTORY. You are just being delusional here.

You finally did present something, but as usual, it doesn't say what you claim it says. Not once did anyone there say it as a CLEAR VICTORY. Several times it was referred to as a partial victory with in depth explanation as to why it was only partial. Point out the place in that video here it as referred to as anything other than a partial victory. They didn't even call it a victory. Every time it was prefaced as a PARTIAL victory.

Yawn...well of course CNN isn't going to called it a complete victory, considering how many times the idiots spiked the ball over the 9th Circuit Court unconstitional rulings. But they did call it a victory and a win for Trump. so there you go.

Here is your quote.
"Here we go, watch the crows on this CNN panel eat crow and claim that Trump did win a CLEAR VICTORY."

You even capitalized it. Are you admitting that was bullshit and looking for some way to keep from admitting it?

And your delusional claim was no victory at all, and no Leftie propaganda channel was admitting to ANY victory. Now that you've been proven wrong, your fallback position is "well, ahem, the word '.clear' wasn't used...blah blah blah", which is very typical Leftie response.
Got it. You can't back up your claim. The court struck down the majority of Trump's silly plan by saying anyone with a connection to the US is not effected by the ban, and only 3 of 9 judges wanted Trump's entire plan approved, They told him "come back next fall, and we will look at it again. Doesn't sound like much victory to me. Sounds like he got a few scraps and was told to check back later, and they would think about it.
Here we go, watch the crows on this CNN panel eat crow and claim that Trump did win a CLEAR VICTORY. You are just being delusional here.

You finally did present something, but as usual, it doesn't say what you claim it says. Not once did anyone there say it as a CLEAR VICTORY. Several times it was referred to as a partial victory with in depth explanation as to why it was only partial. Point out the place in that video here it as referred to as anything other than a partial victory. They didn't even call it a victory. Every time it was prefaced as a PARTIAL victory.

Yawn...well of course CNN isn't going to called it a complete victory, considering how many times the idiots spiked the ball over the 9th Circuit Court unconstitional rulings. But they did call it a victory and a win for Trump. so there you go.

Here is your quote.
"Here we go, watch the crows on this CNN panel eat crow and claim that Trump did win a CLEAR VICTORY."

You even capitalized it. Are you admitting that was bullshit and looking for some way to keep from admitting it?

And your delusional claim was no victory at all, and no Leftie propaganda channel was admitting to ANY victory. Now that you've been proven wrong, your fallback position is "well, ahem, the word '.clear' wasn't used...blah blah blah", which is very typical Leftie response.

Care to point out where I said that?
It's a 90 day pause on Immigration from 6 nations. It was never a permanent ban on anyone or any nation. As usual, Democrats and their Fake News lied and whipped their followers up into a rabid frenzy. It's what they always do. It's always about the incitement and radicalization.

I've said all along that Trump's action was very reasonable and logical. But i still don't think it goes far enough. A 90 day pause to reassess, just isn't enough time. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. More needs to be done on Immigration, much more. But this is a start. Trump's already addressing it more than any other President i've ever seen. Good on em. :thup:
He couldn't write a constitutional ban in 3 attempts so the scotus did it for him. Maybe he and his supporters shouldn't have shown their hands early. What they allowed is close to agreeable with me. Why they still haven't fixed their immigration policy is beyond me.

His action is Constitutional. It always has been. The Democrat activist Judges who ruled against him, are dishonorable folks.
Based on what?

His action was always Constitutional. But not just that, it's a perfectly reasonable and logical action. A 90 day pause on Immigration from these chaotic Terror-Haven nations, is very prudent and wise. It may save American lives.

My big complaint is, it doesn't go far enough. 90 days isn't long enough to really reassess the System. And the 6 nations should have been more like 8-10. Our Immigration System is in shambles. And i truly thank Trump for recognizing that. It's time for serious Immigration reform.
You're wrong to think It's by default constitutional following challenges by lower courts and even this partial block by the sc. If it were by default constutional, none of this would have happened.

There's no precedent for the breadth, depth, and previously exclaimed intent for trumps ban. Hence, the injunctions. The power has been invoked before numerous times but in much more specific ways and never, I repeat NEVER on the initial grounds of targeting a religious group, muslims.

I'm not going to hunt for leaks, I'll leave that up to you or others. Obama and Clinton BOTH issued orders limiting access to Muslims. The presidential power to do so has been used many times.
Here we go, watch the crows on this CNN panel eat crow and claim that Trump did win a CLEAR VICTORY. You are just being delusional here.

You finally did present something, but as usual, it doesn't say what you claim it says. Not once did anyone there say it as a CLEAR VICTORY. Several times it was referred to as a partial victory with in depth explanation as to why it was only partial. Point out the place in that video here it as referred to as anything other than a partial victory. They didn't even call it a victory. Every time it was prefaced as a PARTIAL victory.

Yawn...well of course CNN isn't going to called it a complete victory, considering how many times the idiots spiked the ball over the 9th Circuit Court unconstitional rulings. But they did call it a victory and a win for Trump. so there you go.

Here is your quote.
"Here we go, watch the crows on this CNN panel eat crow and claim that Trump did win a CLEAR VICTORY."

You even capitalized it. Are you admitting that was bullshit and looking for some way to keep from admitting it?

And your delusional claim was no victory at all, and no Leftie propaganda channel was admitting to ANY victory. Now that you've been proven wrong, your fallback position is "well, ahem, the word '.clear' wasn't used...blah blah blah", which is very typical Leftie response.

Care to point out where I said that?

So you admit that Trump did have a good day, which is what I was saying. And it was even confirmed by Leftie propaganda sources. The Supreme Court made the 9th circuit look like a bunch of ideological fools.
of course he had a good day if everything i have seen confirms . From what i hear , there were 2 dissenters and both of the dissenters that were part of the majority wanted to let Trump do anything he wanted to do .
of course he had a good day if everything i have seen confirms . From what i hear , there were 2 dissenters and both of the dissenters that were part of the majority wanted to let Trump do anything he wanted to do .
Looks like the Gorsuch pick came through with flying colors.
lets just hope that he stay on track Roudy !!
So far Gorsuch's rulings are exactly how Scalia would come down on them. If Kennedy or Ginsburg retire in the next year and half, the democrats will start committing suicide en mass. LOL.
You finally did present something, but as usual, it doesn't say what you claim it says. Not once did anyone there say it as a CLEAR VICTORY. Several times it was referred to as a partial victory with in depth explanation as to why it was only partial. Point out the place in that video here it as referred to as anything other than a partial victory. They didn't even call it a victory. Every time it was prefaced as a PARTIAL victory.
Yawn...well of course CNN isn't going to called it a complete victory, considering how many times the idiots spiked the ball over the 9th Circuit Court unconstitional rulings. But they did call it a victory and a win for Trump. so there you go.

Here is your quote.
"Here we go, watch the crows on this CNN panel eat crow and claim that Trump did win a CLEAR VICTORY."

You even capitalized it. Are you admitting that was bullshit and looking for some way to keep from admitting it?
And your delusional claim was no victory at all, and no Leftie propaganda channel was admitting to ANY victory. Now that you've been proven wrong, your fallback position is "well, ahem, the word '.clear' wasn't used...blah blah blah", which is very typical Leftie response.
Care to point out where I said that?
So you admit that Trump did have a good day, which is what I was saying. And it was even confirmed by Leftie propaganda sources. The Supreme Court made the 9th circuit look like a bunch of ideological fools.

Three of the judges agreed with Trump, while twice as many said no. Hard to call that a victory. They all agreed to allow a small part of his scheme to stand until the fall when they might decide the case, and they might just drop it as being moot, because it was never intended to last more than 90 days to start with. If you consider a tiny part being temporarily allowed as a victory, then by all means celebrate.

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